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Chapter 20: Chapter 20 Spider Suit

A week later.

Walking back home after school, I threw my bag on the couch in the living room and sat beside it.

I don't know why but it was really difficult being around Felicia past week.

She kept looking at me as if expecting something.

What might it be? Oh! I heard that Peter asked Mary and Liz out for Homecoming!

Now, I wonder what Felicia wants from me!

Tapping my chin, I think about the answer.

*Ring* Still tapping my chin, I take out my phone and pick up the call.

"Hello, Who's there?"

[Check the caller ID]


I drop my hand and look around the room, there was no saying when mom would come home. I needed to clean it but I had already cleaned it last week so it was clean... I wonder why it gets dirty so soon.

[Don't worry, I'm not coming home yet!]

"H-haha! Is that so? Why did you call then?"

[Are you wearing the necklace I got you?]

Using my hand, I take out the necklace hidden inside my shirt, hanging around my neck.


I reply with a cherry tone.

[..... By the way, didn't I send you a haloween mask? How is it?]

Looking around the room, I find a broken mask in the corner.

".... I lost it!"

[Is that so? Well, take care when you do your 'job'. I don't want you to die young!]

"I don't have a job!"

My eyes widen as I felt fear.



I can already see a smile on my mother's face.

"Do you know about my 'job'?"

[If you wear my haloween mask, with my necklace on national TV, then yes! I do know that you look weird and help people in that 'costume'!! Especially since you asked me about powers before!!]

Ha~ She knows about my superhero gig!! Well, that's not surprising, my mom's a detective so she could have deducted it already.

"Are you angry?"

[.... NO! How could I get angry when my son is doing something stupid and almost dying because of it?!!]

"Your tone sure is!!"

[What did you think, genius?! Of course, I'm angry!! I saw you get beaten to a pulp and regenerate like it was nothing! I felt hurt, watching you get hurt!!]

"..... That doesn't actually make sense!"

[You will know it when you become a parent!!..... HA~ Either way, I wanted to leave my job and come home but....]

"You can't, huh?"

[Yes, that's why I want to at least make sure you don't mess up the single thing you want to do! Since I can't come in person, I sent a gift!!]

"What gift?!"

[How long are you going to wear haloween masks?]

Widening my eyes at the meaning behind those words, I raise my voice.

"You got me a suit?!!"

[Hehe! Don't you think I should get the Best Mom award?!]

"Well, I wouldn't give the mom who willing put her son in danger that award but..... I LOVE YOU, MOM!!"

[Ha~ You're just excited about the suit!]


[....You need to learn how to lie! At this rate, I'm never becoming a grandma!]

"Forget that. When's the suit coming?!"

[It should be there by now!]

*Ring* "Delivery!!"

I turn my head towards the door.

[Be careful of the delivery gu-] *Clank*

Cutting the call, I pocket the phone and walk towards the door with hurried steps.

Mom was trying to tell me something about the delivery guy but I was too excuted for the suit to hear it.

Rushing to the front door, I open it and stare in awe.


Pointing my fingers at the person before me, I ask him a question.

"Are you the delivery guy?!"

"Who did you think I am? A newbie author writing webnovels onlin in his free time!!"

I turned around and took out my phone.

Dialing my mom's number, I try to call her.

*Ringing* *Clank*

[The person is currently bu-] *Clank*

Is this revenge for me cutting the call early every time?! Is that why she's not picking up the phone?!!

You might be thinki-

"You might be thinking why he's acting so strangely? Well, because the delivery guy was wearing a spandex suit, holding a spandex suit to deliver the spandex suit to the person, who would wear the spandex suit!!"

Turning back to the spandex suit delivery guy, who just broke the fourth wall!

Pointing at him, I ask in wonder.

"How did you-"

"Break the fourth wall? It was easy!! Just as easy as cutting my hand off and regenerating it!!"

Raising his hand forward, he introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, my name is... Deadpool."

"Your parents were strange."

"It's not a name given by my parents!!"

Smiling, he answered me.

If I had describe his appearance then it was red suit with black spots in some spots and two blades behind his back.

Taking the parcel containing my suit, I ask him.

"So~ You know my mom?"

Nodding his head, he answered cherrily.

"Of course. She's the one whips me hard!! All nigh-" *Bang*

Shutting the door in front of his face, I walk towards the living room as I keep thinking different things to get my mom's fetishes out of my mind.

Entering the living room, I had decided something.

My mom had weird friends and I will never meet any of them, ever again!!

Sighing, I kept the parcel down on the table.

Taking a moment to admire it's beauty, I slowly started to open it.

Yep, it was the feeling of unboxing a new phone.

Taking out the suit, I observed it closely.

It was black in color with a red spider in the middle.

There were red lines, spreading from my chest to the shoulders and met on the back.

There was a mask, included in the suit.

It had white eye holes, surrounded with red outline and a red web all over it.

(Check the photo of the novel!)

I smiled as I looked at it.

Inside the box, there was a note too.

Opening the note, I read it's contents.

'The details of the spider suit are as follows:

Night Vision: Tap the right side of the right eye hole twice.

