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Chapter 100: Winning The Bet (Arc 2)

When Feng Yongrui was hit, all he could think of was pain, pain, and… well, he managed to curse the System inside his head, but other than that, he couldn't think of anything else.

After that, Feng Yongrui felt himself drifting in and out of consciousness. Whenever he was conscious, though, Feng Yongrui always felt like something wasn't right.

When he was unconscious, Feng Yongrui felt like he was drifting in an unknown space. He sometimes felt like he was dreaming, but whenever he woke up, he couldn't grasp his dream or remember anything about it.

Finally, Feng Yongrui felt himself become conscious and he tried to sit up. However, he looked down and realized that… he was a ghost?!

"System?! System!" Feng Yongrui called out in reflex.

"Oh~ Host~ You still remember me? Host, I'm so touched~~ After such a scary experience, the first thing you looked for was me, your beloved System~~~" a cheery voice replied.

Feng Yongrui felt goosebumps on his arm and shuddered.

"Shut up."

Feng Yongrui looked down and saw himself floating near a hospital bed. When he looked at the person lying on the bed, Feng Yongrui realized that it was himself, "Yin Yongrui".

"Yin Yongrui" was lying on the bed, eyes closed and breathing weakly. His face was pale and there were various medical instruments around him.

Feng Yongrui: ???

"System, explain the situation," Feng Yongrui said curtly.

"Understood, Host~~"

The System began explaining everything cheerfully. It had been 6 months since the accident happened. When Yin Longshen heard that his younger brother got into a car accident, his blackening value had reached 38%.

When Yin Longshen heard that Yin Yongrui would probably stay as a vegetable for the rest of his life, his blackening value reached 45%. The day after the accident, Yin Longshen received an anonymous email that explained that the entire car accident was planned by the Chen family's subordinate, Wang Li.

The email contained proof and evidence regarding everything about the incident, including voice recordings, videos, and written evidence. (This email was sent by Feng Yongrui through another phone that he had bought. He collected all the evidence he had and set a timer for the email to be sent one day after the accident).

Atfer receiving the anonymous email, Yin Longshen was furious and ordered his people to investigate everything that happened that day.

They investigated the evidence that the email sent them, they investigated the Chen family, as well as everything that had happened that day.

Of course, with his ability and connections, Yin Longshen was able to find out the "truth". The Chen family had planned to hurt him, but somehow, there was a miscommunication and the one who ended up getting hurt was Yin Yongrui.

Yin Longshen was enraged when he found out about everything that had happened, and he swore revenge against the Chen family. His blackening value rose to 65% in one night.

Using the evidence that the anonymous person had given him as well as his own investigation results, Yin Longshen exposed the Chen family's crimes and brought them to court.

Yin Longshen changed his surname, following his mother. He became known as Mu Longshen. After that, Mu Longshen officially announced that he was the CEO and founder of XBH Company.

After some other companies dug into his identity, they found out that he was the son of the Yin family and used various means to try and obstruct his way. Yin Qiushan was also unhappy when he found out that Yin Longshen had changed his surname.

Yin Qiushan wanted Mu Longshen to return to the Yin family. Of course, Yin Qiushan didn't have pure reasons. He simply saw that XBH Company was very successful, so he wanted it to be under the Yin family.

Of course, Mu Longshen did not agree. He told Yin Qiushan "no" very firmly.

Enraged, Yin Qiushan tried to use any means to suppress and force Mu Longshen into giving in. However, Mu Longshen acted decisively and dealt with any and all opponents that he had, one by one...

The people in the business world were terrified by his ferocity, his willpower, and his decisive cruelty in anyone who dared to stand in his way.

"As for you, Host, you've been lying in bed for 6 months, staying in and out of consciousness," the System said.

"...I see..." Feng Yongrui sighed.

He didn't know whether t be happy or sad.

He had obviously won the bet. He had managed to make the protagonist's blackening value reach 60%, no, it was even more than that, so why didn't he feel happy?

