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Chapter 32: Chapter 32: A deadly deal

"So, you're Amber. It's nice to meet you."

Amber smiled at the woman, Summer Rose, as she greeted her. The dark skinned girl was sitting in their hotel room with the entire family before her. And she had to admit, she was quite surprised how welcoming they were.

Summer and Tai had been so nice and Ruby was just a bundle of excitement and energy. The little girl was ecstatic about meeting her older sister's teammate and partner. So much so she had managed at least twenty questions in less than a minute which was quite impressive.

Yang also seemed happy and asked all sorts of questions about her school, but the dark skinned girl couldn't shake the feeling that the blonde held some form of resentment towards her. Although why, she had no idea. She hadn't hurt her in any way she could remember. Maybe she could just see the monster underneath the human skin.

Although, all of that was hard for Amber to process as she was currently using all her willpower to not start fan-girling before two of the members of the famous team STRQ!

As a history nerd, she had loved reading about more recent events as much as ancient ones. That had naturally drawn her to the Great War and the many famous figures who came out of it. Team STRQ were one of the most famous not just for skill and strategy, but for never losing their hearts even when facing obstacles that would break others.

She had been heartbroken when she heard that the team had broken up and would never be whole again. They had been her heroes growing up and to this day, she still tried to live her life like the famous team had.

"It's my pleasure! I'm actually quite curious what kind of family could raise such an amazing daughter like Cinder." Amber replied, a bright smile across her face. "She spoke about you a few times, but never in much detail. She was so secretive I thought you all might be spies or something. Though I suppose, Cinder and subtlety don't really belong in the same sentence."

"I! What?! Amber!" Cinder spluttered, face turning red. "I'm not that bad! Adam's the one who can't keep a lid on it!"

Amber turned to Cinder and gave her a smile. "You both lack subtlety." She said happily.

The rest of the family laughed as Cinder folded her arms and turned away with a huff, a deep blush across her face. She continued glare at the wall until the laughter stopped.

"Well, I'm glad Cinder was able to find such a good partner." Summer said. "I hope you support her as both a leader and a friend. She needs someone to watch her back out there. She can be reckless at times."

Immediately Amber began waving her hands in front of her face. "Oh no! She hardly ever needs my help! In fact, I can barely keep up with her! You've trained her well. She's the strongest person in our class! Honestly, it amazes me she hasn't been moved to a more advanced course."

"Yeah, because that's just what she needs." Yang said with a mischievous grin. "That would inflate her head until she could cover half of Remnant with it!"

"What did you just say?!" Cinders snapped as she lunged forward and grabbed Yang, trapping her in a headlock. "Want to try saying that again you overgrowth lizard!"

The two sisters laughed as they wrestled. And despite being bigger and stronger, Cinder let Yang wiggle out and gave her a few playful grapple attempts before trapping her head once again.

Watching the scene play out, Amber was having a hard time believing that this was Cinder. She never acted like this when she was around her team. In fact, she would never believe that Cinder was even capable of doing something like this if it wasn't happening right before her eyes!

She knew Cinder was close to her family, but she never thought she'd see this. It was almost like she was a different person when she was with them. It was crazy!

Amber was so wrapped up in the scene, she didn't notice she was spacing out until someone tugged on her pant leg.

Looking down she saw Ruby staring up at her with her big silver eyes. A smile across her face.

"You're training to be a huntress like Cinder, right? Can you tell me what Beacon's like?" The little girl asked. "Mom and dad won't tell me anything and Cinder never goes into details. I want to know what the school is like so when I attend I can make such a good impression! And since Yang's decided not to go, I'll be representing the family!"

Amber face twitched. Decided not to go? If Yang was anything like Cinder, she would have thought the girl wouldn't be able to wait to get to Beacon. So she didn't want to be a huntress?

The dark skinned girl shot a glance to the blonde, and she saw some sadness in her eyes that wasn't there when she had first come in. Was it because they were on the subject of Beacon? Did something happen to make her unable to attend? If so, it would explain why Cinder was so frustrated about not having the weekend to spend with them. She was probably going to try to show her that there were other worthy careers besides the life of a huntress.

