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Chapter 72: The end of an era

Intuition. Gut feeling. Sixth sense.

However you decide to call it, what it is at its core remains the same. That is, the innate ability that each and every living being has to understand or know something based solely on their feeling, usually honed through years of experience rather than rational thought. Most of the time, anyway.

Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that, with a sharp enough sense, people can predict things beyond what they normally could. Whether that be something as simple as how a person really is beyond their usual persona, to something along the lines of knowing that something terrible – even borderline catastrophic – is about to happen.

And Yelan, with all her experience of dealing with unscrupulous people and brushing with death in the time she's been working as a non-entity of the state, knows better than to ignore her own intuition. To do so is to be ill-prepared for what's to come. To do so means to miss out on a crucial lead of an investigation.

To do so, means death on the battlefield.

But now, as she stood to the side observing the Seven Stars of Liyue gather together for the first time in a while inside a large chamber within Yuehai Pavilion, she couldn't help but wish that her intuition was wrong. Something she never thought would ever cross her mind.

Rex Lapis has been assassinated during the annual Rite of Descension, with his body currently stored away by the Qixing inside the safety of the Golden House. The many people who were present during said ceremony were escorted away by the soldiers to be questioned, the process of which is still going on even now. And Liyue, Teyvat's central for commerce, is currently being held under lock and key for the foreseeable future.

It was nothing short of a disaster, really.

'Sigh. Of all things, why does it have to be deicide?'

While the thought of having to deal with and hopefully apprehending someone – or something – that is capable of killing a god would normally be a source of eternal headaches, Yelan chose to think of it as a challenge.

And that was more than enough to quell whatever stress she might get and replace it with a feeling of unimaginable thrill down her spine.

While she was busying herself with her own thoughts, she made sure to pay enough attention to listen in on the Qixing's discussion. And as the talk progresses, she notices that the previous cordial attitude some of the members have is getting very close to being thrown out the window.

"Are you even aware of what you're suggesting?" One of the Qixing asks, barely able to stop the tremor in his voice as he struggles to hide the anger in his expression.

"Of course I do." The Yuheng replied, not an ounce of doubt can be seen in her face as she maintained her calm demeanor. "With Rex Lapis no longer with us, I believe it's the best thing we can do to secure Liyue's future."

"By taking advantage of our beloved god's death to fill in the power vacuum he left behind?" The man scoffed at the Yuheng's answer. "All of us are aware of your thoughts regarding Rex Lapis, Lady Keqing. And while I would normally entertain such a discussion, now is not the time for it."

"I disagree. If anything, this is the perfect time to talk about this." Keqing narrowed her eyes before sweeping her gaze towards the others present. "We've been relying on Rex Lapis' guidance for far too long, and now that he's passed away, those that are used to having their hand held by him will feel lost. Securing our position as quickly as we could will help to prevent the problems that would inevitably occur."

"And is this takeover of yours truly for the sake of Liyue? Or is it simply to fulfill your own grand ambition?"

Even with all her composure, Yelan noticed that Keqing's patience was being worn thin.

"I advise you to watch what you're saying, Tianji." She replied, a bit harsher than she might've intended. "I have nothing but Liyue's best interest at heart."

"Do you, now?"

In response to his accusation, Keqing took a deep breath to calm herself before she continued.

"Yes. I do. I have been responsible for the harbor's day-to-day affairs for a long time, and I have seen first hand how complacent the people are when it comes to their own future. Merchant's make investments by relying on their belief, the poor are relying on his divine prophecy as a beacon of hope while never once trying to tread their own path to earn Mora. And the rich? Instead of securing their own wealth, they only ever pray that they wouldn't get swept away by the tide when the next Rite of Descension comes.

"It's a problem that has been plaguing Liyue for a long time, can't you see? And while the death of Rex Lapis is a loss to us all, it's also an opportunity for us to cut this problem at its roots. We do not need a god to deal with the affairs of a human. As long as us mortals are willing to take the responsibility, we're more than capable of taking the future of this harbor into our own hands."

As she finished her piece, the others within the table had a thoughtful look on their faces as they pondered her words. With the exception of Ningguang, who has only interjected several times during this entire meeting, and the Tianshu, who's eyes have been glued to the documents he had on hand. Even then, everyone within this chamber knows that he's always listening when it comes to matters concerning Liyue.

There are merits to the Yuheng's words, Yelan thought. She herself is quite neutral when it comes to these things, but now that Liyue is in its most turbulent period since the calamity, her suggestion is a rational one that is worth considering.

'Unfortunately, there is one thing she has failed to consider.'

Suddenly, the silence within the chamber was broken by a slam.

