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Chapter 6: Dimensional Travel

With the sound of glass breaking, the forcefield scattered as it lost all of its energy. It was also at this time that the timer ended.

The Superman variant paused as soon as the timer ended. He held his head and released a scream.

He stumbled backward and shook his head violently. It seemed like he was trying to fight against the forced enragement.

This was Calvin's chance.

'An ability that can help me absorb any kind of energy without any after effect,' Calvin said in his mind.

[Processing description...]

[Verdict: adequate]

[Ability created]

[Ability: Absorption

Description: This ability grants the host user the power to absorb all kinds of energy upon physical contact and release it in another form.


*Host user cannot absorb any other form of energy if they had absorbed another form previously except the previous form of energy is released.]

'Replace ability, perfect flight,' Calvin ordered.

[Command accepted]

[Equipped abilities updated]

With struggling groans, Calvin got up, resisting the paralyzing effect of the electric currents running through his body.

Before he could even stand up properly, Superman was already in front of him!

He threw an uppercut that sent Calvin up in the air, and with a loud thunderclap, he teleported above him and punched him down to the grid platform!

Calvin landed with a loud thud, but Superman wasn't over.

He flew down at incredible speeds and hit him with both his legs on his chest, the force of the kick sent out a wave of wind!

Superman then grabbed his neck, flew up high into the air, spun, and threw him back down to the platform!

Before he could even land, Superman shot out vision bolts from his eyes that hit Calvin and caused him to crash with greater force!

The Superman variant then shot out a bolt of lightning from his palms down at Calvin.


Calvin's body twitched, and his facial expression turned into one of annoyance.

He couldn't feel the pain, but the fact that the electricity from the lightning bolts was paralyzing his muscles so he couldn't move, was starting to get annoying.

Superman flew down and hit him hard on his chest again. He seemed like a mindless drone as he crouched above Calvin and dished out punches to his face.

The punches carried an electric charge that kept Calvin's body paralyzed, so he really couldn't do anything here.


Calvin fought against the paralyzing effect of the electric currents and grabbed Superman's feet. He then activated the absorption ability!

Immediately, Superman began to feel himself being drained. It didn't take time for him to realize that this was Calvin's work.

He immediately stopped his assault and Calvin's hand went right through his leg that he was holding on to a few moments ago!

[Error: conditions for use of ability has not been fulfilled]

Superman quickly flew away from Calvin and remained suspended in mid-air.

Calvin brushed off the paralyzing effect of Superman's previous assaults and stood upright.

'This is a problem,' Calvin internalized.

The absorption ability needed physical contact to work and since it wasn't a weakness but a necessity, the negate ability couldn't help him here.

There was also a bigger problem. Superman was supposed to be enraged. The fact that he was able to sense what he was doing and also cautiously avoid it, meant that he wasn't truly enraged.

In other words, he was still fighting against it.

While it should've normally been a good thing, it wasn't. That was because Superman was enraged, but still had some of the thinking abilities that made him alert to danger.

So in essence, Calvin was fighting against a seemingly OP version of Superman that wasn't holding back in the slightest and had his full fighting capabilities.

This made Calvin understand that this idea of fighting fictional characters was beyond stupid. Something that he should've known from the beginning, but had ignored all common sense because he wanted to have a bit of fun.

There was only one thing to do now that would end all of this.


[Ability created]

Superman floated in midair watching Calvin for about three minutes. It was an agonizing wait for him since every cell in his body wanted him to go and rip Calvin apart.

Unable to hold himself anymore, Superman shot toward him, but this time nothing was holding him back. Reason had fallen to complete unbridled rage.

He was only a few meters away from impact when Calvin snapped his fingers, a portal appeared immediately after he did so and began to suck Superman in.

[Ability: Dimension jump

Description: This ability lets the host user move from one dimension to another, as well as move a being to another dimension as well.


*If the host user or others go to a dimension they are not originally from, they'll have three days to return before their body will begin to rot.

*This ability can only be used twice a day

*This ability can only be used on living beings.]

Superman tried to get away from the portal's suction force, but the more he struggled, the stronger it became.

It didn't take long before he was sucked in and the portal disappeared. He had been sent back to his world, hopefully.

Calvin released a sigh. He was beginning to get stressed mentally. Realizing that he might need to rethink his priorities, Calvin snapped his fingers and went back to earth, right outside his house.

He hissed when he saw that he was outside and not inside. His mental fatigue must have made him mess up the dimensional movement.

At least he wasn't inside a wall.

He reached for his door knob and was about to enter inside when he heard a voice coming from behind him.

"What the fuck?"

