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Chapter 19: 19

The next morning I call Bella. She says its boring without me and complains about P.A.'s over acting. Seeing they still have a while to reach the Dragon Kingdom I tell her to tough it out. She asks me about who all I did yesterday and the horny girl complains more.

I contact my hanzos and hear that the black scripture is finally mobilizing to find out about the sunlight scripture. Apparently the Thousand League Astrologer could see that I was talking to her but can't hear from her ability. Reading lips won't work in this world either due to the ever present translation magic. And I was wearing my helmet so...

Anyways I planned a group ambush all day with the think tank. As soon as they crossed the country's border we would greet them. I emphasized the fact that they had at least one world item and among their members were children of players. I would be in the lead and would allow scrying unless they needed to come out.

This would send a message to the Theocracy and give us a new world item. Plus Zesshi may seek me after she learns the black was wiped out. Their deaths were scheduled for tomorrow.

My maid of the day was Rogue. The southern bombshell from the the X-men TV show. The white streak in her hair and big booty prominent features. The gift she wanted was to get a massage in the spa. She had a background that I had cured her of her draining touch and she had always wanted one apparently. I decided it wouldn't be a gift if I didn't do it myself and Lenny would be proud of the job I did.

After the deep and thorough massage I spent the evening with Albedo. In the morning we were contacted that the scripture had just moved beyond their borders. The Tomb went to high alert and the hit squad moved out. Shalltear, Albedo, Sebas, Natasha, all gated 2 Kilometers out. Each had a world item in hand.

Albedo has Ginnungagap a item that increases area damage and has two forms. She was using it in the halberd form rather than the wand. She was in her full plate armor and mounted on her bicorn. Its name was Black Thunder.

Shalltear was in her red full plate. Her pipette Lance in one hand and the world item cursed shield of negative energy. The perfect defensive item for an undead cursed knight.

Sebas was in his dragon form. His white scales blending with his trousers. The world item his belt was a monk focused retaliation bonus I payed someone for in game. It may require someone to hit you first but you could tank damage and blow it back in one unarmed strike.

Natasha had her cat suit on and was equipped with the snake and serpent daggers. The world item pair would paralyze and poison depending upon which you got hit with. The stacking if both got you would even kill me unless I went to a form immune to paralysis and poisons.

We decide to move towards them keeping a wide circle. Eventually I can sense them just over the hill. They were breaking their camp and didn't seem to know they were surrounded. Abby came out and formed into an arrow. My bow the same one that Pero put an entire summer of effort into making. I took a steadying breath and set my necro-arrow. [Precise Shot] [Power Shot] [Dead on Arrival] I quickly powered up my archer abilities. I stepped to the top of the hill bow drawn and zeroed in on the mean looking old woman in the Chinese dress. I release my arrow and before I could breath out her head was pierced. Abby absorbed the body and returned to me a moment later.

The black scripture wasn't even sure what just happened. Abby covered my spear and I started to walk into the camp with my shield in my other hand. "AMBUSH!" Screamed a male spear wielder. The group rallied quickly to the man as I took their attention.

"Greetings Black Scripture. It seems the warning I sent your leaders was not headed. Now you have been sacrificed to their hubris. So you can fight and die or run and die." I say with a commanding growl.

"We were just told to meet you this isn't an attack!" The leader shouts trying for a third option.

"Diplomatic envoys usually don't sneak into a country and bring along a world item capable of brainwashing anyone. So excuse me for doubting your intentions. You have provoked me now this is your consequence."

I level my shield and spear at them and start to slow march towards them. A member of their group named time turbulence tried to cast a spell not on the level of time stop. I took this as my trigger as he could not effect me only his allies. Before he could react I had killed his captain, a giant sword wielder, and a guy with an enormous shield. If I was the one who casted the spell I wouldn't be able to attack anything without breaking it. This was a rookie PKer move. Realizing he was fucked he ended the spell.

I was in the middle of their formation when the spell ended and three bodies dropped. I swung my spear in a wide circle killing 4 more. A spellcaster used a bunch of barrier spells to slow down my swing which might have been effective if I didn't have Abby. They were thrown off and I then stabbed a guy taller then me with white hair in the heart. The next two to fall were both casters a edgy looking guy in black and a girl in green and red. I noticed their healer trying to save someone and immediately threw my spear killing her. Abby zipped back into my hands and the ones who thought they had an opportunity when I didn't have my spear died next.

The last to die was a beautiful woman with long blue hair in a braid. Her ridiculously large hat sat beside her on the ground. Her knee was broken from my first swing in the center of their group. She just looked up at me in fear. "How many villagers have looked at you the way you are looking at me. Did you ever give them mercy. The non-humans? Anyone you were sent to kill?" I said before plunging the blade of my spear into her neck.

I looked up at where I could sense observers via my ring. I shook my head slowly and broke their spell with the rings ability. From the surrounding forest came my servants. Shalltear spoke up first feigning being upset. "My lord you didn't let any of us have fun."

