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Chapter 2: Chapter two || Katie’s POV

Walking though the stadium I head towards the front row where a seat it reserved for me. Damon always made sure I got a good spot near the front so I can see past everyone's head, and sometimes let's me save a spot for someone else.

I'm not special or anything. Most players reserve these seats for their families or close friends. So I sometimes sit in the regular seating area since I like the concept or 'watching' like everyone else. As if I don't know the people playing.

Inching one seat down Alex sits down next to me before resting his arms on his knees. 'I don't understand why you love watching these games so much,'

'Because my brother is playing?' I respond sarcastically.

'You bought three gatorades Katie... I know they're not all yours.' He looks down onto my hands. Watching as I place all three down besides my leg. 'and you forced me to rush so one one stole our spot...and knowing you you're not that dedicated to watch your brother,'

Ignoring him I lean back into my seat, watching the boys from each team practice shooting, whilst the benches players argue with the coach on how're they're being benched again.

Some days I wish I could have the balls to be able to play in front of a stadium of high schoolers, because if they were all watching me my game would be so off. I be worried about how I look or if I'm doing enough or if I'm doing too much.

I assume that after a while it becomes natural since it never seems to phase any of the boys. Wondering my eyes across their faces as they practice defending and getting past each other. Wiping the sweat off their forehead, I cross my leg over the other.

Tilting my head I look around before finding Noah talking to Thale about something. Watching the back of his head I feel my fingers become tight around the Gatorade bottle I have in hand.

He finally turns his head around as Thale begins to walk away jogging back to the court, seeing me watching him, he tosses me a half smile before focusing back onto his friends.

Biting back my own smile I place down the bottle onto the ground next to the others before looking to my side seeing Alex look at me.

'What?' I roll my eyes sarcastically hoping he didn't see me.

'Really Katie?' He almost laughs before looking back at the court assumably looking at Noah, 'out of all people you should know better. He'll eat you alive,'

'I hope he does.' I hum before feeling him punch me in the arm to get me to snap back.

'No because he would if you asked,' he shakes his head before pausing getting slightly serious again, 'which is the issue...he'll do it if any hot girl asks and even out of all of all four of them..Noah? Really?'

He's not wrong but that's not something I really want to think about. Noah isn't the best out of all of them but I wouldn't say the most physically violent, that title goes to Thale and Damon. Thale's known to be the most questionably sexual out of the buch, it's almost unsafe for any girl to be near him alone.

Not that there's any proof of him being weird but Thale has more assault rumors against him than there are verses in the Bible. On the other hand, Damon is just violent, he uses his fists to fight off any form of conflict. He never gets any repercussions from it either since he's a sport captain.

But with Noah he's just the most unknown, he'll be minding his business then suddenly miss school because he's been called in by a police officer. Which I'd like to say was a rhetorical example and hadn't happened more then once.

Dragging my fingers through my hair I smile as it glides straight though. Despite my hair already being straight I had sat in front of the mirror combing it for what felt like hours wondering if Noah would notice if I did.

Brushing the longer part of my curtain bangs behind my ear I look back at Alex when I remember that he had spoken to me.

'did you just call me hot?' I raise an eyebrow.

'I take it back.' He retraces his steps, 'you're a literal one of those squished ones we saw at New York on that middle school excursion,'

Dropping my mouth sarcastically I scrunch my nose at his insult before we hear the beeping from the loud speaker realizing the game is starting and all the seats are almost completely full.

This game has been hyped up for weeks since Lakewood and Westview has been known to go neck to neck at everything. The basketball games are almost the worst when it comes to these two schools, they're treated like the Olympics.

Hearing the cheer team begin to roar I sink back into my seat as I watch the basketball guys whisper to each other knowing they're talking about the length of their skirts. Whoever designed the cheer uniforms needs to be spoke with because one bend and it's over. I can see all their underwear designs.

Once our schools cheer team finishes cheering we allow Westview to start their cheer.

I notice Colton walk towards the Lakewood cheer girls as they're moving out of the way. Tapping on of them on the shoulder she turns to him.

Leaning to the other side so I can see I realize it's Lilah, like the typical love story Lilah Foster is the cheer captain and Colton Grey is apart of the varsity basketball team. It's almost euphoric, if you don't count all the breakups and drama between the two. Colton quite literally cannot keep his dick in his pants and Lilah melts at the touch of any man.

