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Chapter 3: Chapter Two


"Rave! I'm so happy you came! Come meet my future husband, Caiden this is the one and only Raven and Raven this is the man I'm going to marry!" Marley falls back from the embrace to bounce her way back to Caidens side.

Caiden's light blue eyes stare intensely at me for a good few seconds before looking away and clearing his throat, "It's nice to meet you Raven."



Chapter Two


"Raven, would you just kiss me." His whispers, his face hovering above mine, his eyes glancing down at my lips longingly and that's all it took for me to lose it.

My mouth opens as a gasp flies out, my hands automatically flinging around his neck and my lips plaster against his.

Slowly at first, we move our lips as one, our hands in each other's hair and then we were tightly gripping each other getting as close as we could.

His hands grapple everywhere and try to worm the white tank top up off my hips and over my body, but his hands kept slipping.

"I cannot get this off fast enough." He growls out.

"Rip it then..."

I couldn't help but stare at him, my mouth hung open, my face probably one of complete shock.

"I know, isn't he sexy?" Marley's obnoxious voice fills my head and snaps me out of my trance.

"U-um. Sure, nice to meet you too." I say and give a quick smile towards Caidens figure, before casting my eyes aside and continuing on inside as Samson has already gone inside.

I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to think. My mind kind of just went blank and in denial mode. Denial of it ever happening.

That night.

I shake my head and come face to face with a huge crowd of people, that looked a lot more than ten or so people, but who am I to keep count? It wasn't my bachelorette party.

So whom am I to judge for there possibly being more people than I was told?

Simple, I wasn't. My anxiety was.

My lungs burned with being constricted together, no air passing through the organs and made them seem tied together. My heart pounds loudly in my chest and sweat formed on the palms of my hands.

"Oh my god! I totally knew you would make it, see everybody doubted, but low and behold, you actually showed!" A short and chubby woman comes into my view first as the light brown cupboards and granite tops faded from view.

A strawberry blonde with big pink glasses becomes in my center vision.

"Ah, don't mind Jade, she just says whatever is on her mind." Marley's light and naturally bouncy voice floats across the room and feel her warm hands clamp around my shoulders from behind.

"I'm not." I mutter lightly and turn to the rest of the group.

They all seemed about our age, early twenties to late twenties.

Nobody, in particular, stood out and all seemed pretty normal looking, but I didn't have the desire to make friends, so I turn around and face Marley.

"Can you show me to my room, I'm wicked tired, I need a short nap. Samson! Come!" I yell out and feel a hot burn stare at the base of my neck and crawl around my neck and settle on my face.

I see through my peripheral vision a figure, one all too familiar even after all this time, and my eyes burn as the urge to turn my head and make our eyes meet was a tight pull.

But, I resist the urge.

I hear a bark and Samson in all his muscly glory, struts in with his tongue sticking out and breathes heavily, "I got your water and food in my bag, wait till we get settled and I'll give you some." I say and he stares up at me, with hope in his eyes, his tongue shooting out to lap over his muzzle, he was most definitely hungry.

Marley's face breaks out in a smile and she links her arm in mine, instantly turning us around to face the living room, directing us to a long staircase leading upstairs and around a corner.

My eyes opened wide, shock evident on my face as my mouth hangs wide open. This whole cabin was probably the biggest I had seen in my entire life, the whole outside looked like it was a mansion on the inside.

When you walk in, you are instantly hit with expensive everything and shiny objects resting everywhere, all twinkling no matter where you stand. Waxed wood stained the floors, and the banister for the staircase leading upstairs was made out of wood along with the steps being stone.

There were a lot of stone and wood-themed house objects and furniture around, I noticed this must have been one hell of an expensive place to buy or rent for the summer.

Yeah, this wasn't just a weekend of a bachelorette party, this was the last get-together for the summer, the last little hoorah we have for Marley and I, and also something to look back on once we get older.

However, I had a sick feeling in my gut and it made me uneasy as we climb the stone stairs and turn the corner to a hall with many doors.

"Oh, Marley, please tell me in not over here-"

"No, I know how you get around people you don't know Rave,

I don't know how they managed it, but this was an expensive cabin.

We turn to the right and come across a second-floor small living room area, and more guest bedrooms, along with a staircase leading up and a small set of stairs leading down. Marley continues into the second living room and faces the set of bright light wood stairs leading up.

"Mine and Caidens room is the one at the left of the hall we turned to and your room is up here, in the attic." Marleys says pointing up the stairs and I smile relief instantly flooding my entire body.

"Oh my, thank you Marley, I don't know if I would have survived sleeping next to other people's rooms."

"I know, that's why I told everyone to leave the attic to you, but because you were so late in arriving, some were getting anxious." Marleys says as she steps up and onto the stairs, ascending the stairs, disappearing around the curve.

I follow Marley's retreating footfalls and lift my hand up, to slowly bring my fingers down and trail my fingertips along the smooth surprisingly warm wooden post that the stairs are attached to and curve around.

I walk up the stairs and hear Samson softly padding up the stairs behind me, and walk into a beautiful attic set up for a bedroom, Samson went ahead and ran to the bed instantly jumping on it and running in a couple of circles before settling down and closing his eyes.

′Okay, so nap before food.′ I think to myself and break out into a smile.

The whole entire setting of this attic bedroom was beautiful and just the perfect atmosphere for me.

Little lights hung around the room, clear lights hung around the room creating a dim light surrounding the comfortable-looking area. The bed that was on the left side of the room was at least a queen size and the other side of the room was a cute reading and lounge side with fluffy bean bags, sitting chairs, and books stacked upon books.

"I'll let you take your nap, I know how you are when you don't get the sleep you want. We can catch up and I will explain everything later." Marley says and spins around, slamming the door closed with a rushed "sorry" through the door she was off.

And I was left alone to my thoughts.

I didn't really want to think about the man downstairs. Caiden.

The man I had a one-night stand with months ago...Was just downstairs.

As much as my mind reeled, I was exhausted, I couldn't think about the depressing thoughts surrounding what is my new reality.

Instead, I choose to push everything aside, climb on the queen-sized mattress, snuggle with the long soft blanket thrown across and close my eyes and feel Samson lean against me.

The heat from Samson was sprouting out, in waves and I feel myself drift away enjoying that heat for a moment as a comfortable warm hug enveloped my body and cocooned me to sleep.

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