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Chapter 4: Getting a quirk.

The potion appears in my hand. It's a small glass bottle with a cork on it. I lift it up and observe the red liquid inside. I would say it contains roughly 100ml of potion and 20ml of air. I wonder what it will taste like. It kinda looks like the strawberry juice I had the other day.

"Fortune favors the brave" I say and down the whole potion in two large gulps. It tastes a lot like sugary cherry juice. Weirdly sweet and bitter at the same time, it's also quite warm but not warm enough to hurt at all.

I yeet the empty bottle out of the window. "What the FUCK?" I hear some curse loudly right after hearing the glass shattering. I almost burst out laughing but I close my mouth with my fist. I don't want to wake up Inko or Izuku and Inko is still quite pissed at me for what I did to Katsumi earlier.

I start to feel the potion take effect and I can feel my body heating up. It doesn't burn but the heat is rather comfortable to be like a sauna but unlike in a sauna my body is not sweating. I look over at my bed and yawn. It's getting quite late. I think while beginning to drift asleep.

A few days have passed since I drank the potion. My body certainly feels a lot stronger than before. I can also hear and see a lot better. I keep thinking that I should have done some human benchmarking like trying to lift things before and after but it's a bit too late now.

Although my strength has improved greatly. I wouldn't consider it to be on an unnatural level for a kid my age. I don't know if all the effects have taken place already or if my body still gradually growing stronger due to the potion.

Today is a Saturday so there's no kindergarten. So far I have spent the whole day watching tv. I have not felt anything out of the ordinary inside my body yet but from what I have heard quirks usually awaken spontaneously.

Inko has seemingly forgotten my birthday good parenting. She took Izuku some therapy or something so at least she doing something right. It would be nice if she even bothered to buy me a cake or something. She is a kind and caring mother but just not to me.

Then something just snapped inside of me. It's like something just clicked together in my mind and my quirk just awakened. I see many objects around the house starting to lift into the air like lamps and potted plants. The funny thing is I am not doing any of this. At least I am not trying to activate my quirk to lift some of these objects.

It's a common occurrence for a kid's quirk to go wild when it first awakens since the quirk gene is in an unstable state or something. Nothing too serious seems to be happening and by that I mean none of the floating objects seem to be broken.


I hear one of the potted plants fall and upon contact with the floor shatter into pieces. "That's not good." Inko is probably gonna be pretty mad when she gets home. "I better do something before this situation escalated any further." I say out loud.

I am one hundred percent sure that my quirk is some sort of a telekinesis quirk. I should be able to control it with my mind somehow.

[You have completed an Uncommon Quest]

[You have obtained 50 exp]

When I read my system notifications I can see that my surroundings instantly get more chaotic. I tried to stay as calm as I can and keep my mind clear. This seemed to calm the situation down a little.

I took a deep breath and looked at the tv remote steadily floating in front of me orbiting on its axis. I kept looking at it and felt a slight connection to it.

It feels quite weird and when I focussed on it more I felt my connection to it getting stronger by the second. I tried to make it move a little bit to the left but it only moved a few centimeters. I gesture a slight right-swinging moment with my hand while trying to channel my telekinesis to do the same. While staring at the remote carefully.

Nothing happened. I kept my mind calm and repeated my attempts to control the remote a few more times without much success. I was getting slightly frustrated and swung my hand a little harder due to frustration over my lack of control. But once again nothing happened to the remote.

I like when things play out just like I expect them to. But when something doesn't go the way I wanted, I at times can get quite frustrated which leads to me acting irrationally. I act on an impulse and swing my hand to the left fast.

Suddenly all the floating objects smash into the walls of our living room at incredible speeds. I take a deep breath to calm myself. I immediately realize the fact that I reacted on an impulse which quite often is not a good thing but especially.

In my anger, I might even accidentally blow this whole section of the apartment building for all I know. I would appreciate some help. Where are the heroes when you need them?

I laid back on the couch trying to relax. It didn't take long for new objects to start floating around the apartment. This time even the tv was flying in the air. I hope Inko has quirk insurance or something like that because this is gonna cost.

After a while, I snapped out of my relaxed state when I heard sounds from the front door.

