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Chapter 4: A show of power

Taking a quick glance at his surroundings, Alex found a reasonably large-sized boulder. It was roughly 3 meters tall, and probably about 5 meters across.

The surface of the rock looked as if it had been polished until it was completely smooth; it was unthinkable that this could have been formed naturally.

This was the boulder he would try using his elemental magic on. Now they were expecting him to do something amazing.

"Now then... I cannot get too serious, as it would be a terrible waste. I will only use a sliver of my power. Perhaps a thousandth."

"Who cares! C'mon!"

"...Please show me your power."

Well, no getting out of this one anymore. As the two girls looked on with great interest, Alex began to concentrate.

To use magic in the MMORPG Cross Reverie, you had to line up your cursor with your target and press the shortcut you assigned it to on your keyboard.

While Takuma just had to focus and a spell would happen, so I need to think and feel the magic and tell it what to do.

—Look at the rock as if you're lining up the spell with it. He imagined a bear , looking at him from above.

An Elemental spell that would ignite and cause fire damage in a small area—"Explosion". This was a mid-tier spell an Elemental Sorcerer could learn by allocating skill points to the appropriate categories once they reached level 50.

Though it did not have a lot of power, the AoE of the spell was substantial, making it easy to use. Even as he kept leveling up, it was something he would use often.

Rem tilted her head.

"...Is something wrong?"

"What are you doing? Weren't you going to show us your power?"

-His hand started to clinch and punch clean though the rock.

"Quiet do not rush me."

"O-Ok S-Since I am your Summoner, I should know exactly what your powers are. Please hurry up and show me."

"Wait, I'm his Summoner!" Rem did not react to Shera's obstinate retort.

If I'm not careful I could demolish the builder and most of the surrounding area, I have no idea what a player who has level to 150, 7 times reaching around level 1,050 I starting to sweat.

I needed more details to get a solid image in his head of how to make the spell work. There must have been something written in the explanation. Yeah, it was something along the lines of, "Gather hydrogen from the surrounding air and ignite it with magic." I didn't know if this made sense scientifically, but I'll tried imagining it anyways.

—Even if the me back in the real world can't! If it was the Demon Lord Diablo, Takuma who had laid waste to countless other players, I would surely be able to control.

A black light began to emerge from the tip of Tiamat's Staff. Alex etched the image of the magic succeeding in his mind

He murmured:


An actual explosion! The enormous boulder burst apart from the inside, fragments of rock shooting out like shrapnel and spraying the surrounding area.

Rem and Shera let out a scream and took cover behind Diablo's back in a panic. Though they may have just been shards of rock, if they hit you at that speed you would not get away unscathed. Diablo could easily avoid them from the slow speed they move in his mind, but he decided to still in place to protect them from the rocks.

He did it out of habit, since he he want to protect the girls, usually graphical effects in the game (like an exploding rock) did not cause damage. It might have been dicey if he actually took damage from the sharp rocks... However— The damage-reducing effects of the Ebony Abyss had activated. Right before the flying chunk of rock hit Diablo, it lost its momentum. No problems there.

He had actually used and controlled magic!

A great sense of joy bubbled up inside him at the thought of his success. He wanted to cast an another spell and jump up and down he was so happy. However, he was little disappointed at the power of the spell for a Demon King, after all.

"Hmph... So that's how it is."

He saying it in a way that made it seem as if his original power was much greater. But he had held back a little too much. Diablo turned to look at the two girls hiding behind him. Shera and Rem had huddled together and were whispering to each other.

"What... just happened?"

"...It looked... like magic. Elemental magic, to be exact... But that can't be..."

They looked like they were surprised. The problem was, he did not know if they were surprised because he showed something that was strong, or because he showed something so weak. He wished that they would have given him some more feedback out loud.

In this area of the game, the monsters should be around level 60 or so, and in the anime most monsters that I saw was around level 30-50. This would have been more than suitable for people in this world who had made it this far.

