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Chapter 2: Visiting

Opening the door to a small but cozy bedroom,Elena peeked in to find her grandma knitting a sweater and she smiles.

"Can I talk to you granny?"the old lady who had been fully focused on her work looks up with a smile.

"you're already talking dear"

Elena sits down on the floor beside her chair trying to find a way to express herself,she knew her granny would agree to what she had to say but she didn't want to leave the woman all by herself,her grandma was getting too old to be left alone and she didn't trust anyone with her but she had to go see her parents even if it was just for a short period.A sigh from the old lady makes her look up

"Why the long face grandma?,if it's about the meat I took yesterday I already told you I was sorry" hearing Elena,she sighs again dropping the things she held on her lap while caressing Elenas' black hair.

"I'm not signing because of the meat Elena, I'm sighing because of need to learn how to express yourself "

"But I do know how to express myself" her grandma laughs at her reply shaking her head

"Yeah...with your fist"Elena giggles laying her head on her lap.

"Expressing oneself with the fist is the best way,not only does it leave a longer reminder,it also helps to blow off steam"

"whatever you say Elena"

A comfortable silence settles in the room and only their slow breathing accompanied by the ticking of the clock could be heard.

"Will you be fine when I go?"

"Do I look old to you?"Elena laughs moving out of arm reach for what she was about to say would definitely get her an ear squeeze.

"you're gonna be 72 soon, that's 4 times my age and you say you're not old?"the helpless lady could only glare as she watches Elena laugh at her. Picking up a pillow from the bed she throws it at the laughing Elena and it hits her smack on the face shutting her up.


"you're gonna be as old as me someday and karma's gonna come for you"she throws another pillow but this time Elena catches it.

"it's gonna take a long time for that someday to come,bye, I'll leave tomorrow soon to be 72 years old"a glare is sent her way before she finally closes the door rushing to her room.

Opening the door to her room,she steps a foot in but stops midway squinting her eyes at her open window with a smirk

"I'm not walking through this door to meet you Faith so you better come out and take off whatever it is you placed on my way"silence descends for a few seconds before she's being glared at for the hundredth time today.

"you either walk through that door or sleep outside for the rest of your life here"Elena shrugs nonchalantly with a smile

"works for me since I'm going visiting tomorrow"she leans cautiously on the door frame watching as her friends face scrunches up in a frown before lighting up making Elena wonder what she was planning this time. Faith was not the kind of person to give up when one solution didn't work,well,she never had to give up because her first solutions always worked but when it came to Elena she had to try harder to achieve her goal.

Searching through her closet she fishes out Elenas' favorite hoodie, holding it with her left hand,she grabs a scissors snapping the blades close to the hoodie.

"It's either you or the hoodie choose wisely" Elena groans

"Fine,all I have to do is walk through the door right? I'll do it no biggie"Faith smiles at her with a sense of accomplishment.

Eyeing the floor and her friend, Elena leaps forward trying her best to land far away from the door mouth but that only leads to her landing unstable,it only took a slight push from Faith for her to move two steps backwards and she closes her eyes in horror waiting for the slime but nothing happens.

"You keep forgetting your legs are not so long"

peeking open one of her eyes she finds Faith smirking at her before she finally understood that it was a prankless prank,damn,she should have known when she found her window open,Faith would never do such an obvious mistake like that. There wasn't an actual prank,it was just staged to make the person believe that there was something installed for them.

"I hate you"

"I know"Faith replies with an amused smile, this only causes Elena to flare up as she pounces on Faith tickling her all over

"Get off...ha,get off me you dimwit"she yells and it goes all round the house. The granny in the other room shakes her head at how loud they were being.


Quietly staring out the tinted glass window of his car, Eric couldn't help but sigh,he thought leaving Korea would be helpful but it only worsened the problem,the best he could do was stay in America and return after family dinner but he knew that was just suicide, his driver peeks at him through the rearview mirror to find his boss in his usual blank face but he wasn't fooled by that,he knew something was going on in his mind.

"Is there a problem boss?"Eric shifts his gaze from the outside to his driver and bodyguard and the poor soul cursed himself inwardly wishing he had kept quiet,Eric wasn't glaring or staring at him in any kind of way but he didn't like having those blue eyes on him,it always made him feel like he was doing something wrong and needed to apologize,it was intimidating to have those eyes on you.

"How do you get a girlfriend before next week?" it sounded more like a sentence than a question when he spoke and Kain wasn't sure if he was to answer or leave his boss to ponder. Looking at the rearview mirror again he finds those blue eyes staring directly at him and he sucked in a breath understanding that he was supposed to reply.

"I..I don't know boss, I'm not as good with women as you are"Erics' beautiful face scrunch up and he shakes his head

"I'm don't mean those one night stands,I'm talking about a decent girlfriend to bring home"

The car screeches to a stop and it only took one look from Eric to start again, to say Kain was surprised was an understatement,the words kept playing on repeat in his head `decent girlfriend',`to bring home'. `HOME',that word was the most repeat word in his head. His boss wanted to bring a girl to his family and he was looking for a decent one at that,one thing was for sure,Eric was going to have a hard time finding a decent girl and if he did find one only God knew what was gonna happen

"you're just as useless as the rest of them" By `the rest of them' he meant his band mate Micheal and his manager Ronny.They both had similar reaction when he asked them the same question.

Kain grimace at being called useless but says nothing, even if he wanted to say something what could he say,if his boss said he was useless then he surely was.

With his eyes closed and ipod plugged in he sighs one more time as soothing music flows through his ears

"Drive faster I'm starting to feel tired" And with that the conversation ended.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Kain continued driving happy to not have those closed eyes on him anymore


Texas Health Care Hospital

A couple stood quietly beside a hospital bed staring at the figure lying almost lifeless,the husband holds unto his wife consoling her as she muffles her tears with her palm,she slowly sits on the bed as her shaking hand grabs hold of the pale ones next to her.

"What are we gonna do Andrew, she's dieing... she's dieing on us" the tears she had been trying to keep inside now fell freely on her cheek as she held the pale hand close to her chest.

Andrew stood still not knowing what to do anymore,he was tied both arms and legs,he didn't have money nor friends who could lend him some money,he was also currently paying back a loan he had taken to admit his daughter into the hospital.As the head of a family he felt so useless,all they had to do was wait for a miracle to magically happen which was clearly not going to happen.

"We can't loose her Andrew...we can't.. she's still so young,she still has a long way to go in life".

"I promise Tara, I'll do everything I can to get the money for her surgery" Tara shakes her head saying no to her husbands' words

"How do we get that huge amount of money Andrew?,even if we saved all our income we wouldn't be able to come up with the money, it's a heart surgery for God sake"she cries leaning into her husband.

"We just need to have faith Tara,we haven't lost her yet, there's still hope okay"he bends low wiping her tears.

With tears still falling from her eyes she nods sniffing.

"We can't tell Ena about this okay not until we find a way to save her or she's going to do something stupid like before"

"Tara she needs to know, she's..."

"promise me you won't tell her Andrew, you know how she gets when she does something"

Sighing,he nods covering her hand with his

"I promise".

Choc_D Choc_D

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