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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Dark Memories

<p>Rin stood up from the bed, his body feeling lighter than before. He walked through the door, and there waiting for him was his butler, dressed impeccably in a tailored suit. Rin spoke with a calm determination, "Let's go."<br/><br/>'Rin tried to act the role as swiftly as possible to not make any suspicios movememts'<br/><br/> The butler nodded respectfully and replied, "Yes, young master," leading the way as they made their way through the grand mansion.<br/><br/>As they walked, Rin couldn't help but notice the elaborate picture frame hanging on the wall, showcasing his family. <br/><br/>The Blaze family consisted of four members: his father William Blaze, his mother Veronica Blaze, his older sister Jillian Blaze, and himself, Ethan Blaze, the youngest of them all. <br/><br/>A mix of emotions welled up inside Ethan as he gazed upon their smiling faces, realizing the weight of the situation he was in.<br/><br/>Reaching the dining room, Rin took a seat opposite his sister and mother, while his father occupied the head of the table. <br/><br/>As they began to eat, Rin felt his sister's intense gaze upon him, filled with hidden anger. He knew why she looked at him that way, but he chose to ignore it, trying to maintain a calm and collected demeanor.<br/><br/>The tension in the air was complicated, but Rin focused on his meal, hoping to avoid any confrontation.<br/><br/>Suddenly, William broke the silence, addressing Ethan, "Ethan, are you ready for the upcoming school year?"<br/><br/>'Yes there is an academy in this world that focuses on the awakeners, it is an academy that trains awakeners to be an official "Space Raider". Space raider is the profession that helps the awakeners to earn money.'<br/><br/> Ethan paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts, and replied, "Yes, but I think I need to handle something before school starts." <br/><br/>William asked, "And what is that?"<br/><br/>"I need to improve my stats and skills," Ethan replied, a determined glint in his eyes. <br/><br/>William know that his son is not a hardworking person and doesn't care about his stats because William know that Ethan just tried get anything that he wants through money and he didn't stop him because of the dark past that happened. <br/><br/>The Blaze family had always been known for their wealth and influence, having built a reputation as a prominent Gold-ranked guild, ranked 17th in the overall rankings.The ranking of the guild is based on Rank Diamond, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. <br/><br/>This led to numerous kidnapping attempts. Yet, they had successfully nullified all of them, except for one. It was a haunting chapter in their life, etched in the depths of their memories.<br/><br/>During those dark times, young Ethan, merely seven years old, had fallen victim to the kidnappers' ruthless scheme.<br/><br/> For almost half a year, Ethan endured the cruel torture of his captors, a pawn in their strategy to exploit the Blaze family's desperation. The kidnappers had a plan to manipulate the Blaze family's greed and make them do whatever they wanted to get Ethan back.<br/><br/> This information was not mentioned in Rin's novel, but Ethan recalls it now due to his memories merging together.<br/><br/>The Blaze family endured six agonizing months, their hearts filled with an indescribable longing for Ethan's safe return. <br/><br/>Finally, a hope came when they managed to establish contact with the kidnappers. However, the demands laid before them were staggering, a ransom of one billion dollars, it is equivalent to half of Blaze families net worth.<br/><br/> Driven by their unwavering love for Ethan, the family resolved to fulfill the kidnappers' conditions, believing that no price was too high to bring their beloved child back home.<br/><br/>A fateful meeting was arranged between the Blaze family and the kidnappers. Yet, destiny chose to intervene in an unexpected manner. <br/><br/>In the midst of the transaction, a rift in space suddenly tore open, cracking the atmosphere of the meeting place. The kidnappers started to panic and became unsure whether they should proceed with the transaction.<br/><br/> In that moment of uncertainty, William seized the chance and eliminated all of them, leaving only one alive. His intention was to extract information about where his son Ethan was being held.<br/><br/>With a combination of worriness and determination, William managed to extract an information from the kidnapper. <br/><br/>Overwhelmed by a sense of desperation, William wasted no time and embarked on a swift journey to the location provided by the kidnapper.