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Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Out of the shadows

Merry Christmas

Autumn in Patch was known for its beauty. The leaves were golden and the cold air always felt so crisp. But that season was quickly coming to a close. Now the leaves were turning brown and it had lost the magic of the early mouth.

In a clearing not too far from the town stood three people. Two stood facing each other with simple steel swords, the third and noticeable the youngest, sat on a rock nearby watching with bated breath.

One of the two facing each other, a fourteen year old girl named Cinder Rose, took a few practice swings of her sword. It was lighter than she was used too, but it would do.

Immediately, she charged at her opponent, her mother Summer, with both blades ready for an attack. As soon as she got in range, she released a flurry of lightning fast attacks, trying to force her way through, but the older huntresses effortlessly dodged and parried each and every blow.

Realizing that a frontal attack wouldn't work, Cinder spun, kicking dirt up into Summer's face, blinding the huntresses. Immediately she moved to capitalize on the situation, but Summer swung wide, landing a powerful kick to the girl's side, knocking her back.

"You're still too reckless!" Summer chastised as she rubbed the dirt from her eye. "You can't win on offense alone. And every time you see an opening you drop your guard. That leaves you open to counter attack! Try again!"

With a snarl, Cinder charged again. This time she swung at Summer's legs, trying to trip up her foot work, but the huntress effortlessly dodged them.

Summer swung her blade down at Cinder, barely giving the girl a chance to roll out of the way. Seeing an opening, Cinder lunged at Summer's unguarded side.

As she moved in, Cinder saw movement out of the corner of her eye. Realizing it was a trap, she immediately blocked the following strike. She barely made it in time and was knocked off balance by Summer's powerful attack.

Quickly regaining her footing, Cinder tried to counter-attack with both her blades. As Summer blocked, the two clashed, blades becoming entangled. The two struggled against one another for a few seconds, then Cinder gave Summer a smirk.

Before she could react, Cinder kicked the older woman in between the legs, causing her to curse and lose her balance. It was only for a second, but Cinder planned to make the most of it. She shifted her weight putting the huntress on the defense, then she pushed hard against the steel of her opponent's blades, further entangling them. The next second she shifted her weight and ripped the blades from Summer's hands and tossed them into the air, still entangled.

Now both were weaponless, and Cinder launched forward, fist turning red as she caused it to heat up. A cocky smirk across her face. One good shot and vict-!"


Summer's fist smashed into Cinder's face, stunning the girl. Before she could recover, Summer delivered a powerful right hook, sending the girl flying several feet backwards.

Recovering midair, Cinder spun and slammed her hand into the ground trying to slow herself down. Or so Summer thought.

Ripping her hand from the ground, Cinder threw the dirt she had grabbed at the huntress. Summer's mouth fell open as she watched the earth smelting into glass blades right in front of her. The move reminded her of own attack with Petal.

Right before impact, Summer swatted the shards away with her arm, hitting the flat side to avoid injuries. Across the battlefield, Cinder slid to a stop, a smirk across her face.

"Impresses." Summer said. "Since when could you do that?" Cinder just smirked at her mother's question.

"I realized the glass I found in that basement was created by the heat from my semblance. So I figured if I did it once by accident, I could do it on command." She bragged. "So I trained to be able to do it with as little energy as possible. I got the idea for my move from watching you train. Pretty cool, huh?"

Summer smiled at her newest daughter. She was very proud of the girl, but…

"As impressive as it is, that doesn't change the fact you still made the same mistake as before. You can't let your guard down so easily." Summer chastised. "Remember, you can't always recover between fights, so sometimes it's better to play it safe."

"Hey! I blocked your first counter-attack!" Cinder protested. "If I wasn't up against a war hero, that fight would have ended with my victory!"

Summer just sighed. Ever since she had received a letter from Signal academy saying her fight against the Werewolf of Patch was more than enough to enroll her, Summer had noticed Cinder seemed to be getting a little cocky. And as she didn't want people to know about the silver eyed warrior, she simply chose not to speak up.

"You are improving, but if you had another opponent to fight after me, what would you have done? Remember, sometimes the fastest way isn't always the best." Summer said kindly. "Believe me. I've learned this lesson more times than I care to admit."