But she couldn't dwell on that right now and she quickly turned her attention back to Ruby.

She smiled back down at the girl. She reminded her of her own childhood. The same optimist smile and the way her eyes shone with innocence. She was the same, only she didn't kill a few hundred people because of her stupidity.

"Well unfortunately, there's not a lot to tell." She answered honestly. "It's like most other schools in the kingdom, but you're dealing with Grimm instead. And the combat training is really something! A few professors have brought in live Grimm for training while others make us spare against each other. That one's your sister's favorite class. You see her go to town on her opponents! Adam's is the only person who can keep up!"

"Wow!" Ruby breathed out, eyes wide as she imagined it, mostly putting herself in the picture training alongside her friends. The girl was so pure hearted it was honestly hard to imagine she was related to Cinder.

"So, Amber. What brings you down to Vale?" Tai asked, his words making the girl jump. "Was there something you wanted to do? If so, let me drive you there. It's the least we can do after Ruby dragged you over."

"Oh no! I was actually looking for Cinder." Amber said with a slight blush as she scratched the back of her head sheepishly. "I needed to talk to her about something important, but it can wait! I understand you are all excited to see each other. We'll talk about it in our dorm tonight."

"What'd you want to talk about?" Cinder asked, separating herself from Yang. "If it's important, you can tell me now. I don't mind. In fact, I'd prefer it to waiting in suspense-."

In an instant, Amber was on her feet. "No, no! It's fine! It's about…well i should probably be going! Don't want to get in the way!" She turned to the door and quickly headed towards it. She was NOT telling Cinder's family about her recent behavior in class. She wouldn't embarrass the girl in-front of the people who meant so much to her.

However, as she opened the door, she found herself face to face with a tall older man with long gray hair and a full beard.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Got the wrong room!" He said when he saw Amber, but before she could do anything, Summer called out from the back.

"Nope! You got the right room!" Her voice made the man look over Amber (he was a good two heads taller.) and fixed his gaze on the oldest Rose. Then his face split into a big grin as the woman made her way over.

"Ahah! Come in here you slippery bastard!" He said as the two embrace each other in a hug. Despite their height differences, Summer's head was still able to rest against his shoulder and Amber could see the smile spread across her face at this reunion. She wondered when was the last time they saw each other.

"It's so good to see you! How have you been?!" Summer asked excitedly as they drew apart. "I see despite the booming business, you're still into casual clothes. What would your daughter think if she saw her father interacting without any security or his weapon?"

"She'd tell me I'm being irresponsible or something of that nature. Then she'd probably hire someone to tail me just to be safe. She got a good head on her shoulders. I just wish she was internet in business, I'd make her the next CEO if she was!" He let out a booming laugh as he clapped Summer on the shoulder so hard, she lost her footing for a second.

As the woman regained her balance, the man looked over to Tai, who smiled and waved at him. Beside him, Ruby had hidden herself behind the couch with only her eyes peeking over the furniture. Meanwhile, Yang and Cinder were exchanging looks in confusion as to the identity of this giant.

"Right, girls. This is Isaac Howard. CEO of Howard shipping and a friend who save me countless times during the war." Summer stood next to the man as she introduced him to her family, then began gesturing to each one in turn.

But to Amber, the whole world had stopped moving. She was star struck. Not only did she get to meet Summer Rose and Tai Xiao long today, but also Isaac Howard! She was seeing two of the greatest huntsmen in recent history! Her body felt light and she had butterflies in her stomach as she struggled to control herself and not fan girl out right in front of there legendary heroes!

This was hands down the best day of her life! If she'd die tomorrow, she would fall knowing she had been in the same room with her heroes. It was a dream come true!

"And this is Amber Alsprings. Cinder's partner and her team leader. We actually just met her today as she was looking for her teammate." Summer's voice snapped Amber out her trance, making her realize she had been staring.

"Oh! Um.. hi! It's lice to meet you! I mean nice to meet you! I'm Amber Alsprings!" She quickly gave a half bow with her hand outstretched, immediately realized she looked stupid and stood up, hand still out awkwardly.

