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TBATE - Fated To Rule Together TBATE - Fated To Rule Together original

TBATE - Fated To Rule Together

Author: Fahin4514

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Whispers in the Night

The marketplace was a riot on the senses—a cacophony of vibrant smells and sounds that felt both exhilarating and overwhelming. The scent of spices – cinnamon, turmeric, and something sharp I couldn't place – hit me in a fragrant wave as we entered the marketplace. A dazzling tapestry of colors and textures fought for my attention: embroidered silks in jewel tones, gleaming copper pots, baskets overflowing with vibrant fruits. It was a whirlwind for the senses, a thrilling contrast to the structured life at home. 

Amidst the swirling chaos, I, Amber Helstea, was an island of stillness. My pale skin and hair, the color of moonlit snow, seemed stark against the dazzling tapestry of silks and spices. Whispers and sideways glances followed me, subtle but constant. In this town where sun-kissed skin and warm brown eyes were the norm, I was a stark outlier, a gentle echo of winter in a place of vibrant summer. My amber eyes, a flicker of warmth in an otherwise cool palette, held a quiet intensity that made others glance away a bit too quickly. 

Lilia bounced beside me, barely able to contain her excitement. "Do you think they'll have an earth mage? Maybe they'd even let me watch!" Her eyes darted between stalls laden with colorful fabrics and clay pots overflowing with wildflowers. 

I shared her infectious energy, even as a current of longing pulsed beneath my own enthusiasm. Thoughts of earth magic conjured images not of humble demonstrations, but of grand fortresses sculpted from the ground—visions far beyond my reach. My own dark red core throbbed, a constant, frustrating reminder of what I couldn't yet manage. 

"Maybe," I replied, trying to hide the sting of envy. " Or even a wind mage. Imagine, bending the air itself…" The dream of bending air to my will was my own desperate wish. 

Mother's touch on my hand was warm, a grounding presence amidst the chaos. Her fingers bore faint traces of the dyes she used to create those vibrant pigments sold at the Helstea Auction House. Work hard, sacrifice – that was how she and Father afforded a tutor for me, a privilege most would never have. 

"Look at that, Lilia!" A burly man with a thick beard gestured dramatically toward a stall laden with gleaming trinkets. "Genuine dragon-scale amulets! A fine charm for a young adventurer like yourself." 

Lilia gasped. "Dragon scales? Really?" She bounced toward the stall, her eyes wide. 

With the distraction, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. A ripple of unease passed through me. Was it just the heat, or something… else? I glanced at Mother. "Do you mind if I get some fresh air? The crowd…" 

"Of course, dear," she said, concern creasing her brow. "Meet us back by the fountain in an hour?" 

I nodded and slipped away, drawn by the promise of less crowded streets. As I wound through the labyrinth of stalls, the air seemed to grow thicker. A potter hummed a tuneless song while throwing clay, the rhythmic thunk-thunk-thunk oddly calming amidst the chaos. Next, the sweet scent of baking bread drew me close, and I watched with quiet fascination as a baker deftly shaped golden loaves. For a moment, the weight pressing on my chest seemed to lessen. 

And then, a flicker of movement atop a rooftop shattered the peace. Two glowing red eyes met mine across the sea of people, and my blood ran cold. I stumbled back into the crowd, bumping into a merchant laden with bolts of fabric. 

"Easy there, miss!" the woman barked, steadying her load. 

Lilia's voice cut through my daze, "Whoa, what's got you spooked? Ooh, is that an owl?" She tugged on Mother's sleeve. "Can we see it up close?" 

"That's…" I fumbled for words. It was gone. But the echo of those crimson eyes, the wrongness of them, burned within me. The world suddenly felt less safe, less familiar. My life had shifted, and whatever lay ahead, I couldn't shake the feeling it would be far from mundane. 


Moonlight painted the room in shades of silver, each ray stretching across the worn floorboards like a spectral finger. Sleep remained elusive, a restless phantom teasing me from the edges of exhaustion. The straw mattress crackled in protest beneath my restless form. The marketplace encounter – those crimson eyes burning with unsettling sentience – churned within me. But that alone wasn't the source of my torment. 

A wave of dizziness washed over me, the walls of my small room tilting, spinning. Panic constricted my throat as I squeezed my eyes shut, but the darkness did nothing to dispel the image searing itself into my mind. A vision, not of a battlefield, but a quiet, intimate sanctuary. A pair of strong arms wrapped around me, their touch a haven of safety and belonging. A feeling I craved with a desperation that ached in my very bones. 

His face materialized from the darkness, so close I could count the faint lines around his eyes – lines etched deeper by campaigns and battles, yet softened now by a smile radiating warmth. Grey. My Grey. But here, his expression wasn't etched with the worry that had become his constant companion; it held a tenderness that stole my breath away. It was the look he reserved only for me. 

As if summoned by my heart's unspoken plea, his lips moved. "Julie," he whispered, and the echo of my forgotten name vibrated through me like a shattering blow. 

The world dissolved, leaving me gasping on my bed, heart hammering a frantic rhythm against my ribs. Sweat slicked my skin, the memory clinging like the bitter remnants of a fading dream. 

