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Chapter 6: The game just got Heated up. but the enemy team already wants to Call peace??

neo Sat alone in his Car as he Drives to his Business, Red eyes incorporation. or REI. for short, he had bought out a technology company with the help of his Sharingan and Change the company Brand.

that was only four months ago and now the company is ready and all new staff has been brought in. Leo made sure to buy out all Shareholders as he didn't need anyone for exstra Cash so they are useless to him. Most things are going slowly but With the help of the system Store Neo was able to Buy several blueprints. for computers from hundreds of years into the future, hovercrafts, hoverboards, even virtual reality gaming. and already the Stocks in REI is climbing. even resolutionizing cell phones wasn't Hard to do. as thousands of units are constantly being made by the day.

when word got out about all these Neo had people lining at his door wanting to Partner with his company and by Shares but Each and everyone of them was turned away. the only Shareholder in Neo company is him and his mother with a 50\50 Split. Neo even got a ammunition contract with the government because his pieces were 40% cheaper than the competitors. I.E. Black Wolf. it was so cheap they could afford to Void the 5 year contract and still make Bank.

Neo Had already been actively applying pressure to the Black Wolf, Stealing several of there Partners, Contracts and out Bidding them. and the Hardest fight Neo got into was the Owner ship if the Fox tech company. many watched with low Jaws as REI throw out so much money they could several Private Island. of course it looks like Neo is just feeding them Money, but what are they going to do with it? look at it. he keeps cornering all there investments.

Neo got got of his Car and was Led the Top floor by a secretary Dressed in casual clothing. this would be Neko Dahmer, Neo's Landlords sister. She wears Black leotards A White sports bra. purple eyes and very Dark purple Hair with her Front Bangs died pink. she has a well tone Abs and her breast a DD with a nice well toned ass.

Neko Dahmer is a Sassy woman who loves Working out. when Neo first offered her the secretary of the CEO of REI she of course Agreed. on the condition she didn't need to dress Fancy and Neo had no problems with it. he much appreciate her Wearing her normal outfits anyway.

"sss, if you don't keep them eyes to you self. don't Blame me for swing your ass!" Neko Hissed at Neo as they were going up the elevator. "I'll Be ok." Neo said as his eyes didn't leave her ass.

"Perv" Neko mutter to herself as she hid a cocky smile. before long the Two reach the top floor and went to the Main office. it was quite spacious and full of luxury. behind the Desk sat a beautiful woman in her Late 20's she had a heavy set of breast long black hair tied in a bun. her hips were wider than her wiast line and her ass was a bit bigger than a bubble butt the woman wasn't thin but far from chubby too. she had on a pair of rectangular Glasses and a black Dress that had a split down the right leg showing her long cream legs. Layla Uchiha this this woman name and she is the mother of Neo Uchiha of this world. Layla stopped Typing on the Key pad and gave Her son a Smile that was returned from Neo.

Neko turned around and wet over to her work space that was a bean bag chair a Laptop and Cellphone just like she requested. the woman kick off her shoes and Got back to her work.

Neo and Layla went over to the Couch that was in the other side of the room and Poured Themselves Coffee "what were you thinking Neo? why would you spend so much on Fox tech?" Layla look into the eyes of her son and was surprised when they showed disdain " because, that company belongs to you. no one else, I didn't start up REI because I wanted to live in luxury. I did it because I want to Run Black Wolf into the Dirt and get back everything they own you and more." Layla look at her son with a small smile while shaking her head "Silly, I don't care about that. I made that Business because I thought it would be fun. I'm thankful though, really. all because of that your changing the way the world views Technology. hehe" Layla relaxed as she enjoyed he coffee in silence with her son.

hours later Neo came out to one of the high End night clubs for some fishing. but all he was left with was disappointment. all he found was Gold diggers or high end losers who wasn't worth his time. so after listening to a few songs Neo step out of the Club

before Neo could step in his Car a buff man in a black suit and black Shade walk up to him "my boss Mr. black wound like a Word with you." the Gaurd had a deep Rough voice Neo didn't say anything about it and only smirked as he let the man Lead him to a black tented limousine

Mr. black came face to face with Neo and couldn't help but shake his head "this punk is my competitor? he's younger than my child." was his first thoughts the fallowing "this should be Easy." Mr. black held out his hand for a shack with a pleasant business man smile "good evening Son, my name is Leonard Black, of Black Wolf international." only for Neo to look at the offered hand then at Mr. black, there was no smile or any pleasant emotions on Neo face he was just blankly starring at Mr. black. the man didn't loss his smile but did lower his hand.

"Uchiha Neo, of REI. what can I do for you today Mr. black?" Neo said as he took the time to Study the names face one that he came to Run through the mud.

"well yes, I had been meaning to see you at the office but your secretary wasn't returning my calls. I was hoping me and you could see eye to eye and become Partners of Sorts. everyone knows you have several high end..Eh? projects, an it must get costly, right?" Mr. black pour himself and Neo a glass of scotch only for Neo to turn it down.

"I'm sorry, but Money isn't a problem for me Mr black, in fact I'm not even doing any of this for the money. anyone could grab a piece of paper scribble a drawing on it and call it valuable. but not me. I'm more of a sentimental value type of Guy. so unless you want to get to the real reason for this unconventional meeting, I'll be taken my leave." Neo Coment through Mr. black through a loop but when Neo talk about the Real Reason why he wanted to meet Mr. blacks face tighten up as he took a sip of his drink.

"I see. then let's go to the big picture here, what will it take for you to stop meddling my company affairs." Hearing Mr. black reasons was pretty much what Neo predicted. Neo leaned back relax as her crossed his leg over the other looking to be deep in thought before pulling out a piece of Paper and handing it over.

Mr. black was surprised that Neo had something already written out as if he predicted this meeting would happen. he unfolded the Paper to Read it, his eyes scanned Word for Word. but the biggest words that stuck out was the price Tags. yes Tags as there are two.

"you can't be serious. the first one is acceptable, but for the 2nd it would set back my company for decades." Mr. black commented as he Look up to Neo but seeing him Staying silent was basically the same as if he was saying not his problem. and he had seen it first hand how much money the young man throw away just for a small company like Fox tech and still make moves on him. so he understood that if he didn't agree he could be even worse off than if he signed contract.

there was two major points in the contract, one A arrange Marriage with his daughter. of course it's easy to agree, the shit written about him being a loving Family man is a lie. hell even if Neo asked for his own Wife he would agree. the 2nd one he was somewhat hesitating on was the amount of money that was being asked for. 30trillon Yen. that's half of his total number. Neo is basically saying pay me to marry your daughter and I'll leave you to crawl on your two front legs you mangy dog.

Neo hide his shock when Mr. black sign the contract. If the man Read it fully he would NEVER let that paper leave his hands with his signature. there were several smaller Clus in there. Must pay 3 million a week for the needs of Mr. blacks Daughter. sign over 20 of your own personal Shares, sent funding for the orphanage Child's hope once a month with no less than 10 thousand dollars. Neo took the paper calmly and look over it and nodded his head. before putting it away. to get everything finalized tomorrow.

Neo drive off in his care Shaking his head "what a greedy man." was all he could say. well if we're going to be hosting the only thing that Really 'hurt' Mr. black was the 30trillion and his 20 Shares. as now Neo can sit in on board meetings with his 'father-in-law' he already was putting that money to good use to give his daughter a beautiful wedding. but he had a surprise for the Bride.

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