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Chapter 2: 1| A Rash Restart


As I open my eyes, I remember the dread I was supposed to return to. Today is the first day of the new school year. I lean towards my pedestal and reach for my phone,

"I got 5 minutes "

There I am, laying in bed prospecting the day. There's so many ways today could play out, but I know damn well my predictions will be off. Life is going to throw another curveball at me. I know because that's just how it's been.

As I reach for my phone again, I find that 5 minutes has already passed.


After a few moments of contemplating, I muster up the willpower to get out of bed. Now that the most difficult part of the day is over I can finally deal with the rest of my day. I look in the mirror, "What a mess"- I'm not just referring to my personal state. I look at the mess of my room.

"How the hell does such a small room get so messy this fast? God I'm talking to myself again "

I haven't left the house in over a month, I haven't spoken to Noah or Joseph. I feel guilty for leaving them in the dark like that. The Holidays flew by faster than I liked. And now that I'm going back to school I'm becoming more aware of how other's will judge me. What would people think about me if they saw me like this? It's better that nobody knew for my sake. I need to get myself in order and at least pretend that everything is alright.

It was the longest shower of my life, I needed to make sure I looked decent. Looking into the bathroom mirror, I looked much better. But I couldn't help but notice how much weight I lost. I've practically been living on sandwiches and coffee for the past month.

"I need to get my life back in order. Hannah, you insensitive bitch! "

I'm sure Hannah would be happy if she saw me right now. That's why I can't look like I'm still hurt. I need to pretend I wasn't affected. She won't get the satisfaction of seeing me down so bad. In my wardrobe I see the school uniform. Never knew if it was a curse or a blessing. It's a great looking uniform but we all wear the same thing. I guess it's one of the nuances of going to the best school in the region.

I leave for school and grab a rice cake for breakfast. I decide to plug in my earbuds. It's about a 10 minute walk to school, so I have time to listen to 4 songs, or 5 if I take it slow. When I arrive at the school I unplug my earbuds, roll up the sleeves on my shirt and put on a fake smile. I stand there frozen, overwhelmed by all of the memories flooding back in.

I remember the day Noah did a backflip off the stairs and broke his leg. I remember the day Noah, Joseph and I accidentally locked ourselves in the lockers. I remember the Halloween festival. I remember when Joseph came to school high on shrooms. And I remember the day I asked out Hannah. I often wonder whether it's the people or the times that change.

"You're still alive!"

I'd recognize that voice from a mile away... It was Noah! I turn around and we both have our arms out. I can't tell whether he's relieved that I'm alright or if he wants to kill me. We hug and aggressively pat each other on the back. Both of us take a step back and smile.

"Where the fuck have you been, what the hell happened!? You haven't answered calls or even read your messages!" - Noah says to me. I can't help notice how much that sounded like my mother talking.

"It's been rough man..." -I struggle to give a reason that doesn't make me look like a depressed piece of shit.

"Wait is this about Hannah?"- Noah tilts his head and grins. I look away from him and sigh.

"It is! Isn't it? You really didn't seem affected by it at first." -Noah says, now with a concerned look on his face.

"I didn't think I was affected by it either, I guess it just took a while to sink in. I guess I am at fault for what happened," - I say as I scratch the back of my neck.

"How high are you?" - Noah asks with a confused look on his face

"No I'm being serious. She may have been quite sensitive, but it was my fault for making her feel lonely. I was simply not enough for her"

"No SHE was fucking retar..." - Noah is interrupted as the intercom turns on

"All students please report to the back of the school for class allocation"

The intercom switches off. Noah and I, as well as the rest of the school walk towards the back. As the crowd disperses and everyone is called into their lines, Noah and I pause as we spot a familiar face in the crowd. It was Hannah. It had been so long since I'd seen her I almost forgot how she looked. Her deep hazel eyes shone in the morning sun, and her skin glittered as the sun rays struck her.

"My aunt wouldn't appreciate how those sleeves are folded. You know she has rules in her class"

"I bet your aunt doesn't appreciate you either"- I look at Noah with a slight grin as he makes that remark. He's always had a knack for quick witted insults. He's clearly more upset about it than me.

"Why would you care. You got rid of me. I thought you'd want me to get into trouble?" - I say in a monotonous voice. She'd always been empathetic but I doubt that's her goal this time.

"How were your holidays? Did you get a chance to think things over?" - she says Shyly and thoughtfully. She dodged my question. I still wonder why she even bothered to initiate a conversation.

"Hannah, I didn't and don't give a flying fuck. You seem to be more affected than me if anything," - I lied, I had to. I couldn't let her know the state I was in. Maybe what she heard, it'll hurt her in the core.

"I wanted to give you a chance at redemption, but you seem to be doing fine. I should've guessed. You never cared, even from the start..." - Hannah says, sounding disappointed. She turns around and walks away slowly. I stop and think, had I been too harsh?

"Noah Mills, and Adam Evans!"

