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Chapter 9: Chapter 9


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"I was interested, say, how does one made one of those... things?" Asked Quinn.

"I don't know, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." Answered Izuku.

Quinn flashed a villainous smile.

"Well guess you're not interested in this then." She said, holding up a syringe filled with a blackish substance.

"What is that?" Izuku asked.

A bee landed in Izuku's shoulder as Quinn's smile grew larger.

"Why don't you find out?!" She said as the bee sunk his stinger into Izuku's flesh, making him wince in pain.

"Ow! What was that for." Asked Izuku, unaffected.

"Wh-what?! How?" Quinn asked in shock,

"The drug should have forced triggered your quirk, making you a nigh unstoppable killing machine like that thing over there." She said, pointing to the Nomu, now getting dogpiled by four heroes at once.

"Oh, so that's what it does." Said Izuku, smiling in content, "HEY NOMU! SHOOT THIS GIRL WOULD YA?"

The Nomu heard his master's orders, and despite the heroes holding him down, he aimed at Quinn and shoot a ball of Rubble at her.

seeing the upcoming barrage, she swiftly dodged out of the way. But a gunshot was heard as the girl looked down, finding a bullet hole in her stomach.

"You... you... YOU QUIRKLESS SON OF A BITCH." Quinn yelled out in anger.

Suddenly, a syringe flew through the smoke and stabbed her in the right knee. She looked down in a hint of panic.

"You dropped it when the Monster fired at you. I thought I'd give it back." Said Izuku.

"You... You" Quinn uttered as her mind started to slip away. "N-no... gotta... fight it... got to... fight..."

Quinn began to transform, ripping her jacket apart as she slowly became a Queen bee.

Izuku noticed that as her jacket was ripping, several vials clanked to the floor containing the same fluid.

"Oh yeah! Jackpot!" Said Izuku, running towards the fallen flasks, most of which were already shattered.

"COME BACK HERE!" Yelled Quinn as she charged at Izuku.

Suddenly, the Nomu sensed that his master was under attack, and jumped back to towards Izuku to save him.

"Look! Another monster! And this one is attacking a child!" Cried some of the heroes that were still up.

As the two monsters clashed, Izuku quickly ducked under the chaos and retrieved the vials.

Suddenly, a rogue Koch sent him flying into one of the broken down H&N stores, flying through the glass and breaking one of the vials.

Izuku felt blood running down his head as his vision was slightly blurry.

Looking at him jacket, it was covered in black substance.

"Let's hope Tomura can recreate this drug, because there's not much left." Izuku said, stumbling up.

Looking out the window, he saw that both the heroes and the news reporters were closing in.

Then he suddenly remembered, He was supposed to he back home. If they see him on TV by chance, the cover would be blown.

He couldn't let that happen. So, without thinking twice and in a rush of adrenaline, he made a B-line for the exit as the Hero were almost there.


"What a wonderful dinner you made." Said Mitsuki, "Right Bakugo?"

Bakugo, still seatbelted to the car seat Mitsuki ripped out simply let out a grunt.

Not wanting to look bad in front of a childhood friend. She sucked it up and just carried on.

"~Come on Kacchan! It's not like this is a trip to the dentist, lighten up!" Said Toga, still disguised as Izuku.

Katsuki turned to toga and gave her the death stare.

"So he plays the tough guy huh? No matter, even the toughest of toughs have a breaking point." Thought Toga.

"Oh! I know how to cheer you up!" Exclaimed Toga, moving his seat to the living room.

"Izuku? Where are you going?" Asked Inko.

"Kacchan been stuck in his seat with his stuck up expression for this entire time, I thought I would, lighten him up a bit."

Katsuki turned to Izuku.


"Shhh... just relax Kacchan..." Toga cut him off, "Just sit back and relax."

Toga placed her hands on Katsuki's sides, Katsuki, seeing this, tried to fight back. Just then, Toga started to tickle him.

"AHAHAHAHAH! AH! OH! STAHP! DEKUHUHUHUHU! PLEAHEHEHEHESE! HAHAHAHAHA!" Katsuki thrashed around helplessly, trying to undo his seatbelt.

Toga started to laugh with him, her face turning more and more psychotic.

"Awwww, they're playing!" Said Inko, charmed.


Izuku barely made it out of the shop, and limped towards the roof, exhausted and busted up.

"Alright, now where's that remote?" Said Izuku, fumbling around inside the package, "Ah, there it is."

"I recon your mission was a success," said a familiar voice.

"Even better, I hit a goldmine while on this mission, I think you'll be quite pleased." Said Izuku, not even turning around.

"Oh? You found something of value?" Asked Tomure.

Izuku turned around, handing him the vial.

"Can you try and replicate this substance?" Asked Izuku.

Tomura exmanined the black liquid.

"Seems doable, why?" Asked Tomura.

Izuku pressed the remote, as a huge ball of flame lit up the mall, setting it ablaze.

Screams can be heard as heroes scrambled about, trying to maintain order.

"Because that will be the amount of damage ONE Nomu can do if we can utilize this drug.

Toruma smiled.

"You have my insterest." Said Tomura.

"Good, now tell your Kurogiri dude to send me home. I have some things to sort out and some work to finalize." Said Izuku.


A dark portal opened at near Izuku's house's street as Izuku hopped out, in normal civilian clothing, with his blood stained outfit stuffed into his backpack.

"I patched myself as best as I could, but there's still some cuts that are somewhat visible on my arm. I'll have to lay low and only wear long sleeved shirts for now to prevent suspicion until my arm heals." Said Izuku to himself, heading towards his house.

At his house, he recognized Katsuki's family car parked next to his house.

'Shit! They're still there? And why is the rear left seat missing?' Though Izuku.

Knowing that Toga was still posing as him for stalling purposes, he looked into the window, expecting chaos inside. What he saw instead shocked him even more.


"Come on Kacchan! Try to keep up!" Yelled Toga.

"I can't! You're getting in my way!" Katsuki yelled back.

"Where's our healer?!" Toga yelled.

"Didn't you kill him two minutes ago when he walked into your line of fire?!" Yelled Katsuki.

"No! That was you!" Replied Toga.

Out of everything Izuku expected, Himiko Toga, disguised as him, playing video games with Kacchan (Still strapped to his car seat) was not one of them.

Though, unsurprisingly, with Mitsuki there, there wasn't much Kacchan could have done to harm Toga.

Just then, Toga's eyes drifted towards the window where Izuku was spying from and winked.

Izuku, knowing she sees her, sent her a text through the phone, telling her to switch with him in the bathroom.


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Toji_Fushigoro Toji_Fushigoro

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