"Grey," I breathed his name, a sob rising unbidden in my throat. A familiar ache twisted within me, a tangible reminder of his absence. Tears burned my eyes – tears of grief and the sting of unbearable truth. He was gone, forever lost to me. Yet, this cruel illusion of his face, born of a love that refused to die, wouldn't fade. 

His face shimmered, his features dissolving and reforming into an echo of his name. And then it came – my own name. Julie. Queen Julie. His queen. Images flooded my senses – the burnished gold of his twilight hair, the scent of steel and old leather that clung to him after training, the feel of his scarred knuckles brushing my cheek on those stolen nights in the palace gardens. 

A wave of longing, so powerful it bordered on agony, crashed over me. How I yearned for those days, for the weight of a crown, for the thrill of shaping a kingdom's destiny at his side. More than anything, I yearned for the warmth of his unwavering love. 

Sleep came at last, a fitful slumber haunted by whispers of battles lost and laughter cut too short. Morning offered no respite. The relentless tide of sorrow washed over me, threatening to drown me in its icy depths. Each remembered touch, each whispered word was both a lifeline and a torment. I couldn't confide in my family – their worry would be a burden I couldn't bear. This was my grief, my cross to carry. Yet, I couldn't escape the feeling that it was also my path – a path leading to a past I was only now beginning to grasp. 


The days blurred together in a haze of chores and half-hearted attempts at magic practice. My thoughts were a tangled web, the creature's crimson stare intertwined with the echo of Grey's voice and the phantom sensation of his touch. Lilia's enthusiasm for magic lessons felt strangely distant, a reminder of the power that continued to elude my grasp. 

Mother's worried glances and Father's gentle coaxing to eat more than a few bites at dinner only heightened my sense of isolation. The chasm between who I was and who I longed to be was growing, and no amount of familial love could bridge it. 

Despite my initial fear, the creature became a fixation. It wasn't a thread to my past, but a puzzle I desperately wanted to solve. What was this magnificent bird-like being? Why did it seek me out? The mystery of it was an itch I couldn't ignore. 

The marketplace, once a source of excitement, now held a touch of foreboding. Each rustle of the wind in the trees made me jump, and I found myself scanning every rooftop, my heart leaping at the sight of a common brown sparrow. Lilia, oblivious to my turmoil, chattered on about the upcoming Spring Festival and the hoped-for arrival of travelling mages. 

One afternoon, while gathering firewood in the forest near our home, a flash of crimson caught my eye. Before I could process it, the creature was perched on a branch mere feet away. It tilted its head, studying me with eyes that sparkled with an unnerving intelligence. 

"Beautiful creature," I whispered, my voice barely above a breath. The words felt ridiculous, yet a relentless curiosity outweighed the fear. What was it? A magical beast, perhaps? An omen? Something inside me yearned to know... 

The creature didn't attack. Instead, it tilted its head again, then took flight. But not into the depths of the mountains- it soared skyward, heading in a single determined direction, towards the looming spires of the Beast Glades. 

An old story echoed in my mind, a tale of creatures said to manipulate the elements themselves, dwelling in those forbidding mountains. It was a tale meant to scare children, but as I watched the creature disappear, a shiver of something akin to excitement ran down my spine. This creature wasn't simply a marvel of nature; it held a sense of purpose, and its flight towards the Beast Glades ignited a strange sense of possibility within me. 

Was it a coincidence, or was it leading me somewhere? The creature's intelligence, the way it had singled me out, left me with a sense of unease – a suspicion that there was more to this encounter than met the eye. 


My decision wasn't made in a grand moment of courage, but in the quiet hours of the night. The creature haunted my dreams, a beacon of crimson against the darkness. Its flight towards the Beast Glades felt not like a threat, but an invitation – a dangerous, reckless invitation, no doubt, but one that sang to the restless magic within me. 

Lilia's excited chatter about dresses for the Spring Festival and Mother's gentle inquiries about my well-being felt muffled and distant. A chasm was widening within me – one side holding the familiar comforts of the Helstea family, the other an irresistible call towards an unknown, perilous path. 

As the household slept, I slipped from my room. A sliver of moonlight painted my window-sill, an escape route into the forest beyond. No grand departure, no farewell notes left behind. Just a girl driven by a burning curiosity, determined to return before the morning light painted the sky. 

A flicker of guilt pricked at my heart – what would Mother think? – but faded beneath the relentless pull of an unexplainable force. My footsteps were silent on the familiar forest floor, yet my heart pounded in my ears. 

Then, a flash of crimson sliced through the darkness. I froze, every sense on high alert. Just beyond a tangle of thick-leafed bushes, two glowing eyes pierced the gloom, a stark echo of my earlier encounter. It wasn't an owl or any woodland beast I recognized. The creature tilted its head, the crimson gaze pinning me in place. An unspoken invitation vibrated in the air between us. 

The night had transformed; the forest wasn't merely a backdrop, but a living, breathing entity. Every rustle of leaves held a strange sentience. I knew the general direction, my memory of its flight clear against the backdrop of fear and exhilaration. With each step, the pull towards that unseen destination only grew stronger. 

