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Chapter 18: Chapter 18


'Not only was this his first time fighting back against me, but his old personality was completely gone, he was not scared for the least bit shaking, he didn't even call me by the nickname he always calls me. There's something fishy going on.' Though Katsuki.

"...You're ready for the entrance ceremony and guidance session? I wonder what our teacher will be like! Boy am I anxious!" Ochako finished.

"If you're here to socialize, then get out!" Said a sudden voice from behind.

Everyone turned to the corner of the classroom to find a sleeping bag with someone in it, a middle aged man it seemed. He was seen sipping a juice box.

"This is..." he said, instantly finishing the juice box, "the hero course!"

'There was someone in there?' Thought everyone in the class.

The lanky man got up groggily, revealing his skinny figure under his tight black shirt and scarf.

"It took a whole eight seconds for you to calm down, while time is a precious resource, your not a very rational bunch, are you?" He continued.

"You're our teacher?" Asked Izuku.

"I'm Aizawa Shota, your home room teacher." He replied, shocking everyone.

'Homeroom teacher?!' Thought Everyone in the class.

"Now change into your gym clothes and hurry up outside." He said abruptly.

Meanwhile, All might was in the teacher's lounge, ready the faculty register.

'The Yuuei education system is like no other, I'm correct, today, the homeroom teacher will be conducting...'

"A test or our quirks?!" Izuku finished All Might's monologue as they arrived to the outside yard.

"What about the entrance ceremony or guidance session?" Asked Ochako.

"No time to waste on that stuff if you want to become heroes." Replied Aizawa in a cold tone, "Yuuei is known for its 'freestyle' education system, that applies to the teachers as well." Replied Aizawa.

"Softball throwing, standing long jump, 50 metre dash, grip strength, side to side jumps, etc... this country still insists on prohibiting quirkswhen calculating the averages on record. The education department is Still procrastinating." Aizawa explained.

He then turned to Katsuki.

"Bakugo, how far could you throw in middle school?" Asked Aizawa.

"67 meter." Answered Bakugo.

"Great, then try with your quirk, just don't leave the circle." Ordered Aizawa.

Katsuki clutched the softball, channeling his strength.

'I'll add a boom to this pitch!' He thought.

"DIE!" katsuki yelled as he threw the ball with all of his might.

"705.2 meters" recorded Aizawa.

'Die?' Thought Izuku.

"WOW! We that kid's amazing! And we all get to freely use our quirks you say? This hero course is awesome!" Cheered some students.

That comment seemed to offend Aizawa however.

"Awesome? Don't get your hopes up. Becoming a pro hero in three years? Don't think it will be all fun and games. The ones with the lowest score across the eight events will be deemed hopeless and expelled." Explained Aizawa.

the whole group went Silent.

"huh? Did you say something?" Izuku suddenly spoke up, too distracted from the notes he was taking.

'Aizawa sensei, what a hassle he'll be, I feel bad for any student in his classroom.' Thought All Might.

"What the heck is wrong with this guy?! Does he show any sense of care?!" Yelled some of the students in the background, shocked at Izuku's composure.

Aizawa smiled.

"Keeping your composure after all this time, I like you, all calm and composed despite an unplanned event unfolding before your eyes." Said Aizawa with pride.

"Unplanned? I knew this was gonna happen all along." Izuku said with a joint of confusion.

the class, including Aizawa went into shock.

"YOU DO?!" They yelled in unison.

"This is a hero school isn't it? Did you really think we will just be shot out of a canon so that we can risk our lives fighting villains? Frankly, I'm surprised you guys didn't stage an unannounced villain attack or fake a murder to test our problem solving skills, making a situation as real as possible can train composure to the point were you become impervious to fear." Explained Izuku.

Aizawa grinned with glee upon hearing this.

"What is your name kid?" Asked Aizawa.

"Izuku Midoriya, why?" Replied and asked Izuku.

"Listen up! This is a notebook example of a ready hero. Unfazed by any dire circumstances. In such, as reward, you can sit out this examination." Aizawa said, patting Izuku's head.

the other students' eyes nearly bulged out of their skull.

