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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: The beginning of the end

A foolish wish made by an ignorant child is what anyone would have called it, but when ignorance meets coincidence, they make way for one hell of situation, and in this case, the situation is the literal end of the world, but I didn't know this at the time.

It was just another day or night ?, I really didn't know anymore, I had drifted to sleep but had woken up from what felt like around 2 hours of sleep, with a bad neck pain, "I wish I had a pillow" I thought, I'd been wishing lots of things lately, maybe my time is near so I'm trying to enjoy what's left of my pathetic life the best I can, not by getting things, but by wishing I could get them, just like my wish that the world would end and my new wish for a pillow, I knew for someone like me, such wishes would never come true.

About to dive into my world of fantasies, I heard hurried footsteps and the jingle of keys from the outside of my door, I'd gotten so used to being hungry that I didn't really feel it anymore, so unless it lasted up to 2 days, the pain wouldn't be agonizing, but even at that, it was surprising to here the sound of keys and so I thought it must have just been someone passing by, but to my utmost surprise I again heard the keys jingling, I might have been delusional but it sounded like it was coming closer, the key slot was sealed on my side so I couldn't really tell until I heard the familiar clack clack clack of the triple lock come undone, it wasn't really anything to be enthusiastic about, from my experience showing too much excitement would only make things worse, so I simple stayed still at my favorite corner thinking it was just going to be the same only food drop, but to my surprise, as the door creaked open and my eyes dilated with the burst of blinding light, the figure of the man standing at the door wasn't a familiar one, as my eyes adjusted I noticed that the one who opened the door this time wasn't a relative but rather the butler who served my grandfather, I only ever saw him when he came to fetch me just after my parents died, he seemed like a friendly man, in the short conversation we had on our way to the family house, I found out he had 2 kids, a boy and a girl whose names were long lost in my memory, but I remember him saying they were just a little younger than me.

I hesitatingly did something I'd never do with my relatives, I looked him in his eye, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, I saw a look that resembled pity. "You poor thing, this is even worse than I had imagined", he said, he took a step towards me and I flinched, as the only time in this cell people came towards me was when they were going to get physical, noticing me flinch he paused and squatted "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm here to save you, we need to get out of here quick ". I couldn't comprehend what he was saying, 'get out of here?', what does he mean, there was no way on earth that it would be that easy, those people would never let me go that easily or was he trying to break me out?, thinking to myself , I noticed for the first time a sound I hadn't heard when he initially opened the door as i was still shocked by his presence, i couldn't pinpoint where but i could hear the sounds of fire cracking violently, I could hear what sounded like screams, multiple Screams, there was the faint sound of police sirens, but then it suddenly stopped, not like it went far away but the sound when something electronic loses power and slowly dies.

"Noah, Noah", the sound of the butlers voice drew me back to where I was, what was he saying, 'Noah?' that sounded familiar. "Noah, we have to get out of here, I'll explain later but for now you have to come with me if you want to live" he said , Live?, how hilarious, I've spent most of my time in this cell wanting to die, what pleasure who I have in living. Suddenly there was a loud bang, it was coming from the main door of the building my cell was in, "Shit, they're here" and next thing i knew was being lifter up and carried, maybe if I had any strength left in me I would ha e fought back, but in my current state, I could only let myself be carried like a grocery item, as the butler ran to the other side of the building towards what seemed like a different entrance, I heard the sound of the front door breaking open, as I raised my head to see what was causing all that commotion, my heart froze, it was like everything in my body had stopped working as I saw the disfigured face of my uncle in law, in his white button down top which was now covered in a dark red liquid which if I wasn't mistaken is one I'm all too familiar with , his white shirt was so soaked in the red tint , it was like that was it's original color, " what's going on, that can't be normal, can it?, being away from civilization for so long, I couldn't possibly know what was normal and in style anymore, but after glancing at his neck, seeing it caved in and blood still pumping out of it , I quickly understood what the red tint on his shirt was,"How can he be standing" I thought, all this while he had been scanning the room with short frantic movements, swinging his head left and right like he was looking for something and then he focused at our direction, and then he opened his mouth and let out the single most ungodly, ear piercing, fear instilling sound I had ever heard.

It was then I had a little grasp of why I was on the butlers shoulder and why he was in such a rush earlier, and then it hit me , my heart, was pumping ?, am I afraid?, after being trapped in that cell for so long, not knowing what to expect when the door would open, would it be beatings or food, that unease from now knowing had tempered my mind while also tampering with it, driving me half to insanity, but I was certain, fear wasn't something I could feel anymore. So what is this thing I'm feeling in my chest, this sense of dread.

The butler who was fiddling with the keys with me on his shoulder didn't turn to look at the monstrous creature that was behind us, but it was like I was face to face with it. The building was large so the creature was as far as 3quarter Of a football field away, but that wasn't enough, it was too close, we need to get out of here, my vocal chords which had been out of use for so long, out of the depths of my stomach, as the creature began running towards us, not knowing how to regulate my voice anymore, I screamed:

"It's coming".

Toju_TheWriter Toju_TheWriter

you guys have no idea how scary this is for me,in order to write a good book,I’m immersing myself into my work,so it really feels like I’m the one on the butler’s shoulders and don’t worry, you’ll find out more about him in the next chapter,but my chest feels tight and I feel like I can’t breathe well,I might have to write the next chapter immediately,while I’m still immersed in the book,so it’ll be good,anyways remember to add me to your collections, to know when I release the next chapter,

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