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Chapter 7: Revelations

[Draco's Pov]

It's been a wild ride of a week since I landed in this strange new world. At first, things were tough. I felt like I was struggling to find my footing, but as the days went by, things started to look up.

As I settled into my new surroundings, I noticed something peculiar about my conversations with Dobby. My speech was a little off, stumbling over words I used to say easily. But it wasn't just my speech that was affected. My actions were becoming odd and unpredictable too. It was like I was being controlled by an unseen force, and it was starting to scare me.

Determined to figure out what was happening, I put my detective hat on and set out to piece together the puzzle. It was a slow process, but everything finally started to fall into place. I discovered the shocking truth about what had happened to me, and I was blown away by the realization.


After sending Dobby after a messed up, silly conversation, I started looking for things that could be useful. I began with Draco's room.

There were few useful things, to be honest. I was met with a strange collection of oddities. The shelves were lined with bizarre books about whimsical children's tales, glimmering gold and silver jewelry, and antique pieces that would only hold value if I decided to sell them.

I felt discouraged until I stumbled upon something precious - a wand! This wasn't just any ordinary wand. It was a working one. My excitement couldn't be contained as I twirled the wand in my hand, eager to test its magic. I pointed the wand towards the ceiling, and with confidence, I attempted to cast the spell "Lumos."

I swear that I was thinking of saying Lumos, but what came out of my mouth was anything but that. With a blood-curdling scream, I bellowed, "Avada Kadavar!"

An emerald light shot from my wand and struck a soldier on the wall with lightning speed. He didn't stand a chance, and I watched in horror as he plummeted to the ground with a sickening thud. Seeing it sent shivers down my spine and made me feel a little lightheaded.

As I approached the fallen soldier, I heard a crash behind me. I turned just in time to see a picture frame tumble from the wall and shatter at my feet. The shards of glass cut into my skin, and I let out a pained cry. However, the searing pain brought me a sense of clarity, and I finally realized the absurdity of my actions.

I began to reflect on all the bizarre things I had been doing and saying lately. What was happening to me? Was I under some sort of spell? It was the most likely scenario. I was torn between telling my new so-called "parents" or keeping this to myself.

As I stood there, surrounded by the aftermath of my reckless spellcasting, I couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion and unease. I knew I needed to figure out what was going on and fast before I caused any more harm.

After much contemplation and trusting my gut, I decided to wait a bit longer before making any hasty decisions. I had a nagging feeling that I should try to arrange a meeting with the mysterious goblins. I've heard that it's the standard protocol for transmigrants in similar situations to do so.

But simply marching into the wizard bank and demanding assistance wasn't an option. I knew nothing about this world, and I was curious if the wizard bank or the goblins existed here. So, I set out on a mission to gather more information and expand my knowledge of curses, charms, and the world.

I also took Dobby under my wing. My intuition told me that I could trust him and that his contribution to my research would be invaluable.

Some might say that relying on gut feelings and instincts is foolish, but they need to gain experience taking risks. If you ask any successful risk-taker, they will tell you that trusting your instincts is vital.

I wanted to gain the trust of this small but powerful being in a small package. And find out if he had noticed any changes in my personality before Draco's epic head dive from a broom straight into the hard ground. With a deep breath and a genuine apology, I surprised Dobby by admitting my mistakes. The apology was a small price to pay for gaining Dobby's trust and valuable information.

With wide eyes and a dropped jaw, Dobby couldn't believe that the once pompous Draco Malfoy, now known as Leo Deathborn, was apologizing to a mere house elf. It was a million-to-one chance that he would ever expect this from the former pureblood.

After the apology, Dobby tried to think harder, finally giving me the information I was looking for. He explained that my behavior had changed dramatically after my birthday party a few weeks ago. I went from a poised, well-mannered pureblood to a mean, drunken muggle-born. Dobby noticed a similar change in my father, Lucius. He was slowly becoming weak, submissive, and foolish.

Intrigued, I delved deeper and discovered that Lucius was once a cunning and powerful top G, but now he had lost his grip. The once strong and confident man was now a shadow of his former self.

I couldn't help but wonder what could have caused such drastic changes in the behavior of two powerful wizards. I knew I needed to uncover the truth, no matter how daunting the task may seem because it could lead to me gaining more power.

Voldemort's once mighty and feared right hand was now acting like a gullible muggle-born, and it was clear that something was off. This sudden behavior change started after the mysterious birthday party, and now my suspicions were becoming more evident.

I suspected someone had cast a potion or a discreet spell on both Lucious and me. Still, in Lucious' case, it was a blessing in disguise, as the dumber he got, the easier it was for me.

Determined to uncover the truth, I went to the wizarding library, searching for answers in magic books. However, things took an unexpected turn when I stumbled upon none other than Narcissa. She declared that I was too young to be studying and needed to have more fun.

With a flick of her wand, she expelled me from the library and ordered Dobby to purchase me some silly wizard games and Slytherin toys in shades of green. I was shocked at her audacity and couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance as I was forced to leave empty-handed.

With its towering shelves, flickering candles, and musty scent, the library was now just a distant memory. Fuck! I will get what I want no matter what. Just wait, Narcissa, I ain't your naive little kid.

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