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Chapter 2: Meeting With Friends

After long walk from home, Samuel and his sister Sophie and their friends Clarence, Camilla and Kurt. They went to a secret camping spot that only they know about. As they arrived, all five of them stripped to their swimming attire and jump into the river.

While the camping site is not far from Samuel's village but it is strategically hidden and it's difficult to come across by chance. It was discovered by Kurt and his sister Camilla last year and they only shared the information with their friends Samuel, Sophie and Clarence. So far nobody else ever found it yet besides them.

Kurt: (Diving into the river)"Cannonball!"

Yells Kurt while he dives into the river. Samuel and Clarence also dives as well. Nearby Sophie and Camilla are playing, splashing water at each other.

Samuel: "We discovered this place more than a year ago and still nobody else know about this place. This is a haven for five."

Kurt: "Yeah, better keep it in this way as long as we can. If the grown-ups found this place they will turn it into a tourist trap."

Clarence: "I wish I can bring more people to this place but I think five of us is enough."

Kurt Greene is one of Samuel's childhood friend. Like Sophie he is a sport and fitness enthusiast. He and his twin sister Camilla comes from neighboring village. He also known to have an eye for Sophie due to similar interests.

Camilla Greene is Kurt's twin sister. Unlike her brother she is more interested on video games, comic books and other indoor activities. It is rumored that she and Clarence are in relationship but so far there were no evidence of that.

Clarence Johnson is also one of Samuel's friends who resides in the same village as Samuel. As a city migrant he never heard of Samuel's family before, allowing him to be friend with Samuel and rest of his family. Like Samuel he also like to play video games and reading comic books. He rarely involves in outdoor activities though there are few exceptions.

After swimming by themselves, the boy decided to join the girls. They stealthy approached Sophie and Camilla and then Kurt hugged his sister from behind.

Camilla: (Surprised and then laughing)"You're pervert bro!"

Kurt: (Laughing)"And so are you!"

Samuel: (Splashing water to Sophie)"Take this sister!"

Sophie: (Splashes back to Samuel)"That's unfair."

They all playing and swimming in the river, laughing as loud as they can. Meanwhile Samuel can take his eyes off on Camilla who wearing very revealing bikini that barely covers her breasts and crotch. Compare that to more modest one worn by his sister Sophie.

Kurt also gazed on Sophie's body. It's hard to believe that she have large breasts despite being an active girl. He also noticed that her bikini top is little too small for her breasts but he pretend never saw that.

Samuel: "Shame that we cannot bring some snacks to this place."

Camilla: "Bringing food and drink to this place might left some evidence that we were here. No campfire either."

Samuel: (Sarcastic tone)"Thanks for your advice, Camilla."

Kurt: "Sam, is that how you talk to my sister?"

Samuel: "Sorry, I was bored and that's all."

Clarence: (Points the high cliff nearby)"Well, what about we jump from cliff over there?"

Samuel: (Worried)"What!? You want us to jump from that. Are you crazy?"

Kurt: "But I like that. First I need to make sure that it safe for us."

Kurt swims near the cliff to make sure no rocks or rotten wood beneath. He also checks the cliff itself. Few minutes later he returned.

Kurt: "I have a good and bad news for you Sam."

Samuel: "Let's hear the good news first."

Kurt: "It's safe for us to jump from it as the river is deep enough and I don't find rocks or wood in the riverbed."

Samuel: "The bad?"

Kurt: "You have to jump from it like rest of us."

Samuel: (Worried)"Really?"

Clarence: (Laughing)"Sam's a chicken."

Samuel is obviously worried and isn't alone. His sister Sophie is equally worried as well but they have no choice but to jump from that cliff. They all climbed the cliff and wait for their turn to dive on top.

Kurt: "As the alpha male, I lead all of you to dive."

Kurt run and then jumps into the river below. Clarence followed seconds later and Samuel, despite showing few worries also jumps as well. After that Camilla jump and finally it's Sophie's turn. Like her brother she also worried. As she walks near the edge of the cliff she pull back.

Kurt: (Surprised)"What the hell..."

Samuel: "I'm sorry that I forgot to tell you that Sophie afraid of heights."

Kurt: (Angry)"You son of a...."

Samuel: "We...We...Just don't want to disappoint you..."

Clarence: "Enough! Fighting here won't solve a thing."

Kurt: "Fine, let me handle this.(To Sophie)You don't have to jump if you don't want to. Just get down here with us."

Sophie did not answer and still standing at the edge of the cliff. Minutes later she jumps into the river below with big splash.


Clarence: "Well, that went better than I expected."