Cinder gaze softened and she turned away. "Sorry." She said, ``It's just…I'll be leaving for school tomorrow and this will be the first time I ever go to public school. I'm… what am I supposed to do? This is a huntsmen training academy and my reading and writing skills aren't the best and the only real thing I excel at is combat. What am I supposed to do if they give me a test that I can't pass? All their expectations of me might be questioned and they might decided to throw me out and then I'll-!"

"Cinder! Breathe." Summer said as she made her way over to the girl. "You'll do fine. The most important thing is to keep calm. Remember, you're already at a level far above that of most Beacon students. I'm sure Tai has already informed them about your… situation. You're not the only one going to be struggling to read or write. A lot of people got displaced because of the war." Summer placed her hand and Cinder's shoulder and gave her a reassuring squeeze.

"Just be yourself and you'll do fine. I'm sure you'll be talking to your new friends all summer break." She gave Cinder a playful smile that Cinders returned with a nervous one.

"Right. I'll be fine." Cinder said, more to herself than Summer. "After all, I faced a living legend and lived. I can survive school."

"That's my girl!" Summer said. "I'd love to train with you more, but I've got to pick Yang up from her school therapy session. Could you walk Ruby home for me, Cinder?" Cinder smiled in response. "No problem." She said as she ran over to where their swords had landed. "I'll get her home and make sure she'll have all her homework done by dinner!"

"Hey!" Ruby whined as the other two laughed.

"Okay you two. See you both soon. And Cinder, just remember if you ever want to go to therapy yourself, just ask, okay?" Cinder snorted in dismissal as Summer kissed her head, but didn't say anything. The family walked to the road together before going their separate ways after Ruby got her goodbye kiss.

Despite the training, Cinder found she had a lot of energy left. Good. When she had been recovering from her injuries, she got tired so fast and it hurt to breathe.

But that whole ordeal had happened several months ago.

"What are you looking forward to learning? What classes do you think you'll be best at? Will you be home for my birthday? Can I come and visit whenever I want?" Ruby had been unrelenting with her questions about Cinder school life. She wanted to know everything before it had even happened yet. Not that Cinder blamed her. She was excited to finally begin her training in earnest.

"Ruby! Calm down! I'll tell you everything when I get back for winter break. Until then, hold off on the questions." Cinder said as she began ruffling up the little girl's hair.

Ruby just laughed and ran a bit ahead of her older sister, as carefree as ever. Cinder was almost sad Ruby had no idea of the power she held. Her memory of the moment was hazy and Summer had said Ruby wasn't old enough to understand. And while Cinder disagreed, she had no idea if there was more to the silver eyed warriors then she knew. And most importantly, whoever this Salem person was and what she wanted with them.

"So have you decided on your weapon yet?" Ruby asked, breaking Cinder's thoughts. "You know, daddy says that most people have an idea of what they want, but you've never said what you plan to make. You're great with dual-blades, so will you go with them? Mommy says dual weapons are harder to aim if they're equipped with a gun, so she doesn't use one, but Uncle Qrow says it's a good idea to have a gun somewhere so if you fight someone you can get close too you have a backup plan. He also said that a weapon is a part of a-."

"Ruby! Relax. I'm the one going to Signal, not you." Cinder said with a weak smile. She held it for a few seconds too long before her expression turned somber.

"I'm not sure yet." She said quietly. "As skilled as I am with dual-blades, they are also bound to a… bad time in my life. I'm not sure if I want to keep using them."

Cinder caught up to Ruby, who had stopped to wait for her, and the two began walking side-by-side. "I know Summer uses them too and I've used them to do a lot since coming to Patch, but a part of me wants to let them go along with my past. This is the best chance at a fresh start, and I'd be an idiot not to think about taking it."

Ruby stared at Cinder, then spoke softly. "If someone's not worthy of you, then don't let them control your life. That's what you told Yang right?" She asked innocently.

"I don't know much about that kind of stuff, but if you think Yang shouldn't let that control her actions, then you shouldn't let it control yours. I mean, you're amazing with dual-blades! I wish I could get half as good as you! It means so much more than just a few bad memories, right? Think about all the times you've used them for something good! Like saving Yang! I think their a part of you, just like your semblance!" Ruby spoke with such earnestness Cinder couldn't help but feel the weight of the words. This wasn't just one of her childish ramblings and Cinder wanted to live up to her sister's expectations.

