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Chapter 89: Chapter no.88

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The crowd was speechless for a moment at what they just saw, before erupting into cheers once more. It was a great match in their opinion and would like to see both of the girls promoted to chunin. Many of them were cheering because they had bet on the heiress of the Uchiha clan, while others were in tears as they had thought that the Hokage's daughter would win for sure.

Satsuki headed back up the stairs after seeing Narumi being taken away by a gurney by the medical squad who was on standby for those who were injured in combat.

Kage Box

"That was quite an impressive match for two genin." Rasa commented. "I believe that the Uchiha girl already has what it takes to be a chunin. She proved to be able to think with a clear head and not let her opponent control the pace of the battle from the start."

Minao nodded, "I agree she is quite skilled and those traps that she set up at the start of the match were a good plan on such short notice. She easily held the pace of the match from the very beginning. But what about Narumi?" Minato wanted his daughter to be promoted to chunin, but she was alwasy brash and rekless just like her mother. She charged into the match without a plan and showed very little strategy.

"While she did prove to be skilled and was able to utilize two different charka natures, there was little forethought to her actions and when she got tired of how the match ws playing out she recklessly charged at her opponent to try to take control by force. I don't think that she's ready quite yet." Yagura gave the Hokage his opinion on the matter.

"I also agree. You really need to teach your daughters some discipline Hokage-dono, they both seem quite stubborn and headstrng." Rasa commented.

Minato could only sigh, "It's a trait that they got from their mother, there's little I can do to break something like matter how much I want to."


In one section of the stands sat Mikoto, Kushina, Kakashi, Gai, Kurenai, Asuma, and a majority of the genin from the rookie 13 and Gai's team. Even Lee was there. During the thirty day break between the preliminaries and now, Tsunade had operated on his injuries and the surgery had turned out successful. Many were worried that he would never be a shinobi again, but he was good as new and even screaming about the flames of youth as they spoke.

Mikoto was cheering like wild as she watched Satsuki win her match. She was a mother, what was she supposed to do. Kushina had done the same thing when Natsuki had won, so why couldn't she now. She also wanted to rub it in Kushina's face a little. That her daughter had won while Narumi had lost. One of the very children that Naruto was thrown aside for, some good all that extra training did them.

Kushina gave her a glare before turning her eyes back to the arena. She was disappointed that her Narumi-chan had lost in the first round, especially with all of the training they had done over the past few weeks. At least Natsuki had made it to the next round.

"I'm surprised that you aren't upset that Satsuki copied your student's technique Gai. You looked quite angry when Nawaki did the same thing in the preliminaries." Kakashi stated as he didn't even take his eyes off of his little orange book.

"Well unlike your thief of a student, Obito had asked me for permission to train Satsuki-san in the Goken style. Such things as stealing techniques are most unyouthful." Gai responded.

Kushina gave Gai a glare for calling her son a thief, but she couldn't argue with him there. Nawaki had blatantly stole a technique that someone had worked hard to master and then wrote it off as his own. She should have taught him better than that.

Many were surprised that Satsuki had one. She was one of the top kunoichi who had graduated the academy this year and many of her classmates idolized her, for both her skills and her beauty, but she was completely defeated by Satsuki.

She had shown to be able to use two elements, but she had yet to learn how to use them effectively and when to use them. Her Taijutsu was only average and she was beaten before she could use the Kyuubi's chakra. Most of the Jonin in the stands didn't see anything very impressive from Narumi, it was obvious to many that she needed more training or that their senseis teaching wasn't very effective.

"Oh look! Naruto-kun's up next! I've been waiting forever to see him fight!" Mikoto squealed like a school girl.

Kushina raised an eyebrow at her friend's actions as did many of the others who knew her.

"You seem awfully excited to see Naruto-kun, Mikoto-chan...why is that"

Mikoto then noticed that she spoke out loud, ah it didn't really matter did it? "What exactly are you trying to imply Kushina-chan?"

"What exactly is your involvement with my son?" Kushina asked, getting more irritated by the second.

Mikoto thought about telling her for a minute, but she would prefer Naruto to do that. Plus it would be quite funny to see him not care at all when Kushina overreacted and tried to tell him that it was wrong.

"I just want to see him compete is all." Mikoto said in an overly innocent voice. "He does live with me after all, and we are quite close."

Kushina eyed her suspiciously before accepting the answer and turning her head back towards the arena.

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