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Chapter 3: Chapter 2

Roy Pov'

"The present"

- Ehi ragazzi, come state ?!

"Hey guys, how are you?!"

I said with a smile.

- Bene Ro, hai preparato le valigie?

"Good Ro, have you packed your bags?"

- Si tutto pronto, l'unica cosa che mi resta e partire.

"Yes everything is ready, the only thing i have left is to go."

- Sembri felice che te ne vai di qui, qualcuno ti sta aspettando li...

"You seem happy that you are leaving here, someone is waiting for you there..."

He said with a smirk on his face.

- Ha ha ha molto divertente Lucca...

"Ha ha ha very funny Lucca..."

I said to him looking with a menacing look.

It's been over 10 years since I left Canada. I finished my studies here at the university of Milano for Economy, and I was a top student.

When I first come here was really difficult because I didn't know anything, even the language was so difficult to learn, but with time everything became more easy, the school helped me a lot, I made friends, started a part-time job, and studied really hard for everything.

Tringling tringling tringling ... Tringling tringling tringling

A phone was ringing.

- Hello mom.

- Hello Roy, everything is ready for your departure ?

- Yes mom everything ready.

- That is great, we are waiting for you.

- I will be there for a couple of hours mom, I have to go now. Love you.

- Have a safe trip Roy, I love you to... Dad is saying that we are going to wait at the airport for you son.

- Mom it's still early, I still haven't departed from here.

- Anyway son, see you later.

- Ei Ro, hai detto ai tuoi che verrò anch'io ?!

"Hey Ro did you tell your folks that i will come too ?!"

- Non ancora, ma c'e spazio anche per te, non preoccuparti.

"Not yet, but there is room for you too, don't worry."

I said laughing at Lucca.

- Dobbiamo andare ora, e ora di partire.

"We must go now, time to leave."

I said to Lucca.

We took our luggage, greeted the others and got out of the coffee shop, called a taxi and we were waiting outside. The sun was shining so brightly, people around us were enjoying their coffee, some of them in a coffee shop, some of them had their coffee in the hand and were walking.

The taxi was in front of our legs, I put the suitcases in the truck of the taxi and we were ready to go at the airport.

~1 hour later~

- Attenzione, tutti i passeggeri del volo numero 257542 per il Canada sono invitati a fare il check-in, Grazie.

"Attention, all the passengers for the flight number 257542 for Canada are welcomed to do the check in, Thank you."

- E arrivata l'ora Ro, non vedo l'ora di andare in Canada.

"The time has come Ro, I can't wait to go to Canada."

I heard Lucca talking excitedly.

I didn't answer, i just shook my head with a little smile of excitement because i finally can see my family .

~10 hours later~

We finally landed in Canada. After doing the check-in we finally were outside of the airport. I saw mom and dad were waiting for me there.

- Mom, dad im here.

- Roy...

My mom hugged me tightly and started crying.

- Mom, i'm here now, you don't have to cry.

My mom got away from my arms and dad didn't even wait that i took a break but hugged me even before i said anything.

- Dad.

- Son, we missed you a lot.

After hugging my mom and dad they finally noticed Lucca.

- Mom, dad this is Lucca, my friend from Italy.

- Hello, I'm Lucca. Boschi Lucca, nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you to Lucca. Im Tina and this is my husband Gregory.

My mom and dad greeted Lucca with a smile.

We took our suitcases and were going into the car of my dad, puted the suitcase in the truck and we then departed for home.

- Ei amico, a cosa stai pensando così tanto ?!

"Hey man, what are you thinking so much about ?!"

Lucca said to me after 10 minutes inside the car, because i didn't even spoke a word all the way.

- A niente amico, a niente...

"Nothing man, nothing..."

I said with half voice.

All the way I didn't take my eyes off the car window. I couldn't believe how excited I was to finally be back...

- o... Ro, tua madre ha detto che siamo quasi a casa.

" o... Ro, your mom said we're almost home."

Said Lucca.

- Puoi anche parlare inglese Lucca.

"You can also speak English in Lucca."

I said to Lucca in a tired voice.