"WHAT?!" They yelled in unison.

"DEKU YOU SON OF A..." Katsuki charged in, before getting stopped by several tapes.

"What the... I can't use my quirk." Said Katsuki, confused.

"Because I erased it! Now, get started!" Said Aizawa, glaring at him.

"So that's his quirk, Erasure, the ability to erase other quirks with his mere glare. Interesting." Said Izuku, sitting back and spectating the scene.

"That damn kid!" Thought some of the students, glaring at him in jealousy.

"Wow, he impressed the teacher just like that, he must be a very successful student back at his school, almost like... a senpai?" Commented Ochako.

"Don't be ridiculous Ochako, he may be impressive, but he's far from a..."

"Don't let me distract you, do your best!" Izuku called out, cutting Iida off.

"nevermind, he does feel like a senpai." Iida changed his mind.

Suddenly, Aizawa pulled out a notebook turned to Izuku.

"By the way, you had amazing ideas back there, mind if I note a few?" Asked Aizawa.

"DONT YOU DARE GIVE THAT MAN IDEAS!" Yelled most of the students

Sitting out the exam also gave Izuku another perk, he got to examine and study the quirks of the other students.

He took a particular interest in this one student named Shota Todoroki during his observation, as he displayed amazing feats and has a interesting quirk to back it up.

Eventually the exams were over.

"Welp, that concludes the exams, and now, to tally up the scores." Explained Aizawa.

Most of the students were shaking anxiously, hoping not to get expelled. As the score board showed up however, Aizawl let out one last bit of information.

"By the way, I was kidding when I said I would expel the lowest score, it was just to bring out the best in all of you." Explained Aizawa.

The class froze.


Izuku however, saw through his lie.

'Just kidding? My ass, you did it because you thought you were being clever after I mentioned my ideas. I saw your documents, you expelled a full first year class last year, you would have expelled... let's see... Mineta without batting an eye.' Thought Izuku.

"And that concludes the class, see you all tomorrow." Aizawl said, leaving nonchalantly.

After his speech, he headed towards the school exit, but was stopped by All Might.

"May I ask you why you let Izuku off easy?" Asked All Might.

Aizawa turned to All Might.

"I noticed something off about the kid, he seemed composed, rather, too composed, he claims to have predicted this event, but The only real way to know about it is to hack into the school forums. It may just be a stroke of luck, but I'm not taking any chances, I have my suspicions on him." Explained Aizawa.

"Now that you mention it, I go seem to feel like I've met the kid somewhere, but can't seem to get a grasp on where." Explained All Might, "But keep your eye on him, there is a serial killer who knows my only weakness, we can't take any chances."

Little did the two of them know, Izuku followed Aizawa and overheard the entire conversation.

"Shit... he's onto me. No matter, I'll just have to take him out as soon as possible." Said Izuku to himself.

Later that day, he left the building after the first day, with his head and notebook overflowing with new information he can't wait to share with the League.

"Yo! Izu-bro!" A familiar voice was heard, it was Sachi, and Irina was following him.

"Sachi! How did the mission go?" Asked Izuku.

"Killed the target and left no trace!" He replied.

"You have my right to be impressed." Continued Irina, "Of course, this operation couldn't have been successful without me."

"Didn't you get pinned down like, at least 3 times when fighting the dude?" Asked Sachi.

"OH SHUT UP!" Yelled Irina, pissed off.

as the three headed off, Ochako and Iida watched from a distance.

"I wanted to say thank you to him for encouraging me, damn it." Said Ochako in dissatisfaction.

"Yeah, the dude's impressive, and respectful, I definitely misjudged him that other day." Replied Iida, before punching a nearby tree in frustration, startling Ochako, "Just how is he figure everything out so quickly when even I couldn't?! Just how?!"

"Okay Tenya-San, just breathe okay? Breathe" said Ochako, attempting to calm him down.



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Toji_Fushigoro Toji_Fushigoro

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