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The dark room was closed, Irene was having new chains now and Emelia was looking at her.

"Irene! He's alive!", Said Emelia enthusiastically but Irene wasn't focusing at all, she wasn't even able to move her head, she was just resting her head back and her eyes were nearly closed, the sedative was making her look like a drunk person, a faint trail of blood was visible on her chin coming from her mouth due to the punch of the guard, her face was soaked with blood from her left eye and normal tears from her right eye, her left eye is back to the normal color and the veins around it also disappeared, overall, she may be conscious but that doesn't mean that she's aware with her surroundings.

"Irene! Focus, girl, I told you that he's alive, he's coming for you, he won't let them hurt you anymore.", Said Emelia enthusiastically while trying to refresh Irene from her shock state.

"Ah, no matter what I do she won't wake up, they completely sedated her, thank the gods you're still alive Jaxith.", Said Emelia while looking at the ground before looking at Irene.

"Even though he told me about her case and I've even seen how was the room after she lost control in the inn I'm still shocked, it was like this wasn't Irene and someone else was talking, or more precisely, roaring, the room was shaking from her shouting and even her sound was a bit different, those people know that something is different about her, Jaxith must know that he won't be able to help her unless he knows more about those people.", Thought Emelia before resting her head back then a little pain from her abdomen made her move her legs a bit.

"Please be quick Jaxith.", Said Emelia while looking above before closing her eyes.

"That's impossible!", Said John worriedly worriedly, he was standing with Edward and Shisk before them.

"You must have seen something wrong, did you see him move while throwing the body?", Asked Edward.

"No, Mr. Edward, he was awake when we returned to the inn.", Said Shisk.

"Then that inn owner deceived us, it looks like he didn't poison him and all of that was just an act.", Said Edward.

"No, if it was an act then he wouldn't have risked leaving the girl to us.", Said John seriously.

"Exactly, and I saw him in real pain, Mr. Edward, that wasn't an act, in addition, he wouldn't have left my men to kill the old man if he they were helping each other, when we returned to the inn I sent two men inside to kill the old man before getting inside to get the two bodies, after a while one of them came to tell me that they're ready, before we go in the fire in the lamps was turned off and the inn was bitch black, after a moment the body of the guard inside was thrown out of the window, it was headless although the guard's sword was sheathed which means he cut off his head without a weapon, then he came to us walking coldly out of the inn.", Said Shisk in a bit of fear, John and Edward were in a total shock.

"What did you do?", Asked John.

"I ran to inform you about what happened and left the guards to deal with him or at least delay him, and since no one has returned yet, this means that no one has survived.", Said Shisk.

"John, are you sure of the strength of this poison?", Asked Edward in fear.

"It's not the first time I use it Edward, it's lethality is unmatched, DAMN IT, how could he be alive after all of this.", Said John angrily while hitting his office with his hands, Shisk stood silent while Edward moved towards John.

"Listen, we need to act fast, if this hunter was actually one of those men I read about then we're all in great danger now.", Said Edward seriously.

"The negative abyss doesn't heal, just how did he do it? HOW?!", Said John before shouting and shoving the things over his desk on the floor angrily.

"No time for this anger, John, we must abandon our plan, I've informed, Mr. Alphonse about what you wanted me to tell him, the crow must have reached him by now, you did well, don't blame yourself, it's just an unexpected turn of events, let me deal with this for now.", Said Edward seriously before looking at Shisk.

"We're not abandoning anything.", Said John seriously while looking up.

"What did you just say?", Asked Edward while looking back seriously at John.

"Shisk, I need you to delay the hunter when he reaches the warehouse, someone must have talked to avoid death and told him about our location, delay him as long as you could, I got a plan to end him once and for all.", Said John seriously.

"At once, Mr. John.", Said Shisk before going out of the office.

"What did you just do? We need to get out as fast as possible, we can't deal with him, you still haven't heard about what I knew about him.", Said Edward.

"You'll see what I'll use.", Said John before also getting out of the office followed by Edward who started calling him to stop while getting more afraid as John insists on completing his plan.

At the road outside Ebonmere that leads to the warehouse, Jaxith was tying Senka's rope to a tree beside the road in a hidden spot away from the passing eyes.