As Sophie swims back to the surface, her bikini top was missing. It turns out her bikini top came off when she hit the water as it was never designed for such for such activities. She covers her breasts with her hands while submerging her body neck down, ashamed. Fortunately Camilla also noticed Sophie's bikini top drifting away in the river and she managed to retrieve it and gave it back to Sophie. After that Camilla helps Sophie to swim to more secluded area, away from the boys. Sophie then take a look on her bikini top and realized the damaged beyond repair.

Camilla: "I hate to say this but you cannot wear this bikini top again as its hook were missing."

Sophie: (Starts to cry)"My sister can fix this but for now I cannot swim again. I should listen to your brother not to jump but..."

Camilla: (Hugging Sophie)"No need to cry, Sophie. I think I know how to even the odds."

Camilla stops hugging Sophie and then she takes off her bikini top, revealing her big, beautiful breasts with reddish brown nipples. Sophie can take her eyes off Camilla's breasts.

Camilla: "See, we both now topless."

Sophie: (Amazed)"Wow! Those are big and beautiful. Are those real?"

Camilla: "Of course they are real. Try to feel them a bit."

Camilla takes Sophie's hands and puts them on her breasts. Sophie feels Camilla's breasts for while and even tweak her nipples little bit. Suddenly Camilla's hands grabbed Sophie's breasts and she was surprised.

Sophie: (Surprised)Hey, what are you doing?"

Camilla: "Inspecting your breasts."

Sophie: "You should ask for permission first."

Camilla: "Sorry about that but can I take a look on your breasts?"

Sophie nods and Camilla begins to caress Sophie's breasts and tweaking her nipples.

Camilla: "Looks like you are a healthy girl, Sophie. While smaller than mine but they are quite big with nice round shape. Your nipples are also in good size as they are not too big or too small.

Sophie: (Blushed)"hey, Stop. It tickles me."

Camilla: "Let's get back to the boys and show them our best assets."

Meanwhile back to the boys who waiting for them in the river.

Samuel: "It's almost ten minutes now and they are not returning. Bathroom break maybe?"

Clarence: (Chuckles)"Maybe they are doing some hot girl-on-girl action but who know..."


Clarence: "That was a joke man."

Suddenly Camilla and Sophie arrived and the boys are surprised to see them topless.

Kurt: (Surprised)"What the hell, you two are topless right on front of us."

Camilla: "Sophie's bikini top was busted and there's no way to fix it so I encourage her to get topless instead. I too took off my bikini top to even the odds. By the way this is my perfect opportunity to show my breasts to you guys."

Sophie: (Swims to her brother)"Sorry for taking so long."

Samuel: "Nah, it's fine.

Camilla: "You guys can look but no touching."

They continue swimming and playing in the river but the boys can't focus on what they are doing as they constantly staring at Camilla and Sophie's breasts. The girls start to notice the bulges on the boys' pants.

Sophie: (Noticing the bulge one Samuel's pants)"That's gross brother!"

Camilla: (Chuckles)"well, Boys will be boys after all."

Kurt: "The cold river water don't help much to prevent the erection."

Camilla: "I have an idea, since we girls already show you our tits, why not you boys show your cocks to us."

Sophie: (Surprised)"WHAT! You aren't joking right?"

Camilla: "Of course I'm not joking. I just want to see your cocks for a while."

The boys seem reluctant but they lower their pants anyway, showing their penises to the girls.

Camilla: "Let's see here, who have the largest cock of them all."

Camilla come to the boys and touched their penises one by one, measuring them.

Camilla: (Measuring Kurt's penis)"As expected from my twin brother, you have large cock down there.

After done 'measuring' her brother's penis, she kissed Kurt on the cheek, leaving his face red with embarrassment. Then Camilla measure Samuel's penis.

Camilla: (Measuring Samuel's penis)"Somewhat little bit smaller than Kurt's but yours still in 'ideal' size.

Samuel: (Embarrassed): "Just 'little bit'?

Finally Camilla measured Clarence's penis and this time she were impressed.

Camilla: (Measuring Clarence's penis): OH. MY. GODS. Clarence, I can't believe that you are the winner here. Not just perfect size and girth but also shape as well.

Clarence: (Laughing)"Looks like I beat those two clowns over there."

Samuel: (Disappointed)"So I have the smallest one."

Sophie: "No need to be sad brother. I think yours is the best."

Clarence: "So what do I get by winning this 'dick-measuring contest'?

Camilla: "Well, nothing."

Clarence: "Damn it."

Samuel: (Laughing)"Serves you right."

They continue swimming in the river until afternoon. As Kurt and his sister wearing their clothes and ready to head back home, Sophie appears to him.

Sophie: (Whispers)"Tomorrow morning we will be here again but only two of us."

Kurt nods in agreement.

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