"Thank you, Ruby." Cinder said honestly. "I appreciate you think of me so highly. You're right. These weapons are more than just a few bad memories. I think I might keep them around." She gave the little girl a broad grin. "That way, I'll remember how much you look up to me and it'll empower me to greater highs!" She held her closed fist out to Ruby, who quickly bumped fists with her.

"Hehe!" Ruby giggled. "I guess I'll have to make sure to cheer you on even more! I'll send you to the moon!" The two shared a laugh as they reached the edge of the clearing their house stood in.

"The White Fang's peaceful protest has once again been turned into a violent death rally as members of the Eternal Dynasty gunned down many innocent civilians in their delectation of war." The news anchor said as pictures showed the streets rip with bodies. "The local authorities are urging people to stay indoors and avoid large gatherings until the organization is dealt with. Footage of the massacre was-."

"What's that?"

Summer jumped as Cinder had entered the living room without her noticing. She quickly muted the TV and turned to face her daughter. "Hey! Cinder! I didn't hear you come in. How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough to see the stuff you don't want Ruby and Yang to see." Cinder replied. " don't worry. Ruby dropped the trash bag and it ripped, so they won't be here for a while. So what was that about a massacre?"

Summer sighed heavily. She really didn't want to have to expose Cinder to this kind of thing at her age, but she knew that poor girl had already seen this level of horror before.

"They call themselves the Eternal Dynasty. A group of people who don't except Atlas' new government." She explained as Cinder sat down on the couch next to her. "They say the only one who has the right to rule is the royal family, whose line has ended. So they try to carry out the customs of the royal family on their behalf. Including the enslavement of faunas."

Cinder snorted at the last comment. "Well current Atlas is already doing that and plenty more." She said with a mocking tone. "And most people around the world are more than content to sit back and let it happen. As long as they don't have to lose anything or suffer in any way."

Summer bit her lip and didn't reply. As much as she hated to admit it, Cinder's bleak outlook wasn't all that wrong. But she found herself unable to agree with her daughter. Because doing so might set her down the path to giving up. Better hopefully optimism, than helpless despair.

Wordlessly, she turned the TV back on.

"I don't care what people think!" A red haired Bull Faunus the station was interviewing said. Summer noticed he looked around Cinder's age, she was surprised someone so young was I the White Fang. "Our message will get out! Maybe next time you humans will actually do something to protect us now that some of you have been killed as well!"

The scene cut to a brown haired man in heavy armor embroidered with the Winchester emblem. "I don't see the why the White Fang gets to complain. After all, everyone knows that right now most political topics are a hot topic right now. It's their fault for trying to get attention. But then I guess you can't expect stupid animals to-."

The scene cut back to the anchor, who was fixing his tie. "Well, on the note of attention, James Ironwood, who was visiting headmaster Ozpin (Summer didn't know the General was coming!) for a secret project the schools are setting up, has yet to make a statement. His bodyguard, Clover Ebi, had this to say."

There was a cut to a man around Summer's age with brown hair and a pin of a four leaf clover on his lapel. "The General is well aware of the situation." He said. "We of Atlas don't condone this radical group of terrorists who won't accept the war is over. Any and all members who support their cause are considered criminals in the eyes of the kingdom. I'm sure once the General has a chance to meet with the counsel of Vale, action will be taken against. Until then I ask that all other questions be held until a time when we are sure of the jurisdiction we have in Vale. Until then, I can't make any guarantees." As he finished speaking, the podium he was standing on began getting swarmed with reporters trying to get an exclusive.

"Well, I guess that's all for tonight. Whenever everyone tries to get something, nobody gets anything." Summer said as she turned off the TV and stood up. "Anyway, you should get to the shower, then to bed. You need all the rest you can get for tomorrow. Signal may not be Beacon, but it's no pushover. Besides, Yang and Ruby will probably be finishing up their chores soon. I don't want them to walk in on this."

Cinder nodded in understanding, then made her way to her bedroom, emerging shortly with her towel and a change of clothes. Summer watched her make her way to the bathroom and heard the door shut. She was looking forward to seeing the kind of beautiful young woman Cinder was going to grow into.