"Responsibility? Responsibility, you say?"

The eyes within the chamber began to converge towards the source. The Tianji, now no longer hiding the disgust in his eyes, glared harshly towards Keqing as his body began to tremble in anger. "What would you know about that, Lady Keqing?"

"And just what do you mean by that?" Keqing responded, with the same amount of sharpness.

In response, The Tianji let out a derisive laugh.

"Do you think that, just because you have taken it upon yourself to see how the people operate by your own eyes, it will give you enough understanding of the responsibility Rex Lapis has been shouldering for the majority of his life?"

Before Keqing could respond, the Tianji continued speaking.

"Four thousand years, Lady Keqing. It's been nearly four thousand years since Liyue's creation. And while it might not be the case now, Rex Lapis was responsible for everything for the majority of this harbor's existence. Policies, management, resources, you name it. For you to say those words so easily shows how ignorant you really are."

"That is not what I–"

"And why don't we talk about something else that you seem to be forgetting?" The Tianji pushes his glasses up slightly, the glass around the frame reflecting the lights above. "You are the Yuheng, Lady Keqing. You are responsible for Liyue's real estate and construction, and the overall urban management of our beautiful harbor. And nothing else.

"Do not overstep your boundaries, Yuheng. Policy making in regards to the future of this harbor is not within your authority. You'd do well to remember that."

The table fell into complete silence as the already tense atmosphere became even more so.

While the Tianji continues to glare at the Yuheng, Keqing herself was taken aback at his response. But once she properly understood what was said, Yelan noticed a slight twitch in her arms as her hands tightly grip against each other on top of the table.

Unconsciously – because it's quite obvious she didn't realize it herself, Yelan noted – several purple lightning began to materialize around Keqing, causing those sitting next to her to move as far as they possibly can from her.

'Blind devotion and near excessive skepticism. What a combination to have in a single room.'

Before the brewing conflict could come to head however, a cough resounded throughout the chamber, breaking the tense atmosphere and catching the attention of those present.

"That's quite enough, you two."

The Tianshu Tian, who had been silent the entire time, finally spoke.

Neatly organizing the paper on his hand, the Tianshu set them aside before continuing. "Right now, Liyue is facing an unprecedented crisis. While the topic of your debate is crucial to how we move forward, I think it's in everyone's best interest if we table this discussion for now to be continued at a later time. Preferably under a less hostile atmosphere."

Hearing the Tianshu chastising them, both Keqing and the Tianji hung their heads down in embarrassment before leaning back towards their respective seats.

Seeing that the two of them have calmed down, the wizened old man nodded before glancing at the clock hung on the wall. "This meeting has gone on for long enough. Since that's the case, I would like to ask everyone to return to your respective stations and continue to monitor the situation. If nothing of significant importance happens, then you may retire for the day. Any questions?"

Not a single peep was heard in response.

"In that case, the meeting is adjourned."

And with that, the meeting of the Seven Stars of Liyue ended as each and every member began tidying their things and walking towards the exit of the pavilion in an orderly manner. Of course, given the previous conflict, a glare or two were exchanged between the Yuheng and the Tianji, but that's as far as they take it.

Now, the large chamber felt empty as only three of the eight participants stayed behind.

"Sigh. What a mess." The Tianshu, who was radiating such a stern aura previously, was nowhere to be seen as he sagged onto his seat. Now, rather than one of the seven leaders who governs Liyue, he was simply a tired old man.

"Mmhm. Quite the conviction our dear Yuheng held, don't you think?" With no one else inside but familiar faces, Ningguang allows herself to relax, lighting the pipe in her hand as she stared at the ceiling, blowing the smoke into the air absentmindedly.

"Yes. Though she might need to tone things down a bit if she failed to consider the potential repercussions of her suggestion." Pushing herself off the wall, Yelan slowly came into view as he strode towards an empty seat next to the Tianshu. "The adepti would no doubt show a very… intense reaction once the news has reached them. If it hasn't already, that is. And if word comes out that we the Qixing are making such a move not long after?"

The others nodded, clearly understanding the gravity of such a thing.

"The adepti, huh?" The Tianshu let out another sigh before turning towards his left. "What do you think we should do, Ningguang?"

Ningguang played with her pipe for a bit, taking a long inhale before slowly exhaling the smoke away from the two. "Since this incident happened during the ceremony, the Qixing would no doubt be held accountable. Maybe not for the murder itself, but for the fact that it happens in the first place. Thus, sending one of our members to hold a discussion with them is not a good idea."

"And yet we have to explain ourselves to prevent further misunderstanding." Yelan added, her hands playing with a translucent blue dice as she focused her attention towards the conversation.

