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Chapter 8: Chapter 7

Author's POV

It's been three days and lan has been avoiding pearl. After she ditched him that day, he hasn't spoken to her since then. Might sound petty but he felt hurt.

He has been watching the clock endlessly waiting for the bell to ring. His desire to have lunch was so great that he wasn't able to concentrate in class. He wasn't able to have a decent breakfast today because Lucy his mom traveled yesterday leaving only him and his brother.

Nate being all selfish, thinking about only his tummy and not even knowing his way around the kitchen, had him having only cereal.

"Come on...5..4..3..2..1" he counted biting his lips as he watched the clock.


Immediately the lunch bell was heard, lan didn't wait, as he hurriedly picked up his books and ran towards the cafeteria.

"Excuse me...sorry... excuse.." He kept bumping and hitting people in the hallway in his effort to reach the cafeteria.

Immediately he reached the huge door, he pulled it open with speed and ran towards the counter bypassing the others standing in line.

"Oh man..why are you in such a hurry, you can wait for your turn. The others are getting angry" Old Ma Susan the cafeteria lady said.

And true to her words, nasty comments and angry growls were already going around but lan didn't care at this moment, all that matters was his tummy.

Lan dropped his books on the counter, not caring about them at this moment. He knew Ma Susan will keep them safe for him.

"I can't wait, Ma Susan, I am soooo....hungry. Can I get two burgers and a plastic coke please?" He asked with his doe eyes staring at her.

Old Man Susan was shocked at the request "Oh my!" She covered her mouth trying to hide her chuckle.

"Since when do you eat this large Lan? Are you sure you can finish it?"Old Man Susan asked in disbelief.

Lan scoffed feeling slightly insulted " Of cause I can Ma Susan. Don't judge me by my size. I can finish a huge whale at this point you know ."Lan crossed his arm looking smug.

"Hahaha...okay dear. Let me wrap yours up before the others have you for lunch"Ma Susan chuckled as she noticed the glares targeted at Lan's head.

Immediately she gave him his lunch, and he dropped his payment on the counter and looked for an empty table to sit on.

The entire cafeteria tables were all filled up. Lan squeezed his nose feeling annoyed.

"Now where will I sit?" he asked himself still looking around the hallway. The only table with an empty sit was beside his brother and he rather stands than sit beside him.

"Maybe I can look for an empty class and quickly have my lunch" he mumbled to himself about to walk towards the cafeteria door.

"Hey, Lan! Overhear!"Mark called out as he spotted him.

"Oh, why..why!"Lan dramatically shut his eyes wondering if he has bad luck.

He turned on his heels and walked towards his brother's table where he sat with the trio.

He sat down not even caring about acknowledging his brother's presence as he started eating his burger.

The taste melted in his mouth making him moan in delight. He hurriedly stuffed his face with the burger and was about to take the other one when someone suddenly snatched it from his tray.

"Hey!" Lan yelled angrily.

"You are going to die from lack of air if you don't breathe, I'm only doing you a favor" Nate shrugged dangling the burger in his hand.

Lan scoffed "since when do you do me any favors?" His eyes never left his delicious burger dangling in his brother's hand.

"Since when mom threatened to make me impotent if she comes back and either finds you dead or sick"Nate replied still dangling the burger dangerously between his two fingers.

"Nate! Stop! that's my lunch for christ's sake!" Lan yelled out horrified.

"Relax man, he is just being a good big brother," Jacob said as he drank his coke.

As an looked up at him, he stilled. He glanced down at his tray and found his coke missing.

It was as if the air became colder. His face hardened as his eyes slowly connected with Jacob.

Jacob choked on his drink as he met Lan's deadly stare. His insides already preparing for either fight or flight mode.

"Whose. drink. Is. that. Jacob." Lan spelled every word out as he gritted his teeth in anger.

Jacob who was sitting beside Nate froze.

"Ugh...y-yours I t--think?" he stuttered scared for the first time. He glanced at Nate asking for help but Nate just swallowed what he was chewing and raised his hands refusing to get involved.

"You. think?"Lan asked gritting his teeth at him.

"Lan doesn't make it a big deal, it's just coke, we can get you another one," Luke replied trying to diffuse the already burning fire.

Jacob rubbed his head in agreement.

"Yeah.. can chill, I can get you one right now if that's what you want" Mark replied about to stuff the small piece of burger Luke gave him in his mouth.

"Wait!"Lan exclaimed slowly standing up from his seat.

"Who gave you that?" he pointed at the small piece of burger still in Mark's hand.

Mark's finger shook as the small piece of burger fell on the table.

Scared by this new plan, he pointed at Luke not taking his eyes off lan scared that he might snap his neck at any moment.

Nate crossed his arm amused by the reactions of his friends. This was amazing entertainment he wasn't ready to miss.

Lan glared at Luke who was already crouching down about to escape. As he felt the eyes on him, he gulped and pointed at Nate.

"Nate ate it and gave me a piece so I shared it with Mark"Luke explained.

Shocked by the turn of events, Nate was speechless not knowing what to say. He was sure lan couldn't hit him but still, the eyes he was getting were something worth getting scared over.

Who knew and loved food like this?

"Nate. Luke. Mark. Jacob. you. will. regret.this."lan gritted out trying to contain his anger.

After everything he did to get here before the burgers were finished, he didn't even get to enjoy his food.

Nate knows how much he loves burgers but still, he did this!

The bell rang alerting them of the end of the break, making an fume the more. His face was already red due to anger.

"Um...breaks over, just go"Nate spoke already standing up. His friends nodded standing up as well including the crouching Luke.

They ran off leaving lan to stand there wallowing in sadness and anger.

"You assholes!!" he banged the table annoyed. Every eye turned towards him shocked by his scream but he didn't care.

His eyes glazed with suppressed tears. The anger he feels inside tries to erupt as tears.

He sniffled wiping his eyes and walked towards the counter where he left his books. He picked them up and walked out of the cafeteria angry.

Still angry by what happened in the cafeteria, he wasn't in a rush to get to his next class. Taking his own sweet time, he walked slowly towards his locker and dropped his books, picking the one he needs. The hallway was empty because everyone has already gone to their next class. He was sure he would get detention for the very first time if a teacher spots him.

He was about to walk in the other direction to his next class when he heard voices coming from the other corner of the hallway.

Feeling curious he walked towards the sound keeping his feet light on the ground. He could hear the voices speaking in a hushed tone. The shadow of two people standing close to each other. One he was sure was a lady and the other a man but he couldn't make out much cause the hallway was not bright and they were a bit far away.

"Don't worry, no one will find out, we have been doing this for days now, we won't get caught don't worry" One of the voices spoke.

"That voice...that sounds so much like a pearl. What is she doing skipping class" He mumbled to himself?

"Let's go!"

He heard as she pulled the other person toward the darker part of the hallway.

"That naughty girl. She and Ray are so mischievous. Ever since she started dating him she has suddenly changed. Didn't even care to speak to me when I started avoiding her" lan snickered as he walked away running to his next class.

He was sure he would get a scolding.

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