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Chapter 5: That's How I was Born Or Reincarnated

Just wanted to inform you guys that I just write this fic whenever I am free and when i feel like writing and then just upload it right after finishing the chapter. I can't tell when I will be free so chapter updates might be irregular. I might upload 1 or 2 maybe even 3 chapters in a single day that is if I am free, but most of the time I don't get much time so you may or may not get the chapter on some days. But will try my best to atleast upload 2 or 3 chapters in a week. Because of time and mood I don't have a fixed schedule, so whenever I am free and feel like writing I type it on my phone (*I am just too lazy to turn on pc or laptop to type. By the time i reach out for them and did turn them on, I might have just lost motivation or I am sure of it, I will start watching some shows or Anime on them) so there may have been some spelling mistakes due to autocorrect or they may be missing some joining words because I just go on typing whatever idea comes to my mind continuously with little breaks here and there for some little alterations and just upload it. As I am doing this in my free time, *you know engineering life is tiring.

I Will check for any spelling mistakes from now on before uploading them.

Now read the chapter and give me your review about it in the comment section. Hope you enjoy it.


Mc Pov

'So where am i, every where I see there is darkness and its like I am trapped or locked in some closed space, but that isn't the least of my worries. I am hearing some weird noises for some time now. This place, it feels warm for some reason and after all this analysis.'

*can hear the sound of some intense beats

'I have come to the conclusion that I'm in the belly of some woman and who I presume is going to be my Mother. I have a hard time coming in terms with this whole ordeal. This is all because of that ROB bastard. I wouldn't be in this position if it wasn't for that guy and that hurts bastard especially that light pillar was pain but that black hole like thing that sucked me in it was a completely super painful, it felt like I was getting crushed. For a moment there I thought that he was killing my soul or destroying it because of all that things I said to him, in my mind. It was reflexively done, I didn't have any control over it. It was my anger speaking not me. Anyway now that I have reincarnated and I am already in the Mha world and I even have a powerful quirk, i guess i am lucky atleast in that regard and I have to stay strong if I wish to survive in this world and not die a early death in this life atleast. I will definitely have a wonderful and fulfilling life. I will achieve all my dreams and wishes in this world for sure and not let anybody stand in my way. Anyway now that I am in this anime world, yep it's time to unleash my true self *cough cough, it's time to unleash all my fantasies. Now that I have died once and I am reborn, what's the worst thing more than death that can happen to me. I will live my life to the fullest now, not caring about anything else and live freely. For that I have to grow strong and all that things can wait after I am born. '

*Nods to himself mentally

' Anyway, it hasn't been that long since I have gained consciousness, but what is all this commotion about. I don't know for sure but I can hear some screams and shouting, but I can't make out, what the fu*k are they saying?'

'Now I am nervous, I hope there is nothing to worry about and everything is alright. I don't want to die even before I was born. I don't wish to die, but anyway I can't do anything about and just hope that everything is fine. I am sure that ROB was a **** but even he wouldn't kill me or let me die even before I was born, right. I am sure.. but, well anyway I have to clear my mind of these negative thoughts and stay positive. I am sure it's nothing to worry about. Let's just meditate for some time to relax and clear mind or atleast try to meditate '

' So, breathe in and breathe out, breathe in and breathe out, breathe in and breathe out',

just as the Mc continues to meditate then suddenly something unexpected happened, well he expected it but not so soon,

"What the fu..."



General Pov

You can see a woman frantically running inside a hospital with some tools in her hand. If you look closely you will see that woman is wearing nurse's clothes, while she was on her way to some unknown destination, she was suddenly stopped by her colleague who is also wearing nurse clothes,

"Hey why are running like there are some villains chasing behind you and also where are you carrying those tools?"

"Move away don't you see I am in a hurry?"

"Chill now, that's what I am asking you why are you in a hurry and where are you heading towards?"

"I am going to the ICU, and as for the reason Mr. Stark's wife Mrs. Stark is going to give birth now, she may reach the hospital any moment now. We are told to keep everything ready before she arrives, so now move"

"OK that's great news and sorry for wasting your time"

And then by the time the news reaches everyone in the hospital, the whole hospital is drowned in chaos, but one thing is for sure everyone is in happy mood.

10min before;

A woman was walking peacefully in a giant beautiful garden, full of various trees and plants of different variety. The garden had many types of flowers and many other decorations like statues, small stone monuments and many more, to call it a paradise would be understatement. The Woman was also very beautiful and her very presence even increased the beauty of the garden. It would also confuse many people whether if it was the woman who was complimenting the garden's beauty or if it was other way around. The woman could be seen walking in this beautiful garden and upon closer inspection you could find that the woman was pregnant.

"Amy, isn't the weather very good today"

"Yes my lady, the weather is very nice today."

