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Chapter 10: Master and Hero

"The task has been done. I have found you the best warriors in the Infinite Frontier. Returning back to the citadel." Jeanne said then warped away.

"As he suspected...they are gathering people from the Infinite Frontier. If that's the case, one of those people has to be his old friend who went rogue. I have to report back to Asin. The Infinite Frontier is also in danger." A cloaked woman said and warped away.

A few days later...

Alice dashed to me and swung her sword at me and I blocked each attack then grabbed her wrist and disarmed her. She grunted lightly as she dropped her sword. I looked at her and let her go. I picked up her sword and sighed softly.

"What's the matter, Master?" Alice asked.

"We aren't making any progress." I said.

"My apologies...I guess I am still not on your level even in your lesser state." Alice said and looked down.

I looked at her and smiled then gently pulled her to me. "It isn't you. It's mostly me. I feel like I've reached my peak in my base form."

"Yeah?" She asked, placing her hands against my chest. "I did sense that you had no more room to grow in your base form, how about transforming and go from there?"

"I would but I don't want to hurt you. You haven't fought me in any of my forms before.." I said.

"Come on, Master. I can't grow if you keep holding back on me." Alice said.

"Well you can't grow if I curbstomp you either." I said and tapped her nose.

She blushed and huffed. "Alright.."

The Red Orb appeared next to me. "I completed my mission."

I looked at the Red Orb. I looked back at Alice. "We can spend more time together later. I have some important business to tend to. If you need me, I'll be in my office."

"Yes, Master." Alice said and let go of me.

I smiled and walked off to my office and the Red Orb followed behind me. I entered the office and closed the door behind me then walked around my desk, sitting down in my seat. "Alright you may show your true self, Agnis."

Agnis transformed from the Red Orb to her true form and stood in front of my desk. "Finally, I can meet with you in my human form again."

"And you're still just as beautiful as you were then." I chuckled.

"Still the same smooth talker who ruined my marriage all those years ago." Agnis crossed her arms.

"And if I hadn't?" I asked.

Agnis rolled her eyes. "Whatever.."

"You know it's true..~ If I hadn't swept you off your feet, your people would've still been ruled by an unjust King. You still love me, why do you act like you don't?" I asked.

"Because it's hard to admit that you love the person you had an affair with. A Wanderer at that." Agnis scoffed and crossed her arms. "But it doesn't change the fact that I do love you. Anyway, it's just as you suspected. They are gathering units from the Infinite Frontier to combat you. One of those people could be your old friend."

"I see." I sighed and sat back in my chair. "I know this was apart of his plan, but why are his units trying to kill the maidens he sees as daughters."

"It's because he knows they can empower you." Agnis said.

"I'm aware of that, but he himself said he doesn't want to hurt Rose or the others. He has to have some bigger plan in mind." I said.

"How long do you intend on playing Master? Go back to being the Hero. The Universe needs it." Agnis crossed her arms and looked at me.

"And leave them to their own devices and have then picked off one by one? Yeah no. It's been ten days now and I've already built up a relationship with them. I'm not going to leave them. Not when we've gotten closer. I can play Master and Hero." I said.

"Asin." Agnis said. "Violet also wants you to be a Hero. That is your calling after all."

"I know, but these women need me now also. My Sweet Battle Maids depend on me and I have to do what I can to make sure they remain safe at all times. I hope you all can understand that." I said.

"I suppose I can understand your point, just...make sure you also prioritize the Pillars' safety." Agnis said.

"I will." I smiled.

Agnis reverted back to her Orb Form then disappeared. I sighed and looked at the ceiling. I had a lot more to think about now than I did before. The maids were important to me now. I couldn't just abandon then because I am a Hero, but I also can't abandon my duties as the Universe's Hero.

A knock sounded on the door. "Master, I brought you some tea." Crimson said.

"You may come in." I said.

