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Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - Assessment

The class stood clueless on the P.E grounds, in their P.E uniforms. They didn't know why they were here, but they all had their own conversations in the changing room, which gave each other an idea of their personalities. Along with the possible reason for them being here.

Their homeroom teacher stood across from them. He appeared to be bored out of his mind, like he'd rather sleep in his precious sleeping bag than teach a group of children.

"You kids will be undertaking a Quirk assessment test." He half muttered in a lackluster tone.

"A Quirk assessment test!?" The kids grew concerned. After all, everyone else would be in the entrance ceremony right now. They didn't want to miss it.

The bubbly brown haired girl spoke out. "What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?"

Aizawa, who was facing away from them, didn't appreciate the naïvety so he quickly shut it down. "If you're going to become a hero, you don't have such time for leisurely events." Turning his head, he gazed directly at them. "U.A.'s selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That's also how the teachers run their classes."

A hand shot up from the group, causing everyone to turn their heads. Kouki raised his hand for a quick question. Aizawa didn't seem too bothered that he was interrupted, but if he was then he's good at hiding it. "What is it, Yoshikawa?"

"Does that imply you can decide to expel us without any permission from the higher ups?" He awaited his teacher's response.

He heard a few whispers of his classmates expressing their concerns at the possibility. He kind of felt bad for dampening their moods, but it wasn't his fault as Zangetsu wanted to find the answer out himself.

"I suppose that is the case. Which brings me to the topic at hand." He pulled out a phone with a list of 8 physical tests. "Throughout your time before you came here, you did these tests quite frequently, did you not? This time you are given the opportunity to use your quirks."

He turned towards the slime villain boy. "Bakugo, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right? In junior high, what was your best result for the ball throw?"

"67 meters." The blond boy stated.

'That's quite a good score for not using a quirk. I remember I got around 52 meters last time.' Kouki remembered all the times he did these tests, he always got an average score on each one.

"Then try doing it with your quirk." He followed the instructions given and stood in the center of the white circle with a ball in his hands. "You can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle. Hurry up. Give it all you got."

Bakugo began to stretch a little. "Then, well…" Slowly aligning his body into a pitcher's throw, he pushed his body forward with an aggressive grin. "DIE!" Blasting the ball far into the air with a powerful explosion that left everyone confused.

'Die? That sounds quite sadistic for a hero.' Zangetsu hummed in agreement. They all observed the ball bounce a few times onto the ground in the far distance. After doing some calculations the data was received on Aizawa's phone. He twisted back around to meet them.

"That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero." Raising his phone with his usual blank expression to reveal the score, '705.2m'

"705 meters? Seriously?" Kouki switched his attention to Kaminari who replied in shock.

He was about to speak to him, but a pink girl with horns held her hands together and expressed her excitement for the tests. "What's this? It looks fun!"

And with that more and more of them seemed to think it was a game. Kouki already knew Aizawa had something to say about it, which would make them realise just how naïve they really are.

".. 'It looks fun,' huh?… You have three years to become a hero. Will you have an attitude like that the whole time?" He continued to stand there as the students watched in apprehension. All of a sudden a sadistic smile came out, a clear difference from his usual one. "All right. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion."

"HUH!?" The group marvelled at the big reveal. The pressure began to set in and most of them were frozen in fear.

'Mom was right. I shouldn't have let my guard down…' He recalled the conversation with Aeko previously.

"Welcome to U.A.'s hero course!"


50-Meter Dash:

Kouki stood calmly at the beginning of the race track. Next to him was a confident boy with sharp red hair and red eyes. "Let's have a good race Yoshikawa!" He pulled off a manly grin.

"Sure, Kirishima." Focussing back to himself, he concentrated as much built up power as he could. Pulling all the power available out, a small detail changed. The hair on his head changed from black to bright orange. Despite that, nothing else had changed.

'''I don't understand. Why won't you transform? Using the built up residuals in your body will only give you a 2x boost at the maximum.'''

'It's all I need.' Zangetsu was used to his confidence, however as the months of his training passed it made him overvalue his strength.

They both positioned themselves in preparation for the little robot to start. "On your mark… get set…" The signal to begin quickly followed after and the two racers pushed themselves forward at the same time. Their paces changed drastically and Kouki pulled ahead of Kirishima. In a short period of time after he ripped past the finish line. "3.12 seconds." The robot beeped.

