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Zombie Bite

"Captain. Did you hear about the unfortunate Island of Sunville?" Miyara asks. "Sunville? Can't say I have. What's so special about that island?" Jacks shrugs. "Well. It's a folktale that's been running around since the old times. The island of Sunville was a joyful place. They were kind to everyone, Sailor and Pirates alike. Until one day out of nowhere, everything started dying. The trees, the animals and the inhabitants. Anybody who enters the island, doesn't come out." Miyara says. Everyone surrounds Miyara all excited. "So tell me why is that island in our interest?" Jack asks. "The island has a treasure." Watabe says. "Then what are we waiting for? Full Speed towards Sunville." Jacks says. They start sailing towards Sunville.

"So wait. The whole Island is left alone? Nobody is investigating the issue and it's just left alone?" Yataro asks. "From what we heard. There was one group of Sailors that ventured there. For their protection a group of Marines even accompanied them. And as the tales go on, they were attacked by something or someone. Fortunately for the people out here, their transponder snail fell somewhere when they were attacked. The whole thing was heard, but nobody saw what it was. After that, The Marines didn't let any Sailors go near that island." Miyara explains. "So there might be someone who is strong. Hoarding all that treasure." Jacks starts getting excited.

The waves start getting rough. The skies are dark and it starts getting extremely windy. "Hey. How's Kyoko and Goro holding on? I don't want to have to tie them to the ship." Jacks asks. "They're doing just fine Captain. And look. Is that an Old man?" Miyara points at the side of the ship. The ship comes to a stop. In a small dinghy an old man stands. Staring at them. "No no no. Why is it always old men." Watabe says. Jacks and Yataro goes to the side of the ship and stare at the old man. The old man stares back at them. Without saying anything, they stay like that for a while. "Tch. What is this?" Yataro says as he glares at him. "Hey old man. What the hell are you doing out in this storm?" Jacks yells. Suddenly the old man opens his eyes wider. "Ay! What the heck!" Jacks yells. "Yeah that scared the crap out of me." Watabe says. "Sorry. I think I fell asleep." The old man scratches his head. "Slept? You were staring at us for a while old man." Jacks laughs. "Old man?! I'm 25!" The Old man yells. "25? That might have been true 85 years ago old man. You look older than my dad and it feels like he's been around forever." Jacks yells back at him. "Ah what was I saying?" The old man says. "How would we know? Go home you idiot." Yataro yells. "Ah yeah. You can't go inside this island." The old man says nonchalantly. "We don't care. Wasting our time like that, I should cut you." Yataro says as he tries to get on the railing unsheathing his sword. Jacks drag him back. He instructs everyone to just ignore him and move on. "Heed my warnings boy. I have seen thousands of ships go in. But never leave. Hehehe." The old man starts laughing in a scary manner. "Just go. As fast as you can. That old bastard gives me the creeps." Jacks says.

As they venture further inside, they come across random shipwrecks. Jacks notices something clinging to his arm so he slowly looks towards his arm. Kyoko who was all hyper a few minutes ago was now sticking to his arm. Not budging a single inch. "Captain. We're here. The dock is kind of damaged so it would be hard to get down. What do you propose?" Miyara asks. "Well there is one way. Let's go." Jacks says as he carries Kyoko. Surprised Kyoko holds on to him hard. A few giggles could be heard. They all jump into the island's beach. "Ugh. Even this sand feels uncomfortable." Watabe says. "Why are you barefoot?" Miyara asks. "Come on. It's sand." Watabe says. They all walk towards the island. The dead trees were all over. Fallen over one another. "There doesn't seem to be anyone." Watabe says. They kept walking towards the center of the island. They didn't encounter a single bird, animal or a human for miles.

*Rustle* Jacks and company walks out into a clearing standing a few feet behind another group of pirates. "Who is it?" The pirate says as he turned around. Watabe points his gun towards the pirate. Fuse grabbed his katanas. "Joben?" Kyoko asks. "Kyoko? What are you doing with these no good pirates?" The pirate asked. "You think you're the only one who can leave home to be free? I'm a pirate now." Kyoko says. "Hey Joben. What's the holdup? Let's go, we need to find it before anybody else comes." A familiar voice says. "Why? Why is it that we keep meeting these weirdos, in clearings inside a forest?" Watabe yells. "You!" Kenji says as he stepped out into the clearing. "Oh. We meet again, Bounty Hunter. And I see you have a new recruit." Watabe says. "Oh him? He's not a new recruit. He's our Captain. I was just filling in for him." Kenji says. Following him, Hiro and Misaki steps out too. "Guess we have to fight." Jacks says.