Isaac stared blankly at her and Amber felt herself blush. What was she doing!? She must look like a complete freak right now! Why couldn't her starstruck brain just work right for once and not humiliate her in front of her heroes?!

Social anxiety filled the girl and she decided to take her leave before things got worse.

"Well, it was a pleasure, but I should be going now!" She quickly said, turning back to the door. "Don't want to be late for dinner! Thanks again for the hospitality Mrs. Rose! And don't worry, I can get back to Beacon just fine. Sorry for interrupting your family time! I know how important it is just from what Cinder had said! Take care everyone! Hope to see you all again!"

With her painfully awkward goodbye, Amber moved as fast as she could to the door without making it look like she wanted to leave. And as she crossed the threshold, she let out a sigh of relief. No more making a fool of herself in front of others. She could go to the library and lose herself in a book until the leftover embarrassment disa-.

"Your Silver's daughter, aren't you?"

Amber froze, her heart stopping dead at the words Mr. Howard said.

Immediately she was sent back in time to her home village. Playing with the other children before going home to her loving family. She remembered snuggling up with her mother next to the fire as her father told her a bedtime story.

She remembered those peaceful days living with her parents. And she remembered the day they were drafted for the war. She remembered crying as several soldiers stood by, watching the huntsman and huntress say goodbye to their daughter. And she remembered the fear she felt when they disappeared with the army.

Back then, she had wondered if they'd ever come back. And now, a part of her wished they hadn't. Because it would have spared them the pain of watching their own idiot daughter get them killed.

Struggling to hold back her tears, Amber turned to face the older man, whose expression had become soft and understanding.

"Y-you knew my mother?" She asked, struggling to breathe properly. Her lower lip was trembling and she clenched her hands into fists in an attempt to stop her arms from shaking. A part of her almost hoped he didn't, not wanting to face the inevitable. But a much larger part knew she wanted it. No. Needed to finally speak with someone else who knew her.

"Yes." Mr. Howard said, taking a careful step towards the girl. "She was a huntress like no other. Prioritizing saving lives over taking them. And your father, he was her impenetrable wall that protected her patients. They saved countless lives and won countless battles and never got acknowledged. But I remember them and the honor of getting to know them."

Now Mr. Howard was standing right in front of Amber. He slowly, carefully reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder with a gentle smile that filled the girl with warmth. And while she didn't know why, Amber felt some of her guilt disappear from his warmth. Something about him was just calming to her?

"I'm sorry for your loss." He murmured quietly enough that only Amber could hear. A sentiment she greatly appreciated. She didn't have the strength to tell him, Any of them the full story of what happened in her village. How she had killed so many and why she had no right to mourn them.

"And I know this might be selfish, but would you do me the honor of letting me get to know you too?"

Amber smiled quietly at his seamless transition. She was so unbelievably grateful for his discretion that her answer came out more naturally then she had expected it to.

"The pleasure's mine." She said with a smile.

A little ways passed her, Cinder stood, watching her leader carefully through the whole interaction.


The family plus Amber enjoyed a nice meal and then listened to the adults talk about their jobs and families. Ruby and Yang had gotten somewhat bored midway through and had disappeared into the shared bedroom to play games.

"And so, my grandson turned and said to me, "Grandpa, how do monsters make babies? They can't go to the store to pick one up, right? Haha! That had me in stitches! What my daughter has been telling him is just adorable! You'd never guess she was a huntress!"

Cinder, who hadn't been paying a hundred percent of her attention, snapped her head up to look at the older man.

"Your daughter-in-law WAS a huntress? What happened?" She asked, confused. "Why did she quit? Who would ever want to give up a job like that? The freedom, the adventure, it's the best job out there!"

Howard let out a laugh at the girl. "It's actually quite simple." He said calmly. "She and my son got a little carried away one night towards the end of the war. And when she realized what had happened, she immediately pulled herself off the line and came back home to raise their child. And after the war, she decided to stay and work from home."

"Couldn't her husband do that?" Cinder asked indifferently. "Being a huntress has got to bring in more money these days than whatever job he's working. I mean the stay at home mom is-"


The dark haired girl jumped as her mother's raised voice. She only did that when the girl had really done it, but for the first time in a long time, Cinder couldn't even guess what had made her upset.