He halted to look behind him and Kirishima was not too far behind him. "6.09 seconds." As he passed the finish line he stopped to catch his breath. After quickly doing so he strolled up to Kouki with his usual smile.

"You're pretty fast, Yoshikawa. Does changing your hair color improve your athleticism? Hehe, I kinda wish it did for me." He proceeded to hold his right hand out. "Good game." Kouki reciprocated his action and they both shook hands. "Hurry up you two. The next race is about to start."

They were quickly interrupted by Aizawa who seemed a little disappointed.

Grip Strength:

They moved inside for their grip strength test. He stood beside Kaminari and they both had a dynamometer in their hands. Kouki was still continuously using the power within, which kept his hair that same color of orange. He planned to keep on using it until it ran out.

The two of them squeezed the handle as much as they possibly could and once the beep was heard they gazed upon their scores.

"Ah crap! Only 46.3kg!" He immediately looked over at Kouki's in shock. "142.5kg!? What kind of monster are you?!

"It's only because of my quirk you know. Your score is still decent." It seemed like his semi-compliment kind of worked and it lightened his spirits slightly. They were just going to stand there, but a loud voice caught their attention.

"Wow! 540 kilograms? What are you, a gorilla?" A black haired boy with strange elbows looked at the giant multi-armed boy. "Oh, an octopus?"

The tiny grape headed boy came in. "Octopuses are sexy." I'm just as confused as you are at this sentence and so were Kouki and Kaminari.

'Sorry, what?' They both questioned.

Standing Long Jump:

He watched as many of them leapt over the entire sand pit and even further beyond it. However the poor green haired kid named Midoriya barely reached half way.

Now that it was his turn he focused a little bit of his spiritual pressure into his legs and bounced across the sand, firmly landing right on the edge of the sand. He was content with that result.

Repeated Side Steps:

The strange purple kid absolutely destroyed the competition. After creating two masses of well… balls, he bounced back and forth at high speeds. None of the others knew how to top that.

He tried to recreate that speed, but came up short.

Ball Throw

"Yoshikawa you're up." Aizawa tossed him the ball.

As he reached the center of the circle he was stopped. "When are you going to give it your all?" He turned to see his homeroom teacher giving him a menacing glare. "That isn't all you can do."

The moment he tried to feign ignorance he was backed into a corner. "You were one of two to defeat that zero pointer, so make sure you act like it." Before he could continue he grabbed his eye drops from his pocket to clear up his eyes. "The moment I saw you during the race I was in every right mind to expel you. If you can't be bothered to use all your power then you don't need to be here."

After finishing, he simply gestured to get a move on.

Zangetsu did tell him and he knew that. 'Well, I guess I better do it then.'


The usual aura of energy covered his body. Quickly, it dissipated to reveal a pretty and well-endowed orange haired girl. However, this time Kouki still wore the P.E uniform and the Zangetsu blade was nowhere to be seen, which was something he learned to do over the couple weeks before enrolling.

The group had a couple of mixed reactions. Most felt intrigued, while a few stood out. "W-W-Wait! It's you! You're the one who helped me?!" Kaminari questioned reality. The friend he made was the one who prevented him from getting hurt. He felt hurt that he didn't tell him.

Kouki wanted to say something, but was drawn to something else. The purple ball head began watering at the mouth, an aura of lust overflowing. Then that aurs stopped as he whispered out his realisation. "Wait… that's just a transformation, not an actual woman! But.. I can't help myself!"

The ones standing next to him looked at him in disgust, but shortly looked back at the magical girl.

'If you really want my full power, then I guess there's nothing else to do except to follow that concept..'

Pulling back into a similar pitcher's stance as Bakugo, an even larger amount of spiritual pressure amassed at a single point until it felt like it couldn't handle any more. His feminine body shifted powerfully as his arm whipped forwards, energy burst out flying the moment it left his hand.

They couldn't feel anything as all the force had been controlled to allow a more precise discharge of the energy. It carried the ball further than it would have without that control.

After soaring through the air it landed with a small crash. He turned to look with a boasting smile at Aizawa who had finally smiled, the first genuine smile. "Well done kid."

Holding up his phone, it read… '982.56m'

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