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Chapter 9: Chapter 7

Harribel glances all around the mall with child like curiosity. Every sound, every flash of light, and every store we passed by caught her attention. She didn't show it, but I can tell she was ecstatic.

She pulled me by arm towards a store that was selling baked goods, and from just the aroma coming from the store I can tell they would taste delicious. We walk into the store and Harrible pulls me towards the goods where they sit on the other side of a glass panel.

"What can I get you two love birds?" An elderly woman said with warming smile.

I chuckled lightly, "We aren't a co—" I hiss in pain as Harribel pinches my arm.

"We are a couple, he just doesn't want to admit" she says and lays her head on my shoulder.

"Seriously, we just met yesterday" I said with a shake of my head.

"Yes, and I like you already" she interlocks her hand with my hand. "And I like you a lot" she said softly as she leaned closer into my arm.

I rub the back of my head in embarrassment as I nervously chuckled as the elderly woman just smiled. "I'm sorry if this weirding you out ma'am. To honest, it's weirding me out too."

The elderly woman waves her hand dismissively. "Oh no sweetheart, it's quite alright. I enjoy seeing things like this. It brings back warm memories about my youth days with my husband" she sighed dreamy look on her face. She then shook her head and focused back on us.

"Anyways, you two can pick out one item and it'll be on the house" she said cheerily.

I narrowed my eyes and shook my head no. "No way, I'll be paying for the—" the look she gave me made me pause. It was one of those looks that a my mother would always give that always make me shut up or make rethink the choice of words that would come out my mouth. It was one of those looks that meant "say or do anything else and I'll whoop your ass".

I sighed and nodded my head in defeat. "Can I ask why you giving this to us free?"

The woman gently reached over and grabbed my free hand and gently held with both of hers. "It's because you saved my family from those monsters that a fews months back" she gave my hand a pat and let it go. "Also, you are pretty famous around here if you couldn't tell already." She pointed past us as we both looked over to find a small group of people gathering outside the store.

I see some people pointing towards Harrible and even over heard some of them say that she looked familiar. I quickly tell the older woman the ones we want and quickly vanish out from the bakery. We appear in front of a couple and their child on an escalator that's going up. The couple jump in fright as they hold their child against themselves.

I quickly apologized to them as I got a hold of Harribel's hand as soon as we got to the top and pulled her along towards the clothing shop. I felt Harribel grip my hand softly as I slowed down so she could match my pace. I look over to Harribel and find her smiling a little with her dark tanned skinned cheeks carrying a pink hue.

Seeing her smile got me to smile. "What's got all smiley?" I asked.

"You holding my hand makes me happy" she simply said.

"That's so you don't go wondering off and me having to go looking for you. This mall is huge and you're new to this world, so I don't want to have any problems" I lightly flick her forehead playfully. "Don't get any ideas about this" I said while holding up our linked hands to show her. She pouts in annoyance and to be honest it was pretty damn adorable.

Soon we stopped in front of a store called Victoria's Secret. A store that I always dreaded going into with a few of my ex-girlfriends. I always felt weird going into it even if I was with them. Felt like if I stared at anything to long in that store I be labeled as a pervert or creep from the women shopping in the store.

"Alright Harley, let's get you in so you can pick what you need, and please!" I said in begging voice as I looked her dead in the eyes. "Don't take long to pick the things you want, or try on every damn thing on."

"What if I just get the things you might like on me?" She honestly asked.

"Yeaaaaah, I'll just let you decide on those things" I looked to the side with my face feeling a little hot. "From what I can tell, I think anything you put on would look pretty hot on you." I said almost lost in thought with many images flashing in my head.

Before I can even catch on to what I even said, Harribel shoots a devilish grin my way and pushes chest up against mine. My eyes widen as I look around nervously, hoping no one thought we were doing anything unholy in public.

"I bet you were thinking many naughty things, weren't you?" She said in an almost sexy bedroom voice as her face started to slowly come close to mine.

I quickly lightly push back and grab her hand and start to pull her into the store as a few people few caught what we were and looked awkwardly. Others giggled and others shook their heads. Harribel even lightly giggled herself as I pulled her along.

We reached the center of the store and Harribel starting looking around the various clothing items. Judging from the items she was choosing and the glances with smiles she was shooting my way, I can tell she was planning something. I just hope whatever it is it won't be too extreme.

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