I plunged into the dense growth, the forest floor a tangle of roots and fallen leaves. The familiar fragrance of damp earth and wildflowers was laced with something sharper, a hint of musk and iron that sent a prickle down my spine. The forest held a menacing edge this moonlit night. 

My mana thrummed restlessly, straining to detect threats hidden in the shadows. It responded to the creature's presence, a persistent buzz beneath my skin, but the only sounds were the rustle of leaves beneath my feet and the pounding of my own heart. Yet, even with a shiver of unease prickling down my spine, I pressed on. 

The forest floor gave way to rock, a sharp contrast to the familiar softness of earth beneath my feet. Twisted roots became treacherous outcroppings, each a potential trap in the dim moonlight. Still, something – whether a lingering echo of the creature's presence, or an unexplainable instinct – guided me onward. 

The silence was unnerving. Not the peaceful hush of a sleeping forest, but a taut, expectant stillness. It was as if the very air held its breath, anticipating my arrival. A rustle above made me freeze. An owl? A predator far more dangerous? My gaze darted upwards, but the dense canopy obscured the source of the sound. 

A sense of being watched returned, a prickling at the back of my neck that had nothing to do with the chill of the night. Panic threatened to rise, but I ruthlessly shoved it down. Retreat now would be not just a failure, but a surrender to the part of me that was content with the smallness of my life. 

Up ahead, the rocky incline gave way to a strange clearing. The trees receded, forming a jagged circle around a smooth expanse of silvery stone. Moonlight reflected off its surface, casting an eerie glow that made my skin crawl. Then, a tendril of mist, as if summoned by the strange light, curled out from the trees. It drifted across the clearing, swirling and thickening. 

Within the swirling fog, a figure emerged. A silhouette familiar and impossibly dear. My breath hitched in my throat. "Grey?" The name, a whispered prayer, echoed in the clearing. He stood there, unmistakable even in the deceptive mist, a vision of warmth and strength that my heart craved. 

A crushing sense of loss settled over me. The weight wasn't new; it was a familiar companion, a relentless ache that had shadowed my days since that terrible morning when I learned of his death. Yet, here, surrounded by the spectral light of the clearing, it felt raw and consuming. 

Tears, hot and unwelcome, blurred my vision. How could a mere wisp of mist have conjured such a vivid illusion of him? Was this a sign of my approaching madness, of my mind unraveling under the strain of a life I never asked for? 

A sob tore from my throat. It wasn't just emptiness I felt, but a bitter wave of anger. Anger at the cruel twist of fate that had stolen Grey from me, from the kingdom he loved and served with such unwavering loyalty. He was meant to grow old, his laughter echoing through the palace halls long after mine had faded. But that future, our future, had been snatched away, leaving me adrift in this strange, new life. 

Yet, the anger was fleeting, swallowed by the ever-present grief. It was a selfish emotion, born from my own loss. Grey wouldn't have wanted me to linger in anger. He would have wanted me to smile. He would have told me to keep living. He would have called me "ma petite reine" – my little queen – his voice a teasing whisper of a time when I held power and purpose by his side. 

A fresh wave of tears spilled over; a torrent born of a longing so intense it bordered on despair. It was more than just Grey's absence I mourned; it was the life he represented, the life I had lost. The crimson-eyed creature, the whispering call of these forbidding mountains… they all stirred echoes of a woman I was and wished to be once more. 

Queen Julie. The name wasn't a mystery whispered by the wind, but a declaration of who I had been. The memory of council chambers, the scent of old parchment mingling with the sharp tang of polished steel... it swirled through my mind with painful clarity. The feeling of silk against my skin, the weight of the crown upon my brow – tangible sensations that made this current existence as Amber feel hollow in comparison. 

A pang of guilt twisted in my gut. The Helstea family loved their strange, quiet daughter. To wish those bonds away was a betrayal. Yet, the truth remained... Grey, his laughter, his unwavering faith in me – that was the life my heart craved. The power that had thrummed through me then, the ease with which I shaped decisions that steered a kingdom, it felt like a severed limb, leaving behind a phantom ache of what was lost. 

I wiped my tears with the rough sleeve of my cloak. To yearn for escape from the life of Amber Helstea felt wrong, but also unbearably right. In my life as Julie, I wasn't merely loved – I was needed. Here, I was a child playing magic, as a queen's soul slumbered within me. 

A wave of remorse washed over me, as sharp as the chill wind that now whipped through the clearing. If only I had known, truly understood how precious and fleeting my time with Grey was. I would have ignored the tedious council meetings for stolen hours in the library, traded strategic discussions for quiet walks through the palace gardens, his hand warm within mine. 

More than the crown or the power, it was his laughter, his unwavering belief in me, that I longed for. The simple touch of his calloused hand on my cheek, the whispered endearments only I was meant to hear – those were the treasures I had failed to cherish. 

Lost in this strange new world, surrounded by shadows and whispers, I was not a queen yearning for her throne. I was simply a woman yearning for the love that had been her guiding star. 


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