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Chapter 2: The Second Step

In a world where 80 percent of the population has some kind of unique power. Being a Hero seems to be a lead profession across the globe. Many governments struggled to rewrite laws with quirks in mind, so people offered up their services and committed heroic acts to keep the people safe. This was the world Yang was put in. The world she needs to save. Gives her a headache whenever she thinks on how to do this. She knows that she'll need a Hero Licenses but needs to attend UA Academy to get one.

It's a lot different from Beacon Academy so it might be a bit hard. But, with her Semblance and the years of experience her past life gave her. She's sure she'll ace whatever the Entrance Exam is. Yang is currently 7 years old and is already showing promise of becoming a Pro Hero. Her expertise has reached Nezu. Yang remembers spotting Eraserhead on the roof tops keeping an eye on her.

A while ago, when she and her brother Katsuki were walking home from school, a couple muggers attempted to kidnap hem. Those muggers left with broken noses and jail time.


Yang and Katsuki where walking home, yang had yellow bracelets on her. Her weapons from Remnant. She has no idea how she got them. All she knew is that a strange package arrived at her window. her weapon was also upgraded with multiple new features such as Taser Rounds, a Compressed Air launcher that will emit a powerful air blast when ever she releases it, as well as many other upgrades. She doesn't care. Now she has her babies back. As the two siblings walked down the street. It was evidently clear who was taller. Yang. Although they are twins, Yang is still taller and acts more mature. She's also the Elder Twin so she's technically Katsuki's big sister.

Katsuki respects his sister and strives to surpass her since he has his Quirk. Although they are different, Yang is still stronger since she literally can absorb any damage sent her way and seems to have a force field for added defense. Katsuki has had a couple sparring matches with Yang. They always ended in a Yang victory due to her past experience in her old life.

Despite losing to her constantly, Katsuki's appreciation for his sister never wavered. As the two continue walking, they are stopped when four muggers grabbed Katsuki from the alley. Yang's reflexes kicked in as she cartwheeled forward dodging the hands of another mugger. When she got her feet down, she gets into her stances, activating Ember Celica.

Some civilians where seeing the active kidnapping and some immediately called the police while Yang stood strong, not afraid of some petty nappers.

Thug1: "Damn it!" he cursed, having missed.

Thug2: "you will focus you idiot!" he angrily said.

The two look at Yang who was in a fighting stance. The two thugs laughed a little.

Thug2: "you think your tough kid?" he arrogantly asked before flashing off his Quirk.

It wasn't anything special. He just bulked up a little. Yang rolls her eyes.

Thug2: "still thinking your all tough? Well then I guess I'll put you in your place runt!!" he said before he lunges forward at Yang.

Yang reeled a fist back before ducking under the Thugs punch. The Thug was slightly surprised. Yang drives her fist forward into the mans stomach and then releases the compressed air that was stockpiled in the gauntlet. The man was launched down the street and crashed into a large green trash container. Rightfully being knocked out. The other thugs were downright stunned. The other Thug turned to Yang but was kneed in the face by Yang who had lunged forward at them. The thug falls back and Yang lands on top of him.

Yang chambers a Shock round in both Gauntlets. The last two Thugs who were holding Katsuki back were honestly shitting themselves. This random kid just decimated two fully grown men like they were nothing. The two thugs let go of Katsuki and proceed to run away. But, Yang shoots both Shock rounds from her gauntlets at them. Both thugs are tazed on the spot before falling to the ground. Yang deactivates Ember Celica, and the two gauntlets return to their bracelet like form.

Everyone in the area was surprised to see a little girl beat down Four fully grown men with ease. Yang didn't even use her Quirk. She didn't need to. Yang rushes over to her brother.

Yang: "are you okay?" she asks.

Katsuki was wide eyed seeing his sister beat down those thugs. Yang looked around and noticed the stares she was getting.

Yang: "let's just get home, mom's probably worried." she said.

Katsuki just nods. The two Bakugo Twins head off, avoiding any more attention.


After then, Yang's noticed the eyes watching her every move. She can tell its always a Pro hero. The same one. Eraserhead. She doesn't know why but can only suspect. She was currently in her room, thinking about how she'll even protect this world. After all, she failed her last world. She doesn't want to fail this one. Currently, Yang was at home punching a punching bag. Her mother gave it to her so Yang could better herself, not like it was needed.

As Yang did this, she soon sent up a strong kick and launched the punching bag across the room followed by a brief gust of wind from the impact. The bag hit the wall and bounced off. Yang smiles at this. In the living room, Mitsuki was talking with UA's Principle, Nezu.

