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Chapter 17: Chapter 15: Family

After left my trunk, and followed Ginny, we played for a few hours, and I told her some stories from my time as Anakin on Tatooine.

Naturally, I told her everything as a supposed story that combines fantastic and futuristic elements. I also embellished it a bit; after all, I didn't want to scare her.

Yes, there are too many things from my life on Tatooine that an innocent little Ginny shouldn't know... although I was her age at the time or even younger... but oh well, that doesn't matter.

Ginny listened in amazement to the whole story I told her about distant worlds, spaceships, robots...

When Mrs. Weasley called us for dinner, Ginny was reluctant to go downstairs because she wanted me to keep telling her about Tatooine, the many legends there were, the technology, the different planets, and their living beings...

Yes, maybe without thinking too much, in my rant about my life as Anakin, I had created for Ginny a story that was too detailed, interesting, and entertaining using my previous world along with the entire galaxy.

Seeing how animated and attentive she was to the story, I doubted that from now on, she'd let me avoid talking more about the subject.

Well, my mistake for wanting to remember that time with a child, but I won't lie; I liked being able to share it with someone other than Master Qui-Gon, even if it was in the format of a fictional story and Ginny had no idea that it was all really my experience as Anakin.

Still, telling these things made me remember so much that I missed...

"Ced?" Ginny asked, derailing me from my thoughts.

I blinked and looked at her. "Hmm?"

"Are you okay?" she asked, noticing that I had been silent for too long, not paying attention to anything else but my memories and thoughts.

"Yeah, I am. Come on, let's go eat; I'll continue the story later, alright?" I said, maybe lying a little, as thinking about all this did affect me a bit. But seeing her nod quickly with a happy smile on her sweet face as if she had already obtained the best toy possible was enough to make me want to keep telling her more of this "story" at another time.



Arthur arrived just in time for dinner, along with all the other Weasley redheads.

As always, Mr. Weasley was dressed in his work clothes; I had rarely seen him without them. The poor man seemed exhausted after a long day, but that didn't stop him from coming over and greeting everyone with a warm smile.

Yes, Arthur was always like this, and I hoped he never really changed. He didn't stand out much in the crowd, but he always made himself known when necessary. He was a man of soft-spoken and mostly calm demeanor, although he certainly became very enthusiastic when talking about the Muggle world or Quidditch.

"It's so good to see you all," I quickly greeted the group of redheads who had arrived to receive a similar greeting in response from all of them.

"Hi Dad!" Ginny happily greeted next to me, completely ignoring her brothers.

Even Mrs. Weasley focused only on greeting her husband. Instead of an audible greeting, she gave Arthur a warm smile as they hugged and kissed.

Then Arthur focused solely on warmly greeting his little, pampered, and only daughter, and my stomach seemed to twist a little as I remembered that Shmi, my mother as Anakin, used to greet me and treat me in a similar way. Fortunately, this was something I had grown accustomed to over time, as it sometimes happened that I remembered my past as Anakin when I saw their affectionate interactions.

And you can say whatever you want about the Weasleys, but no one can deny that they are a simple but very affectionate and warm family.

Although my dad was kind of similar..., yet it was more a matter of me being his only son and heir, which made him proud of me almost to the point of always wanting to put me on a glorified pedestal.

And my mother, although I knew she loved me and would do whatever was best for me, couldn't change the simple fact that she wasn't one to show much affection, something that was quite different from my mother on Tatooine.

Still, I loved them both. But I couldn't help but think of or miss Shmi Skywalker, especially when I saw things that reminded me of my time with her.

"Arthur, dear, let's get you fed," Molly said as she led Arthur to the head of the table.

After that, and as always, the twins wasted no time upon arriving and seeing me; they instantly started chatting and joking with me.

Naturally, Mrs. Weasley didn't allow them to get too out of control during dinner.


Eating was always fun at The Burrow. The twins always loved playing pranks on their brothers while Mrs. Weasley scolded them, and Arthur acted as a mediator, although most of the time he practically ignored the situation. It was only when Molly gave him a stern look that he intervened.

I found it both amusing and somewhat depressing to see how this lively family interacted. It made me want to have siblings with whom to joke, fight, play, laugh, argue, and even annoy, as the twins did at every opportunity.

Ginny was constantly complaining about her two hyperactive and annoying brothers, but I knew that no matter how much she didn't admit it, she had a lot of fun with the antics of those two natural comedians.

And as much as the twins constantly teased the "spoiled mama's girl," I also knew how much they cared for their little Ginny.

-End Cedric's POV


After eating, Arthur and Cedric said goodbye to the rest of the Weasley family and headed off to the USA.



- Magic Fifth Avenue, New York, United States

- December 15, 1988

At the entrance of Magic Fifth Avenue stood an enormous wooden door that seemed tailor-made for Trolls to pass through. This massive door was located in an alley at 77th Street at Fifth Avenue Muggle and was enchanted in such a way that only magical individuals could see it. It was known as the entrance that separated the magical community of New York from non-magicals.

Above this door, in golden letters, was written: "Welcome to Magic Fifth Avenue."

The district of Magic Fifth Avenue was filled with magical shops selling all kinds of magical items, from talking mirrors, floating lanterns, magic purses and trunks, omniculars, reminders pen-flyers, magic clocks, to potions, antiques, flying brooms, flying motorcycles, and magic books.

There were also many food stores selling all kinds of magical sweets and other foods.

The district was bustling with wizards and witches of all ages. Other magical beings could also be seen shopping and strolling through the businesses at half-past seven on the evening of December 15th.

Most of them walked through the shops, browsing and buying things, while others struggled to sell their rare and unique products.

Even various cleaning workers could be seen patiently leafing through the New York Magic Daily as their enchanted brooms cleaned the cobblestone streets of litter. It was clear to anyone watching that these workers had no interest in their jobs; after all, why clean the streets now when thousands of people were constantly passing, taking away trash and leaving it for them to clean again?

A group of black magical cars, Buick Regals, had stopped next to the gigantic gate at the entrance to the magical district. They were waiting for the numerous members and professionals who had come to represent the different magical communities attending the meeting on the misuse of Muggle artifacts shortly before 9 pm at MACUSA headquarters in the Woolworth Building.

Some of them wore wizard robes, while others wore all sorts of strange clothing that was likely typical of their countries.

But what they all had in common was that they had to go to the meeting in a few minutes, probably considered one of the most boring in the magical world.

The first representatives began to arrive shortly before 8 pm.

Once the first representatives arrived, the entrance began to fill up as more and more members and professionals hurried to appear at the location.

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