"Our lord was sending a message you lamprey. We were obviously unnecessary precautions should outside forces suprise us." Albedo says to the vampire rudely.

Natasha spoke up next. "My lord plans for every possible scenario. This was all a display to help us learn. His web is all encompassing."

"My lord what would you like to do with the bodies?" Sebas asks.

"Remove the heads. Have all the equipment sent to the tomb for inspection by Pandora when he is back. This is almost all old player gear. This is our first strike against those who benefited from your parent's sacrifice. I want the heads ready for transport to my hanzo on location. He will place them on the table these "cardinals" meet at." I say looking down at where I just had Abby drop the body she grabbed. "Natasha strip this one now."

"Yes Father." She says pulling off the world item from the old woman.

When she hands it to me I store it immediately. "Downfall of Castle and Country. An apt name if one of you or 42 forbid me, was possessed by this the end would be ruinous."

The nods all around and frustrated looks from the gathered hit squad showed the gravity of my words. "We have work to do." I state simply as they go about to complete my orders.

A few minutes later Albedo comes to my side in a bow. "My lord the items are prepared for dispatch."

I look back and see a pile of heads in a spiderweb net. Gear removed from bodies. And naked headless corpses in a third pile. Pulling my space grimoire out I start with the heads. [Transport Object] the heads disappear, I cast again and the bodies and gear moves to tomb front. [Gate] I say finally and walk through to see Nabe standing and large Dragonoids taking corpses into the tomb.

A head alone isn't enough to bring back someone from the dead with out 8th tier or better spells. And although that level you don't need anything to revive someone. The heads are a perfect message. After this the Theocracy will either attack politically or pull back hard either way works for me. When Zesshi finds out I soloed the entire Black Scripture she will be wetter than a slip and slide.

I head back into the tomb with Albedo and Natasha heading for the bath with me. "Whats wrong my love?" Asks Albedo as they work simultaneously to clean my body.

"I don't enjoy doing things like that. Plenty of them had potential but were too far gone down that false religion. They believed what they did was right, they could have served a higher purpose. Even working with their minds wouldn't have solved all the issues with them. It's just disappointing that the Theocracy had them first." I say with a sigh as they pause in their scrubbing.

"My lord I know you love all your children even those you have to discipline. Do not punish yourself for having to do it. It is needed to help the greater group." Albedo says sadly.

"My father, I understand you must snip some threads to weve the greater tapestry. This is only a needed sacrifice your people, your children, will thank you." Natasha adds.

"I know girls but I don't want it to be any easier. If I am numb to my children I will make mistakes. So mourn with me those who could not follow us on this journey to greatness." They held their bodies close to me and nodded.

"Every life that is lost on the journey is one that will not get to see the end. I understand my love you mourn not your duty but their loss." Albedo says softly and zealously.

I sigh softly and give in to their caresses. After a few hours I go to my throne room. [Message] 'Demiurge come to the throne room.' A moment later the demon is walking into the room and kneeling infront of our throne. "Demiurge, you have served faithfully and without error. I had not in my possession a world item that fit your skill set and so you were forced to make due with the artificers monocle. No longer will that be the case." I stand and pull from my inventory the Downfall of Castle and Country. "Your new vestment." I say tossing to him the item. When I had picked it up, in male hands it had transformed into a Changshan or traditional Chinese male clothes.

"Thank you my lord." He says holding the suit in his arms. Looking at it with his crystalline eyes.

"It has a brainwashing ability that should go hand in hand with your [Command Montra]." I explain why I thought of him to wear it.

"I look forward to testing the world item. I wonder if I can make someone eat their own flesh. Or if they would kill their children if I ordered it." Demiurge starts to ramble.

"Demiurge remember your rules. No innocents may be harmed purposely in your pursuits." I say.

"Of course my lord! I would never dream of betraying your guidelines. I simply know of some nobles whom the seniors and juniors both would receive no mercy under the strictest of your rules." He says bowing even lower.

"I see my son. Thank you for explaining you know how I get about my children." I explain.

"No apologies needed my lord. It is a father's duty to make sure their children are on the correct path." He says nodding. "Your monocle my lord." He says approaching and returning the world item I acquired for my crafter profession.

"Thank you Demiurge for keeping good care of it. How have you and Renner been getting on?" I ask the pointy eared fellow.

"Great my lord. She is a demon in all but race. The blue roses are the trimmers she has been using to prune the kingdom. They believe she is their friend but she would send them to their death in a heartbeat." He says looking wistfully.

"Demiurge I would think you're in love." I say with a smile. He blushes and looks embarrassed. "I don't disapprove my son. If she wishes to date you and you as well thats fine. You know how I feel about non-consent in relationships though. If you wish for that I expect to see her at the Change Day celebration. I will even allow you a race change item for her to become a demon as well."

"I don't know just yet." The demon says quietly.

"Well if things work out that way I recommend succubus my son. I mean holy hell the control they have is other worldly. Hahaha. Sorry to embarrass you like that." He just shakes his head. "Say hello to Cocytus before you leave you don't have a lot of brothers so you should try to keep good relations with them."