Mitsuki: "Hang on, let me get this straight. You want Yang to take an Exam to determine if she will become a pro Hero in training?" she asks in utter confusion.

Nezu: "from what we've managed to hear and see, your daughter is exceptionally gifted and knows quite well enough to be a Hero Mrs. Bakugo." he said.

Mitsuki: "So what, is she going to UA early?" she asks.

Nezu: "not quite. Instead, she'll be under the supervision of a Pro Hero and will have her Hero License early. Thus making her the youngest Pro Hero." he said.

Mitsuki: "Still, she's only 7 years old. Isn't this a bit early?" she asks, concern lacing her tone.

Nezu: "Eraserhead was put in charge of keeping an eye on her. Some villains might want to kid nap her due to her tremendous potential. But her Quirk is interesting." he said.

Mitsuki: "What do you mean?" she asks.

Nezu: "tell me, what does Yang's Quirk do?"

Mitsuki: "She can tank any attack and throw it back twice as hard." she asid.

Nezu: "that's half of it's function. Eraserhead noticed that she has an invisible force field around her body." he said.

Mitsuki was surprised. How come Yang never told her?

Yang: "Your right sir." she said.

The two look over at Yang.

Yang: "My Quirk allows me to send back an attack twice as hard, followed by that force field that I called Aura, when my Aura breaks. I cannot absorb attacks meaning I will no longer be able to throw back attacks twice as hard. That is why I have my gauntlets." she said, keeping out the details that she will gain more then just her Semblance of Burn. She'll save that for later.

Nezu: "well thank you for telling me Yang. But that still doesn't explain your fighting prowess." he said.

Yang honestly didn't know how to explain that to Nezu or anyone for that matter. This was one of the things she never thought about considering she thought of every possible outcome... well... Sorta.

Yang: "Nezu sir, could I speak to you alone?" she asks.

Mitsuki raised an eyebrow.

Nezu: "of course, I don't see why not." he said, cheery as ever.

Nezu looked at Mitsuki.

Nezu: "Is there a room we could talk?" he asks.

Mitsuki: "here, I'll be in the next room over. Don't do something you'll regret." she said/threatened.

Mitsuki gets up from the couch and left the room. Once she was gone, Yang walked over and sat on the couch across from Nezu. Yang waited for a few seconds to make sure her mother was out of earshot.

Nezu: "so, why do you want to talk to me alone?" he asks.

Yang: "no one knows this... heck, you might think I'm crazy." she said with a light chuckle.

Nezu: "I've heard many unbelievable stories... I'm sure this wont faze me." he said maintaining a cheery persona.

Yang: "Well... I may or may not have been reincarnated, keeping all my memories and powers after I died on another world." she said.

Nezu was quiet while looking at Yang. It was an ere silence between the two. Yang was slightly uncomfortable.

Nezu: "Quite the situation." he said as if it doesn't faze him.

Yang: "how are you so casual about this!?" she asked with a surprised face and tone.

Nezu: "What? I did say I've heard many unbelievable stories." he retorts with a confused tone.

Yang: "Just figured you'd call me crazy." she said.

Nezu: "well it would explain your knowledge as well as your fighting prowess, so I'm not too surprised." he said.

Yang: "Will you keep this a secret?" she asks.

Nezu: "of course. After all you entrusted me with this secret. But I have an offer for you." he said.

Yang: "What kind of offer?" she asks.

Nezu: "With your fighting prowess, and with this being your second chance at life, I along with a couple other Pro Heroes wanted to give you an Honorary Hero license. Meaning you can take part in Hero work far before you attend UA. When you are of age and when you can join UA, you will not need to take the Entrance Exam. But over the years you will be under supervision of various Pro Heroes to make sure you get the experience you need." he said.

Yang: "Wait your letting me become a Hero!? Like, right now!?" she asked in shock.

Nezu: "of course. Well, your Hero Costume will be an issue until you are of age." he said.

Yang: "o-okay... well, I accept!" she said with a smile on her face.

Nezu: "Splendid! I will return in a few days with your Honorary Hero License as well as the first Hero you'll train under." he said. "But I do want to know one thing."

Yang: "What is it?" she asks.

Nezu: "was this reincarnation natural? Or divine intervention." he asks.

Yang: "Divine intervention."

Nezu: "very well, I will be back in a few days." he said before getting off the couch and approaching the door.

Yang watched Nezu open the front door to her home and leave. Yang soon gets off the couch and goes to inform her mother of what transpired.