"Precisely." Ningguan nodded. "There is someone we can send, though she is currently indisposed. And although I can surmise that they would at least listen to her, there's no guarantee that they wouldn't storm out of their abode straight towards Liyue in anger right after. Not that I blame them."

"Hmm… and I assume you have something to deal with that situation?"

"I might have something in mind." Ningguang hummed as she inhaled her pipe before turning towards Yelan. "Did you invite them?"

"Yes. They're currently waiting in the other room."

"Good, good." Hearing Yelan's response, Ningguang extinguished her pipe and set them aside before standing up. "Let's get going then, we've kept them waiting for long enough." Before leaving, Ningguang gave a slight bow towards the Tianshu. "Please excuse us, Uncle Tian."

"It's fine, it's fine." The old man said, waving away their gesture. "Do whatever it is you need to do. I'll be staying here for a while, so if you ever need this old man, you know where to find me."

After bidding him farewell, Ningguang and Yelan exited their chamber, giving a short greeting to the guard on standby before walking deeper into the pavilion.

Once they reached the room in question, the guards gave the two a salute and opened the door, to which the two of them began making their way inside.

The four occupants of the room, who were busy talking with each other, suddenly stopped as they turned their attention towards the new arrival.

"I apologize for making you wait, especially after inviting all of you here so suddenly."

While Ningguang greets the four guests cordially, Yelan stood a step behind her. As her gaze met – or at least she thinks it does – with the man wearing that familiar white mask, Yelan gave him a wink and had to restrain a laugh as she saw the grip the blonde girl had on the man tighten ever so slightly.

"I would hope you have a good reason for all this?" The masked honorary knight asked.

"Of course. But before that, let me properly introduce myself."

Despite no doubt already aware of who they're talking with, none within the group object. After all, simple courtesy goes a long way.

"I am the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, Ningguang. It's a pleasure to meet all of you."


All was quiet inside the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.

Usually, the word 'quiet' and 'Wangsheng' don't really go hand in hand considering the 77th director's many eccentricities. On this particular day, however? The director was too busy sulking in her office, cursing the Liyue Qixing for hiding Rex Lapis' exuvia, preventing her from sending Liyue's god off peacefully to the other side.

That, and the whole lockdown that the Millelith has put on the harbor as a whole. But really, as long as the director is in a somewhat chipper mood – which is all the time as far as anyone is concerned – Wangsheng Funeral Parlor would remain the loudest place in the entire harbor according to their employees.

And within this quiet building that has numerous variations of coffins lying in store and the faint stench of death that only few could have the (dis)pleasure of knowing, a man is currently sitting down on a chair next to an open window on the second floor, absentmindedly rubbing the warm cup of tea in his hand as he gazed upon the empty streets of Liyue.

"You really shouldn't be here, Childe." The man said, his baritone voice echoing throughout the rather quaint study. "Millelith soldiers are everywhere, and I would advise you to return to your own encampment before they start knocking on each and every door looking for the culprit."

"Don't be so cold, Zhongli." The ginger haired harbinger replied in a carefree manner, crossing his legs as he laid back on the chair across from the Wangsheng consultant. "Is it wrong for me to pay a visit to our most trusted associate? Besides, I took measures along the way, so you don't have to worry about me getting found out."

"You can never be too careful." Taking a sip of his osmanthus tea, Zhongli let out a content sigh. "The Liyue Qixing would stop at nothing to catch the culprit responsible for Rex Lapis' assassination. And if push comes to shove, should they manage to capture you, they will not hesitate to paint you as a scapegoat. The wrath of the adepti is not something they're willing to face, after all."

In response, Childe let out an amused laugh. "Well, I say let them try. I am always up for a challenge. I wouldn't say no to an opportunity to test the mettle of the famous Millelith. Or better yet, maybe one of the Qixing would be brave enough to try. Oh, just thinking about it makes my blood boil!"

Seeing the Fatui Harbinger lost in his thoughts, Zhongli shook his head, opting to say nothing and continue enjoying his tea.

"Ah, I almost forgot the reason I came here in the first place," Childe suddenly said, reaching for his own unattended cup before taking a quick sip, "Would you happen to know what this is, Zhongli?"

Saying that, Childe proceeds to pull out a piece of paper before handing it over for Zhongli to inspect.

The paper is golden in color with a sleek texture to it, and written on the paper itself is a script dating back to the early days of Liyue. And if you look closely enough, a faint shimmer could be seen emanating from it, originating from the power infused within.

