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Chapter 58: Just try again.

Counter Girl: [No!]

Counter Girl: [It's just a coincidence.]

Counter Girl: [He came over to borrow my notes for lectures he missed.]

Counter Girl: [Um, where are you?]

Me: [search for the most expensive looking car]

Me: [I'm inside]

Second round of looking for me. I rolled down the window and waved my hand, which Claire finally noticed. She turned to the dude, said something to him, most likely a goodbye, and jogged towards me. I noted how his eyes followed the Counter Girl's back all the way to the car.

I played around with the idea of pouring more oil into the fire. It would've been a bit of a dick move, and I wasn't completely sure if it would work as intended either. But…

I left the car, watching the approaching Claire. Hm, should I do it or not?

"Tian!" I heard her voice, as she waved her hand with a smile. This sealed my choice.

With a calculated motion, I took a step forward, hugging the surprised girl, who quickly relaxed into my embrace and hugged me back. I caught her gaze and gave her a wink. A moment later, my hand cupped her chin and I kissed her. Yet again without any tongue, but it was longer than a strict greeting. I felt how Claire went still briefly, but then she closed her eyes and accepted my actions. She even hugged me tighter.

"Long time no see, Claire." I said, releasing the flustered girl.

"Um, yes, indeed," she stumbled in her answer.

"Would you like another kiss?" I teased her.

"Um..." she drawled. "Yes…"

This caught me unprepared for an instant, but my automatic reflexes came to the rescue. I leaned in and kissed her one more time, savoring the moment. Chaste kisses with cute girls had something to them, especially when there was an audience.

The lanky dude looked completely mortified, as if his entire world just crashed. I would've pitied him if he didn't miss so many chances already. Claire also was clearly out of his league, so it was just a matter of time before someone would've swooped in to take her away. You should always be careful with the prowling beasts like myself.

"So, are you ready to go?" I asked the girl in my arms, after finally breaking the kiss.

"Oh, um, yes, of course," followed a flustered response.

"And where is your gym bag?" I teased her a bit more.

"Oh! Yeah, um, right. My bag," she tried to laugh it off awkwardly. "I didn't think you would be here so early, so I left it back home…"

"Hm, we can always turn our gym date into a normal one instead." I was fine with either one, and I was genuinely interested in which one Claire would choose.

She halted completely. I could swear there was a bit of smoke coming out of her ears. Did I push her too far here? But then again, Counter Girl was usually all wishy-washy without external pressure.

"I, um, like, yes, but," she muttered something incoherent. "I think I'm underdressed for it."

"Claire," I said, cutting off another attempt at a flimsy excuse. "I look forward to either outcome, but you are the only one who can decide what you want. Our schedule has enough spare time, so you can go back home and either take the bag or choose another outfit. Even if I think you look great in your current one as well."

Her face got a thoughtful expression after hearing my words.

"I… I'll be back soon," she concluded.

"I am looking forward to seeing your decision," I encouraged her.

And she ran away to one of the homes nearby. I followed her back with my gaze, a smile stretching my lips. And I wasn't quite sure which type it was.

Now there was some more time to waste on my hand, so I decided to chat with Olivia. It always occurred to me as strange that this, usually chatty, girl, rarely texts me anything.

Me: [sup?]

Me: [got some time to kill]

Me: [how are you?]

Olivia: [Honey!]

Olivia: [...]

Olivia: [So-so]

Me: [huh?]

Me: [did something happen?]

Olivia: [Nothing important]

Me: [oof]

Me: [my girlfriend just told me nothing happened]

Me: [now I'm worried]

Olivia: [Honey…]

Me: [?]

Olivia: [Fine, there is something, but it's about Pat]

Olivia: [I don't think you will be interested]

Me: [if you want me to help]

Me: [I don't mind getting involved]

Olivia: [It's a bit of a mess…]

Olivia: [Will tell you in person]

Olivia: [Teacher noticed me texting]

Olivia: [Later]

That wasn't ominous at all. Well, with Su's first young lady in their company, nothing drastic should happen. And if push comes to shove… Grandmother already asked me to call for her help if anything happened. As they say, if you preach about not relying on anyone but yourself, you just don't have anyone to rely upon. Self-made men, my ass. With my nature, I would've been long since dead or in a prison, if not for Bella's… and Nicole's help. Ah, soft rice tasted so great.