"I will show you a different magic."

He pointed his staff at a boulder even larger than the one before. For the next one, he thought it would be good to try something outside of fire elemental spells, Next I'll try going with the level 80 magic

Pointing his staff, he imagined the heat being drained from the area he chose as his target.


A formation of ice in the shape of a blooming lotus burst into existence, though this was just an illusion caused by the spell. The ice flower remained in the center of the area he had targeted for a short while, until it eventually turned into light and dissolved into pieces. It was a spell that was beautiful to watch unfold. The boulder and some of the sharp rocks that flew off the boulder from the explosion was frozen in an instant. But that was not all, The vegetation around the boulder was also frozen solid, with even the clouds of dirt in the air turning white. The freezing effect in the area around the rock had transformed it into a frozen tundra. The chill was enough to reach the three of them, even though they were outside the area of effect.

Diablo turned around to look at the two girls behind him. They were looking up at him, stunned expressions on their faces. He wasn't sure how to take this reaction.

Shera barely managed to whisper something.



"Amazing... That was amazing! What was that!? It looked like elemental magic, but can you even do that with elemental magic!?"

Rem's lips were trembling.

"...Top-class... No, I don't think you can even put a label on this ability... Even the top-class Summons "Ifrit" and "Leviathan" do not have this kind of overwhelming power..."

"Diablo's body was all like, *whooosh*, and got all shiny! Even the flow of magic he put out was amazing! It was amazing!!"

"...Diablo... As long as you are here, I am sure you will be able to save even me... No, that aside, you have my great admiration. I would be grateful if you would choose me as your Summoner."

"I already told you, I'm his Summoner! Jeez! Besides, I need him! There's no, no, NO way that I'm letting you have him!"

"...I also have no intention of handing him over."

Just as a Demon King would, Alex put an arrogant smirk on his face.

"'Amazing,' you say? But of course... I am Diablo, the being known and feared as the Demon King the leader of over all demons, the all powerful overlord to the Celestials!, and the only true dragon monarch"

The two girls had always called him "Demon King," but it was the first time he had let the girls know all his titles and names of power for himself. Rem gave a satisfied nod at hearing those words.

"...Thank goodness... I really did succeed in summoning a Demon King from another world."

"Of course! I was already planning on having a Demon Knig as my Summon from the beginning!"

Shera proudly exclaimed.

"...Not only does she lack understanding, but she does not even listen to other people when they talk... Typical Elf. Well, no matter. As long as I have Diablo's power, we might be able to defeat it..."

"And what is this 'it?'"

"...The Demon Lord of this world, Krebskulm."

She pressed her hand tightly against her chest.

It was as if she was praying. The expression on her face was a pained one. In Cross Reverie's setting, the Demon Lord Krebskulm was the most powerful boss in the game. The story in the game went something like this:

"Long ago, there was a great battle between the Celestials and the Fallen. The Celestials emerged victorious over the Fallen, and the soul of the Demon Lord was sealed away. However, now 1000 years later, the Fallen are plotting to resurrect the Demon Lord. The only ones who can put a stop to this are the descendants of the Celestials— Adventurers."

The player was made out to be a member of a gifted race and set out into the world of Cross Reverie as one of these Adventurers. Adventurers were always doing battle with the Fallen, who were scheming to revive the Demon Lord, and trying to stop their plans. If the resurrection was somehow a success, then their mission would be to combine forces to destroy the Demon Lord.

When the game first started three years ago, the last boss was supposed to be the "Demon Lord of the Sword, Sankdius", the Demon lord who gave me all of my demons rings had resurrected. It turned out, however, that Sankdius was only a "Fragment of the Demon Lord." I had speculated that, at the time, the Demon Lord had not been completely resurrected, But that Krebskulm was supposed to be the completed Demon Lord. That hasn't been confirmed yet, huh... In the game's lore, Krebskulm was a name that the Fallen held in great respect. So far, there had not been any quests released that included her.

