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Chapter 12: Chapter 12 The Battle Of The Sky Lion's

Chapter 12 The Battle Of The Sky Lions?

As Hayden wakes up and grabs his things and walks out and joins them for breakfast. He starts eating but the king says" We found another clan." Hayden stops eating and grabs some bread from his food and stands up and says" Where?" The King pulled out a map and Handed it to Hayden "the only problem is these guys are a bit on the not so friendly side. They will not join you like how The blue sharks did. Those guys want war and you're gonna need to show them war if you want them to join." Hayden looked at the map"I will take the blue sharks with me and I'll need Sgt Hawkin squad and we'll have them with us in no time." The king looks around " you sure you want Sgt Hawkin for this i have other Sgt who are better ready to fight in big battles. Sgt Hawkin is more on the Even sided. This one our enemies have the numbers on us"

Hayden Looks at Sgt Hawkin " he his the only other one in this room i trust to have my back in battle" Sgt Hawkin stands up with i tiny smile and walks to Hayden" such praise from a raider has to count for something right" Hayden looking disappointed "Don't push your luck"

They Head off grabbing their own respected army and marching off. After a 3 day march then arrive at the enemy camp. Hayden plus Sgt Hawkin's army together have 550 men against the enemy camp of 700. This camp was set up almost like the Black wolf's, They had 3 sets of walls each giving them their own class of person. The only difference is these guys had body's hanging from the outside wall. Hayden looked at the body's "All the body's have the same clan mark" Sgt Hawkin looks at the body's also"That has to be these bodies are being shown as an example" Hayden starts walking back "There's no point trying to befriend this clan but those bodies give me an idea."

Standing in front of everyone Hayden says"This clan that stands in front of us is one of savages. They have no words but the words of war. We came here for friends and we will not find it with them. But they have an enemy and the Enemy of my Enemy is my friend. So we will find the clan that fill the walls of the Sky sharks and befriend them. We will use war with them as a way to seal the deal if need be. Your job is to find the clan, the first one or ones who find the clan, well they get double the dinner tonight" The crowd cheered and they rushed off looking for the clan.

Sgt Hawkin looks angry at Hayden" double dinner? We can afford to just give food away like that." Hayden taking a seat" You worry too much. We have 550 men running around looking for a clan so that saves us food and time. If i didn't promise that then we would've needed to take everyone to look and that would take forever and lose more food" Sgt Hawkin with a look of defeat, takes a seat "Yeah, Yeah you made your point"

They sat and waited and one man ran back and said he found them. He led them to the clan"Great job you earned it. Extra dinner is on me" Hayden said as he walked back. Time passed and all the men came back. Sgt Hawkin stands up and yells"We have found the camp. It's not too far, so we march now." The men gave a "Hurrah" Hayden and Sgt Hawkin Lead the charge.

They arrive at the camp. The camp prepared for an attack, Hayden and Sgt Hawkin walk up to the wall. The King Looked over the top of the wall " why are you here?" Sgt Hawkin Looks up "We come to ask for you alliance" The king looks down "alliance? Why do you want an alliance?" Hayden yells up" we are building an army and we need your help" The king laughs"An army? Sorry if you couldn't tell we have wars of our own to worry about." Hayden getting angry " yeah we seen. We can help you kill them if you give me your word you will join us." The king looked disappointed " We don't need your help. We are handling this war just fine" Hayden looked at Sgt Hawkin then back at the King "then you are a shit king, you rather let your men die and suffer by a power bigger then you instead of just joining us and crushing your enemy"

The king looked at his men and then back to Hayden"how dare you call me a shit king. I ruled these lands for 20 winters and my men have crushed powers bigger than you. This is your last warning leave now or be crushed by our power" Hayden raised his hand in the air "I challenge you to a dual if i win your men just us if you win my men leave and your never see us again" The king raised his hand also"Go Away Now" Sgt Hawkin looks at Hayden" you sure about this? There's no going back after this." Hayden looks up "You sir are no king but a coward. Your men's blood is on your hands." Hayden drops his hand and the catapults shoot their flaming balls and the archers shoot their arrows covering the sky as they rained down.