- Ma è più facile per me parlare con te in modo che le persone non mi capiscano.

"But it's easier for me to talk to you so people don't understand me."

He said with a smirk on his face.

- Va bene va bene.

"Okay okay."

- We are at home guys.

Said my mom, interrupting us from the conversation we were having.

- Finalmente Ro, sono eccitato.

"Finally Ro, I'm excited."

- Roy, you can tell Lucca to speak English so that we can understand too.

Said my mom.

- I told him the same thing but he just doesn't want to so don't worry if he wants something he will just say it himself.

I said to my mom with a smile on my face.

We entered the house and I noticed that nothing had changed from 10 years ago, it was the same as I remembered. I wanted to see my room but when I entered it was exactly as I left it the only difference was that it smelled fresh.

- Lucca, your room is next to Roy, just put the suitcases in because I didn't know you were coming and I haven't prepared the room yet.

- No problem ma'am don't worry, it's my fault that I came uninvited.

- You can just call my name Lucca, do not worry.

Lucca put the suitcases in the room and went down to the first floor towards the kitchen, meanwhile I saw the room one last time and went down to because I was too hungry.

- I can't wait to eat your food again mom, I missed it so much.

I said to my mom with a smile.

We finished dinner, and we decided that Lucca and I would go out to celebrate in a club because, according to Lucca, this was the dream he had since Italy.

After getting dressed and getting ready, we take my father's car and go to the most famous club in the city.

After entering inside the club you could see that there were many young people who were enjoying their drinks in their hands, some were dancing to the rhythms of loud music, some were kissing while others were chatting harmoniously.

- Finalmente un po' di divertimento, non vedo l'ora di catturare qualche bellissimo uccello.

"Finally some fun, can't wait to catch some beautiful birds."

He said looking around with a happy face.

We went to the counter and asked for an alcoholic cocktail.

Lucca asked for the same thing and I sat quietly drinking it, while Lucca found someone and I didn't see him anymore.

- Hello... yeah im at the bar right now... i will see you tomorrow.

I heard someone talk behind me. It was a girl with brown hair, brown eyes, her make up wasn't that heavy either, a pink dress that was not so short but not so long either and a sweet voice. She suddenly started crying.

- Hey, everything fine?!

I asked to her.

- Mhm yeah everything fine, thanks for your concern.

After she finished the sentence she drank all the liquor that was inside the glass.

- Ej ej ej, be careful it's not water, drink slowly.

I said after I took the glass from her hands.

- Another one please.

She said to the bartender after she raised her hand in the air.

- Hey handsome boy, do you need company?!

Said someone. She was the complete opposite of the girl that was next to me. She had a dress that was super short, i could have sworn that i could see her panties. A heavy make up with red lips, a heavy perfume. I was almost vomiting.

- Go away.

I said to her with a serious face and a threatening voice, she got away immediately.

- Do you want to go outside with me, i don't like the environment here ?!

- Yeah, let's go.

We took our drinks and got out of the club.

- I'm Roy, what about you ?!

I asked the girl with a smile.

- I'm Luna, nice to meet you Roy... You know you have the same name as someone that i know but he doesn't live here.

-Wait... Luna... That Luna...

I muttered to myself, I was shocked. The little moon from 10 years ago has become now a beautiful full moon and is standing right beside me.

- Nice to meet you to Luna.

We talked and talked until Lucca called me, i think he is satisfied now, or at last i hope he is.

- Ro, hai catturato qualcosa ?!

"Ro, did you catch anything ?!"

- Fai i cazzi tuoi Lucca.

"Do your shit Lucca."

He then got away with a smirk on his face, she was looking me with an astonished look on her face.

-Wow, another language... That is so cool.

- Hahaha, you look so innocent.


Hello everyone Luna is hereeee.

Sorry for my grammar mistakes.

Right now i don't even have someone that is reading this story but i really hope someday will read this and give me a good feedback.

I hope you enjoy reading this story, as i very much enjoy writing it.

Love for you, from a person that is a continent away.


luna_moon_1731 luna_moon_1731

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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