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Chapter 39: READY PLAN

Outside the inn in Ebonmere, Irene was adjusting the saddle of Senka who was eating some clover while Irene was preparing him for her activities today.

While Irene was preparing Senka, the door of the inn was opened and Jaxith came out with his hands in his coat pockets.

"Getting ready.", Said Jaxith while approaching Irene, she looked at him before returning her attention to Senka.

"Yeah, but I need him to eat well first.", Said Irene while stroking Senka's hair.

"You're taking good care of him, aren't you?", Said Jaxith.

"Why won't I? He's a good boy, the best horse ever.", Said Irene while gently touching Senka's face, he gently too started rubbing his head with Irene's face, Jaxith could clearly see the bond between Irene and Senka.

"It's good to see that you can take charge of a horse, this is definitely a significant improvement in how responsibility is taken in general.", Said Jaxith calmly.

"I'm not that bad Jax.", Said Irene while returning to adjust the seat above Senka's back.

"You're not even bad, the current situation puts you in a position that requires development, and this is not your fault in the first place. Do not think that I am trying to criticize you.", Said Jaxith calmly while watching her.

"Don't worry, I'm already used to your style and I know you don't mean any offense.", Said Irene while adjusting the last part of the seat.

"Good, here, take this.", Said Jaxith while approaching Irene and getting his right hand out of his pocket, Irene slowly turned to him.

"Take what?", Asked Irene while looking at Jaxith who dropped some coins in her hands.

"Keep them with you, you shouldn't be moving without any money, if you're hungry you can grab anything you want from the bakery, or if you want to do anything you like, go and have some fun with them along with your friends.", Said Jaxith.

"But that's a bit more than I could need, and I do not want to spend from what we currently have, you yourself say that we must be careful in dealing with our resources.", Said Irene while looking at Jaxith.

"I know but also there's no harm in having some fun while I know deep inside that you need it, you can even buy your friends anything you want from the bakery or whatever you want, make them love you more and knew that they didn't make a mistake when they decided to let you join in, go on, I'm already having enough to get to Lance.", Said Jaxith, Irene smiled after listening to him.

"If you think it's fine then I won't say no to your offer.", Said Irene while putting the coins in her small bag, she looked at Senka who had already finished his meal.

"Looks like you are ready to go.", Said Irene before mounting Senka.

"Don't stay out for too late and of course I don't need to remind you that getting out of the village for any sort of leisure is off limits.", Said Jaxith while crossing his arms.

"I know Jax, I won't take any unnecessary risks.", Said Irene.

"Exactly.", Said Jaxith, she was even saying his words, that's what he wants from her, to learn.

"And, Jax, thank you.", Said Irene while smiling.

"Just go and don't waste more time.", Said Jaxith with a faint smile.

"Fine, see you before the evening.", Said Irene before she pulled the saddle a bit and Senka started running, Jaxith looked at her as she was getting further before a smile appeared on his face, he looked at the sky for a moment before turning back and getting into the inn.

Later near the lumberjack's shop, John was already close to it with Shisk guiding him to the shop, John was looking around him while walking, the village was actually captivating in the terms of view.

"We're nearly there, Mr. John, it's that wooden cottage over there, it's close to the market also if you need anything.", Said Shisk.

"No, I don't want to lose any more time.", Said John.

"Whatever you want, Mr. John.", Said Shisk, John followed him towards the shop but then a certain voice caught John's attention, a familiar sound, John stopped and looked around to find Irene talking with some other kids of her age with Senka behind her!

"I'm telling you he's the fastest horse I've ever seen.", Said Irene proudly.

"I saw him running and our horse can do better than him.", Said one of the kids.

"That wasn't even running, Senka's body is way better than other horses because of his species, he's a black Legnican stallion, that's a very rare species.", Said Irene who was actually coping Jaxith's and Desmond's words about Senka, in fact she doesn't know much about horses but Desmond was saying he's a very special horse.

"No way! I remember my uncle talking about them.", Said another kid in amazement.

"And are they different?", Asked the first kid.

"Yeah, he told me that they can outrun a fast beast easily, he mentioned the same long hair on the neck and hoofs.", Said the second kid.

"Whoa!", Said the first kid in amazement.

"Can I touch him?", Asked one of the girls who was much younger than them.

"Of course, come on get closer.", Said Irene enthusiastically, the girl was hesitant.

"Won't he be mad, he looks angry.", Said the girl.

"Don't worry, he may look fierce but he's very nice, here take my hand.", Said Irene while stretching her hand to the girl who slowly reached out and grabbed Irene's.

