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[HP] butterfly effect [HP] butterfly effect original

[HP] butterfly effect

Author: berichplz

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 01

April 18, 1978. Plymouth, UK

  A thick, pure white mist pours down from above the pale green stream, swallowing all the colors around it, and the steep spring breeze blows from the top of the mountain, full of dampness.

  Aurora sat at the end of the wooden bridge by the creek and played with her feet in the water for a while. It wasn't until the long straight and light blonde hair that was casually draped behind her was wet with excessive water vapor in the air that she got up and withdrew her feet from the river, pulled up the double black and gray linen long skirt that she rolled up to her knees and wiped it twice at random, jumped into the shoes next to her, and tapped the ground with her toes to make sure she was dressed.

  This is a hobby she has cultivated since she suddenly woke up one late autumn evening a year ago and found herself awake in a completely unfamiliar environment.

  Her body was only six years old at the time, and after waking up from the endless darkness, everything reflected in her pupils was strange and old. The spider silk that intertwined the edges of the wooden windows shimmered slightly in the brilliant light, like a light cloud, hanging there gray, and she stared blankly for a long time before she was sure that she was not dreaming.

  She woke up, and she had no idea where she was, who she had been, what she had done, or why she was here.

  But she was sure that she was not the original owner of this overly young body, she only remembered that in the depths of her empty and confused mind, after all the memories had shattered into flying ash and left her, only a pair of black eyes were indelible although they were blurry.

  It was as if it had been deeply engraved into her consciousness by some sharp weapon, and eroded by countless time lapses, hazy and profound.

  Everything after that was like a disaster.

  Completely blank memories, unimpressive family and unfamiliar environment. Aurora even had to start from scratch, little by little learning the country's novel language and adapting to a world that left her at a loss. She never accepted the country doctor's statement that "drowning leads to excessive stimulation, so amnesia", have you seen any amnesia that can make people go back so many years even in language and psychological cognition? But Aurora has been strategically silent on this matter and does not refute it.

  If nothing else, because the mother of the original owner of this body had been so grieving that she could no longer withstand any blows, the poor woman, who had been deprived of most of her eyesight by the disease, was almost completely blind after crying bitterly in remorse.

  If she knew that her daughter had changed from within, she would have to take a breath in the next second.

  Aurora Rose Field, the name of the original owner of this body, she happily used it, anyway, she can't remember who she used to be called, but this little girl is too young. In a daze, she remembered that she shouldn't have been so young.

  With the changes in her body, Aurora noticed a serious deterioration in her cognitive and comprehension levels after a few days, and was not much better than an ordinary little girl. Long difficult sentences in English that ordinary children do not understand at all are still long difficult sentences, and the only advantage is that even if they do not understand, Aurora will not cry and make trouble.

  This phenomenon is very strange, and it stands to reason that if she really degenerated into a little girl who was only six years old, she would not have this awareness. She should play and joke recklessly, spit on the children who dare to band together to bully her and call her a monster, and she will not bother to entangle herself about how this change has occurred.

Her current situation looks the same as a child who is forced to be precocious due to a distorted family environment, but is still young and innocent inside, with an age-inappropriate little adult temperament. The difference is that Aurora's situation is the opposite of this kind of child, and she is the one who is over-aged inside.

  Unfortunately, even so, the blank past and the weakness and incoordination of physical functions make her now at most a good child who never worries about it, and she has little to do with "sophisticated" and "mature and stable".

  Only occasionally, she remembered that maybe she shouldn't be here, she shouldn't be like this.

  Then she discovered the river and came here for two hours a day.

  Three months later, Aurora gave up her research on this difficult problem, and her current intelligence and knowledge were really not enough to support her to think about it.

  She had better think about how to go home safely and undisturbed for a while.

  The Peterson triplets are a nightmare, ambushing you on Aurora's way home, tricking you in every way you can't think they can't do. However, compared to their endless tricks, their opening statement is much inferior. So much so that as long as they have one mouth, Aurora can know what they are going to say - "child of the monster", "your father is an old monster, your mother is dying, and then you mongrel".