And making things even more confusing, despite Summer being upset, Mr. Howard didn't seem fazed at all. In fact, he placed one hand on the woman's shoulder to calm her down.

"Now, now Summer. No need to raise your voice." He said calmly. "Cinder didn't mean anything by it, she's just stating facts. Being a huntress is a better paying job then most right now. Unfortunately, she couldn't leave my son at home to go to work because he's dead."

Immediately Cinder felt her stomach drop. A sickening feeling filled the empty hole in her gut as she realized just how insensitive she had been.

"I'm…sorry for your loss." She said, lowering her head. Well, that turned uncomfortably fast. The last thing the dark haired girl wanted was for Summer's old friend to think she was an irresponsible mother.

Yet despite her awkward situation, Mr. Howard just smiled at her, waving the apology away.

"No worries. You didn't know. And let's be honest here, I'm far too old to break down and cry whenever he's mentioned. He gave his life saving others. He'd be happy to know he went like that. I'm proud of him and what he did. He may not have been a huntsman, but he's still a hero."

The man had a reminiscent smile across his face, his eyes unfocused as he thought back to his son. Clearly it was a very happy memory.

Then he turned his attention back to the two girls as he leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees. "But enough about that, there's something I've been meaning to ask you." He said looking right at Cinder.

"If it's not too personal, why did you want to become a huntress?"

Cinder blinked for a second, then looked down at her hands resting in her lap. Why was everyone asking that? First Fang and now Howard. Why did they always want to know?

Before, she would have answered truthfully. That she wanted the power and freedom the job gave, but now? She was beginning to question it herself. After her talk with Fang, she knew just being a huntress wasn't enough. She needed something to guide her or she'd be left drifting. But she didn't have that. Sure she wanted to make her family proud and protect her sisters, but that was something she could do with having the title.

After a long pause, Cinder looked up right into Mr. Howard's eyes.

"I recently lost someone. I don't want to go through that pain again." She said evenly. "I know that's not a long term goal that will keep me going for ever, but for now, that's more than enough."

Mr. Howard said nothing, simply nodded at her. Beside him, Summer gave Cinder a smile that sent a warm feeling through her. Looking to the other side of the room, she saw Tai was also smiling at her. And when they locked eyes he gave her a thumbs up, making her grin. It felt good to get their approval.

"It's good that children are being given a choice in their careers." Summer said. "Back when I was that age, it was expected for us to either join the army or become huntsmen. It was either that or being drafted as an adult. I'm so glad the war's over."

"On that we can agree." Howard said, leaning back in his seat. "But in the same breath, I understand why some people can't let go of their grudges. Both sides have committed atrocities to the other. But that's why I wanted to sponsor Music fest. To remind everyone that they don't need to live in fear anymore. I hear there's even going to be a special Minstrel pop band, the Three Dragons are coming this year. I bet you're all looking forward to that."

"And we have you to thank for that." Tai chimed in. "If you hadn't gotten us the tickets, we'd have never been able to go. Thank you very much for the generous gift."

Howard just laughed, waving the thanks away.

"Don't worry about it." He said with a deep chuckle. "I wouldn't have been able to go anyway. And I knew you had kids. It was an easy decision and a good way to bribe you to reconnect after all these years."

The three adults all shared a laugh as Cinder began fidgeting in her seat. "Actually, I won't be able to make it." The girl said weakly. Immediately, Summer and Tai's heads snapped around to look at Cinder in surprise.

"What do you mean?" Tai asked. "The festival was scheduled to allow time for students to attend. You have the weekend before your team starts going on missions. What happened to make you unable to come?"

Cinder balled her hands into fists as she glared at her feet. She took a few deep breaths as she braced for them to give her looks of disappointment. "It was-."

"It was My fault."

Immediately, Cinder whipped her head around to Amber as she bowed to her parents. Eyes squeezed shut as she continued.

"I knew there was a great need for huntsmen and I signed us up for early assignments without asking. I wanted to get going right away and because of my decision she can't make it. I didn't know she had plans for that weekend, but that's no excuse! I am so sorry for my stupidity!"

