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Author: Idinna_Amaka

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter One

Chapter one

Hong Kong, China

Liu mansion

In the yard of the Liu family, an assassin with a hood covering her face, silently walks to the backyard, when she gets to a spot where she could get a clear view of the mansion, she brings out a rope with an iron at the tip of it, then throws the rope up on the roof and climbs.

She then drops the bag she was holding and brings out a sniper, a cloak, and a walkie-talkie, she puts everything in position and covers herself with the cloak. Then she switched on the walkie-talkie and spoke into it.

"Everything in position, target is the only thing left" she says and scoffs.

"Okay, stay in position, and I'll keep you updated about the target" a masculine voice responds to her.

"Yes sir".

"Target is fifty meters away from you, I hope you copied that '' the voice boomed out of the walkie-talkie.

"Copied sir" The assassin replied and set her sniper, she looked into the lens of the sniper and searched for her target.

"He is thirty meters away from you" the voice boomed out again. The assassin sighed softly and looked into the lens again. "Ten meters" the voice rang out again. She cracks her neck. And looks into the lens again. Through the lens, she could see a black Mercedes-Benz drive into the yard.

"Seen target" she replied into the walkie-talkie.

"You take the shot in ten seconds, ready for the countdown?" the voice asks.

"Yes, I am," she replied and pulled the trigger. She cursed inwardly when she noticed her target with a little girl.

"Ready?" the voice rang out again.

"Target with a kid" she replied in frustration.

"With a kid?" the voice asked and cursed loudly.

"Yes," she replied.

"I don't care, just take the shot. You know we can't lose this man, so take the shot".

"Okay Sir '' she replied and pulled the trigger and aimed it at her target, she took a deep breath then released her grip on the trigger making the bullet hit the target, which caused an uproar. The guards separated themselves, so they could catch the person who had taken the shot.

"I need you to be out of there in five minutes" the voice commanded, and she quickly packed her belongings, she swiftly jumped down from the roof and backed her bag.

She was about to leave when she saw a guard coming her way, the guard also saw her and was about to alarm the rest of the guards, but she ran towards him and kicked his throat. The guard held his throat, and she snapped his head, making him fall down dead.

She dragged his dead body and put it inside a trunk, then she walked away from there. She hid in a corner when she heard footsteps, two guards ran past her and she smirked wickedly. Furthermore, she managed to get out of there before they could come back, but when she got to the main gate, a few guards were guarding the gate, they were not holding weapons.

"Who are you? Who sent you?" A guard asked when he saw her, his English wasn't perfect because he spoke in a Chinese accent.

"Shut up you idiot" she replied and glared at him coldly.

"I'll kill you, you tried to kill the boss you devil" another guard replied and spoke a word in Chinese, making two guards run towards her. She kicked one of the guards in the stomach, which sent him flying. The rest of the guards looked at her.

"I believe I will have to shed blood today, you fools" she said with excitement in her tone.

"Your blood will shed," a guard said and pointed at her.

"Come and die" she replied with a cold time, and the guard foolishly ran towards her. She kicked his manhood before he could throw a punch at her, then removed a dagger from her pocket and slit his throat, making him fall in a pool of blood.

The rest looked at her in astonishment. One of the guards said something in Chinese, and soon the remaining guards were surrounding her, so she wouldn't be able to escape. Her expression didn't change, instead her eyes flickered in excitement.

"Attack" the guard said, and they all lunged themselves at her. She was quick to take an extra dagger from her other pocket and slit the throat of two guards.

"You have just one minute left to get the hell out of that damn place" She heard the man's angry voice and looked at the guards in pity.

"I don't think I have much time left to play with you boys, so I have to make everything snappy" she mocked and brought out a pistol inside her jacket and aimed it at a guard. They all looked scared.

"You won't leave here alive" a guard said, but she only smirked.

"Fools" she hissed and started shooting, she shot all, leaving one behind. She walked over to the only guard remaining, he was shivering, and his black trousers were soaked in his pee.

"Spa….spa….spare my….my…my life please" he pleaded and went down on his knees. She took a close look at his ID card and scoffed.

"Get the hell out of this compound" she ordered and ran out of the compound.

Black Owl clan's Villa.

"It's time we send Claire out of this world" Keith said as he walked about the spacious room.

"Why?" Jack asked, looking confused as he lit a cigarette.


"You don't have to shout, Keith," Flynn retorted angrily. He was sitting beside Jack with a glass of red wine in his hand.

"Why won't I Flynn? Just tell me why I shouldn't shout?" Keith snapped angrily.

"Just don't shout, we can hear you" Jack replied.

"I've heard, I won't shout" Keith responded and took his seat opposite Jack.

"So what's the main reason why you want to murder Claire? " Flynn asked and took a sip from the glass of wine.

"She's becoming stubborn, she's getting weak, she doesn't take the missing assignments seriously. And I am scared she might revolt, "he explained.

"You are wrong, Keith" Jack argued.

"What do you mean by 'I am wrong'?" Keith shouted.

"I asked you not to shout," Flynn snapped and slapped the table in front of him.

"I'm so frustrated, I've trained the girl my whole life, so she could become a great assassin. But what is she about to give me in return for all those years of training? BETRAYAL!!" He shouted and pulled his hair.

"What's the shout all about, Keith?" Claire asked as she walked into the room majestically. Her long silver hair flowing behind her as she walked over to the three men. The men were all shocked and looked at her in surprise.

"When did you come in?" Flynn asked.

" I came in while you were arguing" she replied and looked at Keith. "I asked why you were shouting," she said in a cold tone.

"Because of you, betrayal" Keith shouted and she scoffed.

"I won't remind you not to shout again, Keith," Flynn warned.

"How was the mission, Claire?" Jack asked as he dropped the cigarette he was holding and walked up to Claire. He patted her shoulder and smiled at her, showing her his rottener set of teeth.

"It was stupid and uncalled-for" she replied and collected the glass of wine from Flynn. She drinks the content in one gulp and returns the glass to its owner. "A good wine" she commented.

"Do you have any idea about how many minutes you had spent in that god-damned place?" Keith asked as he eyed her in anger.

"I don't care," she snapped.

"You are becoming stubborn these days Claire, and I'm afraid I'll have to deal with you" Keith retorted.

"Bring whatever you have prepared for me, Keith, you know I'm not scared of anything in this world. You are so heartless Keith, a child was with the target and you insisted I take the shot. Well, I took it, and the kid saw her father dead. You are so inhumane" she fumed and kicked the glass table with her might, making it fall and shatter.

"Since when did you start caring about a second person in your mission, Claire?" Keith asked.

"Since then I found out how heartless you are, Keith. I'm off to bed daddies" she said and angrily walked out of the room.

"You've made her angry Keith, goodnight" Jack said and walked out of the

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