"This is a Sigil of Permission, a talisman created by Rex Lapis that is infused with adeptal power. Back during the Archon War, humans used them in order to channel divine power." Zhongli explained, bringing the talisman closer. "But now, even with its power, it is nothing more than a sigil to keep the adepti from harming you."

As he finished his explanation, Zhongli focused his gaze back towards Childe. "To think that you managed to find something like this. I must admit, I'm quite surprised."

"It was pure luck, really." Childe shrugs. "Some people owed us something, and I found this lying around while I went out to collect their debt. Anyway, since you know what it is, then let me ask you something: is it possible to produce a copy of this sigil?"

"Hmm…." Tapping his finger against the table, Zhongli began to ponder Childe's question.

After quite some time, Zhongli finally opened his mouth.

"Technically, it should be possible. Making the base talisman shouldn't be much of a problem. I'm sure you have the resources to procure the materials, if need be. The problem would be the fact that you need to infuse the adeptal power within this particular talisman to the new ones."

"We've already acquired the material beforehand and already began producing them. But as you said, we're currently stuck on how to properly imbue its power."

"I'm afraid I can't help you with that, Childe." Zhongli shook his head much to Childe's visible disappointment. "Regrettably, that knowledge is something I have yet to learn in this lifetime."

As Zhongli began refilling his cup, Childe let out a sigh as he lazily collapsed into his chair. "What a shame. And here I was hoping you would have the answer, too. I guess there are some things that you don't know about, huh?"

"Of course. I may know a lot of things, Childe, but that doesn't mean I know everything there is to know in this world."

"Well you certainly don't act like it."

"Is that the impression I've been giving?"

"Most of the time."

"I see." Zhongli paused, gazing at his reflection inside the teacup. "It seems I have much to learn."

Not questioning his musing, Childe drinks whatever's left at his cup before standing up.

"Well, now that I've finished my business here, it's best for me to take my leave."

"Quite." Putting his teacup down, Zhongli returned the sigil back to Childe before he stood up from his own seat. "Let me show you out, then."

"Ah, there's no need for that. The exit is right here." Childe said as he gestured towards the open window. "It's best to be discreet, am I right?"

Zhongli merely stared at him in response.

"Tough crowd, huh. Oh well." Climbing over the open window, Childe stood over the ledge for a bit as he scanned the streets below. Once he made sure everything was clear, he turned back towards Zhongli. "We'll meet again next time, Zhongli. Hopefully by that time, I'll bring with me some good news for the both of us."

"I'm sure you will, Childe."

And with that, the Fatui Harbinger disappeared into the night, not a trace of his presence can be found.

Looking at the place the harbinger once stood, Zhongli steps closer towards the window before he raises his gaze towards the sky. Contrary to the turmoil happening in the land below, the night sky was much more tranquil in comparison, as numerous stars shone brightly upon its dark canvas.

As Zhongli stood in silence, contemplating matters that were to come, a knock resounded beyond the door to his study.

"Come in."

With his permission, the door suddenly slams open as the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor stormed inside the room, scanning the interior for a bit before her eyes eventually settled on her consultant. "Is he gone?"

"He left not long ago, director."

Already used to the director's antics, Zhongli was not taken aback at her behavior. Though he did note that he might need to check on the door later. Such a force is bound to damage its knobs. Maybe he should check the wall as well, while he's at it.

"Tch, good riddance." The director spat, as she made her way towards the seat Zhongli previously sat in and made it her new home. "Seriously, why do we have to entertain him? I don't like him, you don't particularly feel anything towards him, and the little one hates him!"

As she said that, a white apparition poked its head out of her coat, looking around the room before letting out a quiet shriek as it began exploring the consultant's study.

"Patience, Director Hu." Slowly making his way towards the other seat, Zhongli tried to placate Wangsheng's director. "If everything goes well, then he should be back to his homeland by this time next week at the very least."

"That's still seven days too long, sensei!"

"Think of his presence like a body atop a pyre, director." Grabbing a new cup from the tea set, Zhongli began pouring Hu Tao a cup. "Though it's particularly hard to burn, all we have to do is maintain the fire and he'll disappear from our sight sooner or later."

"If you let me, that imagery doesn't have to stay an analogy, sensei." Hu Tao grumbled as she crossed her arms together.


Hearing his stern tone, Hu Tao let out an angry huff before backing down. "Fine, fine! I'll let the fire cook his body a bit longer."

"Thank you."

Seeing Zhongli offer her a cup of tea, Hu Tao gingerly took it out of his hand and slowly took a sip. The warmth of osmanthus going down her throat gave her a sense of calmness as she slowly began to relax, throwing the thought of the Fatui Harbinger out the window.