"It is a perfect weather for a picnic, I wonder if my dear husband is free today so we could go on a picnic"

Just as she walking

"Argg it coming"

The Amy person rushes to her lady

"Are you okay my lady. What happened"

"The baby is coming"

"What. Wait I will call for help"

At the same time in other place;

A man was seen working in some high tech lab, when suddenly a man wearing butler uniform barges in the lab,

"Sir I am sorry for suddenly barging in but.."

"It's fine Sebastian, I know you wouldn't just barge in without any good reason. So what has happened now?"

"Sir it's your wif"

He didn't even get to complete his sentence,

"What happened to Jeanne. Is she alright? Tell me?"

"Nothing dangerous has happened to my lady. I just received a call informing me that my lady is about to give birth"

"What, really. Wait I don't know what to do now?"

He questions his butler while pacing around his lab nervously "What should I do now Sebastian?"

"Sir first you should calm down and go be with my lady"

"Yes, you are right. Take care of everything here Sebastian. I am going now"

In the Hospital

A man barges in and rushes towards the first person he spots,

"Where's my wife?"

"Welcome Mr Stark"

"Where is she"

"Ahh yes, she is currently in the ICU and is giving birth"

"Okay, so lead the way"

"yes sir, follow me. I was just waiting for you. We are currently making sure she gives birth to a healthy baby without any problems"


As they near the ICU they can see people happily talking to each other

"Oh I see you've arrived Mr Stark"

"Yes, so Dr. Alena how is my wife and where is she? And what are you doing here shouldn't you, supposed to be attending to my wife"

"First and foremost I would like to congratulate you. You are now a father."

"What?.. I am a father now"

"Yes, your wife has given birth to a cute baby boy successful without any major complications and is safely resting in Another room with her son."

"I am a father now. Yes I am father now, so you're saying my wife has successfully given birth and is safe. I am now a father. OK so where is my wife and my son"

" They have now been safely shifted to another room. You can go visit your wife now and meet your son and congratulations on becoming a father. "

"Yes, and thank you doctor for taking care of my wife during her pregnancy and while she was giving birth. Now I'll take my leave. I don't want to keep my wife and new born son to be waiting any longer."

"Yes and take care Mr Stark"

Before leaving he just realised something and asks the doctor,

"You said there wasn't any major complications but there were complications right. Was it anything major is my wife and child safe"

"No it wasn't anything major, and they both are safe"

The man runs fast towards the room where his wife and his new born child are;

Mc Pov


'So I just got pulled out, huh. I didn't expect to get out this early. But whatever',

"The Baby has been successfully pulled"

"Now cut the ambical cord and check the health condition of the mother"

"There is no problem with mothers health, I have cut the ambical cord, and wait but the baby isn't crying .. Something is wrong"

"Why isn't the baby crying, chech for any other response, quickly. We have to make sure the baby is safe and both the mother and the baby should survive this"

'Anyway I can make out the voices but it's bit too loud,and what are they saying about me not crying, I'm not gonna cry, I Mean I'm 20 atleast on the inside'

"Try rubbing his back"

As soon as nurse tries to rub the back of the baby

'my eyes'

'hnnn guess it's too much light, for my baby eyes.'

"Doctor the baby has opened his eyes and is just fine physically atleast"

"OK, but check his health for any anamolies and run some test. As for you two check with the mother and clean the baby and begin the preparation to move the baby and mother out of the ICU to the room we had prepared for them"

'So me not crying did cause some major problems. But I don't give a fu*k, I just wanted to have a remarkable entry to this new world. Like how cool is a baby who doesn't cry after being born and just stares at you. Yeah *Stare'

While the Mc was once again lost in his monologue, before he knew it he was shifted to the this so called room, 'but this is impressive, the room is clearly a luxurious like some VVIP rooms back in my previous world'

"My sweet boy"

and just like that he was once again brought away from his monologue by someones voice, but it wasn't the voice that caught his attention but what she spoke or what she called him;

'So this is the woman who gave birth to me huh, well she is beautiful and when did she even pick me, it was a surprise to suddenly find myself in this room from that icu, I heard what they said but it was a surprise and even to be carried to her, all without me knowing when this all things have happened. Last time I checked was with those woman wearing nurses dress, who were definitely nurse. So anyway they were cleaning me, wiping all that blood. This new life has a lot of surprises huh. Wait what';

The door opened with a lot of force and it did attract some attention towards it,

"Jeanne are you OK and where is the baby? "

'who is this guy barging in like that, can't you see the peaceful atmosphere you have ruined'

"You should be quiet Albert or else you will scare the baby"

"Sorry, but are you okay, and how is my baby"

"Our Baby"

"Yes, so he is our little star"

"Yes, isn't he just the cutest thing"


'So this guy is my father huh. From hearing their conversation I feel like I got some dotting parents on hand'

"So are you really okay"

"Yes I am really okay and so is our baby, see you can check for yourself"

"Right, but I met the doctor on my way here but she was telling about some minor complication, just listening her say that I felt like I would have a heart attack. So what happened"

"Wait, Minor complications, they didn't tell me anything about it. I had fallen asleep right after giving birth and woke up on my way her. Ahh Dr. Alena there you are what is this little complication you said, nothing would happen to my baby right?"