"That's it, stay here while I bring Irene back.", Said Jaxith calmly as he finished tying Senka and stepping back, his facial expressions are still cold and angry with some blood, Senka neighed.

"Calm down, no animals roam around this area and also it's late for anyone to pass from here, she will need to see you after I bring her back.", Said Jaxith boldly while turning to leave before Senka neighed again, it looks like he's worried too, something about Senka is different since the day Irene healed him and Jaxith feels it too.

"Calm down I won't take long.", Said Jaxith while walking away, the looks on his face carried so much hatred, he walked along the road where at the end the warehouse was visible on the right side in an open area.

"You need to stop this madness now John, we can't stop this man if he survived that poison.", Said Edward seriously while following John who was going towards his luggage outside of the office which was down in the basement, both of them were at the door leading down the basement, John was going to open the door but Edward stopped him.

"At least listen to me.", Said Edward seriously.

"Listen, Edward, if I couldn't get rid of him by cunning then I'll get rid of him by power.", Said John.

"That's even more insane than I expected, especially after what I've known about him.", Said Edward while pushing John away from the door.

"I don't care now, no matter how strong he is, he will not be able to stop what I've.", Said John while lowering Edward's hands down.

"HE'S NOT A HUNTER, HE'S A DAMN ASSASSIN!", Shouted Edward, some of the guards roaming the warehouse started looking at them, John started getting calm and listening to Edward.

"Then what? He's not the first or the last assassin on Plistura.", Said John seriously.

"Not a normal one, if he's truly a Legnican as you think then combining between the negative abyss and the sword craftsmanship, he belongs to a brotherhood of an emotionless assassins called the Corvus brotherhood, they were named after their founder Selkath Corvo, the original creator of the negative abyss prohibited art from two centuries by the help of the shadow slave demons, I don't have much information about them now because that's what I've found for now but if that's not an enough problem for you then you should know that the current king of Legnica completely eradicated this brotherhood thirty years ago.", Said Edward seriously.

"What do you mean by all of this? Shouldn't he be dead? But no, he doesn't look that old to be one of them when they were hunted, then ho-.", Said John before Edward interrupted.

"Exactly, how does he use it if they were all killed? Maybe they're all not dead after all, and that's why we shouldn't rush things before we know exactly what we're dealing with, Why is he here in Vidin? How suddenly did he find the girl? By the way, I've read before that the shadow slave demons aren't followers for the scarlet army, just think of there was a connection between all of these events, we don't want to think that we've the upper hand while there's others totally playing with us.", Said Edward seriously.

"We're just assuming all of this Edward, he may not be a Legnican or maybe he's but not a follower for this Corvus brotherhood.", Said John.

"We shouldn't leave all these odds without thinking properly.", Said Edward.

"And I'm not coming back empty handed after all what I've done.", Said John angrily while moving to open the door.

"I'll kill him once and for all.", Said John while opening the door and going down the stairs.

"We can't, John, even if he's not an assassin, you saw how strong he's, I'm not a dark caster to stand against him and you aren't ready yet.", Said Edward while following John down the stairs, he was trying to make him drop this now but John immediately stop after he said he wasn't ready.

"I know that I've failed in my sacrificial ritual, I can't use dark energy like the true believers and be a dark caster like my father, no need to remind me of how weak and worthless I'm, Edward.", Said John angrily while looking at Edward who was surprised by this reply.

"But that doesn't mean that I'll always be useless, no, that's my time and I'll PROVE TO EVERYONE ELSE WHO IS JOHN RASCLIFFE.", Said John while shouting at the end of his statement before stepping closer to Edward.

"I'll bring the hunter's head to lord Blamore and show him how reliable I'm even though my father doesn't trust me, everything will end in this miserable village whether you supported me or not, but it would be a pity that after all these years you also don't trust me.", Said John calmly.

"This has nothing to do with trusting you, John, I'm trying to prevent you from making a mistake that you will regret.", Said Edward seriously while looking directly at John's eyes.

"And I was thinking that you're different from him, you're just like him but trying to control me, right, Edward?", Said John in a sad tone while stepping back.

"There's nothing right from what you're saying, you're just tensioned by the hunter.", Said Edward calmly.