As my thoughts went onto an unexpected tangent, my date returned at last, with her gym bag this time. A bit disappointing that she was still wearing the same attire, but it was her choice.

"Sorry for making you wait," apologized the Counter Girl.

"You are actually on time, Claire," I decided to placate her.

Not wanting to waste any more time that could be spent on something more pleasant than standing by the car, I opened the door for my date. Not because I felt like being a gentleman, but Bella would've been livid if a Counter Girl, lacking the necessary experience, would somehow mess with her little baby's door. I took my place behind the steering wheel, ugh, and drove off.


The workout itself wasn't anything special. Claire's training plan was a bit too specific for my needs right now, so we worked out separately for the most part. Obviously, there were exceptions, like when she asked me to spot her or our breaks coincided.

I was in the middle of my cooling-down and stretching routine while my gym buddy did her lazy bare minimum. Taking advantage of the situation, which she once again let me get away with, I helped her with her stretches occasionally.

"Do you like my butt that much?" Claire decided not to beat around the bush, after once more catching me enjoying the view of her shapely glutes in the tight yoga pants.

"Yes," I acknowledged. "I like the whole package more, but your bum is easily your most eye-catching feature."

"Oh, um, thanks?" the Counter Girl clearly wasn't sure how to react to my frank words. "Tian, um, it's a weird question, but do you really think I am attractive?"

That was a weird question indeed. Putting a mock thoughtful expression on my face, I did a thorough once over of this cute girl in front of me.

"Of course, duh," I deadpanned. "No offense, but if you weren't looking quite as good as you are, I wouldn't have the chance to discover your other attractive qualities."

"Are looks really that important?" Claire questioned.

"I can't speak for everybody, but for me, personally, they are pretty important," I replied.

"Why?" Another one of those.

"Because I enjoy women's beauty." I said, while shifting into another stance.

"But what if the person is outstanding in everything except looks? Or the opposite, looks are there, but that's all?" She continued her inquiry.

"Then I just need to try again. All the way until finding the full package." I would've shrugged, but it would've messed with the balance.

"But shouldn't someone like that be incredibly rare?" Hm, was she so bored to ask such weird questions?

"Well, I am spending time with one of them right now." I shifted into the last pose. "While killing time to pick up another one from school. The third one is currently out of the city on a business trip, though. Pity."

I omitted the fourth one, who was still ignoring my message. Maybe I should ask grandmother for help to find some info about Helen. My mind halted for an instant. Calling Lady Kouzuki as my grandmother came so naturally. Huh.

Oh, right, I forgot to tell Olivia about the change of plans with Su. Though… I already met the lady-in-black, I should meet the lady-in-white as well. Hm, how to go about that? Now that I think about it, I forgot to give my grandmother my number. There was no doubt that she could easily procure it by herself, but gesture is what counts.

Hm, that would be a nice prank. I should still have that piece of paper I used to sketch my father's personal seal. All that was left is to add my number and, let's say, write something eye-catching. Worse comes to worst, I could be sure the lady-in-white would have about the same reaction as the lady-in-black after learning the truth.

"Tian!" Claire's voice took me out of my deep contemplation.

"Ah, sorry, I lost my way inside my own head while thinking about something a bit important," I explained apologetically. "What did you say?"

"I asked if you want to go somewhere else after this," the Counter Girl responded. "Um, together, I mean. Um, there is one coffee place I know, and you seem to enjoy your coffee…"

I put some thoughts into her words. Then checked the time, quarter before two, and the traffic map, which was green all the way. I wasn't against the idea to spend more time with Claire, either.

"Hm, that depends on how far it is, but I have about an hour to kill." A series of new message pings interrupted my words.

Olivia: [Honey]

Olivia: [You remember I told you that we had a sub that cut it short on Friday?]

Olivia: [Well, now we have an extra class today!]

Olivia: [Kill me, please]

"Ugh, make it two hours," I complained.

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