Cinder stood in her room in front of a large, full body mirror. She held her shirt up as she exclaimed her bare body. Carefully, she ran her fingers across the deep scars that stretched from her stomach to her shoulder. They had healed nicely, but were still quite pronounced against the rest of her body.

She hadn't mentioned it to Summer yet, but a part of her couldn't help but be self-conscious about how ugly they looked. She dreaded having to share a changing room at school where she wouldn't be able to hide them.

She shivered at the thoughts of how the others would make fun of her for them. She normally didn't care what others thought, but that didn't mean it hurt any less. Words held more power than Cinder would like.

A creak at her door drew her attention. Turning, she found Ruby poking her head in. "Ruby?" Cinder asked quietly. It was late. Far too late for the girl to be up. "What are you-?"

"Does it hurt?" Ruby interrupted. The little girl slipped in, closing the door behind. As she made her way to the older girl, Cinder noticed a book clutched in her arms. Did that have something to do with why she was up so late?

"Does it hurt?" Ruby asked again as she ran her fingers across the scar. Her small hand felt warm against Cinder's skin. The older girl had to admit it felt nice.

"No." She answered. "But it's just…unsightly." Ruby turned her head sideways, she must not have understood what that meant.

"Ugly. Unpleasant to look at." Cinder explained. "People will find it unattractive to see. If anything isn't perfect, then it's wrong. They'll see it as hideous, repulsive. That's just the way people are."

Cinder clenched her fists as she looked at the ground. She moved to pull her shirt back down, to spare Ruby the sight of her ugly deformity, but was stopped when Ruby pulled the older girl into a hug, burying her face against the scars.

"I like them." Ruby said, her breath ticking Cinder's stomach. "It reminds me of your willingness to help Yang, to help me. I couldn't stop her. I couldn't do anything but cry. But you were brave. You saved both Yang and me. I don't care what anyone else says, your scars will always remind me to be brave."

Cinder was taken aback. She was expecting Ruby to be scared off by her scars, but the small girl hadn't even minded. Even giving a small speech to the older girl. Despite how childish Ruby could be, Cinder could easily see Summer kindness in the girl.

"Before, I wanted to be a hero out of a book." Ruby said. "Now I've seen a real hero, who is also my sister. Now I want to be like you, not some prince from a fairy tale. Because you're my hero. And you always will be."

The warmth from the little girl seeped into every crevice of Cinder's body. The feeling of pure love filled her heart and she felt her eyes water.

"T-thank you, Ruby." She said as she wrapped her arms around said girl, cherishing her warmth. "I promise to live up to your expectations." She whispered to the little girl.

"You already are." Ruby replied.

They stayed in each other's embrace for a while. Both perfectly content as they were. It wasn't until Cinder opened her eyes and saw it was nearly ten that she was forced to separate from Ruby.

"It's getting late." Cinder said. How about I read you that book and then we can go to bed." Ruby stared up at her sister, eyes shining.

"Are you sure?" She asked. "Mommy said you have to get up early tomorrow." Cinder dismissed the concerns by rubbing the little girl's head. "No problem. I'm used to working on little sleep. And besides, tomorrow's Sunday, I'll have all day to catch up on sleep." She said as she took Ruby's hand and led her to the bed. "Now come on. I'm curious to see what kind of heroes are my competition for your admiration."

Ruby giggled as she snuggled into bed with Cinder. She handed her the book as Cinder turned on the bedside lamp. "Okay, let's start." Cinder opened the book and began to read. "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful maiden who's evil father locked her in a tower."

"And when the sorcerer shot his arrow of fire into the beast, it roared so loudly that the glass shattered. And the beast fell to the ground dead. The hero's body gave out at the same time, the wound on his chest had taken their toll. He-"

Cinder stooped when she saw Ruby fast asleep. She smiled as she watched her chest rise and fall with each of the girl's soft breaths. Normally, she'd be mad about Ruby hogging the bed, but tonight she'd make an exception.

As she didn't want to disturb Ruby, Cinder turned back to the book. She could see why Ruby was attached to the hero. He was unbeatable! Deafening every opponent he faced all by himself. The only reason he had fallen at all was because of the mistake of some idiot he had the misfortune of having to help.