Crimson walked into the office and walked to my desk then set down a saucer plate that had a tea cup on top filled with hot tea. She looked at me and had a small blush on her face. "I hope you enjoy...I made it myself. I know how much things have been stressing you out lately.."

I smiled and watched her fix her glasses. "Thank you. I have to balance being a Master and being a Hero, but I'm getting the hang of being a Master now. Tell me something."

"What is it?" Crimson asked.

I looked at Crimson and kept making eye contact with her. "Do you truly wish to serve me?"

Crimson looked at me and fixed her glasses. "My overall experience with you has been better than with my previous, so yes. I do truly wish to serve you, Master Asin."

I sat back in my seat and closed my eyes. I smiled a bit and a hand made from my aura grabbed the tea cup and brought it to my lips and I took a sip. "If given the chance, would you deepen your relationship with me?"

"By your command, Master." Crimson nodded. "I actually want to be as close to you as the others are. To where I can freely walk into your room and you can walk into mine without knocking like you do for the others. I know we've only known each other for eight days, but that's enough to know that I can fully trust you.."

I looked at her then smiled. "I see. If that's what you want then I will do that for you. I'll allow you to walk into my room whenever you feel and I'll walk into your room at any given moment."

Crimson blushed even more and nodded. She was about to walk out the room then we both heard an explosion outside. I stood up and looked out the window then noticed Rose battling against someone. I hurried out the office then ran downstairs.

"Master! We have an intruder! Multiple!" Camille said in a panicked voice.

"Multiple intruders..? Who the hell could be here?" I asked myself and ran outside.

"Well well. This is certainly a nice place." Senoku smirked.

"Senoku..? What the hell are you doing here?! How did you find us?" I asked.

"I don't think that matters. We have come for a new target. The Core of Absolution and the Seven Transcendent Orbs. Jeanne told us that the Infinite Frontier had Seven Orbs that are the Illusionary Version of the Eternal Diamonds and they were given to you. If you wish to make this easy upon should hand over those items. The Core of Absolution as well because with an artifact like that, A True God can be born." Senoku said and held his hand out.

"Like I'd be that're gonna have to obtain the orbs and the core from me over my dead body!" I bellowed and my aura surged around my body.

Senoku smirked and dashed to me. He went for a punch. I dodged his attack and struck his stomach and noticed he didn't take any damage. He chuckled then black and white lightning crackled around his body. He struck my body, sending me flying then appeared above me and punched me to the ground then appeared in front of me and struck me with a barrage of attacks then punched my stomach, creating a small crater in the ground.

"Master!" Florence yelled and groaned as she was blown away by her opponent.

My maids were losing the battle. We weren't prepared for this ambush and they had the upper hand in this battle. They had their eyes on my Orbs and the Core now. It's always one thing after another with enemies like mine.

Jasmine kicked Rose away and used her visual powers to trap Rose inside a pillar of rocks with only her head sticking out.

"Nngh..! You betrayed us. The Blossoming Creed Code! We always stick together! You're my sister so why?!" Rose yelled.

Jasmine looked at Rose and walked past her. "My Master's orders are absolute. The death of your Master will be carried out. You were in the way, so that's why we fought."

I grunted as Senoku stepped on my stomach. I tried to summon my orbs so I could transform into my Illusionary Infinity Form, but something kept stopping me then that's when I saw Jasmine with her glowing eyes. She was using her visual prowess to stop me from using my powers.

"Your timing couldn't have been more perfect. With the maids down, no one can save him. Without his powers...he can't save his maids." Senoku smirked.

"I shall proceed with his death. That is the only way we can obtain those Orbs and the Core." Jasmine said. She reached her hand out then grunted as she began to feel tried all of a sudden. She held her head and grunted softly. "What is going.."

Jasmine collapsed on the ground and I looked back to see Crimson with her Fallen Angel wings spread open. She used Eternal Sleep on Jasmine while she was focused on me.