Maybe it was because he was worried about his older brother... Maybe it was because he felt guilty towards his older brother...

After all, he did trick his older brother by arranging this whole incident...

"Host~~ Congratulations for completing the task~~" the System's voice popped up in his head and Feng Yongrui grimaced. The System's voice was... way too happy, right?

"Host, I have good news~~" the System giggled.

"...Just speak normally."

"Yes~~ So, do you remember what I told you before? The part where I told you to push the protagonist down the stairs?" the System asked.

"Huh, you must be really happy if you're talking in first person," Feng Yongrui muttered.

"I remember that incident," Feng Yongrui added. "You forced me to push him down the stairs, but I refused."

"Ahem. Yes, that incident. Well, Host, you should know that I was just doing that because of the rules, right? There are rules from the higher-ups as well, you know... And I was afraid that your wishy-washy nature would make us fail this task..."

"'Wishy-washy nature'?" Feng Yongrui repeated word by word, rolling his eyes.

"Ahem, that is not the point, Host. In any case, despite doing this task... the 'unconventional' way, you still managed to succeed, right? When the higher-ups found out about it, they congratulated me~~"

"Oh, right. They also told me not to, ahem, force you anymore."

"You won't force me?"

"Yes, I won't force you to do the tasks the normal way," the System shrugged. "From now on, no matter how you want to complete the task, it doesn't matter, as long as you succeed."

"...I see. Well, I guess that is indeed a good thing..."

"Right, since I'm done with my task here... will I leave?" Feng Yongrui asked the System.

"Of course, Host. Actually, the protagonist's blackening value had reached 60% some time ago, but you were still unconscious at that time, so I just let you be. Now that you're awake, we can go," the System said.

Feng Yongrui looked at the sleeping "Yin Yongrui" lying on the bed with a pale face.

"If I go..."

If I go, he will die, right? Feng Yongrui wanted to ask.

"Yes, yes, if you go, 'Yin Yongrui' will die," the System said impatiently. "Host, there's no need to be so sad. After the car crash, 'Yin Yongrui was hurt very badly. The only reason he survived this long was because of you and me."

Feng Yongrui clenched his fists and looked at the System.

"Can I stay here for a while? Can I stay and see my brother one more time?" Feng Yongrui asked hopefully.

"Do you mean you want to... wake up?" the System asked tentatively.

Feng Yongrui nodded his head quickly.

"Host... that's a bit..." the System's voice died down and it struggled to continue its sentence.

"System, don't worry, I'm willing to pay --" Feng Yongrui had yet to finish his sentence, but the door was opened and Feng Yongrui whipped his head to the side to see who it was.

"Ge?" Feng Yongrui instinctively called.

"...Host, right now you're a ghost. He can't hear you," the System reminded him.

Feng Yongrui floated closer to his older brother and observed his face. Yin Longshen, no, Mu Longshen looked like he had aged considerably. He looked older, more tired, and sharper than before.

Mu Longshen pulled out a chair and sat next to the sleeping Yin Yongrui, but he did not say anything.

"...Why is he so quiet?" Feng Yongrui whispered inside his head.

"I don't know either. Usually when he comes here, he starts talking and chattering and blabbing about his life and work," the System replied.

"Wait, he usually comes here?" Feng Yongrui was surprised.

The System huffed. "Of course! Did you think he'd forget about you or something?"

"...How often does he come here?"

"At least once a week, usually more than that," came the reply.

Feng Yongrui floated closer to his older brother, and he felt the latter frowning. Mu Longshen suddenly turned his head, and he became face to face with Feng Yongrui, the ghost.

"Uhm... thankfully he can't see me," Feng Yongrui muttered. "Otherwise, it would be so weird..."

"Host, your time is running up. You're going to leave this world soon," the System's voice suddenly sounded inside his head.

"What? I'm leaving already?" Feng Yongrui cried, alarmed.