Noah and I are called into our lines. We're handed our timetables, and what would you know! We have the same timetable. We made an effort to take the same courses and prayed that we would be together. Lo and Behold it happened again. Noah and I had been friends since even before primary school and we did almost everything together. We're inseparable.

"Welcome back students!"

My flow of thoughts is interrupted by the voice of the principle. Mr Vans Given never failed to capture people's attention with that passionate voice of his. And yes he is constantly made fun of by the students because of his name. It's a shame because he's such a great person and principle. Always had a free spirit and spread positivity.

"It's SO lovely to see all of you back here at Cedar Academy. We had an incredible year last year. The rugby team took second at Nationals, we took podium positions at MANY intellectual competitions and the Seniors had a 100% pass rate! We're proud of all of you! Let's try to make this year an even better year. Work hard and enjoy the rest of the year! Dismissed"

It was a rather short speech but good one. All of the students walk back into the main building. I look at my timetable notice my form teacher is Mrs Helen Vivan. Hannah's aunt.

"Hell nah bro are you seeing this!?" - Noah also seemed to notice the problem here.

"Oh my lord... How am I supposed to cope with this Noah!? I know damn well she's going to be on my case the entire year. She's our form teacher AND our Accounting teacher. "

- I'm both shocked and afraid. I barely passed accounting last year, I won't stand a chance this year. I'm stressing because Mrs Vivan is going to want to take revenge for her niece. I can tell that Noah is stressing for me.

We walk into the class and see Mr's Vivan at her desk already. On a more positive note we find the rest of the gang there! Adam, Noah, Joseph, Martin and Mo. The whole gang is back together!

"Dickhead!" , "YA BASTARD!" , "What type of shit were you in!? You had us worried bruh!" - Mo, Martin and Joseph all exclaim. You can' really blame them.

"Well no need to worry I'm still alive. What happened was..."

"Please be seated!"

I'm interrupted by the screech of Mrs Vivan's voice or as we would call her, Hell. Because that's what all her classes were. Though, she interrupted rather conveniently as I didn't want to tell the rest of the guys why I went completely silent for a month straight.

"Right, now the other educators may allow you to sit as and where you please but not in my class, " so this bitch thinks she can suddenly make her own rules. I bet I'm going to be seated right Infront.

"Who put her incharge?" - Martin whispers to us

"I dunno but it's not stopping me from sleeping in this class" - Mo replies

"How can you sleep when you're constantly hearing a voice that sounds like fingernails on a chalk board?" - we all hated Hell, especially Joseph. Joseph was the one who always caused trouble but it made school more fun. Hell, being the control freak she is hated that.

"Mr Evans! You're first"

Our conversation was once again interrupted by Hell. There's no way it can get worse...

"Sorry I'm late!"

"No worries Hannah you can take a seat anywhere you like"

Well it just got a whole lot worse. I'll have to deal with this every morning at registration.

"As I was saying, Adam, you can take a seat over here, " - Hell placed me next to her niece!? What type of sick game is this family playing!?

"Mr Mills! Is that bubble-gum!"


"Spit it out right now!" - Still same old Hell. And it shows, because by the time she finished allocating seats, I was sitting with Hannah and the new Kid, while Noah and the rest of the guys were separated as far apart as possible. Now I'm wondering about this new kid. He seems confident just in the way he sits. He's had a smirk on his face since he entered the class, as if he's plotting to blow up the school.

"Okay now, I'm sure you're all already familiar with each other, but we have a new student this year. Zaid Mitzburg, please come to the front and introduce yourself to the class."

Mitzburg!? What type of surname is that!? I hope his public speaking skills are better than his surname.

"Hello everyone my name is Zaid Mitzburg. You can call me Zaid and only Zaid. I came here, to Cedar Academy, because my goal is to be the best of the best. I going to set a new academic standard and set goals for myself. I will do anything to accomplish those goals. I'm not all serious though. I'm open to anyone and I like people," Zaid says confidently and assertively. This bastard is more arrogant than me. He hasn't even been here for a day and already thinks he's the best!? In a way I respect it. We can probably get along well enough to be friends.

The bell rings. Thank goodness. These fifteen minutes felt like an eternity. At least that's the last time today I have to deal with Hell.

"Everyone may leave, except for Mr Evans and Mr Mitzburg," Hell says as if she has a devious trick up her sleeve. This day is just not going my way.

"Adam, can you please show Mr Mitzburg around the school?" -She asked politely. This woman had me worried for nothing!? I half expected to scrub the floors.

"Yes Ma'am," I reply back politely.

"Alright Adam, show me around and let me know about anything important. I have a feeling I'm going to get used to this quickly," Zaid says, again with that smirk.

"Well then, let's not waste time, " I say mimicking his tone.

Yoosuf_Jagot Yoosuf_Jagot

Let me know what you think so far. Remember to leave add it to your library and comment what you think I could do better :)

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