  God knows! Aurora had never seen the father of the original owner of the body, let alone know what grudge he had with the family. However, judging from the performance of the devil triplets, Aurora is more inclined to believe that they deserve it.

  But they are right about one thing, this body does have something out of the ordinary. And it was also thanks to their blessing that Aurora passively knew.

  It happened a month after Aurora woke up from the "drowning incident", and Aurora remembers that it was her most embarrassing, carrying a basket of potatoes and cabbage to sway, and then being frightened by their pet snake and falling into the muddy mud pool formed by the rain next to her.

  It felt really bad to be sweating and drenched, and her fear of snakes deepened.

  At the same time, the triplets also deepened their dislike for her, and the slogan "Little Monster Little Bastard" was as loud as a bomb dropped from a plane during the bombing of London, whizzing until it exploded and was eager for the whole of Britain to hear.

  No wonder Aurora overreacted, as long as she is a normal person, she will be frightened and frightened if she is suddenly smashed to the ground by a small golden python that falls from the sky. What's more, she was only a little over six years old at that time, lying on the ground and reaching out to touch, the scales of snakes were smooth and cold as if touching the front of a knife, and the bright red letter was as beautiful as if she had just licked blood.

  Aurora screamed and struggled on the ground, and the basket in her hand was thrown out at some point, and the contents were scattered on the ground. She swore that she had never exploded with such a great desire and potential for survival in her life, not only successfully breaking free from the snake's temperatureless body and falling into a mud puddle, but also smashing it with potatoes and vegetables she had just bought from the market.

  Also rolling down from the tree were the Peterson triplets.

  There was no less panic on their faces than in Aurora.

  Then Aurora discovers that the vegetables and potatoes were not smashed out by themselves, but that they spontaneously floated up like little cannonballs with long eyes, and slammed into the ass and heads of the three hateful little boys.

  One of them, an egg already covered with cracks, died with the trousers of the eldest of the triplets, leaving a bright yellow mark in the center of the pants to show his heroic sacrifice.

  There was also a potato who was too fat to catch up, and jumped in place as if to express his dissatisfaction. And the moment the golden python raised its head and opened its mouth, the fat potato catapulted itself into its mouth without hesitation, stuck between its fangs.

  The golden python hesitated, seemingly not wanting to swallow this thing into its stomach. Because this kind of thing does not help its hibernation at all.

  Aurora cried out completely, and before she even had time to pick up the basket, she ran out of the mud puddle and went straight to the house, wrapped in a blanket and huddled by the fireplace, unable to say a complete word. The mother fumbled over, touched the mud and wetness on Aurora's body, her fingertips slowly pressed against her cheeks, warm tears made her tremble slightly, and then hugged the shivering little girl tightly and kissed her forehead.

  It wasn't until the sun went down that Aurora remembered that she had lost all her food for the next few days.

  Despite her mother's repeated statements that she didn't have to go again, and that the family's leftover soft bread would help them survive tonight, Aurora still struggled a few times and returned to the mud puddle along the same path with a horse lantern.

  No snakes, no annoying triplets, just a few crumbled eggs and two dirty cabbages, a few scattered potatoes.

  Aurora poked the potatoes with a branch, making sure they wouldn't move again, and then trembled and picked them up with her hands.

  In the days that followed, Aurora watched her mother slowly boil them and other ingredients into a thick soup, and her mood was extremely complicated, and her expression of drinking the soup was a kind of death-defying.

  Thankfully, her mother's eyes couldn't see, and Aurora had never been gifted at making excuses for this ancient and sleek art.

  Surprisingly and luckily, Aurora didn't meet the disgusting triplets when she returned home today—although in a way, she was the one most disgusted by the town—which kept her in a good mood until tomorrow morning.

  In the UK in April, the sun is an absolute luxury. The soft, unheated wind dried Aurora's damp hair and swept away the heat that had been hard to accumulate on her body.

In all fairness, she doesn't have such a fanatical desire for sunny weather, and in a place like the UK, you can never expect the sun to be generous here. So she is not looking forward to or even a little reluctant to the arrival of spring.

What a wonderful winter, no mosquitoes, no spiders, and most importantly, no snakes.

Perfect, except for the cold.

