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Chapter 2: chapter 2

The first thing Jason realized that instead of some physics defying trip through the shifting planes of reality and crossing into another dimension like how most movies portrayed it, was that it felt like he had suddenly dropped a foot before coming to stop as the sudden influx of sensations assaulted him. Sunlight, wind blowing, pollen in the air, gravity, feeling in his limbs and such as the additional biotic stimulation of his senses, unfamiliar tightening of his muscles and other such things as he glanced to his left.

Jackson was frowning as he found himself holding a tattered bag over his shoulder where his armor and weapons were stored before glancing around, "That's it? I was waiting for something else you know?"

Jason chuckled as he picked his bag up off the ground, already turning on his omni-tool (the inner nerd absolutely going nuts) to check the time, "Yeah well, it's going to be a change now that you are taller than me."

"The half inch shorter jokes have finally come to end little brother," Jason rolled his eyes as he silently wondered how Jackson was going to put his extra-large size into many tight places that were doubt to come, "this is awesome, I feel stronger."

To prove this statement, he dropped his bag and walked over to the nearest object, a large metal crate, and picked it up easily before tossing it easily fifty feet.

Jason smiled as he felt a tingle, glancing down at his hands he went through the motion to summon a biotic Pull, aimed at the very crate his twin had just thrown, watching at the aura surrounding the object flickered and pulsed with life as he gently set it down.

"Showoff," Jackson snorted as he looked around, "so where are we?"

A rushed sense of forbidding went through him as he glanced at his omni-tool again and sighed, "Half a mile from the spaceport and an hour before the attack begins, so three hours before the Normandy comes swooping in to save the day."

They both remained where they were for several minutes, taking in the scenery before Jason scooped up his bag and trudged over to a pile of crates, "We better get suited up."

"Alright, guess we can't go running around warning people a sentient starship is about to attack with bunch of angry robots and stuff right?" Jackson shrugged as he picked up his bag and followed Jason.

"Somehow I doubt that will work," Jason reminded him, "remember what Glyph said about attempting to reveal the whole other dimension thing, that and I don't feel like busting out of straightjacket in the middle of a Geth invasion."

"Ah come on, it could be fun."

Line Break

"That was Sovereign?" Jackson asked as he watched the massive starship touch down miles away as he let a long whistle, "We really need to rethink our strategy if we ever plan on killing one of those things."

"Come on, we better reach the spaceport and watch," Jason said as led the way, a handy nav point on his HUD for now as Jackson followed behind him, "remember, we need to stick to the plan."

"So let the evil guy blow away the good guy in the first ten minutes?" Jackson scowled before he spotted the look Jason was giving him, "Oh right, capture footage of Saren ordering a bunch of Geth around, and nearly kill the good guy as we swoop in and save the day."

He glanced over with a questioning look, "We are going to save this guy right?"

"If we can, but our main focus is getting the dirt on Saren so we can add the evidence with Tali's in order to convict the asshole in front of the Council." Jason said as they reached the crest of a hill overlooking the spaceport as he looked around, taking in the area.

"We'll set up here, you watch my six and I'll keep a lookout for the evil cyborg guy," Jason said as he unfolded his sniper rifle (definitely a handy feature in the future it seemed) and took up a comfortable position as Jackson went over to a nearby boulder and did the same with his assault rifle, "don't shoot unless something shoots at us first or until I say so."

"Gotcha," Jackson sighed as he fiddled with his rifle, mostly from the memories implanted in his head, "so big ship lands, lets out a really bad club remix soundtrack and lets the minions do all the dirty work while we wait for the bad guy to waltz up into our sights."

Jason sighed, "His shields and armor can probably stop everything we throw at him from this distance and if we fuck up the timeline, then how badly would the rest of the timeline handle?"

"I know, I know, it's just that we can save ourselves a lot of trouble if we just killed him now and be done with it." Jackson whined before silencing as Jason raised a single finger.

Geth platforms marched across the spaceport, lugging a trio of Dragon's Teeth with them as they gathered up several dead dock workers before a familiar sight walked up.

"Here we go," Jason whispered as he toggled his omni recording through his helmet cam that was synched with his sniper rifle scope, "what have we here."

Line Break

"Movement and sounds of gunfire to the east," Jackson whispered two hours later as Jason adjusted his form to sweep his gaze in that direction, finding nothing before returning his gaze to the cybernetic Turain prowling the spaceport.

So far in the last two hours, sixteen Geth platforms, ten drones, six Dragon's Teeth and just as many dead bodies were carted past their vantage point, a good thing Saren felt like being dramatic by standing in the open so he could issue orders to the random Geth that walked past, convenient as he was busy recording the Turain.

He hadn't heard the Normandy come in for a landing, but the sounds of gunfire were getting closer, it was a prototype stealth frigate after all as he spotted some movement down below as he zoomed in.