*Bang *Bang

"It's the police we are opening the door." I stopped laying back and sat up straight. I should probably act at least a bit scared or something, but on the other hand that could cause my quirk to go even wilder.

I decided to just look down and hold my hands together and shake a bit. While the police entered our apartment presumably using the janitor's key or something. The policemen stared at the floating objects in the living room.

"There's a kid's quirk going wild here." The officer first on the scene yelled. A few more officers arrived on the scene. "Everything is going to be fine buddy we got you." I looked up and saw another officer saying reassuring words to me. What a nice bunch of cops.

One officer started to talk something into a walkie-talkie. I assumed they called some specialists or something but I couldn't make out what he said exactly. The other officer on the scene kept saying reassuring words to me in order to calm me down.

I appreciate the effort but I would prefer if he just shut his mouth and let me focus on my controlling my quirk.

After a while, some guys in full-body heavy armor suits showed up. "These guys are experts you have nothing to worry about buddy." The officer who has been providing me with emotional support told me. I just nodded to his words.

Soon I was picked up from the ground by one of the armored officers. I saw a text imprinted on one of the armor plates coveting his chest it read. [Special Quirk Emergency Force] or S.P.E.F for short.

I was transported into a facility that specialized in handling kids with struggles to control their quirks during their awakening. I was placed in a room where everything was bolted to the ground. The walls were covered in flowers and animals.

I sat on a bed which was surprisingly much better than the one I had at home. There were speakers built into the walls of the room and a giant television screen behind a glass built deep into the wall. This room is quite nice.

The people here told me my mom would arrive as soon and explained that I had to stay inside this room until my quirk calmed down. I don't mind being held here.

After a while, the tv that was previously playing a nature documentary changed and now showed a picture of an old man with gray hair and a fluffy beard wearing a lab coat.

"Can you hear me Itsuki?" I heard the doctor's speech from the speakers on the walls. I stayed silent and just nodded at the camera above the tv.

"I want you to understand you are in safe hands and not in danger. We help kids like you who also have problems controlling their quirks. I almost forgot my name is Akari or Doctor or Doctor Akari you can call me anything you feel comfortable with."

The doctor keeps on rambling about and constantly reassuring me that everything is fine. I just kinda stand there and absorb all the information.

A man wearing the same type of armor as the guys that brought me in here carrying three big foam about the size of my head. This man's armor is covered in paintings, unlike the other guys. It's probably to make the kids less nervous.

I probably appear to be quite scared or nervous to the adults here due to how quiet I am. After 9 months I still forget that I appear as a child to everyone sometimes.

The armored man sets down the balls he is carrying and begins to walk away. He however begins to float in together with the foam balls. The doctor tells me to practice using my quirk and to use the foam balls.

I am not really paying attention to the doctor but to the comedy show that is happening in my room as other guards use a fishing net to pull the floating guard out of the room. It seems to be working very nicely so good for them I guess.

The doctor says that dinner will be ready soon and he will call again once my mother has arrived. I wonder what's taking her so long.

I train the usage of my quirk but the progress is slow. They also turned the documentary off. I would have liked to watch it but it's a whatever at the end of the day.

It's been hours since I started training and I am currently having my dinner. They were kind enough to turn the nature documentary back on for my dinner break. The food is not good or bad just kinda bland but better than your usual hospital food.

While they brought my food in they also successfully took a blood sample. They told me that it was for a test where they check if the quirk gene has begun to stabilize or not.

I have made good progress in the matter of controlling my quirk after eating. I decided against checking my system page since there was a camera pointed at me. I know they can't see the window but they can see me touching the air in a weird way.

In hindsight, it might not be a dangerous thing to do but rather safe than sorry.

My control over the foam balls has improved. I can move them in the air fairly confidently. There is a problem that I have to overcome when using my quirk and that is making small movements.

My telekinesis seems to be extremely powerful which is good in the long term but now it's very difficult for me to control it. Small and slow movements are especially hard for the current me.

When I activate my quirk it feels like I'm surrounded by an invisible force that I can move. It always wants to move very fast and when I'm using it requires my full attention to keep under control.

I have tried a squeezing move with my quirk and it could probably turn your average man into minced meat. I probably won't be testing that out anytime soon.

"Itsuki your mother has arrived." I hear a voice from the speakers.

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