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Chapter 2: Part Two: The Siege of Metropolis

After the skirmish the remaining Egg Forces of the scouting patrol all had surrendered to the cultists. They either were converted to the cult's blighted faith, or they were taken in as captives to be sacrificed for Grau's greater scheme. While the battlefield was littered with bodies of Poxwalkers and husks of metal badniks alike, Grau would soon marshal her forces tor the siege of Metropolis ahead.

"This culling was but a mere taste of our victory today, my blighted brethren. We must press onwards towards the city. The gates of our foes await to wither away at our divine corrosion!" Grau said as she lifted up her Bubotic Axe as her minions would begin to cheer.

This rally cry was met with a loud and roaring applaud as her mortal followers, daemonic entities, and monstrous daemon engines would all rally behind her as she would revert back to her normal size and then motion for them to follow her on a blasphemous march towards the gate of Metropolis.

That cold and dreary autumn's day was made even more bleak and depressing as Grau would lead her horde of cultists towards the enemy city. Her forces were comprised of monstrous war machines, vile cultists of humans and Mobians, and otherworldly daemons behind her in a slow slogging advance towards the city of Metropolis.

However, upon closer observation it would seem the daemons among their numbers would joyously sing and waddle around the massive horde of Nurgle forces. As the mortal cultists would slowly advance in marching. It would be these lesser daemons of Nurgle that would jollily sing and act as if they were in a pestilent parade of plagues.

As Grau and Festor would slowly trudge towards the cities' outskirts, they would be constantly greeted by the playful shenanigans' of mischievous Nurglings. This would lighten their spirits as every so often Festor the skunk would reach down and begin to rub the head of a bouncing around Nurgling while more rambunctious ones would try to climb on Grau the fox's long and dark grey fured legs.

To the average onlooker one may mistake this for annoyance, but both the Plague Sisters knew that the accompanying nurgling's merriment and mischievous antics of Nurglings were a sign of approval and favoritism from the Plaguefather himself, Nurgle. Besides, deep down inside Grau always wanted to have children.

"Whaaaaaaat isssssss youuuuuurr plaaaaaannnn Graaaaau?" Festor asked Grau from behind as she would press onwards.

"You shall stay your hand until we enter the city, Festor. It's time to put our daemon engines to the test. Once we get into position, I want the sky to fall upon the doctor's minions as we rain death down upon them!" Grau stated.

"Verrrry wellll" Festor replied

From an observation tower positioned on the wall of Metropolis, several of the doctor's cybernetic minions would enlarge images of the advancing cultist forces via satellite imagining. The very sight of these bizarre and grotesque invaders would cause some staff in the control tower to have uneasy stomachs, while others were frantically trying to contact the Doctor for their next standing orders.

Suddenly, a huge image of the good Doctor Eggman himself would appear as he was hailed from another facility on Mobius. He look agitated, but also intrigued at the same time as he would stare through his pair of eye glasses at the personnel in the control tower.

"Have these invading forces been dealt with already?" Eggman asked minions rather condescendingly.

"N-no doctor. We have visual sight of them. As of now they're outside of the range of our heavy defenses, but they've been spotted. It looks like the patrol we sent out was lost to them" another Egg officer stated.

"When they get close, I want you to fire upon them! Unleash my wrath and show these invading forces that I am not to be messed with, am I clear?" Eggman asked.

"Certainly, Doctor!" one of them said as they saluted.

"They simply cannot be allowed to disrupt my shield generator production facility! Dispatch everything you have in order to ward off these invaders at once!" Eggman demanded as he pointed onto the monitor.

"As you wish, Lord Eggman. We'll deploy all we can muster" one of the control room staff, a Mobian monkey said as he took a bow in front of the monitor.

"Good, see to it! Eggman out!" the Doctor said before his image would disappear from the screen.

Eventually, the cultist horde would slowly make their way onto the other side of the ridge and up a hill overlooking the outskirts of the city. Grau would motion towards a better firing position on the hill with her Bubotic Axe. Slowly, the Plagueburst Crawlers would groan and get into formation to fire. The Plagueburst Crawlers would slowly drive up the hill as would any normal human built artillery tank as they would move into range.

As they made ready their deadly Plagueburst Mortars, Grau would notice that the gates overlooking the city would open slowly to deploy a battalion of Eggman's laser tanks and more badniks.

"So, the Doctor sends his tanks to crush my Crawlers? A foolish gesture!" Grau muttered to herself.

"I want you all to get into position and fire right at their emplacement defenses, leave Eggman's little toys to me!" Grau stated as she would motion with her tentacle appendages.

She would be met with an abundant amount of demonic growling and cheering of the lesser daemons as the Plagueburst Crawlers would begin to fire from their deadly mortars down upon the city to bombard it. As this happened, the drone tanks would slowly begin to advance towards the hill to put a stop to them. Grau would begin causally walk towards the tank's advancing flank as to cover her artillery.