Joben rushes towards Jacks. "Why are you so close with my sister?" He says as he tries to grab Jacks. Jacks pounds Joben into the ground in one punch. "Your sister? I saved her and I'm taking care of her now. What do you think? That when you leave, will they be alright on their own? No. You didn't." Jacks says with anger in his voice. "Why do you care?" Joben asks, getting up again. "When I took her in, she became my family. Each and everyone in my crew is my responsibility. Not like you'd understand." Jacks says grabbing Joben by the collar. "Hey Captain? We need to go." Miyara says as he runs towards him. "Why?" Jacks asks. "Cause we have company and not the normal kind." Miyara says. Jacks hurriedly looks towards Miyara. A group of people were dragging their feet towards them. They didn't look normal. All bruised and wounded yet still they were walking towards them. "I don't like this." Kyoko says. "Me either." Watabe says running towards Jacks. "Alright everyone let's get to a safe place for now." Jacks says. He turns around and sees that Joben and Kenji weren't there anymore. "Tch. Must've left too." Jacks says as he runs towards The trees.

"You've been silent for a while now, Kyoko. What's wrong?" Jacks asks. "Nothing. Just that he's out as a Bounty Hunter. I never thought I'd see him ever again after he left back then." Kyoko says staring at a distance. "Get some sleep. I don't think they can reach here. So everyone, get some rest." Jacks says. Suddenly shouting can be heard and a figure comes running out of some bushes. "Misaki?" Miyara yells out. "Those things seem to be following her. Guess they can't handle these things either huh? Wait here." Jacks says as he jumps down from the platform. He rushes towards Misaki and grabs her. She was wounded and bleeding heavily. "Hold on tight now." Jacks says to her as the enemies nearly grabs them. Jacks disappears and appears back up in the platform. "That was fast, Captain." Miyara says. "Yeah. Wasn't even my full speed." Jacks says as he put Misaki down. "Goro. See what you can do about her wounds. I'll deal with the people downstairs." Jacks says. Jacks uses Conqueror's Haki on them. But it doesn't seem to work on them. "It doesn't seem like they have any will. They seem dead. Let me try something." Jacks says as he looks at the fire on the torch. He rips off a bit of cloth and wraps it around his palm. He grabs the fire until the cloth catches on fire. When the cloth caught on fire, He pulled it away slowly and jumped down. He pulled his arm back and punched the ground. The force from his delayed punch forces the enemies to crush into the ground. Suddenly a ring of fire dispersed from where Jacks was standing. "Well that wasn't so nice." Jacks said as he got up the platform.

"So what were you doing all alone?" Miyara asks. "Tch. We got separated. Hiro was behind me. But he disappeared too. I fell on an exposed branch and got injured. Been running from them since." Misaki explained. "Where's Kenji and your Captain?" Jacks asks. "Probably left the island by now. Haven't heard anything from them." Misaki said. "Alright well. Get some rest, I'll be on the lookout. Miyara. We'll set out first thing tomorrow." Jacks says as he sits down on the edge. "We're leaving the island too?" Miyara asked. "No. We're going after that treasure." Jacks said smiling. Nearby Jacks, Kyoko lies struggling to get comfortable. Jacks lends his lap so she can sleep peacefully. She accepts it without thinking twice and tries to sleep. Jacks massages her head while looking at a distance.

Dawn came and the place started getting lit up. Watabe was the first one to wake up. "Hey Watabe." Jacks said. "Oh Captain. You still awake." Watabe asks. "Yeah. I have this uneasy feeling about this whole island." Jacks started. Low growling could be heard from below the platform. Watabe takes a peek. "So it didn't kill them?" Watabe asks. "Yeah. They've been roaming around half roasted like that since last night. I don't know what would kill them. But then anyways, they're already dead." Jacks says. "We should find the treasure and leave asap." Watabe says. "Captain. What are we going to do with her?" Miyara asks pointing at Misaki. "I guess, we're taking her with us. We can't leave her here. Her crew might have abandoned her. Or worse, they might have died." Jacks says. "We should head out. The further away from this Island we are, the better." Yataro says getting up. "Let's go then." Jacks says standing up. Kyoko gets up too stretching her arms. Jacks jumps down into the crowd. "Let's see if this works." Jacks says as he pulls his arm back. He punches the first person in front of him. They crash into the next person. The effects of Jacks' delayed punch send all of them flying. As soon as the coast got clear, all of them started running towards the center of the island. They come to a stop where the village could be seen.