"Now slowly approach him and rub his face slowly, Senka, be nice to Lilly here.", Said Irene while both her and lilly approached Senka before Irene placed Lilly's hand over Senka who lowered his head to her.

"He's so sweet!", Said Lilly as Senka started burring gently.

"Told you he's the best.", Said Irene, but Senka wasn't showing the same enthusiasm with Lilly like with Irene, Irene can notice how he wasn't so happy with this, when Irene touches him she could feel how happy he's with her, he started acting like this after she saved his life, could he understand this?

John on the other side was in shock, she was just right there in front of him but quickly he looked in front of him where Shisk was coming.

"It's open, Mr. John.", Said Shisk.

"Then come on.", Said John before they started walking.

"It's better to not look at her for a long time, he must be close and if I looked at her for a long time he will get suspicious, the best thing is to stick to the plan, she will be in my hands very soon, just wait, hunter, you will regret talking so full of yourself against lord Blamore.", Thought John while walking until they reached the door of the shop which was opened, John stepped in first.

"No one is here.", Said John while looking around.

"They are at the back, they are cutting the wood that they have brought from the forest into smaller logs, if you listen more closely you will hear the chopping sounds.", Said Shisk, John listened to the sound and started noticing the sound of wood chopping coming from the back of the shop.

"I think you're right, how did you notice it easily?", Said John while walking towards the back of the shop, Shisk started walking behind him.

"I can easily detect these sounds, my father was a woodcutter too.", Said Shisk politely.

"That's strange, how did you come to be a guard for our family?", Asked John.

"Mr. Alphonse helped my mother long time ago with her illness, my father was dead by that time due to a beast attack, I think you can deduce the rest alone, Mr. John.", Said Shisk, John listened to him carefully.

"No need to illustrate anymore.", Said John, it's obvious that Alphonse helped Shisk's mom with money and somehow he's paying his debt by being a guard for the family, that's what John can think of.

Now they are both outside the shop in an open field, three men were chopping the wood with their axes, two of them were having a light bruise on their faces, those were the two who Jaxith elbow-hit one of them and the other got a strong kick on his face while the third bald one was having a little bandage over his nose, this was Larry and looks like when Jaxith broke the chair on his back and fell on the floor he hit his nose, Larry noticed John and Shisk entering.

"Who left the door open?", Said Larry while looking at John and Shisk who walked down the stairs.

"I left it so that the people know we're back.", Said one of the two behind Larry.

"Yet we still don't have wood for those who come, just like those, you idiot.", Said Larry before throwing his axe to the side and walking to meet John and Shisk.

"Welcome, gentlemen, I'm afraid that I don't have enough wood yet, maybe after an hour or better wait for the market tomorrow, there will be plenty.", Said Larry calmly but he was kind of annoyed.

"We're not here for wood, I'm here to discuss something else and I was told that you can help me with that, or I should say with him.", Said John, Larry looked strangely at John, the other two behind Larry left their axes too and got closer when they sensed that something isn't right.

"Listen gentlemen, I can only talk about my job now, I don't have enough time to solve your riddles so if you're not here for wood then why are you here?", Said Larry impolitely.

"You better watch your tongue while talking to Mr. John, woodcutter, or I will make sure that your whole face will be in bandage not just your nose.", Said Shisk angrily while clinching his fists, Larry looked at the large guard and remembered what happened yesterday, he doesn't want to get into another fight.

"Or we can help you with the one that caused that bandage.", Said John with a smile, Larry looked at him interestingly.

"Are you here to make fun of me or what, gentleman?", Asked Larry.

"Nothing like that, I need your help and if you gave me what I want you won't see this man or the girl with him in the village again.", Said John, Larry looked at him while weighing his options.

"What makes you think that I need your help?", Asked Larry.

"You're not the only one that hates the presence of the demon girl here, in fact, it counts for you that you stood alone against this corruption, even if everyone is now afraid to say that it is wrong to let a demon live among us, this fear should not prevent you from speaking the truth and standing up to this hunter, but even if there is still hesitation among you then you should be thankful we are here now, cause everything will be fine.", Said John, Larry didn't know what to say, the situation was all of sudden.

"What do you want from the hunter? You look like a respectful gentleman after all to seek something from him and you're not from here to care about us, no offense of course.", Said Larry incomprehensibly.

"He got something that belongs to my family.", Said John.

"And what does this have to do with the hybrid?", Asked Larry.

"She was the one that took it.", Said John, Larry looked at the ground while thinking about what John told him, this could be his chance to also take revenge from Jaxith and Irene for making him look like an idiot between the villagers.

"What do you want from me?", Asked Larry seriously.

