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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 : First Magic = Lumos

[ Hypothesis 3: Magic exhaustion

Magic exhaustion: depleting the magical reserves to the point the body is forced to produce more magic above the natural safety limit.

 It may range from exhaustion to damaging the body's DNA, even the soul in extreme cases.]


-----Location : Arjun bedroom----

In the cosy walls of my bedroom, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of home, I finally felt ready to embark on my journey into the world of magic.

"AI, project the Voluntary Magic 1," I commanded eagerly, excitement coursing through my veins like a surge of electricity.

[Artificial Memory initiated]

As the command was accepted and the artificial memory began to download into my brain, I felt an overwhelming rush of sensations wash over me.

It was as if my entire existence was being pulled into a whirlwind of light, drawing upon everything I knew about light—from the physical sensations to the symbolic meanings found in mythologies.

At that moment, I understood: that my magic was an extension of myself.

With the magic coursing through me, I focused on my right hand, feeling the energy shift and transform into light with my knowledge and beliefs as a base. The conversion was smooth, and effortless, like striking a match and watching it burst into flame.

[Artificial memory completed.]

As the memory completed and I returned to reality, sitting on my bed, I couldn't help but feel disoriented. The sudden shift from altering the laws of the world to the walls of my bedroom was freaky.

"AI, start recording the memory," I instructed, eager to capture this moment for posterity.

With a deep breath, I attempted to replicate the sensation I had experienced from artificial memory.

"Lumos," I whispered, and with a soft buzzing sound, a ball of light materialized above my palm. It was a moment of pure exhilaration, witnessing the manifestation of my magic for the first time, under my command.



But as quickly as it appeared, the light began to sizzle out, leaving me with a profound sense of exhaustion that seemed to seep into the very depths of my soul.


Magic reserves: 0.]

Analysing the data, I realized just how taxing the spell had been on my reserves. Three units were consumed in a matter of minutes, leaving me feeling drained and depleted.

[Duration of magic- 3 minutes. 

Time taken to cast– 5 minutes. 

Reserves consumed- 3 units.]

"AI, term the simulated magic as database magic, compare the event 'first magic' to database magic Lumos," I instructed, seeking to understand the magnitude of my achievement.

As the comparison was made, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell within me. Despite my inexperience, I had successfully performed magic on my own—an accomplishment not to be taken lightly.

In the canon, the people who accomplished the same thing were -Tom Riddle, Grindelwald, Dumbledore, Lily Potter and Severus Snape.

[Lumos mastery: 0.5/100.]


But mastering magic would not be easy, especially for the current me who is without the aid of a wand. So, I am left with the primitive method of dedication, perseverance, and a whole lot of practice.

I guess, I should keep practising while echoes of my laziness are haunting me. But I exorcised it by asking the next question, how long will it take to refill the reserves?

----Location: Park after 1 month------

The answer to the question of how long it takes for my magic reserves to refill is surprisingly simple: one day. It doesn't matter how much of my magic I use; it always replenishes itself within a single day.

Probably an adaption by a wizard during evolution.

[AI Profile:

Arjun Prasad

Race: Wizard

Age: 6 years 3 months

Skills: Medical knowledge (Medicine, Paediatrics), Programming (Basics), Physics (High school level), Chemistry (High school level), Social studies (High school level), Biology (Integrated into medical knowledge).

Magic: Lumos - 5/100

Physique Level: Athletic child

Reserves: Six units]

As I updated my AI profile with the latest developments, I couldn't help but marvel at how easily I could manipulate the information stored within it. It was almost like changing the wallpaper on my phone—a simple task that brought about a sense of satisfaction.

In addition to updating my profile, I also managed to accomplish a few other tasks. I completed the paediatrics postgraduate course, reaching the same level I had attained in my previous life. Alongside that, I delved into the basics of programming, expanding my repertoire of skills.

But perhaps most importantly, I experienced a modest increase in my magic reserves, gaining an additional unit. It might seem like a small victory but considering the difficulty in achieving even the slightest growth in magical abilities, it felt like a significant accomplishment.

Seriously, if it's this challenging for me, a mature adult trapped in a child's body, to enhance my magical prowess, I can only imagine the struggles faced by wizarding teenagers. However, I hold onto the hope that my magical growth will accelerate exponentially according to my theory made from a mixture of smarts, AI processing and Canon.

[View Hypothesis 13 for more info.]


"Lumos," I whispered, and the light buzzed into existence, casting a soft glow around me as I waited for the other kids to arrive for our early morning karate class in the park. 


It was a new venture for this past life nerd, stepping into the world of martial arts, and despite quitting similar lessons in my past life after just a month, I felt a sense of excitement coursing through me.

In today's society, knowing how to defend oneself properly is a necessity, especially against the masked, racist psychopaths who wield considerable power.




As the instructor entered the park, my attention shifted towards him. Max Golson—a former youth karate champion turned coach,—stood before us with a ripped, lean figure, blond hair, and piercing Skye blue eyes. At 6 feet tall, he exuded an aura of confidence and expertise just from his muscled body.

He greeted me with a wave of his hand, and without thinking, I blurted out, "I can't wait to grow up to 6 feet."