Cinder stared wide eyed, mouth hanging open making her resemble a fish. "A-Amber, what are you-?"

"Don't worry about it!" The dark skinned girl said, grabbing one of her hands. "I know you're mad. I would be too." Her words confused the dark haired girl even more. What the hell was Amber doing?!

"I'm not-!"

"But I'm sorry for my mistake and I promise to make it up to you! I don't know how, but I'll figure something out! I promise, even if it's just an hour, you WILL spend time at music fest with your family!"

Across the room, Summer watched Cinder struggling to find words. If it wasn't for that, she'd honestly be convinced of the girl's lie. And while she wasn't sure why she felt the need to cover for her partner, she understood that there was more going on than she knew.

"Well, it can't be helped." Summer said, making both girls turn to look at her. "A huntress' job can call you away at a moment's notice. It's just part of the job. Now, who wants cookies? I just made a batch and Ruby's already eaten her share and then some."

As her mother got up and made her way into the kitchen, Cinder shot Amber one last look before Tai started to talk about school and how one of his students was proving to be just as much of a handful as his own daughters.

"Why did you do that?"

It was late afternoon as the two girls made their way back to school. They had enjoyed a nice day with Cinder's family as Mr. Howard had left not long after the cookies were brought out. During that time, Amber had become Ruby's best friend after the girl had given up half of her cookies to the little girl.

But now the fun and games were over, and Cinder had more then a few questions. And she wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"I didn't want you to feel embarrassed." Amber replied honestly. "I can tell how much you look up to your parents and sisters. I thought it was the least I could do. I am the team leader after all. So technically it is partially responsibility for you."

Amber turned to smile at Cinder. And in the setting sunlight, her face seemed to glow with radiance that enhanced her smile.

"And just so you know, I meant what I said back there. You will get a chance to spend time with your family." The dark skinned girl said as they came to a stop at the docking bay. "As soon as we get to Beacon, I'll go straight to Professor Goodwitch and talk to her. I'll come up with something, I just know it!"

Cinder felt a warmth fill her chest and send tingling sensations through her entire body. A happy feeling filled her from head to toe and she pointedly looked away so Amber wouldn't notice.

She hadn't felt like this since Summer had opened her family to the orphaned girl, giving her a life beyond what would have awaited her if she left the rainy night. That feeling of having someone looking out for her and asking nothing in return, it was the same between Amberand Summer. It felt good.

"You're too good for this world, you know that?" Cinder said as they boarded an airship. "One day, that kindness is going to come and bite you in the ass. A naïve girl like you wouldn't survive on your own."

Amber's head fell slightly at the comment, but she said nothing as she grappled with her disappointment. She hadn't hoped for much, just a single thank you from the edgy girl. She should have known better than to expect that from her.

"So, it's a good thing you've got me as your partner."

The dark skinned girl whipped her head around at Cinder's words, hardly daring to believe she had heard correctly.

"You just keep being you. Go charging straight ahead, leading us to victory. And I'll be right behind you, making sure when the day comes that someone tries to take advantage of that kindness, they'll be dealt with accordingly." Cinder turned and shot a grin at her partner. A turn and genuine grin that so rarely graced her face outside of her family. One she kept in reserve for those she had learned to trust.

"Don't sweat it if you can't get my time off. We'll just finish the mission early and still make it to the music fest! Even if Eric drags us down, I'm sure we'll find a way to haul his weight. So, put her there, partner?"

Cinder held up her fist to Amber and the dark skinned girl felt herself fill with warmth as well. She had missed this, having someone she could call a friend. After her countless screw ups, almost everyone around her had left leaving her completely alone. She had forgotten the warmth of having someone by her side.

She just hoped it would last.

"Right!" She said as she bumped fists with her partner. "But you'd better send some pictures or you're in trouble!" The two shared a laugh as the airship took off, flying them back to Beacon and their dreams of becoming huntresses, together.


Amber quickly made her way to Professor Goodwitch's office, brushing past Fang who was leaving at the same time she arrived.

Upon entering, the teacher looked up from her current work of grading paper.