Calvin froze. How the hell did he not notice that someone was there?!

He slowly turned and standing right there, with his eyes widened and with an astonished facial expression, was Adam!

"Hey Adam," Calvin smiled.

Adam remained in shock as he tried to understand what he had just seen.

He was on his way to knock on Calvin's door, when the person he was going to see, appeared right in front of him seemingly out of nowhere!

It was a huge shock. He didn't even know what to say.

"Ok, I might need you to calm down Adam," Calvin said.

"I'm... very calm," Adam responded while nodding his head.

Calvin didn't know how to deal with this. The best thing would be to create a mind-wiping ability, but with how tired his mind was right now, it was safe to say he could mistakenly wipe away all of Adam's memories.

He couldn't do that to a friend.

Calvin sighed, "Come in, let's talk."


About an hour later, Calvin and Adam sat across from each other in the living room.

Calvin held a cup of coffee which he prepared to sharpen his mind again. It seemed like using the system for a prolonged time could cause mental fatigue.

He added that to the list of things that the system had failed to inform him about.

After drinking a bit of the coffee and restoring his thinking faculty somewhat, Calvin had explained everything from the beginning till this very moment, to Adam.

"I know it's hard to believe what I just said, but I promise you, it's the truth," Calvin assured since Adam had become quiet after he recounted the events to him.

"No, don't worry. I believe you. You did just appear out of thin air outside," Adam responded.

"True," Calvin took another sip of his coffee but spit it out because it had gone cold.

"My only problem now is how I'm going to process the level of stupidity you've displayed so far," Adam said.

"Stupidity? What do you mean?"

"You have gained the ability to access possibly every single power in the world, and you use that ability to fight against fictional characters. Even saying this makes me feel stupid," Adam commented.

"Honestly, I understand how stupid it is. At first, I was just testing the ability of the system randomly but then I thought that this would be a better way to do it. I thought placing myself under pressurized assault would make me think on my feet and find the system's true powers," Calvin replied, "And yes, I know it's stupid but I just wanted to have fun I guess."

"There are tons of other ways that you could have done that without indulging in something so stupid. I mean, you could've practically solved world hunger, created world peace, push humanity into a new era of technology, tons of near impossible stuff, but you go ahead and fight the moment you get this power," Adam shook his head in disappointment.

"To be fair, I was caught up in the feeling of practically being a god. I didn't think too far ahead," Calvin responded.

(A/N: he's right though. All of us think we'll do well if we're given powers but the reality is, most of us will mess up and do something stupid in the beginning.)

"Well I suggest you do now," Adam said.

"The thing is, all of those things you mentioned, I could solve them with a snap of my finger, literally. If I do all of this, then what next? I have absolute power, you can't blame me for wanting to do something fun and unethical," Calvin informed.

"I guess you're right. But you could have still gone about it in different ways," Adam replied.

"Yeah, I understand that. I'm kind of thinking about doing something different now," Calvin said.

"Could you take me to the battleground?" Adam asked, "I'll like to see it with my own eyes."


Calvin snapped his fingers and he and Adam appeared, standing on the grid platform floating in absolute nothingness.

Adam couldn't believe his eyes. Everything he was seeing defied the laws of physics.

"How?" Adam asked in amazement.

"I'm pretty sure I explained this," Calvin rolled his eyes.

"Oh, yeah. I remember," Adam laughed nervously.

Adam then spotted the large rectangular piece of glass that was floating above the platform.

"What is that?"

"That is something I created to generate opponents for me. I'll be destroying it later though," Calvin answered.

"Don't!" Adam almost screamed.


"It is going to be useful for what I have in mind," Adam responded with a wide smile.

"Ok, that sounded creepy."


"What do you have in mind?" Calvin asked.

"From what you explained to me, those characters you brought to life are existing in different dimensions," Adam stated.

"That's what the ability's description suggested," Calvin corrected.

"Ok, so why didn't you devote your time to dimensional travel? That would have been a world-breaking scientific endeavor!"

"It would be a lie to say I didn't consider it, it just didn't seem viable at that point," Calvin responded.

"But bringing people from other dimensions into ours did?" Adam looked at him like he was stupid.

"Once again, I was caught up in the moment," Calvin reminded.

"Well, I'm sure you can guess what I got in mind; dimensional travel," Adam informed with a smile.

"I don't know bro, that kind of sounds boring," Calvin commented.

Adam rubbed his temples with his index fingers. He was already trying so hard not to say anything anymore about Calvin's beyond-stupid previous actions, but he was making it hard now.

"Fine, how about we accomplish a mission while we travel to other dimensions? This way, you get to have fun and I get to accomplish a scientific discovery that you who is the actual scientist don't want to do," Calvin suggested.