Senoku looked at Jasmine and scoffed. "Visual Powers and you couldn't block that ability...Fine I'll just kill him myself!"

He went to strike me down but groaned when a knock went into his arm. He looked back and growled seeing Rose.

"I will not allow you to kill Master Asin!" Rose bellowed.

Senoku smirked and looked at me. "How adorable. Your maidens are willing to sacrifice their lives for you. It would be a shame if one was taken!"

He tried to shoot a beam at Rose but I used my power to block the beam. I kicked Senoku off me and stood up then bellowed as my orbs appeared around me then entered by body. My aura surged around my body and shined a silver and white color.

"Shit..! He was able to awaken his power. That is the one thing I wanted to avoid. If he awakened his power, I wouldn't be able to beat him. I have to retreat." Senoku said and tried to leave but couldn't move. He looked down and noticed his shadow was pinned by mine. "Shadow Capture..?!"

"Like I'd let you escape so easily. You hurt my maids, ambushed my home, and even tried to kill me...and you think I'm gonna let you leave out of here unscathed..? Wrong." I said and my eyes shined.

"Hmph, so be it. I'll take you on. In a proper Master Battle format! The winner will be the one who is alive." Senoku said.

"Don't be ridiculous." A voice said and we looked to the direction the voice came from.

"Jeanne..!" Senoku said in shock.

"We need you alive and we need you now. Save your Master Battle for another day." Jeanne said and walked to Senoku then grabbed his shoulder. She looked at me and warped away with Senoku, leaving behind Jasmine.

"And there he goes." Scarlet sighed and stood up slowly.

"Getting ambushed like that is NOT fun! We barely escaped with our lives. Haji and Anori really carried us there.." Ingrid said.

I looked at Jasmine and walked to her then reverted back to normal. I crouched down and reached for her. She reached for me and tried to looked into my eyes, but I covered her eyes with my hand then drained her aura. She groaned loudly in pain then gripped my sleeve tightly.

"S-Stop it! It hurts!" Jasmine cried out.

I stopped draining her energy and let her go. I watched as she laid on the ground. "You honestly believe that you could trick me with your Death Stare? You just got a taste of my Kyushu."

"Kyushu..?" She asked.

"Aura Absorption. If you don't want to experience that again, don't try that on me or anyone here. Your Master abandoned you so you have two choices. Join me or I can use your own visual power against you." I said.

Jasmine looked at me and noticed that she didn't have power in her left eye. "Y-You took the power from my left eye..!"

"Do you want it back?" I asked.

"Of course I do! Give it back!" She yelled.

I stood up and looked down at her. "Under one condition. You become my maid."

Jasmine looked at me. "Why would I do that? You're my enemy."

"Why? Well because I can do this to you." I started and amped up my power and manipulated the gravity around us. I caused her to be immobilized by using the gravity to adhere her to the ground. I watched as she struggled to get up. "I'm always hiding more power than I lead on. Even without the Diamonds I am still a godlike figure. I limit myself because of the great power I hold. Do you think if I used all of my power, I would even struggle against you or Senoku? Why do you think Jeanne stopped him?"

"You're...that powerful..?" Jasmine asked in shock.

"I'm the hero of the Universe. My power is Unimaginable. Against someone like you...I could finish you off in a matter of seconds at my full power. You aren't like Grats or his Eternal Knights who now hold the power of the Pillars. I will struggle against the likes of them. You are just fodder to me." I said coldly and returned the gravity to normal.

Jasmine looked at the ground and closed her eyes. "Rose is this true?"

"It is. We've only ever seen him go all out once and that's what got him weakened but even in this state he can beat any one of us in seconds if he willed it even if we go all out. Our maximum is his minimum." Rose said.

Jasmine looked up at me. "Fine, I'll be your maid."

I returned her power to her. "Now I will like to ask you a few questions if that's alright with you."

" is." She nodded.

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