"Did you talk with Cinder?" She asked the dark skinned girl, but her question was ignored as Amber proceeded to lower herself to the floor in a bow to the professor, causing the woman quite a bit of confusion.

"What are you-?"

"Please. Let Cinder go to Music fest!" Amber said, brow pressed against the floor. "I know she's being punished, but there's more going on than you realize. I'll personally take responsibility for her actions! So please allow her a sec- another chance!"

Professor Goodwitch stared at her for a second, then let out a disappointed sigh.

"Mrs. Alsprings, I don't think I need to repeat myself on the subject. Until Mrs. Rose learns that her behavior is unacceptable, the punishment will stand." She said, turning back to her papers. "I understand you want to help your partner, but remember you are also a team leader. You have to keep your team in line and that includes punishment when necessary."

"I'm well aware of my responsibility as a leader, but this is something different." Amber said without moving from her spot on the floor. "Cinder isn't just doing this for herself, she's also trying to help her sister! So please, if you won't do it for her, then please do it for the next generation of huntresses."

Professor Goodwitch eyed Amber with an expression of disappointment. Then she let out a sigh. "Mrs. Alsprings, I understand why you're doing this, but my decision won't change. Cinder needs to understand her actions have consequences. This is a lesson she has to learn before she's sent on a real mission with lives at stake, because out there, her actions will get someone killed." She paused for a second as she studied the dark skinned girl's face, looking for something, though Amber wasn't sure what.

"And if I may be blunt, given your past, I can't help but wonder if you're doing this for your partner or out of a misplaced sense of guilt."

Amber felt her heart stop for a second at the actuation. She wasn't completely wrong. A part of Amber knew Cinder deserved to be happy and given that she didn't, it just made sense to her to give up her own time for Cinder. Her guilt wasn't misplaced, but she also knew what was on the record. It made sense that Professor Goodwitch would think that. After all, she was the only one who knew the whole story.

Reading her face, Professor Goodwitch let out a sigh. As much as she respected Ozpin, she couldn't help but question his methods sometimes. During team AACE time at school, it becomes abundantly clear that Amber was unfit to lead. Her self-destructive nature combined with her guilt rendered her unable to view her own life as valuable, a quality that made a leader reckless.

And unfortunately, a leader unfit to lead was far more dangerous than a teammate who couldn't follow.

"Very well, I'll grant your request." She said, causing Amber's head to shoot up, her surprise evident on her face. But there was also some skepticism mixed in there as well. She knew there was a catch.

"But, you and Cinder both will be graded on your mission performance. And depending on the results, if you both prove incapable of your respective roles, then you will both be promptly expelled. Is that clear?"

Amber felt her heart leap into her chest. Fear welling up inside her stomach. Talk about a do or die situation! If her or Cinder screwed up, then they could both kiss their dreams goodbye! And she wasn't sure if she could live with herself if she costed Cinder her precious dream!

"I'll talk with Cinder about it." Amber said shakily, making the Professor nod. "I doubt that will be necessary. The girl makes it no secret she has an ego. She'll undoubtedly see this as just a challenge. However, if you do accept it, here's your mission."

After a few quick traps on her Scroll, Amber's let out a buzz, prompting the girl to take it out and give it a quick read.

"Guard duty for the Three Dragons, Minstrel's most popular pop, boy band at Music fest?" Amber read, surprised.

"It's the only way Cinder will get to attend. She'll get to work as staff, but if you organize everything, she'll still get time with her family." Professor Goodwitch explained. "It's either that, or nothing. And there won't be any navigation on this. Make sure she understands that. I do not want her bursting into my office later tonight and trying to get a different deal."

"I understand Professor." Amber said with a quick bow. "Thank you for the deal. I'll talk with Cinder tonight and by tomorrow we'll have our answer."

With that, Amber quickly turned and left the office, closing the door quietly behind her. She made her way down the now deserted hall towards her room, heart still hammering In her chest.

Talk about a high stakes mission! She hadn't felt this nervous in years! Their futures hinged upon their success and failure wasn't an option! She'd have to make sure Cinder understood that fully.

Steeling her nerves, she picked up her pace and made it back to her room to tell her teammates the news.

Later that night.