Shera tugged on the dark sleeves of the Ebony Abyss.

"Hey! Let's hurry and go back to town and do our Adventurer registration! Since you're here, I can finally register myself as a proud Summoner, too!"



Rem glared at Shera, a look of extreme dissatisfaction on her face. His interest piqued, Diablo asked:

"You two. Are Summoners people you respect?"

In the game, Summoners were either people who were not using their skill points correctly, or people who did not care about stats and just wanted to have the cutest or coolest pet or summons.

The three classes available to you from the start were "Warrior", "Sorcerer", or "Archer".

It was just common knowledge for anyone who picked "Sorcerer" to spend their skill points to make their Elemental magic stronger.

Depending on your stat distribution and the skills you learned in Cross Reverie, the name of your job-class would change automatically. For a Sorcerer who prioritized their point allocation, they could, for example, go from "Pyromagician" to "Burstfire Sorcerer", and even further to "Incineration Sorcerer"; or possibly even a "Frostflame Sorcerer".

There was an endless amount of titles depending on your level and how you distributed your points. Even if a player were to reach the max level of 150, it was not possible to master every kind of spell in the game. This was because the points you received from leveling up would not be enough.

After clearing numerous difficult events, achieving victory over other players in battle, and obtaining various items he earned as a result and the ability to keep leveling up after level 150, Using all the points he had saved up, Diablo's job class had changed to "God of Annihilation Sorcerer".

Due to being able to allocate 250 levels of points into the elemental sorcerer tree, until the job title it gave me was a god level boots in power and control. Even giving me new spells that not even level 150 players could cast, without completely draining their mana pool like 10 times over. See that there was no point in putting more points in the sorcerer class I decided to branch out into other classes, like putting over 250 levels of points in "Support Magician", "Recovery Magician","Priest ", "Healer", "Enchanter""Blacksmith"and "Compounder". But the second most invested class was "Warrior"even gaining the title of "God of Martial Artist."

Sorcerer It was thought that there was only one player in Cross Reverie who held this job title. This was because, even if you managed to reach the same level of stats, you would only become a "Sorcerer of Destruction". Shera's face showed surprise.

"They're Summoners, you know!? When you think of Sorcerers, it's gotta be Summoners!"

"And what of elemental magic? I already showed you my power, is it not the most supreme form of magic here?"

Rem was the one who answered his question.

" The average elemental magic is not that powerful. At best, it can be used to muster up a fireball the size of your fist, or summon a gust of wind to knock someone over."

"Right? You would just get laughed at if you called yourself an Elemental Sorcerer. People would just tell you, 'If you want to start a fire, just go get some flint!'"

"...I cannot deny that. Elemental magic is good if you are a child who wants to practice using spells, but once you grow up, you learn Summoning magic."

—Is elemental magic really that weak here!?

This could be the biggest difference between the game and this world, Diablo thought to himself. He couldn't believe people treated it as a laughingstock.

Rem shook her head.

"...Your elemental magic is on another level. If the other Elemental Sorcerers could put out a hundredth... No, even a thousandth of the power you showed us, then maybe they would be treated a little better."

Shera nodded in agreement.

"Usually if you said you wanted to be an Elemental Sorcerer, everyone either pities you, starts talking bad about you, or gets really angry with you."

" Kind of like an Elf who chooses not to become an Archer."

"It's not a bad thing for me to choose a path that's more suited to my own talents!"

Elemental Sorcerer was now a job class for fools.

But that was only because it was not studied as much here; Diablo's magic was shown to have the same amount of power as it had back in the game. It was thought to be incredibly strong.

Diablo ready his himself and called out to them.

"Are you two only capable of looking cute and asking questions or will we be heading into town. Come with me!"

Has a bright red flush comes a across their faces and managed to squeak out.

"W-Wait up!"

"...Y-You are going a little fast..."

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