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Chapter 91: Two Pieces of News

Human World, Japan, Kuoh.

After sending off Rias, Sona, and their respective peerages, James called for Flora, then the group convened in James' art studio.

"What's going on James?" Cu Chulainn asked curiously.

"Take it easy, Lancer." James said while gesturing for everyone to calm down. "Flora should be here soon. I'll explain everything when she gets here."

After waiting for a few minutes, Flora finally arrived. After she took a seat, James explained why he had gathered everyone.

"I called everyone together like this for two reasons." James said as he raised his right hand to shoulder level. Curling his fingers into a fist, James raised his index finger as he continued. "First, I've decided to add Shuna and Shion to my peerage."

Hearing that, Shuna exhaled a sigh of relief. Then, she smiled brightly. Shion on the other hand was happier for Shuna than herself. Not long ago, Shion had finally understood that putting down her oath of fealty was different from betraying Shuna. Rather, it was closer to accepting more people into her circle of protection. And she had come to genuinely like the people in James' peerage in the three months since leaving Kyoto.

"Congratulations, Shuna and Shion." Mizore said while throwing herself at the two Oni girls before wrapping them in a hug.

"Congratulations, and welcome to our family." Moka said with a smile.

Flora, without saying anything, joined Mizore in hugging the two new additions to the peerage. Everyone else nodded in acknowledgement. Then, James raised his hand, palm up, toward the Oni. Seeing that, the girls released the two from their hug. Then, Shuna and Shion stepped forward. Once they were standing in front of him, James directed his hand toward Shuna.

"Shuna, your talent with [Youjutsu] and healing [Senjutsu] makes you perfect for the second [Bishop] role in my peerage." As James spoke, a [Bishop Piece appeared floating above his outstretched palm.

Then, without hesitation, James took hold of the [Evil Piece] and pressed it into Shuna's chest. Closing her eyes immediately after, Shuna felt the changes to her body in real time. After a few minutes, a pair of bat-like wings sprouted from her lower back. Opening her eyes shortly afterward, Shuna produced a ball of flames on her palm. Then, after extinguishing the flames, she covered her body with her [Touki]. After making sure everything was in order, she turned her attention to James who was smiling at her.

"Congratulations, Shuna." James said with a smile. "I'd like to welcome you into our family."

"Thank you for accepting me, James-Sama." Shuna said, returning a smile.

"You shouldn't thank me, Shuna." James said with his smile turning gentle. "You've earned it with your actions."

Seeing James' gentle smile, Shuna blushed and lowered her head.

"Bum, bum, bum, another one bites the dust." Flora sang after seeing Shuna's reaction.

Everyone in the room laughed after Flora's teasing. Shuna on the other hand blushed even harder. After a few moments, James cleared his throat and continued.

"Ahem! Shion, your raw physical strength, and willingness to protect make you perfect for the role of [Rook] in this peerage." James said as he extended his hand and a [Rook Piece appeared floating above it.

As she did with Shuna, James took hold of the [evil Piece] and pressed it into Shion's chest. And like Shuna, a few moments later, Shion's devil wings sprouted from her lower back.

After feeling the changes in her body, Shion's smile was even bigger than the one Shuna showed. As a personal guard, even though she always held Shuna as someone dear to her, Shion knew she could never truly be friends with Shuna. Now, however, they were equals. Not only did this not diminish her desire to keep Shuna safe, but instead Shion's resolve increased. Protecting a friend was infinitely more important to her than protecting a protection target. And this new desire to protect extended to everyone in James' peerage as well.

"Congratulations, Shion." James said with a smile, pulling Shion's attention away from the changes to her body. "Welcome to the family."

With that, Shion's smile was bright. The rest of the group also congratulated her as they did with Shuna. Then, after a few moments, James spoke once again.

"Shuna, I think it would be good for you to attend school." James said while turning his attention toward Shuna.

"If that's what you think is best, then I shall do so." Shuna said with a bow of her head.

"*Sigh* We're gonna have to work on that overly respectful attitude, though." James said while shaking his head. Then, after a moment he continued. "I'll talk to Sona about having you transferred for the new school year after the break."

"Understood." Shuna replied with a nod.

"Shion, I'd like you to help Lancer, Dante, and Lady keep an eye on supernatural beings entering the town while the rest of us are at school."

"Got it, James-Sama!" Shion said excitedly with a hand raised.

"And we'll need to work on... Well, it probably won't do much good, anyway." James said exasperatedly after remembering how uncontrollable Shion could be when she got excited.

After a few more moments, Dante was showing obvious signs of impatience. Then, after not being able to hold back any longer, he spoke.

"Can we move on already." Dante said while leaning against a wall with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, I guess time for the happy news is over." James said with a savage smile. "But this could be the perfect chance to kill two birds with one stone."

"James, what are you talking about?" Moka asked seriously.

"Yeah, stop trying to be all mysterious." Cu Chulainn added.

Everyone else watched James, waiting to hear what the second matter he was referring to earlier was. Then, James turned his sight to Mizore.

"Well, Dante just brought some news that will help me keep my promise to you from seven years ago, Mizore." James said in a serious tone of voice.

Hearing that, Mizore's eyes opened wide. Then, her expression slowly morphed into one of pure rage and malice. Then, with tears falling from her wrath filled eyes, Mizore spoke.

"Is that what Dante meant when he told you he found them?" Mizore asked in a low, almost emotionless tone.

"Exactly." James said with a solemn expression on his face. "After adding Dante to the peerage, I commissioned him to find out who it was that destroyed the yuki-onna village."

Hearing that, everyone in the room put on expressions similar to James. Ayame, Shuna, and Shion's expressions also contained vast amounts of anger. The entire Youkai community was outraged when they heard the news of one of their tribes being wiped out.