Heat Vision: Tap the left side of the left eye hole twice.

Tear Resistant

Water Resistant

Fire Resistant

Odour Negating'

I understood that the suit wasn't made by my mom as she never wrote letters. This could possibly mean somebody else knowing my secret but I trusted my mom!

She wasn't the one who would do something that could endanger me!

After all, she is my hero!!

(MC's back story will be written later!)

Turning to the window, my grin widened.

"It's been a week since I last did any work. Time to start again!!"

Saying that, I wore the mask.

Unknown to me, I would have to stitch my suit back cause I was too nosy and ended up destroying the suit as soon as I got it.


Swinging in the air, a man in full body spandex suit went around the city.


Jumping in the air, I let go of the web and fly up like angel, only to fall and web another building, pulling me up again.

Swinging around the buildings, I jump on a roof as I run along it's edges to jump down again.

Swinging, I jump on top of an old building, having a gargoyle statue right beside me.

Looking at others from the building, I lean in on the gargoyle.

"It really is a different view."

Yep, right now, I'm not in Harlem. That place is still in shambles! Not my fault, of course!

Right now, I was in the outskirts of New York. It was a really shady place, with looks that made it seem to be filled with criminals and outlaws.

Cheap hotels, deadly looking restaurants which act like gambling dens..... maybe, people licking their knives and a woman dragging a young girl.

If you ignore the guy who's licking his knife, then the lady with the girl is definitely suspiscious.

Smiling under the mask, I jump from the building and swing right next to them.

I folow them as they walk towards a hotel. The lady keeps looking around suspisciously as if running from something.

The girl was wearing a cap and the lady tugged on the cap to hide her features even more.

Shady hotel matched with shady lady gives you shady kidnappers.

She's definitely hiding more kids in there!

Just before they can enter the hotel, I swing near them.

The lady touches the door handle. *Whip*

Webbing her hand to the door handle, I land right behind her.

As she turns around, I web her whole body to the door.

"Woah! Kidnapping kids! That's low, lady!"

Clapping my hands, I call the girl with her, probably 12-13.

"Here, little girl, I'm here to save you!"

I don't know why but she glares at me.

"Is it cause I called you like a pet or is it cause I called you a 'little girl'?"

I tilt my head as I ask her.

Just as I was speaking with her, the lady stuck to the door spoke up.

"No, don't fight here!! It will cause a commotion!"

I look at her and shrug my shoulders.

"What fight? It's already over! I'm taking the girl home now!!"

Just as I say 'home', the girl growls at me.


"Woah! You must not know about tooth brush, I can smell your mouth from here!!"

I wave my hand before my face as I say that, causing the girl more irritation.

Just as she takes a step towards me, the lady speaks again.

"Wait! He's too dumb to be from 'there'!!"


I protest to her. How dare she call me dumb?

'If you had actually studied in your youth, you wouldn't be kidnapping now!'

Before I could say that though, the girl growled again and clenched her fists as she glared at me.

From her clenched fists, I see two blade-like things rise from her knuckles.

"No! Laura!"

At this point, I was in doubt.

Pointing to the girl, I speak up.

"How dare you kidnap her?! Don't worry lady, I wil save you from this girl!"

Before I could continue the joke, auto-pilot acted and made me flip back as the Laura tried to hack me with her 'nails'.

Flipping back, I web a building and round around Laura.

As I get behind her and try to kick her, she turns around and slashes at me again.

Bending backwards, I aim my wrist at her knuckles.

Webbing her blades, I try to cover them entirely to baby-proof them.

Just as I cover her blades, she looks at her hands and back at me.

She withdraws her blades into her hand, tearing the web and redraws them.

I see a small sadistic smile on her face.

I wonder who her dad is! She sure didn't have the right raising.

Shaking my head, I dash at her as she does at me.

Getting closer to me, she jumps at me while I slide below her.

Landing on her fours, she draws blades from her feet and kicks at me.

Barely dodging the blade, I use this moment to web the other leg and pull it.

Losing her balance, she falls down but uses her hands as supports to kick at me, using the leg I pulled on.

Webbing the hotel ceiling, I pull myself up.

"Is this the punishment for pulling your leg?!"

Saying that, I jump back down before her as she growls again.

"I would like if you actually talked! I know I'm half-spider and all but that doesn't mean I speak animal language."

She dashes at me as I completely go of control.

Auto-pilot takes over me and dodges every attack she throws at me.

As she kicks at me, I dodge her blades and catch her leg.

Pulling it towards me, I lift the dwarf by her leg.

Webbing her leg to the ceiling, I realize just how heartless, auto-pilot is! Though I make no attempt at letting her down.

Turning back to the lady, who's trying to take off my web, I speak.

"Let's talk, shall we?"

A kid with blades coming out her hand, running from something along with a lady, isn't a normal thing that can end once I web them up and call the police.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

Smiling at her behavior, I smirk.

"Ara~ Is that so? Should I call the police then? They would sure be interested i-"

My words were stopped as I noticed a guy aiming his gun at us. Moving, I predict the bullet's trajectory.


It was at that moment, I knew I won't be getting sleep this weekend.

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