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Chapter 158: Chapter 158: Operation Markovic Part 1

It wasn't until a week passed that the date for the launch of the Tara Markov initiative was announced. With it, a lavish dinner and gathering at the Markovian Royal Palace for the many donors and invited guests.

Despite only being planned recently, it was now considered one of the biggest events of the year. With this event, concise proof would now be available as to whether or not Terra was really Tara Markov.

But this event was not without its controversy. This was because King Viktor of Markovia had included Arias on his guest list, pretty much making his stance clear.

When asked about this in a press conference, he answered honestly, stating, "All I see is the man who saved my daughter. I cannot and will not judge a man whose circumstances I do not understand. With that said, I will not tolerate any foreign military harassing any of my guests. Markovia will see such an act as a clear indication of war."

This statement was basically a message to the American government, warning them about any ideas they might've had towards Arias during his visit.

With him being in the top five of America's most wanted, they would likely resort to sending operatives abroad if it meant apprehending him.

But with the statement, that was no longer possible. No president would be dull enough to declare war just as his term was coming to an end, it was not only foolish but yielded no benefits as there was no guarantee they could secure Arias in the first place.

This didn't mean they weren't any individuals willing to try…

It was currently 8pm, Friday, with the launch set for tomorrow, the Justice League members gathered at the hall of Justice.

Although the mission was for the senior team, the junior team was present and just hearing out the debrief, in hopes they might get selected to tag along.

The one doing the briefing this time though, was Superman and not Batman. He stood at edge of the large oval table in a conference room, with the senior members seated and their protégés beside them.

Without wasting time, the lights in the room where dimmed and the focus was turned toward the large holographic screen that appeared above the table's center.

On it, was an image of Arias on the day he left Gotham. Looking at it, Superman began to explain.

"All of you should already know about Arias Markovic and his story, but the fact is he is far more dangerous than he lets people on." Superman frowned while saying this and turned the image to Arias standing next to Diana and Harley after they saved Gotham from the Cheetah and Killer Frost attack.

"WonderWoman, a brief member was coerced and mislead by him into believing a different view on the world. It's this ability of his to draw people close that makes him most dangerous than most, including the late Lex Luthor."

Following Superman's words, Kid Flash leaned toward Robin and whispered, "Sounds like his power is charisma and money if you ask me."

Kid flash's words didn't elude the super hearing man of steel who cast him a furrowed glance. Kid flash could only stand at attention and play it off, "Sorry…"

The flash just sighed and shook his head while Superman carried on. "As of now, it's not really known what he is planning or what his end goal but we have guesses, and all of them aren't good. This brigs us to the gathering in Markovia."

"The king has clearly stated that he will not allow any arrests of guests to be made on his soil and so we will respect his decision. Instead though, we're going to try and intercept him after the event his over, immediately he crosses out of Markovian borders or air space."

Batman who had been silent thus far furrowed his brows as he heard this plan before offering advice. "We have no idea how he plans on entering and leaving the country, what security he will have and whether or not he doesn't have more methods to deal with league members, making an operation like this impossible for us, especially with such lack of chemistry between us."

Although Batman had a point, Superman seemed especially impatient or worried. Batman doubted this was because of the kryptonite bullet but if not that then what?

Unknowingly, he sparked an argument with Superman. "Then what? You suggest we do nothing and let him get away with what his done so far?"

Batman didn't answer Superman but instead Green Arrow spoke up. "What he's supposedly done you mean. I've read his file and there exists no solid proof that he murdered Amanda Waller. You can argue about the agents sent to arrest him but what if there's something else at play here? I don't know about you all but didn't join this team to become America's hero soldier or something."

Green Arrow shared the thoughts of many gathered here. Without meeting Arias for themselves, what they knew about him was mostly based off the news which more often that not supported him.

Following Arrow's words, Black Canary also voiced her stance. "I agree, without sufficient evidence I don't feel comfortable handing over what could be an innocent man to a not so honest and transparent government."

Green Lantern also joined in the banter with his own opinion.

"Isn't it suspicious though? If you ask me he just seems too good to be true. It's one of those gut feelings you know? The guy has bad guy written all over him." He replied.

The team clearly had split views regarding Arias's case and although Superman could understand the doubts of those who had them, he was irritated as his next words came out pushy. "I've met him and for those who don't know, he nearly killed me because I underestimated him and treated him like just another Lex Luthor. If we don't actively pursue him then he'll just keep spreading this false image of his until it's too late."

Before the team could fall into an argument of sides, Batman intervened and raised a point.

"Let's meet halfway and do a reconnaissance mission. We gather intel and observe Arias Markovic and his movements going forward until we feel we know enough to collectively agree he is a threat that should indeed be captured."

"To ensure no prejudice is involved, we'll send the junior team and two senior members to supervise. I propose Black Canary and Green Arrow for that task."

As Batman spoke, he looked at both Black Canary and Green Arrow to see if they had any objects but neither spoke up. Superman looked displeased by this and stood up first.

"Then will do it your way. Let's just hope you don't underestimate him the same way I did."

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