"One of my contacts from North America contacted me not long ago." Dante said calmly. "They found evidence of a fallen angel run facility in the north most region of the Alaskan peninsula."

"How do we know it was the facility we were looking for?" Ayame asked, already thinking of infiltrating the facility to find out if it is the right place.

"Don't worry about that." Dante said, waving dismissively. "Me and Lady already went to check it out over the last few days. There are still yuki-onna alive in there. That's why we're so sure."

Hearing this, Mizore was ecstatic. The other former youkai were overjoyed to hear that news as well. Moka and Flora hugged Mizore, happy for the good news she received. James and Cu Chulainn, however, frowned while everyone else was rejoicing.

"You went without letting me know?" James asked with an even more solemn expression.

"Yeah, is there a problem?" Dante asked, noticing the change in James' mood.

"You're damn right there is." James said angrily. "Dante, I'm not trying to downplay your abilities. But did you ever consider if shit went sideways?"

"What are you talking about?" Dante asked with a frown. "Are you trying to say there was a chance we could get caught? Are you looking down on..."

Before Dante could finish, he was suddenly lifted off the ground by James, who appeared in front of him with a [Flash Step]. Looking Dante directly in the eye, the dusk pink outlines around James' pupils glowed ominously.

"Dante, I know you're strong. Hell, I probably know better than most people in this world how strong you are." James said angrily. "But are you strong enough to fight a Fallen Angel Cadre and escape successfully?"

"Of course, I am." Dante said without hesitation.

"So, you're saying you could escape from me if I were determined to keep you from leaving?" James asked Dante while maintaining eye contact.

Seeing all this, the rest of the group remained silent. Cu Chulainn even shook his head. Dante's overconfidence could have led to some horrible consequences this time. Ever since he broke through to ultimate-rank, Dante's confidence was slowly transforming into conceit.

"Alright, let's assume that's true." James said without giving Dante the chance to reply. "Could you escape from a Cadre with Lady? She's only in the high-rank now, right?"

This time, Dante stayed silent, not because he was cut off but because he could not answer.

"Can't answer that one, huh?" James asked condescendingly. "Dante, Lady, not only did you put yourselves in unnecessary danger, but you could have sparked an all-out war between factions, if you had been caught."

After that, James released Dante from his grasp. Dante fell to the floor. Because of the shock from James' words, he could only sit and hang his head. The rest of the peerage looked at him with concern. James, on the other hand, Turned and addressed the rest of his peerage.

"It seems Lancer is no longer the dumbest member of my peerage." James said sternly.

"Hey!" Cu Chulainn shouted in protest

"It may be true that Dante brought back very valuable intel." James said, ignoring Cu Chulainn's protest. "But I want all of you to remember, your safety is my top priority when it comes to missions like this. Throwing yourselves into danger unnecessarily will not be tolerated. Understood?"

"Understood!" Everyone replied seriously.

James then turned back to Dante.

"Dante, I'm not telling you to not take any risks." James said while looking down at Dante, who was still sitting on the floor. "But taking risks that put your comrades at risk, those won't be tolerated. If you understand, stand up. We've got plans to discuss and people to contact."

Eventually, Dante picked himself up off the floor. Although he clearly was not back to his usual self. However, as a professional mercenary, he was still capable of handling a job. James then turned to the rest of the group.

"Mizore, I know you're anxious. But if we're going to do this, we're going to do this right." James said with a firm expression.

"I know." Mizore said while clenching her fists.

"Good." James said with a nod, then he started giving orders. "Moka, contact Rias. Relay the information Dante brought with him. Flora, do the same with Sona. Shuna, I need you to contact Yasaka with the same."

"Understood." Moka replied before leaving the room to contact Rias.

"Okay." Flora said as she left to tell Sona.

"Would it not make more sense for you to contact Lady Yasaka, James-Sama." Shuna asked curiously.

"Usually yes." James admitted with a nod. "Unfortunately, I'm needed to help plan the infiltration, attack, and rescue once we reach the facility. Plus, we need two sets of plans."

"Two, why?" Shuna asked curiously. "We need plans for if we get permission to go on this mission or not."

"Understood." Shuna said in understanding. "I'll contact Lady Yasaka now."

Once Moka, Flora, and Shuna left to contact Rias, Sona, and Yasaka, respectively, James turned to those remaining in the room. Before anything else, he called Mizore to come closer. Then, when she was close enough James pulled her to sit in his lap and patted her head to calm her emotions.

"Mizore, we'll do everything we can to get those yuki-onna out safely." James said in a soothing tone. "I need you to remain calm and follow the plans we come up with for that to happen, though."

"I know." Mizore said while gritting her teeth. "But it's been so many years since I escaped."

"I know." James said while continuing to pat Mizore's head. "And I told you I'd put you in a position to take revenge with your own hands, right?"

"*Sigh* I understand, James." Mizore said, hanging her head. "I'll trust you and the rest of the peerage."

Hearing that, James smiled and hugged Mizore tightly. Then, he turned his attention to the rest.

"Lancer, Dante, Lady, and Ayame, we need to come up with plans for both the scenarios I mentioned earlier." James said in a much colder tone. "If we get permission, we need to prepare to capture and rescue. If permission is not given; we need the most efficient way to wipe out the crows and their underlings before we rescue the surviving yuki-onna."

Hearing that, the group of five began making plans of action while Mizore sat in James' lap, trying to keep her emotions under control. Meanwhile there was one person who was not assigned a task and just stood in the middle of James' studio.

'What should I do?' Shion thought to herself in confusion.

SixthSense1029 SixthSense1029

Here's the secondone. Don't expect anything epic, because I didn't know what do do exactly with this little arc.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy.

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