<br/><br/>Arriving at the designated house, his heart raced with anticipation. But to his dismay, the dwelling stood empty, devoid of any signs of life. <br/><br/>The air was heavy with disappointment as William grappled with the devastating realization that his desperate pursuit had led him to a dead end.<br/><br/> Tragedy struck when he realized that he had unintentionally silenced the only source of knowledge about his son's whereabouts. <br/><br/>He was left alone in an abandoned house, his hopes shattered, and an unrelenting sense of guilt pierce at his heart.<br/><br/>William angringly shouted with a sadness in his voice "Damt it! damt it! damt it! damt it!"<br/><br/>The weight of his mistake bore down on William's soul, threatening to unravel his sanity.<br/><br/> After an hour of breaking down William stood up and clunch his fist as he tried to calm himself and as he promised to himself that he would not give up.<br/><br/>Desperate for any glimmer of hope, he sought the aid of awakeners possessing the rare skills or blessings needed to locate his son. <br/><br/>Yet, his efforts proved in vain, as none among the current generation possessed the abilities required to track Ethan.<br/><br/>Meanwhile, after a month the Blaze family mourned the absence of their cherished family member, their collective grief casting a somber shadow over their lives.<br/><br/>But just when it seemed that darkness would prevail, a flicker of hope emerged from the depths of despair. A mail arrived, originating from an unknown sender, carrying within it crucial information about Ethan's whereabouts.<br/><br/>With renewed determination, William sprang into action. Organizing and preparing for the journey ahead, he rallied members of his guild, aware that unexpected events might unfold. <br/><br/>They embarked on a long and arduous voyage, after a long travel to India from the country of Ambrocia, this country is the country where the forces of the world are combined. This is like the capital of the world.<br/><br/>As they ventured onward in their quest, the Blaze family and their guild members arrived at a humble abode nestled in India.<br/><br/>A mix of hope and unease filled the air as they approached the dwelling's entrance. Stepping inside, their hearts sank at the sight before them. A thin child, worn down by the cruelties of existence. They found a tiny house and in that house they  found a super thin child and the bones of the child was seen through they see the child holding a grass as he eats it. <br/><br/>The sight pierced William's heart, tears streaming down his face as he gazed upon the hollow eyes of the child he longed to find.<br/><br/>Emotions swelled within the guild members, their faces reflecting a mixture of joy and sorrow, united in understanding their leader's plight. <br/><br/>In that solemn moment, William found his voice, quivering with emotion as he addressed the child before him. "My so n, I've fina lly fou nd you". <br/><br/>As tears rolled down William's face, he looked into the child's eyes, and the child stared back silently.<br/><br/> In that moment, William understood that the child had been through something difficult, something he couldn't fully grasp. <br/><br/>The child's silence means a lot, telling a story of strength and survival that remained untold. <br/><br/>William felt a deep ache in his heart, knowing that he could only imagine a small part of what Ethan had endured. Their reunion held a weighty significance, and the mysteries surrounding Ethan's past intensified William's determination to protect him and uncover the truths hidden behind the child's haunted gaze. <br/><br/>After that they immediately leave India and go back to Ambrocia.<br/><br/>This event of the story explains why Ethan Blaze has the blessing he possesses and why he sometimes acts in a greedy and self-centered way. <br/><br/>The time he spent being kidnapped and held captive had a big impact on him.<br/><br/>Being taken away and held against his will left deep marks on Ethan's mind and heart. It made him become cautious and possessive, always wanting to keep things for himself and wanting more. <br/><br/>He learned to be greedy as a way to protect himself from harm and to ensure he had what he needed to survive.<br/><br/>The difficult experience also changed how he sees the world. It made him believe that he must prioritize his own needs above others and strive for success, even if it means disregarding others' feelings. These traits, born out of fear and the desire to never feel powerless again, contributed to his arrogant personality. But all of that will change because of the new Ethan Blaze that have been awakened.</p>

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