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Chapter 2: Family Heirloom

It's been nearly 15 years since the appearance of the 'Portals', these portals literally teleport you to another planet, or dimension completely, with beasts. There are 4 types of portals distinguished by colour by humans—

'Blue' for safe, habitable with weak F rank beasts and fully explored planet.

'Yellow' for habitable, fully explored, and has beasts at E and D rank, sometimes higher.

'Orange' for not habitable, exploration in progress, there are with mostly military camps on the planet which are there for the beast crystals, which can be crafted into equipment or sold for money, and are filled with beasts above the level of C rank.

'Red' for not habitable, have beasts of higher level than B rank(Sometimes A+ rank), have plenty of resources even the rarest of all- Magisteel, certain people are sent to red planets to look for more resources like Magisteel and Mythril or for beast crystals.


As Quinn opened the box expecting it to be the Ability dew from the military, there was one more square shaped box inside, he was confused, but then he saw a note. It soured his mood immediately when he saw what was written. "This is what your parents wanted us to give you the day you turned 16

- The military base" the note said. Wrinkles started to appear on his forehead as he crumbled the piece of paper.

"Of course it wouldn't be an ability dew..." Quinn sighed. He was always picked on by his peers for not having an ability, even if he wanted to do something, he couldn't, fearing they would come back in a gang and beat him up, there were the rich kids that abused their power and social standing to buy the highest quality dew.

The quality of an ability dew is measured by the brightness of its golden shine.

He then went ahead and opened the box, there was a ring and some thick yellow paper, but this one was from his parents themselves.

He picked up the ring and inspected it. It looked really plain and it had a silver color on the outside part and purple color on the inside part, but there was another thing, the ring had cracks but they looked as if they weren't natural and as if the ring can be activated like magical gear.

Quinn then picked up the yellow piece of paper which was thick, he knew what it was. It was a holographic video. He turned the device on and the video began to play. There were two people in the hologram, Quinn's Mother and Father.

"Hey there, kiddo!" said his father In a cheerful and playful tone, "by the time you see this you'll probably be 16, and we probably won't be there to celebrate your birthday... " said his mother tearing up. They seemed to have cut some part of the video as the screen went black but after a second the screen lit up again, but this time there was only his father.

"Hey there again... " Quinn's father said as he appeared on the screen again, "your mother is finally sleeping, we wanted to tell you something about the ring we sent you. You see, the ring is like a family heirloom, but not so much of a heirloom.

"Your mother only found it 6 years ago on a beast planet, to us it seemed like magic gear so we tried to activate it, but it just wouldn't activate so we took is to a magical equipment expert to see if its even magic gear. When the results came out it said that the ring wasn't magic gear"

"After learning that it wasn't beast gear, I had given up hope but you mother still wanted to try every thing. She said she had this feeling... that she would regret not trying and activating it " he continued "trying to break the ring, burn it, throw it in acid. Everything she could think of, we did, but it was all in vain, so she made me agree on giving this ring to you so you could figure it out. Let's hope that your mother was right about that hunch. I hope you succeed and get something good"

"So, goodbye young man, we both love you" he said with a warm smile. Then instantly the screen beeped off.

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