She wanted to be like this hero Ruby looked up too. To be just as powerful, just as unbeatable. The only difference was she'd be smart enough to avoid his mistakes. Then she would truly be worthy of the amount of faith Ruby had always given her.

Ruby knew the story by heart, she would constantly interrupt to tell her which parts were her favorites. The most common one was the wizard's fire arrow, which Cinder would admit was incredibly cool. The image of a burning arrow ripping through the sky was something Cinder would undoubtedly be in her mind for several years to come. A part of her wondered if it was actually possible to light an entire arrow on fire, then use it in a real combat situation.

Wait a moment. It was!

If she used her semblance to super heat an arrow, she could in theory do something even better!

Quickly, she grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil off her nightstand and began sketching. It took her a matter of minutes to draw a rough picture of a bow that could split in two. But what about the string?

She used a different part of the paper to create a new sketch of the bow, but found that the string got in the away in dual-blades form. What if she could somehow create the string when it was needed? Maybe if it were glass she could use her semblance somehow?

She continued to work, drawing several more attempts to make her idea work. Each time she got a little closer to what she wanted it to be, but there were always something just not right.

Finally, after several more attempts. She leaned back at her completed work. A glass bow with glass shares sewn into an outfit to create the string. In order for it to work, the user would have to either smelt the glass with perfect precision, or just manipulate it into place, she could do neither, but maybe in a few years that would change.

Cinder looked up to check the time and was surprised to see it was midnight exactly. She was sure it was later than that. She tried to turn on her lamp only to find it didn't work. There must have been a power outage right at midnight. It almost felt like the universe was telling her something.

Than it hit her. "Midnight." She whispered. "That's not a bad name."

She glanced down at Ruby's sleeping form and smiled. One day, she'd become the hero from the little girl's books. And she wasn't going to be a simple fairy tale that would disappear at the stroke of twelve.

She would make the midnight her own.

Calmly, she snuggled down next to Ruby. "Just wait little sister." She whispered. "I'm going to be the best hero you've ever seen." She pulled Ruby close to her, and soon, with visions of victory and glory in her mind, drifted off to sleep.

Four years later.

Cinder stood in a dark garage surrounded by her classmates. They were either chatting calmly or fidgeting nervously. Not that she was surprised. This was their final graduation exam. And unlike the others, this one was a live-fire obstacle course.

Her hand traced the handle of her trusted weapon Midnight. A glass and metal mix made for close or long range combat. She had made many different iterations over the years and she still wasn't completely at the level she had wanted the night she had first designed it, it was closer than ever.

Moving her hand a few inches away from her bow, she pulled the top quiver, revealing several arrows made from black glass and fire dust. There were a few normal once mixed in as well as she didn't have the budget to use fire dust in all of them, but they were all clearly marked.

Suddenly, a siren blared through the room. Immediately a screen lit up with the number ten and began counting down.

Immediately, the students made their way towards the doors that had begun to open on the far side of the garage.

Cinder was at the front of the pack. Behind her, the others made sure to give the girl a lot of space. No one wanted to get near her and risk getting burned. She was fine with that.

As they came to a stop at a luminescent tape on the ground, several pulled out weapons or crouched down, ready to begin sprinting at the buzzer. Cinder did neither. She simply stood waiting for the go.

She had spent a lot of time thinking back to her past while she had been waiting. Every moment felt like it had been leading up to this. Her opportunity to show everyone her skill. All the abuse she had suffered, and all the love she had received, they had all gotten her this far. From her first time begging for food at the Glass Unicorn, to her fight against the Werewolf of Patch. Now it was time for a new adventure.

The sunlight was blinding after being in the dark for so long. As she squinted at the door she could make out a figure waiting on the other side. Even though she couldn't see his face, she could see the duel maces on his back and knew he was here to torment her again.

But not today. She had come too far to be stopped by a ghost of her past.

The buzzer rang the second the countdown clock reached zero, Cinder charged herself forward, discharging flames from her feet to give her a boot. She ran through the dark garage and past the shadowy figure who was waiting for her with his back to the door.

She ran past them, out of the shadows and into the light.

so i'm putting another author's note here to add a bit more context to the story.

That concludes the Patch arc. Next chapter begins the Beacon arc. And just to help paint the picture, Cinder's wearing the outfit she had when she was recruiting Emerald and Mercury.

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