After pushing open the door, Aurora teased the brown spotted dog, Carter, who was squatting outside the door waiting to greet her as usual. Carter was very happy to see her, and leaned in to lick Aurora's hand, trying to warm her cold, pale fingers.

Aurora rubbed Carter's head lightly, and fed Carter for a while with a small piece of bacon jerky in her pocket that had not been fed last time, but suddenly caught a glimpse of a slender figure standing in the open space in the backyard of the house.

That person has thick curly black hair, dark gray eyes that are as deep and shiny as gray crystals deposited with mist, and there are several obvious scars on his face. There is no doubt that he is a very handsome young man. At the age of seventeen or eighteen, Shaohua is just in full bloom. The premise is that if he changes the jacket that has some holes on him.

Aurora looked at him for a while, not understanding what he was looking at. Then after looking around, she began to wonder if this person was looking at her.

Maybe...he is a real friend of Aurora? A bit unlikely depending on age.

Is that... someone who knew Aurora before? She really didn't want to think of the word "father", this boy was too young to be possible.

The boy stood there for a while, and Aurora held Carter and looked at him for a while, before deciding whether to walk over and ask him if he needed help, another unfamiliar voice rang behind Aurora. up.

"Is it Orova Field's house?" The speaker was a boy about the same age as Aurora, with short brown hair that was a bit funny, and his eyes were warm golden brown.

"Aurora." Aurora started to correct him, then turned to look in the direction of the strange tall boy, only to find that the other party had disappeared.

"Oh, sorry." The boy scratched his head, as if he was a little embarrassed because he called the person by the wrong name the first time they met. Aurora looked at the other party, "Is there something wrong?"

"We just moved here, right across from your house." The boy pointed to the log-colored house opposite the house where movers kept coming in and out, "My name is Gerard Voxelle Chevalier."

"Aurora Rose Field, nice to meet you, Mr. Chevalier."

"Call me Vox, that's what my dad called me." Vox said, taking out the hand that had been behind his back, holding a box of things with cards attached, "Dad asked me to bring it here, I wish the neighbors joy."

Generally speaking, the informal name is directly used for the name, and the middle name is rarely used unless the name has some special meaning.

"Thank you, just call me Aurora." Aurora took the box and asked Vox to wait in the living room for a while. She went to pack a pack of wild berry cakes that were baked yesterday as a gift.

But when Aurora entered the kitchen, she was stunned by the sight in front of her:

The table, which should have been empty, was piled with fresh ingredients and various fruits and vegetables, as well as some freshly colored meat, and a waterproof cloth bag with oiled parchment under it, and even a Several books that look very brand new.

This is definitely an illusion.

Aurora touched her stomach with a stomachache, was she actually hungry enough to have hallucinations?

She closed her eyes, then opened them again, they were still there. Aurora took a deep breath, turned and walked out of the kitchen, then stopped for a while, then turned back and opened the door.

The things on the table were motionless, just as many, piled up there silently, almost innocent.

"What's the matter? Phil... Aurora?" Vox didn't understand why she walked out and in so inexplicably.

She muttered a few meaningless monosyllables, her light brown eyes staring at the pile in disbelief. Vox glanced inside curiously and was quite surprised: "It's very rich."

"Sorry...but, what day is it today?" Aurora finally admitted that this was not an illusion, because the boy next to him also saw it, didn't he?

Please tell her that today is Christmas, otherwise she really can't find a reason to comfort herself.

"April 18." Vox gave her a strange look, as if weighing the girl's mental health.

"Okay..." Aurora walked in, quickly and skillfully flipped through the closet to find what she was looking for, wrapped a large bag of wild berry cakes and stuffed it into Vaux's hands, with a bright and far-fetched smile, "Happy neighborhood. Is it time for you to go back to eat?"

Vox twitched the corners of her mouth because of her smile, took the biscuits and said goodbye.

It seems that it is impossible for the neighborhood to be happy. Aurora is absolutely certain.

She looked back at the inexplicable pile of things, and quickly ran upstairs with her skirt to find her mother.

For some reason, the dark-haired boy she had just seen in the open space outside the backyard suddenly flashed in her mind.

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