"Are you sure?" Ozpin asked, leaning back in his chair. Standing before him was Qrow, making a report on the incident three weeks ago.

"I'm sure." The huntsman replied dryly. "After a lot of investigations, I can confirm the Enlightened Seraphim weren't involved. In fact, someone tipped them off that the dust shipment was a trap. And given what I saw in the tunnels, I'm pretty sure the thrives were a couple of kids who wanted to get back at the SDC. And I don't blame them." Qrow took a big swig from his flask before continuing.

"Bottom line, it was a harmless prank that escalated into something it shouldn't have been. So I'm asking, as a friend, can you please call off the search? The amount of cops milling around the sewers are starting to get people scared. And that's bringing Grimm."

Wordlessly, Ozpin stood up and walked to the window where he started out with an unreadable expression.

"If you don't mind me saying, this is terribly out of character for you, Qrow." He said without turning around. "Normally you have no trouble arresting kids, prank or not. Are you sure there isn't another reason why you want me to drop the investigation?"

"Humf! Yeah right." Qrow snorted as he took another sip from his flask. "The only other reason is I'm sick of sulking around sewers. We know this has nothing to do with her, so can we get back to focusing on important things like where she'll strike next. You had said something about her moving in on Minstrel a few days ago. That sounds like a more promising lead than a couple teens."

Ozpin let out a sigh. Qrow still wasn't being honest with him, but his concerns weren't without merit. Hazel had been seen sculling around Minstrel and was getting dangerously close to the academy. Even with their criminal underworld monopolized, he didn't put it past Salem to find someone who was willing to help and use them to turn the underworld against the school.

"Very well, I'll speak to the counsel on the matter. Until then, continue looking for clues. I'd prefer not having another prank like this happening again. Maybe check in with some members of the White Fang. If anyone has a grudge against the SDC, it's them."

Qrow gave a quick nod, then turned and disappeared into the elevator. As the doors shut, Ozpin let out a sigh.

He had a good guess why Qrow wanted the investigation to be stopped. He was well aware that Amber and Cinder had snuck out of school that night. He was also aware that Adam and Eric had reappeared with them when they returned. And given the young Faunus temperament, he had a good guess what had happened.

"Of course it's her team starting trouble on day one. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it Summer?" He mused. Back when the silver eyed woman had first started attending school, she had somehow gotten stuck in their airship and couldn't get out until Raven made a portal to her with some pilots to rescue them.

Well, he supposed it could have been worse. Cinder at least hadn't been the start of the problem, but was actually the answer. Something he hadn't been expecting. A pleasant surprise honestly.

Due to his job, Ozpin had to monitor every student who applied for a position at his school, and when he had read Cinder's file, he had reservations about the girl. She was prideful and arrogant, constantly made an effort to get into fights and lusted for power which made him question if he should even let her try, yet so far, she had only toed the line, not fully broken it, so he was content.

But Adam was another story.

Hard headed, rash, reckless and worst of all, easily influenced by others if they knew where to poke. Pride of the White Fang or not, this was the kind of person Ozpin knew were just right for Salem to manipulate. If it were up to him alone, he never would have allowed him in!

But when the council caught wind of it, many said they couldn't turn him down because it made them look racist! Needless to say, they were only interested in gathering votes for the upcoming election and didn't care if it resulted in a rogue huntsman, but ultimately, it didn't matter. They forced their way through and now he was training potentially one of Salem's next pawns.

With a deep sigh, Ozpin looked out over his school wondering what the odds were that all his trouble makers had ended up on the same team. He certainly hoped Amber was up to the task.

As he thought about the team, his mind drifted to the tale of the animal god's judgment. In a way, all four were drifters.

A troublesome flower transferred from a field to a garden where it bloomed with dangerous thorns.

An uprooted tree, fallen before it could grow, now forced to stand on its own while trying to heal its damaged roots.

A wild bull, raging and furious, yet could still swing to either side of the scales depending on how it was handled.

And a broken sword reforged into a hard shield. Strong but brittle, now seeking to defend and to never shatter again.