"That's right, Host. You said you want to wake up, but unfortunately, that won't be possible. You'll be leaving in a minute. Please hurry and get ready, Host," the System reminded.

Feng Yongrui sighed and looked at his older brother's face.

"Ge... I'll be leaving soon. I know you can't hear me, but I still want to thank you. You're... you're a very good person and a very good brother."

"Ge, don't blame yourself regarding my incident. Actually... it was my fault. So don't feel bad about it..." Feng Yongrui felt his nose turning sour and he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Ge, even if I'm not there with you, you should be happy, okay? You have to live well..." Feng Yongrui whispered, choking back the sobs that threatened to spill out.

"Ge, even if I'm gone... you have to --"

"World transfer initiation complete -- beep... beep..." Feng Yongrui heard the System's voice.

"What? W-wait, I haven't finished my dying speech yet! It's not touching enough!" Feng Yongrui protested, but before he could say anything anymore, he felt his surroundings turn into a white puddle and darkness envelope him.


Mu Longshen looked at his younger brother, lying on the bed without a single movement at all.

His younger brother was dead, and he knew it.

Tears plopped out of his eyes and he struggled not to cry out loud.

"'I haven't finished my dying speech'?" Mu Longshen whispered, half chuckling and half crying.

"Little brother... you are really..." Mu Longshen used his sleeve to wipe away his tears. He gave a small chortle as his tears continued falling.

Although his face was filled with tears, his heart was actually rather calm. He even felt... relieved.

Mu Longshen sighed and looked up.

"Little brother, don't worry. I will live this life well."

End Of Arc Two~


Dun-dun-dun~~~ What did you think of this arc?? From an author's standpoint, this arc was pretty challenging, but hopefully, it was as touching and as good as it was meant to be...

Tell me what you think of this arc in the comments below, or write a review~ Anyway, I will always be glad to hear your thoughts.


Bonus: An Interview With A Minor Supporting Character

*Note: This is NOT an essential or real part of the story, feel free to skip it. This was just written... for fun. :) Enjoy~

Interviewer: So~~ Welcome to our mini "Interview With A Minor Supporting Character"~~ Let's welcome our guest, [daylily900], also known as Peng Hui!

Peng Hui: Hello, hello! Thank you for inviting me here... But, I do have one complaint, do you mind if I say this before we start?

Interviewer: I don't mind. What would you like to say? Would you like to greet your fans?

Peng Hui: *whispers* I don't have fans...

Interviewer: Pardon?

Peng Hui: Ahem! I wanted to say that the title of this interview is wrong. I am not a "minor supporting character".

Interviewer: ...But surely you know you're not the main character, right?

Peng Hui: Listen, saying that kind of sentence is extremely infuriating. Just, just think about it. I was born into a wealthy family. I have good looks. I'm intelligent, and I'm the heir to my company. Which part of me doesn't scream "protagonist"??

Interviewer: Well... your good looks are self-proclaimed. I don't recall reading anywhere in the story that says you are handsome.

Peng Hui: That's not the point, alright? Look, that blasted author made me rich, handsome, and smart, and yet! I only appeared in a few chapters, and that was it!

Interviewer: Hmm... I understand your feelings. But, why did you accept this role in the first place?

Peng Hui: T-they told me that I would be rich, so I agreed to act as Peng Hui.

Interviewer: ...Just because of that?

Peng Hui: W-well, isn't nice to be rich inside a novel? As long as I have money, is there any problem that can't be solved?

Interviewer: Did it never cross your mind that it could be a scam? Also, don't you know that now days, those people who are handsome, rich, and intelligent are usually the villains?

Peng Hui: W-well... Look, I wasn't thinking that far ahead at that moment...

Interviewer: So you just agreed to fill in this role?

Peng Hui: Yes... Well, anyway, my role isn't thaat bad, right? At least I didn't end up as a villain or a cannon fodder...