"To be honest, I would have gone with your plan either way, but since you suggested that, who am I to say no?" Calvin laughed.

"I hate you," Adam said in an annoyed tone.

Calvin laughed at Adam's remark but seeing that Adam was not finding it funny, he stopped.

"So how do we go about it then?" Calvin queried.

"Well, since we know nothing about the other dimensions, I think we should make use of that thing over there," Adam pointed at the large rectangular glass in the air, "From what you told me about its functions, I'm sure it can help us decide on existing dimensions to travel to. Can you reprogram it to do that?"

"Sure, give me a few minutes."

Calvin went to work with that. Using the ability, matter manipulator, he reprogrammed it using mental commands.

He gave it the usage of the ability, dimension jump so that it could send them to the dimension it picked, and since Adam suggested the mission part, he decided to give it some kind of game-like system that would help it decide on missions to spice up their stay in the dimensions.

With that done, the only thing left, was to give it the usage of the ability, negate, so that the cons/weaknesses of the dimension jump ability won't affect them.

[Error: unable to transfer ability usage]

Calvin raised his brow when he saw that message. He tried to do it again but it showed the same message. He guessed that it was some kind of limit that the system had.

He still tried multiple times, but when he came up with the same result, he decided to let it go. He would create other abilities to counter it later.

"I'm done," Calvin announced.

"That was quick," Adam commented, "Are you sure everything is in order?"

"I double-checked. It's fine," Calvin assured.

"Ok then," Adam turned to the rectangular glass, "I can't help but feel a bit skeptical about this."

"Do you want to forget about this idea then?" Calvin asked.

"Hell no. This is the beginning of a scientific discovery and I'm going to be one of two people who will do it first. My skepticism is simply something that is associated with trying something new for the first time," Adam answered.

"Fine. I'm turning it on now," Calvin informed and after a few moments of mental preparation, Adam nodded.

Calvin sent a mental command to the object and it began to display tons of random numbers and letters which came together to form a giant lettered word.

A few seconds later, the word had been completely formed. On the object was the word, AOT!

Before they could even say anything, they were both enveloped in bright white light. When the light cleared, they found themselves in a room with walls made of wood. There were shabby wooden pieces of furniture in the room as well.

[Known dimension name: AOT


Given ability: Titan transformation

Description: This ability allows the user to turn into any of the 9 special titans that the user had chosen.

Chosen titan: none


*Prolonged stay in a transformed state would gradually turn the user into a mindless titan.

*User can only trigger transformation twice a day.



*Kill Levi Ackerman {incomplete}

*Kill Eren Yeager and reclaim the founding Titan {incomplete}

Time Left: 2:23:59:57]

"So this is how this system works," Adam said.

"Wait, you can see it too?" Calvin asked in surprise.

"Yeah, but that's not important right now. We are in fucking attack on titan! We are practically living out a meme!" Adam laughed.

Adam didn't watch animes much, but if there was one that he had watched and even read the manga till the end, it was attack on titan!

It couldn't be put into words how ecstatic he was right now.

Calvin on the other hand hadn't gone too far into AOT so he didn't know much about it. What was troubling him right now was what he had just read.

'Initiate command: «create»' Calvin said in his mind.

He wanted to create an ability to counter the cons of the dimension jump now before it was too late.

[Error: system locked]

"Eh?" Calvin said out loud.

"What is it?" Adam asked.

Calvin tried again and again but the same error message kept coming up. He then tried to access the interface to see his equipped abilities.

[Abilities equipped>>

-Titan transformation-



Seeing this, everything started to click in Calvin's mind. He went back to the mission details and looked at the timer.

It was counting down three days!

The con of the dimension jump ability that Calvin dreaded the most was the one where the person's body will begin to rot after three days!

The countdown must be because of that. Why in heaven's sake was this happening?!

...the game-like system!

"Fuck, I should have specified that shit!" Calvin shouted.

He had created the game-like system to coordinate the missions but it seemed like it was doing more than that. It was treating this whole thing as an actual game and had locked the system away from him!

"Are you good bro?" Adam asked with a worried tone.

"No, I'm no—"

Calvin's sentence was cut short when he noticed something at the window behind Adam.

His eyes changed focus and that's when he saw it properly. It was a giant eyeball that was staring at both of them!

"What the hell?"


A/N: I tried to not make this chapter cliche, but it all just kinda happened. Thoughts?

Mawachi Mawachi

it took me 3 hours of sitting still to write and edit this. I apologize if it's too long. remember to vote with your power stones, I'm trying to get on the ranking :)

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