As the whaling terror and loud explosions of the firing of Plagueburst Mortars would be heard overhead. Grau would slowly trudge towards the enemy tanks before she would begin to enlarge once more to giant size, as well would her now massive Bubotic Axe. The giant sized warp-tainted vixen would stomp slowly and slowly towards the the tiny battalion of tanks.

"Come at me, souless machines! I am now your combatant!" she would call out of the tanks and badniks as she would make ready her now massive Bubotic Axe.

Grau would begin to charge at a colossal size of thirty meters, she'd stampeded right towards the Egg Tanks firing line as they would begin to fire their inaccurate laser canons at the towering titaness. While in her charge, she'd take overwatch as one lucky shot hit the side of her hip. However, due to her now blessing of being Disgustingly Resilient, Grau merely growled out in pain as she would continue to charge right into the column of robotic tanks.

Closer and closer she would near as she simply would ignore her bleeding and wounded hip. She would soon close into melee distance with the armored unit. As she would close in the very earth would tremble beneath her massive slimly pawed feet. She would lift up her massive Bubotic axe to strike it right down upon one of the armored tanks.


Grau would send the blade of her massive Bubotic Axe right down upon the turret of one tank, literally slicing it in half and causing it to explode as it would kick up smoke. She would pick up her as she reeled back and would proceed to lift it up once more to slice out two barrels of the robotic tanks, utterly disabling them from attacking her. The massive guillotine like attack was successful in cutting the lightly armored and cheaply manufactured weapons of the Egg Empire's armored vehicles.

"Rot and decay, useless lumps of metal!" Grau yelled as she would lift up her massive let leg.

She would once more try to simply stomp on another one of the Doctor's tanks. Due to the fact these tanks were fully automated and thus possessed no form of point defense turret then at this immediate range the tank was helpless as her massive slimly bare pawed foot would come crashing right down onto it's turret.

This would only leave two tanks left, however at this immediate range their AI's couldn't do anything but try to move back from Grau to get some firing distance. She wouldn't let this happen as she would once more stampede at them to finish the armored unit off.

As she did so, Grau would be shot in the back by tiny laser rifles of the Egg soldiers who would take up defensive firing positions alongside the walls.

"You little pests! I'll deal with you soon!" she yelled out as she would proceed to try to trample the last remaining vehicles.


The remaining tanks were helplessly crushed beneath her two pair of massive legs as she would begin to trample right over them. As she did this, Grau would cough before slowly turning around and stare at the wall defenders with a sinister grin. She had something special for them. Grau would take two massive steps before reaching her face up to them and sneeze all over them!


Those who weren't simply blown away from the massive maelstrom of the giant's huge gust of wind would be battered and splattered with the giant's tainted mucus. While absolutely revolving, this tactic was still effective as the soldiers would begin to scream as they were quickly affected by the "blessings" of the Plaguefather being spread to them. The soldiers would crawl on the ground coughing and rapidly mutating. Those who didn't outright drop dead would soon turn into Poxwalkers simply by her sneeze!

"I'm willing to share my blessings of Nurgle, unbelievers" she simply said as she smirked and watched the horror befalling her foes.

Most of Eggman's wall defenders began to run for their lives while coughing to retreat to the nearest medical station, or have already succumbed to the Curse of the Walking Pox. Of which since it came from her own body she was already naturally immune. However, it mattered what not happened to these mindlessly flailing around Poxwalkers, the wall was cleared for her to try to hasten things up as she would slowly begin to lift up her massive Bubotic Axe once more.

Grau would then begin to stomp over towards where the main gate was to see if she could simply batter it open herself. The ground would shake as the giantess vixen would slowly stomp towards the main gate. As she would do so she would leave a massive trail of slime and corrosion. Eventually, she made it to the front of the cities main gate as she would try to strike at the gate with her axe. However, much to her this may the gate would take the brunt impact of her gigantic Bubotic Axe, causing her to reel back in recoil.

"Dammit!" Grau would curse as she would stomp back.

"Come on you stupid door!" she let out as she would simply try to stomp on it to knock it down but to no avail.

"You're telling me Eggman put all his money in this stupid door and not his own tank divisions? Oh who am I kidding, that is totally what Eggman would do" Grau said as she sighed before coughing again.

Jaredthefox92 Jaredthefox92


After the Plague Champion(ess) Grau Bradanska the fox ended the Foreman's life, she turns her Nurgle aligned forces towards the very gates of Metropolis itself as she launches a massive siege! However, the Egg Empire isn't going to go down quietly as they dispatch their armored divisions.


This chapter takes place in the post-genesis Wave Archie Sonic lore with Eggman having tanks.

Grau does something very gross in this chapter.

Grau's Southern American accent is more abundant here.

While Plagueburst Crawlers are primarily used by the Death Guard, they're daemon engines in this story created by the Chaos Mobian Cult in the 32nd millennium. (Note: This timeline takes inspiration from both old Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000 with some slight creative liberties.)

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