Hearing the game bell the game begins. Focusing on how each player plays I cross my leg over onto the opposite side. Hoping not to knock over the drinks.

Each quarter goes by quicker than the last before the bell goes at half time. The boys head to the bench to sit down. Looking at Alex who's on his phone I pick up the drinks before walking over the sidelines towards the bench trying to make my way though the people who are leaving to get a snack for food from the booths outside.

Damon looks over at me with a towel around his neck. Walking over to me, he towers over me.

'Is this one mine?' He asks as he grabs one of the drinks, popping it open and chugging half of it down before I can respond. 'Thanks.'

Giving him a disgusted look he looks down at my hand at the remaining two before glancing over his shoulder slightly confused who I got the rest for.

But I don't give him the time of day. I slip past him walking towards the others, handing one to Colton who just looks at me, nodding before placing it down on the bench.

Slightly disappointed for not even getting a thank you, I grip the last one in my hand before feeling someone at my shoulder. Moving away slightly to give myself space, Jacob leans down placing his hands on his knees to look at me at eye level. He does this assuming I'd prefer it but it makes me feel like a child.

'Is that for me,' he jokes before grabbing his water bottle on the bench besides me. The lack of effort to take it off me makes it clear he isn't going to. Plus he doesn't like Gatorade, he calls it 'the feminine' version of red bull.

If I where to be honest Jacob's the most fun out of Damon's friends, but that's probably because he was the only one to actually attempts to be nice to me. He's naturally a giddy person and I like that about him, especially since I'm not the type of girl he usually associates himself with. It doesn't really matter too him.

'No Jacob it's not yours,' I look away causing him to clutch his chest as if I've shot him.

'I'm truly hurt Kate...I thought we where friends,' he dramatizes his response. Resting his hand in my back I flinch when I realize how big they are.

'Hands off.' Damon says before finishing the drink I got him as he walks over to peal his fingers off right off my back as if it's infested.

'I wasn't doing anything wrong,' Jacob looks over at Damon who's just blinking his eyes at him.

'You missed the shot in first quarter,' Damon reminds him.

'That was one shot,' he argued back crossing his arms, 'I got the other three perfectly fine,'

'It was a tie breaker. Noah was free and he was standing right there but you still went for it,'

'Well I apologize for wanting to play the sport I like to play,' he raises his eyebrows.

Walking away from the conversation I'm not interested in hearing them argue at all. I couldn't care less over who missed or scored a shot. Slowly gravitating towards Noah, he's standing alone against one of the boarders of the court.

'Hey,' he looks at me when he notices me walking over, 'You shouldn't be talking to me without your brothers supervision,'

'Fuck my brother,' I whisper under my breath. I'm pretty sure his last comment was a joke but I don't even know anymore. 'he always on my back about any guy who so much as breaths the same air as me,'

'He'd kill me if he thought I was messing around with you Katie,' Noah challenges as if that isn't exactly what he's doing. Brushing my hair behind my ear he raises his eyebrows. 'Your hair looks nice.'

He noticed.

I never used to pay much attention to Noah since if anything he was the most legally intimidating of all the boys, so I had kept my distance. I'm almost certain he has drug distribution charges and I didn't want to get mixed into it.

Then he messaged me one day a month ago, asking me for a simple favor. He wanted me to come over to collect something for Damon so I did that. Once I went home he sent me another message, thanking me and we kept talking after that.

His daily messages became the highlight of my day but we never initiated anything, we would just talk and talk letting things get sexual when it did. Not that we've had sex before, our interactions can just be suggestive at times.

'Knowing you, you'd probably kill him first,' I glance up at him. I'm not wrong, if he had actually killed someone and got away with it I wouldn't be surprised.

'You think I'd fight for you?' He raises his eyebrow questioning me, making me second guess myself.

'Would you?' I ask causing him to smile.

'Noah!' Damon yells causing both of us to flinch and look at him as he's waving for us to come over, 'intermission is almost over so get over here.'

I look back at him trying not to laugh before giving him the Gatorade that I had gotten for him, 'red?'

'It's you're favorite one,' I add. Thanking me, I allow him to take it from my hands which he does before walking over to the bench.

Picking at my nails I slowly walk over to where I had been sitting thinking about how he didn't answer the question I had asked him before Damon interrupted.

I wonder what he would've said.

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