"There are more of them here. Why are there more?" Watabe whispers. "Maybe the pirates and sailors who came here. They got infected too." Jacks says. "Captain. There might be a way to get rid of them once and for all. I saw a few of them laying on the ground. Headless. And they didn't respond to anything. Maybe it's the brain?" Miyara says. "Worth a try. Well Miyara, you stay back and keep an eye on the women and Goro." Jacks says. "Why me?" Goro asks. "Because you're our doctor. We can't let anything happen to you. Now, Fuse, Dante and Watabe. You know what to do. Let's see if we can get rid of them." Jacks says stepping out of the bushes. All four of them starts walking towards the huge crowd of dead people. Jacks cracks his knuckles. "Don't get infected you guys." Jacks says as he starts running towards them. All four of them starts fighting the dead people.

"So their brain was the way." Watabe says cleaning blood off of his face. "That took a while." Jacks says as he wipes the dust off of his jacket. "I searched the whole place. No treasure. Nothing. The whole place seems like it's been cleaned out." Watabe says. "So maybe somebody came for the treasure. And the villagers didn't hand it over and it came to this." Yataro says scanning the place with his eyes. Suddenly the bushes rustled and two people stumbled out. "Hiro! Snap out of it. It's me Kenji." Yelling could be heard from the two people. Jacks runs towards them and grabs Hiro off of Kenji. "You're welcome." Jacks says as he glares at Kenji. "Hiro he. He isn't well." Kenji says as he sits up. "Yeah we see it. He's been infected too." Yataro says as he stabs Hiro. He stopped struggling and lost all energy in his body. "Infected? Tch. Guess it's all over for us." Kenji says. "You seem fine. And it doesn't seem like your Captain is anywhere to be seen." Jacks says looking around. "Yeah Joben, He left us here on this forsaken island. We lost Misaki and Hiro got bitten. In turn, he bit me too. Guess I don't have long either." Kenji said in a low voice. "Kenji. As my self proclaimed rival, you can't give up that easily. Survive and get out of here. There has to be a cure. In the case of others, we have Misaki. She's our responsibility now. And Joben too. He's mine to deal with." Jacks says as he extended his hand towards Kenji. "Thanks. You guys should leave." Kenji says. Jacks nods and starts walking. "Hope to see you again, Kenji." Jacks yells. Kenji raises his arm high in the air. Jacks notices Yataro looking at Kenji. "Dante. Let's just go. We have nothing to do here. We have stuff to do elsewhere." Jacks says as he leaves. Jacks' crew follows him.

Fighting with the dead people Jacks and his crew come out of the forest near the ship. All of them board the ship. Goro carries Misaki inside to give her proper medicine and everyone takes a breath of relief. "Let's just get out of this forsaken island. The ship sails off where they entered the island. On the way out, they run into the same old man. He kept glaring towards Jacks. Jacks approaches the railings. "Still sleeping?" Jacks asks. "No. Just amazed you and that fellow made it outside." The old man replies. "Fellow?" Jacks asks. "Yeah. He was in a hurry alright." The old man says. "Well old man. Take care of yourself. There's nothing on that island except for misfortune and disease." Jacks says as he walks back towards the deck. "Safe travels mister. You're an extraordinary fella." The old man starts laughing. "Come on let's go. His laughing creeps me out still." Jacks says not looking back. Jacks and his crew set off in search of new adventures away from Sunville.

*In a Far Marine Base*

"So some people finally discovered that place? Sunville was it?" A voice says. "Yes Sir. We have recognized the Ghosts crew that has been stirring up trouble to be the ones who were the ones in Sunville. Should we send some people after them sir?" A recruit gives the report. "No. Let them be for now. But create the new Bounties for them. Now, Joben. If the information you gave us is true, we'll see what becomes of them." The voice says.

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