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Chapter 15: Witch

I was still pondering over the meaning of my name almost a week later as the classes flew by.

Feeling a gaze on me I turned my head to the side to see Lucia staring at me.

Even when my gaze met hers her stare remained unwavering.

Averting my gaze I huffed.

"Tch. I know I'm incredibly handsome but can you not stare so hard? It's interfering with my beauty sleep." I whispered.

A small scoff came from behind me as Lucia finally averted her gaze.

"Anything you'd care to share Isaac?" came Valeria's icy voice.

"No, Miss," I said, hiding my head in my arms.

"I didn't think so," she said with a glint in her eyes.

"As I was saying, you will have your first special examination 2 months from now," she said, her eyes glancing over the rest of the class.

A collective of groans resounded as a small smirk beset her beautiful face.

Her icy eyes gleamed as she stared at us.

"You will not know the contents of the exam beforehand and if any of you think of talking to a senior I would advise against it as the test is changed every year," she said.

The last rays of hope escaped the students as they wilted like flowers in the water cold.

Well I already knew what the exam was so I didn't care and I just tried to fall asleep.

2 months hence, we would be taken to the 'Dome'.

The dome was a facility on the island where they could simulate any environment the school wanted.

It could also create fake monsters and animals in order to better train the students.

It was where all of the non-written tests were taken as well as where the tournaments were held.

It functioned on the basis of a lingering Domain-Type Magic that was cast by an Apollyon Class Mage.

As the bell rang signaling the end of the lesson, everyone began hurrying up to make it to our next lesson 'Physical Education.'

Or 'Physical Torture' as it was more commonly known.

As I also prepared to leave the class I was stopped.

"Isaac, stay here for a moment will you?" came an icy voice from behind me.

Stopping and letting others pass by me, I gulped silently.

Turning around, I recomposed myself and faced Valeria.

"Yes, Miss Valeria?" I asked with a cheerful smile on my face.

Snorting slightly, Valeria stared at me and beckoned for me to come closer.

Stepping up I was gripped with fear as she leaned forward.

"You wouldn't happen to know about a fight that occurred several days ago in the boy's bathroom at the training facility would you?" she asked me with a slight edge to her tone.

However I was experienced at lying, it was practically natural to me.

"What fight?" I asked hesitantly, widening my eyes slightly for effect.

"Oh nothing much, just a few second years were beaten up. But of course, as long as you weren't involved then there's nothing to be done."

"After all the camera footage appears to be deleted," she said, a small smirk gracing her lips.

"Ah, well a shame about those second years. I hope they find who did it." I answered, my eye twitching slightly.

"Indeed, it seems that they will be expelled. After all, unsanctioned fighting isn't allowed. I do hope you remember that." she said, her eyes narrowing.

"Of course! How could I forget? Will that be all?" I asked, my eye was twitching quite heavily now.

Nodding her head slightly, her fingers gently tapped against the table.

Turning around to leave, I was just about to exit when I heard.

"Oh and Isaac."

My eye was twitching so violently now I was afraid it would fall out.

Controlling it, I turned my head with a smile.

"Yes?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"Do try to impress me, I'm very unforgiving of laziness," she said, with a smug smirk.

"Of course, Miss Valeria," I answered with a bright smile before turning around and leaving.

As I made it down the hall, I nearly burst out in tears as my eyes strained not to violently explode.

'That Witch!' I thought as I made my way toward PE.

'She knows everything and now she's blackmailing me?'


Blackmail me?

If it was anyone else I would rip their fucking head off!

But the Ice Queen?

Cursing inwardly I could only lament that I would no longer be able to laze around.

Cooling my anger as I made my way to the training field, I eventually arrived where everyone else was.

Everyone stood in a row in front of a muscular-looking guy with permed black hair.

His white shirt threatened to tear as his muscles bulged through it.

His beady brown eyes watched me as I arrived and stood next to the last in the row.

"You're late," he said gruffly.

"My apologies, I was held back," I said through grit teeth.

Turning his attention back to the class he said.

"As I was saying, my name is Alex Riken and my job is to whip your sorry asses into shape."

Glaring at us he continued.

"Not a single one of you will be leaving my lesson before you've collapsed to the ground and were wishing you were dead. Got it?" he shouted.

"Yes, sir." came the voices of disgruntled students.

"Now, you see the track going around the field? I want you to run it," he said, folding his arms.

As no one moved, he glared at us.

"Well? Are you waiting for the Messiah?" he said.

As he said this everyone began to move their feet as they stepped on the track.

As we were running, I sank into deep thoughts.

If from now on I would have to perform well, how well was well?

Could I slide by with decent scores or did I have to push higher?

As I didn't want to anger Valeria it would probably be best to aim for like top 10?


That evil witch, now I won't be able to relax because if I do I'll be expelled.

We had been running for quite a while already and yet no whistle had been blown for us to stop.

Alex was just watching us as we ran.

Why am I still running?

As my feet pounded against the hard red asphalt, I couldn't help but ponder this major question.

The smell of freshly mown grass and the chirping of birds awakened my senses.

And yet my body kept running.


Because he wouldn't blow the damn whistle!

I watched as slowly people began to trickle off as some collapsed or some couldn't run anymore and stopped.

Soon we were down to only a handful of people as our feet rhythmically pounded down the track.

Suddenly a chill ran down my spine as I felt 3 pairs of eyes staring at my back.

Angling my head so that I would be able to look back without being noticed, I realized who it was.

The first pair of eyes was unsurprisingly Anna as she glared at me as she tried to catch up.

The second pair was surprising as Lucia was about to catch up to me.

It nearly scared me as her eyes locked on mine.

Her ruby-red eyes stared at me as if peeking into my soul.

Talk about creepy.

Honestly, women these days.

And the last was Luke who was watching me from the sidelines with a determined expression.

But why?

It was then that I realized what had happened while I was having my little slumber party in my head.

Everyone had dropped off.

And I was in first.

How though?

I didn't remember running into first.

Suddenly the rays of the sun felt extra hot as they beat down on me.

It's impossible, therefore I must be last and they lapped me.

Wiping off the sweat from my anxiety, I was about to stop and drop out when the whistle blew.

Oh, now you blow it!

Crying silently in my head, I made my way over to where everyone else was.

Suddenly everyone stood up and started clapping.


Why are they all looking up at me?

What's with those smiles guys?

Is this what a turkey felt like on thanksgiving?

I felt like a stripper.

"Good job, you surpassed my expectations!" said Alex as he beamed at me.

Turning my head, I could only gaze in horror at the scoreboard.


Isaac Moreau

Laps: 17

Time: 30:00

Lucia Bellerose

Laps: 15

Time: 30:00

Anna Beaufort

Laps: 14

Time: 30:00


How did I run like that with this body?

I mean I know the wonders of mana, but now I seriously have to wonder.

Am I a turkey?

Because if not, what have I done?

*It's not important probably lol*

Umm if you guys want u can comment on the chapter on which character illustration you want to see next and il do it I guess, maybe get some more reader interaction hehe. That's all I don't really have much to say today so as always, Hugz <3

HugzNeeded HugzNeeded

Hugz <3

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