 Max chuckled at my remark and proceeded to ruffle my hair and pinch my cheek—an action that I despised. I made a mental note to exact revenge later; after all, I should be the one doing the pinching.

"Ok, little guy, I hope you grow tall too. What's your name?" Max asked, his tone friendly but somewhat clueless.

"Arjun Prasad," I replied, unable to hide my irritation at his attempt at conversation.

"Indian, huh? Had an Indian classmate at university. Bale Bale, right?" he continued, completely missing the mark.

I shot him a disdainful look, unimpressed by his failed attempt at camaraderie. "That guy is a Singh, and I am from south India. There is a lot of difference," I retorted, making it clear that his assumption was way off base.

It was moments like these that reminded me of the brutal honesty of children, and I decided to milk it for all it was worth. Max seemed to catch on to my cheeky demeanour and bluntly expressed his disdain for dealing with kids.

"Shitty kids."

"The feeling is mutual, sir," I quipped back, enjoying the opportunity to tease without consequences. 

It was a realization I had come to in my new life—I enjoyed pushing boundaries and testing limits, as long as I didn't overstep them. In essence, I was an adorable 6-year-old asshole, capable of talking back with the ease of taking a breath.

Location: Karate class

[Hand should be tightened, and elbow should flex.

Punches till body limit: 15]




With each punch, I felt the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins, driving me forward with relentless determination. As the other students began to falter and fall from exhaustion, I continued to push myself, fuelled by the sensation of being in the spotlight.

"Wow. Look, Arjun is still punching."

Something was intoxicating about being the centre of attention, about the eyes of my peers fixed upon me in wonder and admiration. It stirred something deep within me, perhaps a remnant of my past struggles as a loner seeking recognition. 

But now, here amid the karate class, I revelled in the attention, soaking in every word of praise from the instructor and the looks of the kids.

"Arjun, you are a truly talented brat," he exclaimed, his words were singling me out for recognition, and though there was an undertone of slight teasing, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride swell within me.

Yet, among the praise and admiration, there was a twinge of jealousy that gnawed at my insides. For there, standing beside the instructor, was David's hot single mom.

Now you see the muscle head is standing in front of me showing me off to David's hot single mom. I felt a fine hint of jealousy at him because I never had a chance to flirt so easily in my past life.

You see, David's mom is a hugger, and I am embarrassed to admit my first hug with a hot non-familial lady was her. 

The asshole is trying to impress her showing me as an example for his teaching.

The thing you need to know about me is that I was a mischievous kid in my first childhood.

I used to punch straight ahead at the adults standing in front of me. Combined with my short height as a kid the men's no-go zone was in direct line of vision and reach for my fist. My dad's employees and even my uncles were terrified of me because of my casual punches at the no-go zone.

Time to show the teacher, my brand of past life and childhood. 

1, 2,3.

Change the form to the next set and punch.


"OH, fuck"

And Max collapsed holding his hands between his legs.


I immediately went near him, "Sorry Teach, I didn't think you were looking elsewhere."

The sympathetic looks from all the ladies caused Max's face to contort with a mix of discomfort and embarrassment. Witnessing his plight, I couldn't help but feel a torrent of guilt creeping in.

Deciding not to worsen the situation any further, I made a quick decision to help him, "David, Mark, and Tina, bring some wet towels," I instructed, diverting the attention away from Max's heaving.

Max's position is every man's nightmare, it even made me feel guilty about my actions. Such is the nature of Mankind.


It was the vomit-like heaving from Max that woke up from a sudden philosophical revelation about mankind. 

Mankind would rather feel guilty about the action than avoid doing the said action.

So, I will not embarrass him further. In the back of my mind, a guilty - for today - was heard. It doesn't have to do with the fact he seems to be hugged by three different moms. Seriously ladies, be a proper English lady, stop checking his muscles with your hands.


Or they are just helping him. Is it my polluted adult mind the problem or something else?

Looking at the tears in Mark's mom, I am sure they are fucking. I don't know if it is a side-effect of magic, but I am just so sure.

"Here are the towels."

"We got them."

It was now that I realized that they did what I told them.

I always wanted to be the leader of the group. Now I am one, just like the ones I was envious of in my past life. Even If my ego hurts, it is the truth. I also wanted to be like them - better at sports, popular, a sexy girlfriend and loyal to faulty friends. 

Well, I was rich and smarter back then, but I was also a loner with only occasional casual hangout friends. Anyway, the point is I wanted to enjoy my life to the fullest but always hesitated. But now with my past life experiences and AI, and the confidence of being much ahead of my peers, I believe I can do that. I will live life to the fullest.


"It hurts."

Even if it meant, looking at the idiot who was faking the pain. I can recognise the acting up of pain. I was a real doctor in my past life, dude.


This time the pain was real, and the real screams got mixed with the fake ones with me slamming the towel on the sensitive area.

---Chapter end---

[Hypothesis 4: Squibs

Squibs, even after having magic can't do any spells. The reason is after consuming 2 basic units there are no more units left. Due to the lack of capability in doing magic, even the increase in reserves is not possible. Forming a vicious cycle.

The units present inside them can help catalyze the potions or effects on them. It is the reason they can use potions, magic artefacts or avoid muggle-repelling wards.]



HP : Wizard SI


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