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Chapter 8: Hale

"Please, Eun....." He tried pleading with me again, but I cut him off in time.

"Uh uh, I will not help you except you tell me what happened," I said and rolled my eyes.

"How do I plead for you when I do not know anything? She is not talking and you do not want to talk either."

"You have been saying you messed up or fucked up rather. How in goodness's sake did you fuck up?" I asked him and hoped he would talk this time around.

"Okay if you insist", he said,

"Yes, I fucking insist", I said to him and was staring at him as if my eyes would slice through his skin.

"Are we going to stand here to talk about this?" He asked me,

"It is okay by me if it is okay by you too", I said to him.

"Of course not, it is not okay with me. Come on, let us go look for a quiet place to sit and talk", Hale said to me,

"Okay, after you", I said to him and we left the dance floor to only God knows where.

We searched for a place to sit, but to no avail, everywhere was occupied, even inside my house.

I think all the guests that I thought had been leaving were still around, both around the house and inside.

The only quiet place I could think of at this moment is my room.

Oh, God!

This is not good, I do not know what Lizzy would think if she finds her boyfriend inside my room, this is worse than before.

Damn it!

"Shit! Everywhere is bloody occupied, where do we stay now? Do you see? Let us talk about it later", he said and was waiting for a reply.

I have one, but it is a crazy one, it is out of this world.

Hale is my friend too, but it is still complicated, especially now that they are not on good terms.

"Wait, I have an idea, but it is a crazy one. I do not know if you will be willing to comply", I said to him."

Tell me, I love crazy ideas. Half bread is better than none", he said to me.

what an idiot he is.

"It is not good", I said to him.

"Still", he said.

"The only quiet place that we can talk in right now, is in my room, upstairs", I said and hoped he would buy it.

It is also fine if he does not.

When we got to the front of my room, I entered my password and the door opened, "wow, your room door is electric, mine too", Hale said excited,

I do not care if he was saying the truth or not.

"I do not give a fuck about that", I said and rolled my eyes.

I gestured for him to go in First, I entered and then decided to leave the door wide open.

"Have a seat", I said and pointed at my reading chair,

"Thanks", he said and sat down.

"Wow, your room is very beautiful", he said excitedly.

I do not understand why he seems very excited.

"Is this the first time you have been in my room?" I asked him out of curiosity.

I do not know if he has been inside my room before or not.

I have never thought about it.

"No, I have not. Never. This is my first time inside your room. It's cool", he said to me.

"Good to hear, thanks. Let us talk about the reason we are here. Make it quick. Explain yourself", I said to Hale.

"It is a long and complicated story. I do not know how and where to start", he said and looked down.

I do not know where to start either, I just took in a deep breath and exhaled loudly, I was exhausted.

"Okay, when did this start?" I asked him and hoped he would give me a valid answer, what I want to hear.

"Um, since last week Saturday", he replied,

"Last Saturday?" I asked him and he nodded.

"That is a week now, something serious has been happening for a week now and neither of you informed me about it. Not fair", I said and pouted.

"Am sorry, I thought you already knew about it, that's why I have not been coming around lately, I was scared that you would kick me in the ass", he said and we both burst out laughing.

"Okay, let us keep these jokes aside now. How did it begin? "I asked concerned.

"It all started when Ray... Raymond. Do you even know Raymond? Do you still remember him? He is the boy from high school senior whom you dislike a lot." He asked me to confirm. "

"Yes, I do. That piece of shit, that wooed me several times and was always making amorous suggestions. He is fucking annoying. What a sucker he was", I said to him and sucked my teeth.

"Are you done?" He asked me,

"Mmm", I replied to him and nodded.

"Why all these curses? Although, I have begun to see reasons with you. He caused it. I know why you hate him so much. He lured me into this and I was so stupid to have listened to him in the first place." He paused and swallowed before continuing.

"I hate myself for it. I blame myself for going so low and betraying my girl", he said and a tear ran down his cheek.

I did not know what to say, so I remained silent.

I just frowned and pouted.

"Okay, I get it. You fucked up big time. I get it now, okay? You have said it over and over now", I said as I was already losing my patience.

"Can you fucking say it already, you have just wasted five minutes saying one sentence over and over again?"

"Your five minutes are already over, I will just give you a second chance, another five minutes. Just spill it, am all ears", I said to him and prayed that he would just tell me what I want to hear.

"Please, make it ten or twenty", he pleaded with me.

"Whatever, just start", I said to him, but calmly in a relaxed tone.

"Okay, last Saturday, He called me, I mean Raymond", he said to me.

"I fucking know, can you just fucking go on?", I said angrily,

I was already angry.

I do not know if he was doing it on purpose, it was becoming annoying.

"When I picked up, he told me that he wanted me to come over, that he needed me, that it was urgent. I was like, okay, give me some time, I will be there soon. I thought he was joking, he was right about needing my help, but it was not as serious as he made it sound on the phone."

"His younger sister was slightly sick, so he asked me to help her. I left my phone in their living room, and then Beth called. He picked it up and told her that I have been at his place since morning and I just got there about an hour or two ago."

"He also told her that I was into his sister and I have been indoors with his sister since I came and does not know what we have been doing. He said he had not been around and was surprised that I was still there ever since he left in the morning and then asked her to come to see things for herself."

"In less than ten minutes, Beth got there and caught me opening Ray's younger sister's zip fastener as she was still lying down on her tummy, facing down."

"I was just trying to help her open her zip fastener and leave the room so that she can do anything she wanted to do."

"I was not going to do anything with her. I swear, she saw wrong, she misunderstood, right?" He asked me as tears were already running down his cheeks.

I just pitied him, he truly loves his girlfriend, my only best friend.

"Yes, she misunderstood. She caught you right-handed too, right in the act, right?"

I asked him.

I did not know if that question would help resolve the matter at hand right now.

I regretted it the instant I asked it.


"What activity are you talking about? I was not fucking her. I was just helping her open her fucking zip, did I do anything wrong?" He asked with a glare.

"Does she think I will stoop so fucking low to fuck a twelve-year-old girl?" He asked me angrily and bitterly.

I think he is regretting coming to me in the first place now.


Am terrible at making peace, right?

"I know you did not do anything wrong. I think it was planned. You were framed or was he trying to blackmail you?" I asked him.

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