Hayden and Sgt Hawkin run to the side of the wall and help set up ladders. Once the ladders were set up they climbed up and began battle. Hayden Rushes the left side with his men cutting down any man who standed in his way. The men he couldn't cut down Hayden either threw them off the wall or kicked them down the stairs. Sgt Hawkin cleared the right side with his men. Throwing the spears that the enemies used into the men who dared to shoot arrows at him. When he wasn't throwing spears he was bashing his shield into the faces of his enemies why his sword stabbed into their chest. The men rushed to retreat behind their last wall.

After clearing the left side Hayden walks through the empty courtyard and walks in front of the wall where at least 20 bowmen aimed at him. Hayden takes both of his swords and moves them away from him doing a welcoming movement with his arms. " Before you shoot, just know this battle doesn't end with my death but it does end if I say it does." The bowmen relax a little to hear what he has to say " we killed almost half of your army and i say we lost about what 10 men" Hayden says looking back to his men who still occupied the wall " this didn't have to happen, we wanted peace with your clan. We even offered to kill your enemies. But no that wasn't good enough. I challenged you king and he ran away giving your lives instead of his. I don't know about you guys but I didn't see him in that battle at all. I would bet he is locked away in his longhouse drinking away, praying to his gods, hoping for a victory. Now you see what we can do. I offer you one last offer, bring me your king and join us and the rest of you will live to fight with someone who will die for his men, not let them die to save himself."

The gate opens and a man dressed in full iron armor walks out." Too many of my men have died, I wish for the rest to live." Hayden walks to the man" Then show me to your king, you and your men will live to fight another day you have my word." The man in iron armor looks at Hayden" your word means nothing to me or my men, but if you beat me you will have our respect" Hayden steps back and readied himself" if that is the way it has to be"

The man in iron ran at Hayden, swinging his dual axes. Hayden ran at the man in iron with his dual swords. They clashed and swung at one another dodging whatever they couldn't block. The man in iron goes in for a kick but Hayden Dodges it and jabs the man with the handle of his sword. The man in iron caught Hayden swords with his Axes. Hayden struggles to get his sword loose. The man hit Hayden with a headbut stubbling Hayden and cutting his head. Now with both swords free Hayden swings both his swords together creating sparks that flung into the man's iron helmet. Bliding the man for a second Hayden rushes in with his Shoulder and knocks the man to the floor. Hayden Goes for a stab but the man rolls away forcing Hayden's sword now stuck in the mud. Then the man in iron kicks Hayden's sword, breaking it.

Now stuck with one and a half swords, Hayden kicks them man before he can stand. The force of the kick sends the man flying Hayden Rushing the man. The man throws one of his axes at Hayden, Hayden throws his broken Sword at the flying ax. They both crash and fall down, Hayden now at the man Grabs his unarmed hand and pulls it to him, and brings his sword to the spot where neck and chest meet. Then he stomps his foot on the other hand, pinning his hand and sword on the ground. Ending the battle.

"You won, kill me"the man in iron said. Hayden Lets go off the man sparing him. " You said I won, that means it's over. You're a good fighter, I'd rather you be with me than dead." Hayden Drops his broken sword and lowers his hand to help the man in iron up."I am in your debt" The man said "What is your name" Hayden said holding the man's shoulder "Frederick sir" The Man said "Sir? We are brothers now. Call me Hayden" They shake hands and Hayden says" Lead me to the old king"

Frederick leads Hayden to the old king. Hayden kicks in the door to the mead hall. Seeing the king sitting on his throne. Hayden holds his hand out and Frederick puts a Ax in his hand. Hayden takes the ax and throws it right into the king's head. "Have the men pack whatever they can, we leave as soon as their done." Hayden said as he walked up and pulled the ax out and handed it back to frederick.

They packed everything they could and marched back to Riverton.

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