"When did you come doctor, sorry I didn't see you"

"I just came a bit ago just behind you. I didn't want to intrude in your celebration. So I was just standing by the door"

"Right, sorry for not noticing you sooner but now that you are here can you tell me about that complication you mentioned. I just want to make sure my wife and child are fine and healthy. "

"I understand your reason, but there is nothing to be worried about now. You see after your son came out, he didn't respond"

"Wait is he gonna be alright? "

"Nothing is going to happen to my baby right? "

"Yes, there is nothing to worry about now. After bringing him out. He did not cry and he didn't even give any response, so we were going to put him under artificial life support to support him and do everything in our power to make sure he lived, but then he suddenly opened his eyes and started moving his hands and legs while the nurse was carrying him like nothing was wrong, even we were worried there for a second if everything was alright. After which we were sure he is just one of those types who are just quiet. There have been some cases before, where the baby has not cried after being pulled out and was just fine. "

'So there were some cases like that, huh. I guess it's nothing unique or special. Anyway now I feel bad for making them worry about me like that. When I don't even know them'

"So he is fine right, there won't be any problems right"

"Yes he is fine and there won't be any problems, we have even run some tests and there is nothing to worry about the mother and the baby, both of them are normal and healthy."

"Thank you doctor"

And so they have some conversation for while before the doctor leaves them alone,

"Once again thank you doctor"

"Take care"

'They talked about some stuff which definitely didn't make sense to me. For now I am laying low and have closed my eyes to trick them, which is definitely not because I am feeling tired. Curse that ROB, because of him now I have to suffer this humiliation. From the sound of things that doctor has now gone.'

"So I am a father now"

"That you are, we now have a new family member joining us."


*The woman starts to cry

"It's okay dear, we now have child. You don't have to suffer or blame yourself now"

"Yes, now i have become a mother. I can't express my joy. I am just so happy."

"I understand dear. I know it has been 11 years since we married" ;

After some time

"You should take rest now dear. It hasn't been that long since you gave birth. I'll look after our son. Since he has also fallen asleep. Even you should sleep now. I am gonna be here only with you and our son."

"OK, if he wakes up. You will definitely wake me up."

"Fine now go to sleep."

'Looks like the coast is clear. After hearing their tale, I felt sad for them. It seems my parents have been married for 11 years. And for past 10 years they have been trying for a child but had no success. They have both undergone many tests and have consulted many specialist around the world and they knew they were both healthy and even after consulting experts around the world they didn't get any results and so after 11years of marriage they had Me. I feel sorry for them. This is all the fault of that ROB bastard. Why did he have to create such a sad background for me. I definitely know its that ROBs work. '

*Signs internally

' Nothing can be done about that now. I am sure he must be sleeping right now anyway I am also feeling tired. I guess even I will have some sleep. '

"My son. I know you can't understand what I am trying to say, but I will say it anyway, I and your mother truly love you and will always love you no matter what happens. No matter what you do, you will always be our son and our star. I just want you to be happy and live a wonderful life"

Mc silently listen to his now father's speech before he fell asleep,

"And I love you"

'Ahh... Now i dont know what to do. I am pretty conflicted'

And so our MC travels to the world of dreams for now.

(Author note-For those of you wondering why I gave the Mc this back story. I took inspiration for this couple from a movie, in that movie there were a young married couple(side characters). The wife had gotten pregnant but the couple decided it was to early for them to have a child and they weren't even ready to welcome and take care of child and bring a new life into this world as it also brings a lot responsibility with it. So they decided to abort the baby, but later as time passed by they grew old. There was a time before they grew old where they finally thought that they were ready to raise a child but no matter how many times they tried but it brought no result and time passed by but they didn't stop trying to have child but it didn't bring any result. So they grew old without having a child. They were sad and as they were getting old they stopped trying for a child. I guess it was karma. They were sad of course but they had learned their lesson so they decided if they couldn't have a child then they will help what little is left of their life in helping children who don't have any parents or any relatives. They were getting old they didn't have the energy to open a orphanage so they decided to help already existing orphanage and they helped many orphans. I felt bad for them but I guess I liked one point in them it was that they didn't abandon each other even after everything that had happened and decided to stay together.

Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you like it. Do share and leave a comment on your reaction. Do comment what you felt after reading this fic it gives me motivation to upload this fic, like there are some people who are enjoying this fic and I am open for any feedback you might have. Will meet in the next chapter.

Vanitas_24 Vanitas_24

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