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Chapter 46: Carver, The Underground Boss

Witnessing their comrade's fate, the two remaining thugs were caught off guard, their minds struggling to process the sudden turn of events. Reacting with primal instinct, they charged at Hunter, fueled by a mix of anger and adrenaline. The first thug swung a powerful fist at Hunter, but Hunter's quick reflexes allowed him to block the blow, though the force sent his frail body airborne. As the second thug attempted to stomp Hunter, he skillfully rolled aside, narrowly evading the potentially deadly attack. Seizing the opportunity, Hunter scooped up a handful of soil, flinging it into the thug's eyes, temporarily blinding him. Swiftly regaining his footing, Hunter deftly avoided the punch from the other thug, ducking down with agility. Seizing the advantage, Hunter swiftly moved behind the thug and delivered a powerful kick to the vulnerable area between his legs, incapacitating him.

Hunter couldn't resist making a quip as the thug crumpled in pain from the well-aimed kick. With a mischievous grin, he remarked, "Well, looks like someone's eggs just got scrambled! Care for an omelette, asshole?"

The thug, clutching his throbbing groin, mustered all his rage and spat out a string of expletives laced with colorful cuss words directed at Hunter. Infuriated, he swung his fist at Hunter, aiming for his face. However, Hunter's agility proved too much for the drunken thug. With a swift motion, Hunter dodged the punch, causing the thug to lose his balance. Seizing the opportunity, Hunter delivered another swift and well-aimed kick right between the thug's legs once more.

"Aghh, you son of a bitch!" the thug gasped, blood mixing with his curse-laden words as it sprayed from his mouth. The pain and humiliation overwhelmed him, leaving him on the ground, clutching his injured groin, and unable to mount any further resistance.

Hunter's eyes narrowed as he turned his gaze towards the thug with soil still stinging his eyes. In a fit of rage, the blinded thug shouted, "You fucking bastard! I'll rip you apart!"

Hunter's lips curled into a wicked grin as he retorted, "You think you can take me, you sorry sack of shit?"

With swift determination, Hunter lunged towards a nearby bucket filled with water meant for the horses. Gripping the handle tightly, he swung it with all his might, crashing it against the thug's head. The resounding impact echoed through the stable, causing the thug to stumble backward, dazed and disoriented.

The thug's curses turned into a pained groan as he crumpled to the ground, clutching his throbbing head. The bucket lay in pieces, remnants of Hunter's retaliation scattered around him.

As the two thugs writhed on the ground in agonizing pain, one clutching his groin and the other nursing his throbbing head, Hunter swiftly straddled one of them, his fists becoming a blur as he unleashed a torrent of punches. Each blow landed with a bone-crushing force, blood trickling from Hunter's battered knuckles. The thug growled in agony, his body finally succumbing to the onslaught and slipping into unconsciousness.

Before Hunter could deliver a similar fate to the remaining thug, the red-haired girl snapped out of her horrified daze. She mustered her courage and rushed towards Hunter, her voice trembling with urgency as she pleaded for him to stop before he crossed the line into outright brutality.

"Stop! Please!" pleaded the girl, her voice filled with desperation as she frantically attempted to restrain Hunter from delivering the final blow. Her eyes pleaded for mercy, her trembling hands reaching out to intervene.

In the midst of the chaos, Hunter's faithful horse neighed with a mix of excitement and support as if cheering on his master's ferocity, his loyalty unwavering.

As Hunter prepared to retrieve his dagger, his mind consumed by a maddening desire for revenge, a group of stable workers sprang into action. Their presence startled him, their combined strength overwhelming him as they forcefully pulled him away from the two injured thugs. Hunter struggled against their grip, his muscles straining with futile resistance.

Among the commotion, the stable head, a man Hunter had encountered during his previous visit, rushed forward with a mix of concern and alarm etched across his face. His voice boomed with urgency, demanding an explanation for the chaotic scene unfolding before him.

"Lisa! What in the world happened here?" he exclaimed, his eyes darting between the lifeless body of one thug, his eyes grotesquely injured, and the unconscious figures of the other two, blood slowly seeping from their wounds. The stable workers and the head trembled, unable to fathom how a seemingly frail young man like Hunter could have single-handedly brought down three formidable thugs. The realization struck them with a mix of shock and terror as they understood the gravity of the situation. These thugs were not mere ordinary criminals but henchmen of Carver, one of the notorious underground bosses in the Kingdom of Civa.

"Let me go. I won't kill them," Hunter calmly stated, causing the individuals restraining him from loosening their grip slightly, their trust in his words slowly building.

With an intense gaze fixed upon the stable head, Hunter unleashed his anger. His voice reverberated with a mix of frustration and accusation, his words biting with the force of his emotions.

"These scumbags dared to harass my horse. Is this how you take care of the horses entrusted to you?" Hunter's voice boomed, echoing through the stable. He had no sympathy for the red-haired girl, for he was no hero willing to save every damsel in distress. Had the thugs targeted her alone, he would have taken his horse and reported the incident on his way out, paying little heed to her plight.