"Information, what do you know about the hunter? What's he doing here? What does he have to do with the inn owner?", Asked John, Larry thought for the last time before deciding to tell John whatever he wanted.

"It's not the first time I see him, I've seen him here before, the only difference is that the demon wasn't with him, this is the first time we see someone like her in the village, that's why we're blaming Miller for keeping him.", Said Larry.

"So you mean that he's a regular visitor.", Said John.

"I won't go for a regular visitor, that time that I saw him was a couple of years ago, but he was alone as I told you and was also staying with Miller.", Said Larry.

"So is he a close friend to Miller or what?", Asked John.

"He saved Emelia, Miller's only daughter, that was a long time ago before she even married, there were bears ravaging the nearby woods at that time and of course the kingdom rarely cares about small villages like us, Emelia was out then and got attacked by bears but that hunter was there then, if he wasn't there she would have been dead by now, that's why Miller loves him so much.", Said Larry.

"I see, so the hunter stays with Miller in his house?", Asked John.

"No, he stays at the inn, usually Miller sleeps at the inn, he rarely goes to his house, especially after the death of his wife, he goes there when Emelia visits him as she stays at their home.", Said Larry.

"So he's alone most of the time, even his daughter isn't living here.", Said John curiously.

"Yeah, she lives with her husband in a close town, she frequently visits him at the end of every week, I heard she is even helping the hunter with something now.", Said Larry.

"So the inn owner's daughter is here.", Thought John mischievously.

"What could she be helping him with?", Asked John.

"I don't know, probably something with alchemy, she is very smart in it, she even has a small lab in their house here, Miller told me that he won't remove it as she needs it sometimes, she can make several good potions from just the ingredients around, she helped me with a problem in my back before that I used to think that I won't be able to cure it.", Said Larry.

"Good, you don't know more about the hunter?", Asked John.

"I'm afraid that I don't know much about him, if you want more you could ask Miller but I doubt you would want to ask him.", Said Larry.

"Actually I might do.", Said John.

"But you said that you will rid us of the hunter and the hybrid.", Said Larry seriously.

"I didn't say that I'm going to kill them, I just need enough information to deal with the hunter properly, you have seen yourself what's he capable of, I need someone with his skills, I'll take him away and then I'll deal with the hybrid, just tell me where Miller's house is, since his daughter is here then he will return home at night, I need to talk with him without the presence of the hunter, he seems like the man with enough information.", Said John, Larry started doubting John's intentions, but again this is their only chance to get the demon out of the village, all of the people are afraid from her except some naive young kids, the mere presence of this girl is dangerous, especially after what happened at Orstone, the screams from the inn at their first night and how most of the room was burnt, they may be involved in dark rituals that they only hear about how dangerous they're, he decided that he can't wait for a disaster to happen.

"It's the house behind the inn, you'll find a high wall beside it.", Said Larry seriously.

"Perfect, I think that I got what I wanted, have a good day.", Said John before turning back.

"Hey, sir, please take care of this matter, only the gods know what they're scheming, we don't want any chaos in here, we're just simple people, we want to live peacefully like we used to, but since the day she came here, the night she was screaming like a crazy demon, we are not able to sleep peacefully anymore, something bad is going on and Miller blindly trusts that wicked hunter, please help us, sir.", Said Larry in fear, he was putting all of his hope between John's hands, his two friends looked at each other surprised by Larry's tone, it's rare to see him afraid, but he was right, one of them lives close to the inn and heard it too, it was horrific indeed and Larry's fear is totally justified.

"I'll, everything will be taken care of, tomorrow morning you'll find that everything has been taken care of.", Said John without even looking back to them, he started walking towards the shop then out of it through the main door of the shop, he walked through the path where Irene was playing with the other kids, he didn't look at her, he just kept moving with Shisk behind him.

"Now I got everything that I need, tonight I'll be victorious, very soon you'll be between my habds, you'll serve your destiny and I'll prove myself worthy as a follower for the lord cause, tonight the hunter will be dead and all the loose ends will be dealt with, you're nearly there, John, just a few hours.", Thought John with a wide evil smile across his face, he was containing the urge to laugh but he kept it after he's done.

Whatever John is planning is surely a well planned idea, he's sure about it that he's planning to kill Jaxith! And he gathered all the information that he needed, will he succeed in the second attempt for the Cragmoore zealots to find and get Irene for their yet unfolded plans? Or will Jaxith have another opinion like the first time? Whatever is the result there's surely one thing to be sure about, this night is going to be a tough night in Ebonmere.

darkash darkash

I'll leave the discord server link if anyone wanted to learn more about the novel, I have just made it as a way to narrow the distance between me and the readers:

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