Interviewer: Ahem, that is a bold statement... As expected from someone from the Peng family... But, you still haven't told us what's wrong with the title of this interview...

Peng Hui: Ah, yes. We were talking about that. Now, you see, I know I'm not the main character, but I'm not a "minor supporting role" either.

Interviewer: And why do you say so?

Peng Hui: My role is pretty important. If I didn't exist, no one would freely lend money to the protagonist so that he could start his own company... With that thought in mind, don't you think my role is not just a "minor supporting character"?

Interviewer: Hmm, it does make sense... Then, what would you call your role?

Peng Hui: Supporting character.

Interviewer: "..."

Peng Hui: Why are you laughing? There's a difference, you know... I erased the word 'minor'. That's a significant difference...

Interviewer: Hahaha~ I see. Then, let's start with our first interview question. What do you think of your colleagues in this story?

Peng Hui: Do I have colleagues?

Interviewer: Of course. Didn't you know? Tan Jiuming is also a "supporting character".

Peng Hui: Excuse me? Tan Jiuming? Pfft~ That guy... Now that guy is no supporting character. He's more fit to be the "minor supporting character".

Interviewer: Aren't you afraid Tan Jiuming will get angry at you because of your words? You do know that this interview will be published online, right?

Peng Hui: So what? Tan Jiuming may be from a wealthy family, but my Peng family is pretty wealthy too. If he really wants a fight, who would be afraid of him? In any case, he didn't even appear much in this story. At least I'm the protagonist's friend.

Interviewer: Hm... Here comes an important question. Are you sure the protagonist takes you as his friend?

Peng Hui: Of course! Hey, don't stare at me like that. I'm pretty much his teacher and confidante...

Interviewer: But you do know that the protagonist, Yin Longshen, is from the Yin family, right? After he announced his identity, weren't you surprised?

Peng Hui: I'll have to admit that I was, indeed, caught off guard. After all, who would've thought that the kid I liked so much turned out to be someone from the Yin family? Anyway, the Yin and Peng families don't see eye to eye, so of course I was surprised when I found out about his identity...

Interviewer: At that time, did anyone in the Peng family know that you were Yin Longshen's mentor and friend?

Peng Hui: ...No, I kept it as a secret from them, and I'm glad I did. If my aunt (Peng Ruolan) found out about it, she would definitely go crazy.

Interviewer: I see... How was Yin Longshen's reaction when he found out that you were *the* Peng Hui?

Peng Hui: ...I feel like you're purposely hitting my sore spots, you know. When Yin Longshen found out that I was Peng Hui... he just said "okay".

Interviewer: ...That's all?

Peng Hui: Yup. That's all.

Interviewer: Wow... I actually feel sorry for you...

Peng Hui: Well, he did return the money that he borrowed from me... He returned it with a 10% interest as well, so I was pretty surprised.

Interviewer: That's not bad at all. The last question. Do you have any ill feelings towards the protagonist? After all, he is from the Yin family...

Peng Hui: To be honest? No, I don't feel like he's a bad guy, and I surely don't hate him. Anyway, he may be from the Yin family, but didn't he change his surname to follow his mother?

Interviewer: Are these... true words coming from your heart?

Peng Hui: I mean it. I also know about his brother's death. During all those times when we chatted together, he would mention his younger brother at least 8 times in every 10 sentences... So I know how much he cares about his younger brother... So far Yin Longshen hasn't contacted me or anything, but I know he's struggling to accept his brother's death. I just sincerely hope he moves on and lives the rest of his life well.

Interviewer: I see... What a touching statement. In any case, that's it for today's interview. Thank you for participating, and good luck in your future endeavors...

Peng Hui: Thank you.

Peng Hui: Oh, right!

Interviewer: ???

Peng Hui: Don't forget to change the title of this interview.


Arc 3 will be (slightly) different from the first two arcs, and Feng Yongrui (might) find himself in more complicated situations than before.

Thank you for your support, and please look forward to Arc 3~~

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