"No, I'm seeing everything right for the first time, and I'll prove you all wrong.", Said John before going down the stairs again, Edward felt like he can't stop John from doing whatever he has in mind, he's determined on killing the hunter and completing his plan, he watched John go down then opening a wooden door.

"At least tell me what you have in your mind.", Said Edward in frustration while going down the stairs too.

Outside the warehouse, the guards were all on alert as Shisk was continuously shouting while walking around the warehouse between them.

"I want full focus, our enemy is a well trained ruthless warrior, he won't hesitate killing anyone of you if he got the chance, our key to killing him is working together, attacking him in groups is our best chance, he's faster and stronger than us but he's human after all, all what it takes is a single precise hit, that's all what it takes to put this man down.", Said Shisk before stopping between the guards who were scattered and looking everywhere around the warehouse carefully to spot Jaxith whenever he's close.

"I want that man dead when he gets here, he won't get inside, UNDERSTOOD.", Said Shisk while encouraging his men.

"UNDERSTOOD!", Shouted the guards enthusiastically, after a couple of minutes from intensive roaming, one of the guards spotted someone coming from the end of the road.

"SOMEONE IS COMING.", Shouted the guard before all the guards focused towards the direction that guard is looking at, Shisk started walking closer behind the guards while focusing too.

Gradually the man started to reveal, the dark blue coat, the silver hair swaying behind him due to the wind, Jaxith gradually stepped closer until he was visible to all of them before stopping and looking at all of them, they were 13 guard without Shisk so 14 in total, Jaxith was counting them, three archers at the back with the stronger guard ( Shisk), the other ten are normal guards carrying sheathed swords.

"GUARDS, DRAW YOUR SWORDS, ARCHERS GET READY!", Shouted Shisk before all of the guards drew their swords and the archers started pulling the arrows tightly on the bows' strings.

"You can surrender now, hunter, I respect your skill but you can't outmatch us, we can do it the hard way if you want.", Said Shisk before drawing his sword too, Jaxith looked at him in disgust while looking for his sword on his back.

"Absent, then it's in the office in this building as the guard said.", Thought Jaxith, he was looking for his sword while looking at Shisk.

The guards were a bit worried but also their presence together against a single enemy made them confident.

Jaxith boldly started moving closer to the guards, there were some meters between them, the guards started standing focus.

"I guess you want it the hard way.", Said Shisk while Jaxith was still looking intense and coming closer.

"ARCHERS.", Shouted Shisk before the three archers shoot their arrows at Jaxith who immediately activated his negative abyss and dashed forward towards the guards with an arrow in his hand!

"WHAT THE F-.", Shouted the guard facing Jaxith before Jaxith stabbed the arrow in his throat, the guards were stunned from the speed of Jaxith and immediately stepped back as their friend fall to the ground, they started getting more afraid as Jaxith dashed towards another one and broke his neck smoothly while stopping the negative abyss momentarily to grab this guard's sword before it even fall to the ground before using it with the negative abyss slash the throats of two nearby guards!

The guards scattered and lost their order, they couldn't even notice his movement, it was just a couple of seconds and four of them were already dead!

Jaxith looked back at them with fresh blood on his terrifying face, he's nothing but a monster with those eyes.

"DON'T HESITATE, ATTACK AT ONCE!", Shouted Shisk while running towards Jaxith to encourage his guards who immediately started running too and Jaxith just looked at them boldly with guard's sword in his hand coated with blood, the black aura around him appeared again declaring the activation of the negative abyss, the archers started shooting arrows again and Jaxith just did one thing, he exhaled calmly before threw the sword at one of the guards at a high velocity completely piercing his helmet and skull!

He used his negative dash to make a leap over the crowd of the guards making all them gasp, his eyes were furious and he was gritting his teeth.

"Die.", Said Jaxith in a very cold tone that sent shivers across their spines before he dashed towards between them at the ground this time at a speed they couldn't even notice and soon, only the cries of pain, flesh cutting and bones breaking were heard among the crowd!

darkash darkash

I'll leave the discord server link if anyone wanted to learn more about the novel, I have just made it as a way to narrow the distance between me and the readers:

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