Perhaps he was hasty in his judgment of the Faunus. If anyone could reach him under all his past abuse, it was this band of misfits. And together, they could get even the White Fang on his side. Standing united with humanity would give the world a greater force that could restore the strength that the kingdoms had lost during the war.

Oz let out a chuckle as he continued to look out the window. "The same story throughout the history of the Faunus, leaving behind their old lives to create a new future for themselves." He mused to himself.

At the end of his thoughts, the clock began to chime midnight. It was a new day, yet the world remained the same. It was cold and cruel, with the people constantly fearing what they didn't understand. To them, it didn't matter if the creature in front of them could walk and talk, they only saw fangs and claws, and those traits alone made them monsters.

But this was nothing new. Humanity hasn't changed for centuries. Even in the first age, people were still the same as they are now.

His mind wandered to a subject he had offended thought about, an idea that had pleaded his mind since his first reincarnation. "If we all set aside our differences and worked towards a shared purpose, how much better would Remnant be for everyone?" He murmured as the clock struck it's third chime as if reminding him of one of his previous lives. The life he had as a Faunus. And the trials he had endured.

Perhaps that kind of unity wasn't completely imposs-.

"A purpose of your design, I assume!"

The deep voice cut through Ozpin's thoughts like a hot knife through butter. Looking in his reflection in the window, he saw a figure clocked in black drop from the ceiling, the fourth chime of the clock masking his fall.

He had a black helmet covering his face that looked like a gas mask. A shawl was loosely draped over his shoulders slightly covering the kevlar vest that had several symbols from a long forgotten age. Thick leather at his wrists that went down to his elbows where they met more pads. A pair of black gloves covered his hands giving them claws so he could scale walls and how he hung from the ceiling. He had a belt that housed several grenades and raw dust. A sword hung at his waist bearing different alchemy symbols, and while it was sheathed, Oz didn't miss how the man left one hand resting on it when he stood.

"We need to talk!" The Phantom snarled, prompting the headmaster to turn around. "I know it's unprofessional to go back on a deal, but you'll find I'm not very patient with snakes and liars. You have some answering to do!"

Oz calmly took a sip from his coffee cup as he surveyed the man. The mask made his face impossible to see and reading him was going to be tough, but the old man had a good guess what this was about.

"What about?" He asked innocently. "Your deal seems beneficial. You go around doing whatever you want, I keep the cops off you. In return, you run a few errands for me. The things my men don't really feel comfortable doing. You know, talking out a reporter or two. Seems more than fair."

The Phantom let out a scoff as he approached the man drawing his sword. "I don't need your protection. The only reason that deal even exists is because you blackmailed me. But I didn't come here to discuss that. I have questions and you're going to answer them!"

He stopped a few feet away, blade leveled at the headmaster. And even though he couldn't see it, one could feel the glare coming from the fate bringer.

"I'm not going to ask why you didn't mention Summer Rose. I already know why you kept her a secret from me, but there is something I'm not going to let slide so easily. I told you after that suicide mission, no more hiding critical information if you send me on your jobs. But it looks like you thought you could out fox me! Too bad you're not as foolproof as you think."

At his words, Ozpin's fingers twitched as they rested on his cane. Yet his calm composure didn't waver.

"If it's within my power, I'll answer all your questions." He said, still in that same unconcerned tone. "But I'm a bit confused on what you mean. With the lone exception of Mrs. Rose, I've been perfectly honest with-."

"Who is Salem?"

Ozpin's mask fell immediately at the mention of her name. How did he know about her?! He had been so careful controlling the information the Phantom got, it had been giving him white hair! It was so imperative that he remained in the dark until much later! Who had-!?

Aww! Cinder Rose. She had been jumped by one of Salem's men as a child and Summer had accidentally let her existence slip. What's more, the Phantom had encountered the young Rose when he was doing one of his personal crusades. She must have let something slip and informed the man of what was happening behind the scenes.

And if she had let it slip once, she could do so again.

But right now, that wasn't his biggest problem. He needed to give the Phantom something before things got ugly. His cooperation was essential to Ozpin's next plan. Quickly regaining his composure, Oz took a deep breath and did the thing he did best.

"I'm sorry. I have no idea who you're talking about."

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