Yang was at home training Katsuki to fight without his Quirk. Yang has noticed that Katsuki and Izuku don't play together anymore. It concerned her as she knew they were best friends. She intends to find out why Katsuki doesn't talk to Izuku anymore. Mitsuki was in the kitchen cleaning dishes when she hears the door bell. She looked in the doors direction before drying her hands off and walking over.

When she reaches the door, she opens the door slightly but then opens it fully when she sees Nezu and All Might at her door.

Mitsuki: "W-what's the number one Hero doing here!?" she asked in an utterly shocked tone.

Nezu: "did Miss Yang tell you the agreement?" he asks.

Mitsuki: "Yeah she did... just didn't think All Might of all people would be that hero." she said, trying to take this in.

All Might: "I was given the opportunity to train your daughter, hearing about her prowess, I just couldn't resist! She has potential and may even one day become one of the best Pro Heroes out there!" he said with enthusiasm.

Mitsuki: "That's... good to here. Why don't you come inside, I'll go get Yang." she said while moving out of the way.

Nezu and All Might head inside while Mitsuki shut the door before mentally screaming.

In the room, Katsuki was panting while Yang was stretching.

Katsuki: "how can you keep going?" he asks, between pants.

Yang: "time and practice."

A knock came to the door. Both of them looked at it.

Mitsuki: "Yang! We have guests, and they're both for you." she said through the door.

Yang quit stretching as she knew what this was. Today was the day her plan to keeping this world safe had begun. She walks over to the door and opens it to see her mother.

Mitsuki: "Training?" she asks.

Yang: "yep. Katsuki just needs to rest." she said before walking past her mother.

Mitsuki looked at Katsuki.

Yang walks towards the living room and upon entry sees both Nezu and All Might.

Yang: "so, it's time."

Nezu: "Yes it is. Don't worry, I've already briefed All Might on your reincarnation trip." he said.

Yang: "and he believed it?" she asks.

All Might: "Of course, Nezu has never told a Lie in his life. Even when it comes to something as outrageous as this, I took his word for it. However, not many Heroes know about ti. Only a small handful. Myself, Eraser Head, my mentor, and Nezu. Your secrets in safe hands." he said.

Yang smiled. Mitsuki finally arrived in the room.

Mitsuki: "So, how does this work?" she asks.

Nezu: "well, consider it a training camp. Oh and yes it means what it means. She will be away from home for some time to complete her training. But that wont mean she cannot contact you. If we restricted that we'd be cruel." he said.

Mitsuki was surprised to hear this. her daughter is going to leave home to become Pro Hero. She's happy, yes. But, she figured it would have been when she was a teenager. Not a kid. She's not ready. Mitsuki felt something grab her hand. She looked down to see Yang holding her hand.

Yang: "mom, I'll be fine. I'll write to both you and Katsuki whenever I get the chance. The minute I'm done, I'll come right home. No pitstops, no stops for sleep. I'll come straight home. I promise." she said, trying to ease her mother's concern and worry.

Mitsuki hesitates. She looked at Nezu and All Might before looking back at Yang. She sighs. Mitsuki kneels down to Yang's level and hugs Yang.

Mitsuki: "Please just... just be safe, and please keep in contact." she said, with a soft gentle tone.

Yang hugs Mitsuki.

Yang: "I will mom." she said, a smile on her face having good memories of Summer Rose.

Mitsuki: "Your father's not home, but at least say goodbye to your brother. He'll miss you." she said.

Yang: "I will." she said.

Yang and Mitsuki release from the hug.

Nezu: "We'll wait outside till your done gathering your things and saying goodbye." he said.

Yang nods before heading off to gather her things. Katsuki had heard everything and Yang said her goodbyes to Katsuki but not before threatening him to not bully or she'd beat him so hard he'd wish she never returned. After hearing the threat, Mitsuki was crying tears of joy. Just like she taught her.

Once Yang gathered her things, including her gauntlets, she met with Nezu and All Might outside. She said one final goodbye to her family before getting into the car that would take her to a training area. That car, is a Limbo.

Yang: "is the Limbo necessary?" she asks as she looked up at All might.

All Might: "Not really. But we might as well ride with style!" he boosted enthusiastically while making a funny pose while in the limbo.

Yang: "yeah!" she said, throwing a fist into the air, agreeing with All Might.

Nezu chuckles at this.

Nezu: (those two will get along nicely.) he thought with a smile on his face.

The limbo gets going. This was the beginning, the beginning of Yang's new life and career as a Hero in this new world. This was the beginning... of her Hero Academia!!!

KingRenetti KingRenetti

"There's no such thing as negative friends, you just made one friend and one enemy!"

-Yang Xiao Long

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