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Chapter 94: Chapter no.93

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Combatant Booth

Naruto was once again met by silence as he ascended into the waiting booth. He did not care if they feared or admired him now, there was just no point in dealing with it. Now that Nawaki was out of the way, it would be far easier to release the Kyuubi sealed within Natsuki from Madara's control. However, Naruto was broken from his thoughts as he felt something glomp onto him.

He looked down and found Satsuki tightly hugging him around his stomach.

"I knew you could do it Nii-san! You had me so worried when you were hit by that Katon jutsu! Never do that again understand!" She looked up at him with a demanding look on her face. She could be quite scary and controlling at times.

"Hai Hai. Understood ma'am." Naruto said sarcastically as he saluted the smaller girl in front of him, this earned him a smack to the back of the head from said girl. She then pulled him in closer and snuggled her face into his chest. Girls confused him, they could go from demanding devils to devoted little sisters within the span of a moment.

Hana watched the interaction between siblings with a smile on her face. "You're odd sibling act aside, that was quite impressive Naruto. I had no idea you could do things like that. You've been keeping secrets from us." Hana said teasingly as she shook her head. Satsuki too, brought herself out from his chest to give him another glare before nuzzling back in.

Naruto smirked at his other teammate as he rubbed Satsuki's head affectionately, messing it up. She giggled at her Nii-san's actions before releasing him. "We've all gotta have an ace up our sleeve don't we." Naruto stated rhetorically to the brunette before taking a look around the booth.

He saw that most of the genin he didn't know as well had left, either to make some last minute preparations, use the restroom, get something to eat, Naruto didn't really care enough to bother with all the possibilities. He did see that Haku was staring at Satsuki rather jealously when she was snuggling into his chest, but he would wonder about that another time.

Narumi had come back to the booth sometime during his fight, she was wrapped up in quite a few bandages which indicated that she wasn't as a hundred percent just yet. She and Natsuki both had teary eyes and puffy cheeks, it was obvious that they had been crying. They probably thought that he died when he was hit by that collaboration jutsu from Nawaki and Gamabunta.

He knew that they cared for him deeply, but Naruto didn't care too much. It was nice to know that they cared about him to such an extent, but he couldn't trust them. He didn't blame them for abandoning him as much as he did his parents, but that didn't mean that they would become siblings again or turn into the best of friends. They were also Minato's children which meant they were taught to believe in his ideals of peace, love, and loyalty. Naruto couldn't trust anyone who would willingly live and die just because the village ordered them to. This village and its beliefs were corrupt and he knew it.

Naruto looked up at the Kage booth and saw Minato looking right at him. He returned the glare with just as much intensity. It was clear to Naruto that there would be many questions later on from the Yondaime, but hopefully the invasion would take his mind off things. Oh yes, Naruto's plans would start during the invasion.

Kage Booth

"I didn't realize you had genin on such a level Hokage-dono." Yagura stated, still surprised. "In fact, many jonin aren't able to perform techniques of that magnitude."

"Neither did I." Minato looked back to Obito, who merely shrugged his shoulders. Obito had never seen Naruto use that technique before. Had he been holding back all this time? If he had used it during training then at least half of the forest would have been obliterated. Just what did he do this past month to reach such a level?

Yagura looked over at the Hokage and voiced his curiosity, "His ability with Katon reminds me much of the Hozuki clan's abilities with Suiton. Tell me, do you know if he is related in some way to the Hozuki?"

Minato shook his head, "No, Naruto is my first born son." This statement surprised the other two Kage as well as their bodyguards. They were not aware that the Hokage had another son. Minato sighed, seeing their confusion, "He may have died his hair and deny us as his parents, but he is Kushina's and my son."

"From the intensity of the match and what was said by them, it is clear that you have quite a bit of family issues to work out. Perhaps as many as my own." Rasa commented with a sad chuckle.

"Hm...whatever the case, he is definitely chunin material strength wise. He was also able to keep calm throughout the entire match, even when his own brother was trying to kill him. Not to mention he was in control of the match the whole time, even after Nawaki went into his two-tailed state. He has my vote for chunin."

"I agree, in fact I'm surprised he hasn't made chunin already with how old he appears to be. Why would you keep someone so skilled a secret from the rest of the world Hokage-dono?" Rasa asked.

Minato sighed. This was the first time seeing what his son could really do. Just how could he do everything that he did? Obito didn't appear to know how he did that last technique, did he have another sensei before Obito?

Minato's eyes immediately widened when he remembered the prophecy that Jiraiya told him a few years back.

"A child born from great power but with memories of old shall pave the way toward a new era of peace. Whether they walk the path of light or is forced into the darkness shall determine what the future will hold. Their predecessor has already burned the path for them, but it shall be their will of fire that determines whether they will walk it or forge their own." Minato whispered. His voice was only audible enough for him and Jiraiya, who was right behind him to hear.

The toad sage's eyes widened when he heard Minato's words and he too remembered the exact words of the prophecy. He silently cursed himself as Naruto had made it perfectly clear that he was the most likely to be the child of prophecy now. He had really screwed up, especially with how he had acted a month ago. He would need to fix things with Naruto as soon as possible. The boy was the one who was supposed to bring peace to the world after all. He would need help to do that.

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