"What should we do about the Qixing?"

"For now, we'll wait."

"And do nothing?"

"Not nothing, of course." Before the director could throw another tantrum at the thought of the Qixing, Zhongli was quick to answer. "In the meantime, we can make some preparations for the Rite of Parting. As for the body itself… we'll see."

"I guess that's all we can do now, huh?" Hu Tao sighed. Regrettably, she wasn't there to witness Rex Lapis' body firsthand. After all, she was too busy chasing around her favorite zombie. She can't help it! She just really wanted to pamper her!

Shaking the thoughts out of her head, Hu Tao observed the rickety old man next to her. Even the simple action of him enjoying his downtime, he still carried himself with grace that comes from experience.

As she gazed upon his relaxed figure for a bit longer, a cheeky smile began to form in Hu Tao's face.

"Are you enjoying it, sensei?"

Looking away from the stars above, Zhongli turned towards Hu Tao. "Whatever do you mean, director?"

"Why, your retirement, of course!" The smile on her face widened even more as she spread her arm wide. "It's not exactly easy leading an entire nation for thousands of years, you know? I imagine it must be quite the weight off your back, huh?"

Seemingly taken aback by her question, Zhongli rubbed the base of his chin as he lowered his gaze in thought.

It's been six thousand years, he thought. Six thousand long and arduous years. And it's been approximately three thousand and seven hundred years since he created Liyue Harbor after he gathered what's left of the Guili Assembly.

"It's… strange, really."

As the occupant of one of the seven divine seats, it was his duty as the God of Contracts to make sure that Liyue Harbor continued to prosper under his rule.

A duty he gave himself three millennia ago.

"Not having to worry about the future of Liyue is certainly a relief, to an extent. Yet I can't help but feel like something is missing."

But as the years went by, he could feel it. He could feel himself being worn down by the passage of time. Even the sturdiest of rocks wouldn't last forever. And as he gazed upon his beloved harbor from the height of Yujing Terrace, he could no longer suppress the burning question in his mind.

How long can this go on?

"That's normal, sensei." Suddenly, Hu Tao scooted her chair all the way next to the old god. With the same smile on her face, she energetically patted his shoulders. "It'll take time to get used to not having to work so much, but eventually, you'll learn to enjoy all that free time you have!"

Seeing the director trying to cheer him up, Zhongli couldn't help but chuckle.

"I'll take your word for it, director."

"Of course, you should!" Hu Tao nodded as she puffed her chest in pride. "After all, when it comes to being human, I am better at it than you are!"

Feeling a comfortable warmth coming from his chest, Zhongli reached his hand towards the director, removing her hexagon hat and began brushing her long red hair. "That, you are, Director Hu. That, you are."

And while the director grabbed his hand and began moving it back and forth at her own pace, Zhongli thought of the contract offered by the Tsaritsa through the harbinger known as Signora.

It was an opportunity, he thought. Before he would inevitably succumb to the erosion, he would put together a test. A test for the people of Liyue, and for the adepti that have sworn to protect the harbor with their life.

Of course, such an opportunity came at a price. But really, he has no real need for the piece resting inside of him. If the divine heart could be of help to his old friend, then who was he to refuse?

"Hu Tao."

Hearing her name being called so directly by him for the first time, Hu Tao stopped what she was doing.

Setting his hand down next to her, the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor looked up towards her consultant.

His amber eyes, usually filled to the brim with knowledge, were now filled with confusion instead. Something she never expected to see from him.

"Do you think I've finished my duties?"

The blossom-shaped pupil within her crimson eyes widened, before it slowly relaxed itself as a smile began to form once again. One that was lacking with her usual playfulness. It was a genuine smile that Zhongli has yet to see.

"Of course you have, Morax. You've done more than enough. " Hu Tao softly said as she enveloped his right hand with both of hers. "And now, it's time for you to finally take your well deserved rest."

"Is that so?"

Seeing Hu Tao nodding her head, Zhongli fell into contemplation as he once again focused his gaze towards the stars.

Slowly, a smile began to form on his usually stoic face.

"I'm glad."

Evfrnet Evfrnet

3.7 is almost here, and somehow it felt like it hasn't even been a month since 3.6. I haven't even explored the new area yet. The only reason I have it unlocked at all is because the new event forces me to do it.

In other news, Kurama24 made a suggestion on the previous chapter's comment, and I thought that it's an interesting way to write Ganyu for this fanfic. I won't promise that it would turn out good, but I can promise you that I'll try my best.

Finally, thank you to everyone who is still reading this trainwreck of a story. Hopefully you enjoyed it so far.

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