"Yes my lord." He says.

"Demiurge you can call me dad or father or even hey old man like Luci did. I don't mind its just the two of us here. Hahaha." I say to his adamant refusal.

"I couldn't father. Well I will go and see my brothers before I leave. Good luck in the Dragon Kingdom though I'm sure someone of your caliber wouldn't need it." He says with a bow then leaves.

I sigh and relax into the throne of kings. In this seat the entirety of Nazarick feels at my beck and call. This is a world item as a chair which is a wild thought. I pull out my conjuration grimoire and my dark grimoire. This is my best combo for necromancy, the throne boosts the dark arts. [Message] 'Neuronist I would like you to bring me someone who is no longer of use for information. I am in the throne room.'

'Yes my lord I'll be there shortly.' She responds.

[Message] 'Rogue, I am in the throne room I need you to notate my experiment.'

'Yes Monsieur, Quake.' The southern bell says.

A few minutes later she comes in and I realize that she was the maid for yesterday not today. "Rogue, who took over for you today?" I ask the silver streaked beauty.

"Mademoiselle Natalie Dormer, took over for me at midnight last night." She says.

"Rogue I apologize I didn't realize a full day had passed considering the early mission I had. Give me a kiss and get Natalie for me. Think of it as an excuse to see you again." I say and grab the girl into my lap for a solid minute of making out.

"Yes Monsieur, Quake." She whispers with a smile. She walks out and Natalie walks in a moment later.

"Good morning Natalie. How are you today?" I ask the blond as she walks toward the throne.

"I am well my lord." She says confidently. She walks up by the throne and kisses my cheek.

"You might be the most bold of your sisters." I say with a laugh.

"Not at all my lord you have already given me what I wanted." At my curious look she replies. "I was accepted to help in the library."

"Oh well I am happy to hear that Natalie." The doors of the throne room opened and Neuronist walked in dragging a man. Neuronist was in her Shego form that I had made, her dark green hair and round hips making you forget the violence she enjoys.

"Neuronist who do you have with you today?" I ask of the cruel woman before me.

Her smile widens ear to ear and she says. "This is Cotton Dale, he was one of the sunlight scripture who has lost value."

His mouth seemed stuff full of cloth so his crying was muffled. "Let us give mercy to this unfortunate child who was so mislead. Remove his head." I say and the crying intensified briefly until a heads man axe pulled out of her inventory.

I could almost hear a muffled thank you as the axe went down. There was no flinch by any in the room. Each of the maids had written in their code no concern for lives outside of Nazarick. "Neuronist store the head in your inventory." After she had done so I began. [Death Warrior] the being created would normally be level 35 but due to the throne of kings and my class Champion of Helheim I could add 5 levels.

The body was surrounded with a dark ooze and and rose into a warrior equipped with swords. He also had other various kinds of weapons hung on his waist. All of the weapons bore countless dents and scratches.

He was about two meters tall, and the leather armor he wore was comparatively light and made from the hide of some unknown beast. His entire body was covered in spell-strips — strips of cloth covered in arcane runes.

"Follow Neuronist down to the 6th floor then follow all commands of Cocytus the big blue insectoid there. Neuronist tell him he is to see if the undead can train in warrior arts and to notify me immediately if he de-summons. Natalie note the current time and the details of the subject. Is the head still in your inventory?"

"No my lord it disappeared." Neuronist replies.

"Very well, note that as well Natalie. You may go Neuronist send a request to Albedo for a reward for your hard work." I put away my books and stood to go out of the room through the side door. "Have Eclair clean the throne room." I say as I'm followed out by Natalie.

We make it back to my office and I take my seat. "Miss Dormer what do you like most about Nazarick?" I question.

"I like that I can be true to myself and am surrounded by friends here my lord. Not that I appreciate you staying with us any less. I figured you wanted an answer not about yourself." She replies quickly.

"Hmm you were right. I think what I like best is all of you being here. I feel support not found anywhere else. While I can gather a following outside with a snap of my fingers you all here understand me. Just like you knew I didn't want an answer about myself." I say leaning back. "The old laws of the world prevented you all from responding. But I could talk to you all for hours on end. It makes me appreciate all the time I got to spend with you there, and now that you are unbound I love to see the way you grow."

"Can I speak freely my lord?" Natalie asks.

"At all times my dear." I say.

"My lord we all love you so much. No other Supreme Being held such value for us. I know I don't know most of them they already having opened the path when I was made. But from the elders we have heard no other Supreme Being talked "to" us. No one else told us they cared in the lonely years, as the others call it. You gave us hope my lord. I don't want to undermine the sacrifice of the others but in this life no other would be missed like you my lord." She says on her knees by my chair her hands grasped on to mine.

With my free hand I pet her hair back behind her ear. "I am glad you all felt my love for you. I understand the dissatisfaction for the others and don't begrudge you for it. Come here." I say pulling in the thin woman for a hug. When I felt her start to rub on my nipple exposed from my toga I said again. "I really think you might be the most bold of your sisters." I say princess carrying her to my bedroom.

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