But they had crossed the line by harming his horse, and Hunter held nothing back when it came to protecting what was his. He wouldn't hesitate to eliminate anyone who dared to harm those under his ownership and care.

"These are Carver's thugs," Whispers of disbelief and gasps of shock spread like wildfire among the stable workers. The air grew heavy with tension as the revelation sank in. In hushed tones, they exchanged worried glances, their eyes wide with fear and apprehension. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on their minds, and the air became thick with an unsettling unease. The revelation that these thugs were affiliated with Carver, a notorious figure in the kingdom, sent shivers down their spines. Hunter understood the gravity of the situation and knew that he had to act swiftly. He decided to leave the stable and hasten his meeting with the duke, determined to set his plans in motion before any further untoward incidents occurred.

Hunter's eyes blazed with anger as he turned his accusing gaze towards the stable head. "This is your fucking fault! How dare you let these bastards harass my horse under your watch? You call yourself a stable head? You're nothing but a worthless piece of shit!"

The stable head recoiled, his face turning pale with a mix of fear and guilt. "I...I didn't know, young master, I swear!" he stammered, his voice trembling.

Hunter's voice dripped with venom as he snarled, "Ignorance is no excuse! You should have been more vigilant! I trusted you to take care of my horse, and you failed miserably!"

Without another word, Hunter stormed out of the stable, leading his horse behind him. The stable workers watched in silence, their eyes filled with a mix of awe and fear at his audacity. Little did they know, Hunter's anger was merely a facade, a cunning ruse to ensure he wasn't present when more of Carver's thugs showed up. With each step, his true motive became clearer—he needed to reach the duke quickly and set his plans into motion before any further untoward incidents occurred.

Hunter's eyes flickered with a calculated glint as he deliberately left Kolvar's horse behind. He saw an opportunity amidst the chaos to impart a lesson to Kolvar, a lesson about the ruthlessness of the world they inhabited. Hunter knew that kindness had no place in this realm of power and manipulation.

As he made his way towards the Duke's manor, Hunter's mind churned with plans and contingencies. He was well aware that Carver, a formidable underground boss, wouldn't take the death of his thug lightly. He prepared himself mentally for any retaliation that might come his way. Hunter strategized how to exploit the situation to his advantage, meticulously mapping out each move he would make.

Through the crowded streets of Burling, Hunter pressed forward, his determination unwavering. He was ready to face the challenges that awaited him, to navigate the treacherous web of politics and power. The stakes were high, but Hunter knew he possessed the cunning and resourcefulness to succeed.

Hunter weaved his way through the bustling crowd, his trusty horse following closely behind. The lively atmosphere of Burling Street engulfed him, with merchants hawking their wares and street performers captivating passersby. As he approached the outskirts of the city, the grand castle of the Duke loomed before him, a majestic sight that exuded power and authority.

The Duke's manor stood as a testament to wealth and nobility, its towering walls adorned with intricate carvings and ornate banners. The polished stone reflected the sunlight, casting a dazzling glow that hinted at the opulence within. Guards in resplendent uniforms stood watch at the gates, their vigilant gazes scanning the crowd for any signs of trouble.

Amidst the murmurs of the gathered crowd, Hunter's ears caught snippets of gossip and whispers that swirled through the air. The news of Duke's daughter, Marina, plagued by a mysterious illness, spread like wildfire. Rumors of desperate attempts by countless healers and alchemists echoed through the streets, with no cure in sight. The people spoke of the Duke's despair and the kingdom-wide notice he had issued, promising a handsome reward to anyone who could bring about Marina's recovery.

"Did you hear? The Duke's daughter is still bedridden. They say it's some kind of curse!"

"I heard the best healers from across the kingdom have failed. Poor Duke, he must be at his wit's end."

"I wonder if anyone can help her. The reward is tempting, though."

Hunter absorbed the hushed conversations, his mind already forming connections and possibilities. The fate of Marina and the potential rewards offered an opportunity that aligned with his own goals.

Hearing the whispers and gossips swirling around him, Hunter couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. His carefully crafted plan had unfolded flawlessly, with the first phase of poisoning Marina executed to perfection. The news of her deteriorating health, the failed attempts of healers and alchemists, all played into his hands. It was the perfect opportunity for him to step in as the supposed knight in shining armor, offering a cure and reaping the rewards from the desperate Duke.

Hunter's mind churned with ruthless cunning as he relished in the success of his calculated manipulation. He had orchestrated this web of deceit, ensuring Marina's suffering and the Duke's anguish, all for his own gain. His heart remained untouched by empathy or remorse, as he viewed this as just another step in his grand scheme.

The thought of exploiting the Duke's desperation and vulnerability filled Hunter with a twisted delight. He reveled in the darkness of his own ambitions, knowing that he would use Marina's plight as a means to solidify his power and influence within the kingdom. The facade of the noble hero, coming to the rescue, masked his true intentions.

With each step closer to the Duke's manor, Hunter's resolve grew stronger. He would present himself as the savior, the only one capable of curing Marina's mysterious illness. The rewards that awaited him were not just material wealth but also the opportunity to tighten his grip on the kingdom and manipulate it to his advantage.

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