The game failed to give the sniper rifle any justice, the levels of zoom were spectacular and as long as he remained still he didn't have to worry about excessive swaying, but he hated the limited number of shots he had at his disposal.

A Turain dressed in black and red armor armed with plenty of hardware was moving through a cluster of boulders just below where Saren was standing around, Nihlus Kryik, the Spectre who was supposed to be watching both Shepard's and instead gets his head blown off by his old mentor, which also meant that reinforcements would be arriving soon in the form of Williams, Alenko and both Shepard's.

Showtime, he exhaled softly to track a view of Nihlus stalking closer to Saren, panning out slightly to show Saren as well, this is where it becomes clear.

Nihlus confronts Saren, acts surprised, Saren plays it off coolly, calming the student as Jason watched carefully, making sure the recording was still running as he watched the events unfold before him.

The younger Turain had stepped past Saren, taking in the view as he kept talking, never noticing that his old mentor was drawing his sidearm and lining up for a shot.

He was farther away, needing to take three small steps forward in order for the barrel of the pistol to be inside the protective bubble of the kinetic shields as Jason made his decision.

ZUUWOP! (Sounded so much louder on the screen)

Jason watched as his round sailed down with pinpoint accuracy at the range of two hundred meters and some change before slamming into the weak point of Saren's defenses, where the shielding was weaker and allowing him to save a life.

Saren Arterius was expecting his modified pistol to punch a neat hole through the back of his old pupil's head with ease, solving his current problem of covering his tracks when instead he got a high powered round right through the wrist. His shielding had actually saved him from a terrible injury, it slowed the round down enough to avoid having his hand blown off, instead punching through the soft undersuit material between gaps in his armor and into his wrist deep enough to crack the carapace and draw blood, while throwing his aim off to the left by a wide margin.

Jason watched as the natural reflex caused the pistol to discharge and he felt his heart stop in his throat at the sight of Nihlus dropping to the ground like sack of hammers as Saren did some kind of biotic Charge and got out Dodge.

"Shit," Jackson swore as he crawled forward, "didn't expect that to happen, you get him?"

They were play acting largely for the most part, benefit for the camera as he adjusted his aim to get a closer look at the prostate Nihlus, "I got the hostile for sure, but no idea who that guy was, they seemed to know each other though."

"Double cross you think?" Jackson inquired out loud, which was Jason's cue to reply with a slip of the tongue now that the real evidence was over with, something they had been agreeing on for the last two hours.

"Don't know, don't care," Jason answered as he panned his view around a little, "movement at the top of the slope, single man."

Commander John Shepard in the flesh armed with a sniper rifle, no doubt doing a little recon as a familiar Kaidan Alenko crept into view, followed by the obvious Ashley Williams in her pink armor as Commander Jane Shepard in her armor brought up the rear.

The whole gang was here.

"The Hell?" Jason said as watched the Dragon's Teeth lowered their deadly cargo, "Looks like the Alliance showed up, better give them a hand."

He turned off the camera at that and fired a round at the closest Husk shambling towards the group as he noticed Jackson moving forward with his assault rifle at the ready.

Jason followed him, switching out his sniper rifle for his pistol, he intended to make his biotics useful as they reached the edge of the cliff overlooking the spaceport and jumped down onto the roof of the warehouse as Jackson let loose with a burst to distract the Geth heading towards the others.

A biotic Pull snared another Geth trooper towards them as they shredded it with combined weapons fire as they dropped onto the ground and stepped closer to Nihlus as John appeared with Williams in tow, weapons raised.

"These guys part of your unit Chief?" Jason watched as John Shepard questioned Williams without so much as looking away from the pair of them as he put his pistol away and approached the body of Nihlus while Jackson stepped closer.

Ashley gave them both a look, pausing over Jackson before returning to her brand new commander with a shake of her head, "Negative sir, I'd remember if we had a damn giant in the 212th and I have no idea who these guys are."

A scan with his omni-tool had revealed something startling before Jason spoke, "This guy is still alive!"

Three various replies of "What?" from the peanut gallery answered him as Jason began to apply liberal amounts of medi-gel to the head injury Nihlus had suffered while Jackson helped him by rolling the Turain over on his side.

A portion of his head frills on the lower left side of his skull had been blown off when Saren had managed to pull the trigger, missing the brain, spinal column and what passed for major arteries in Turain biology, instead blowing a chunk off the side of his head. Medical diagnostics from his scanner showed that old Nihlus over here would be suffering from the worst headache ever, along with extreme loss of balance (something equivalent to a human inner ear affecting balance was located in the area of the injury) and discomfort as he finished the hasty medical job of patching up the wound.

By then, Jane and Alenko had arrived, Jason noting the new pistol being swapped out with her old one as well as the smile on her face before all four of them noticed who the Turain was.

Or at least three of them did anyway.

"This isn't good," Jane said before shifting her gaze, as well as her stance towards the two newcomers, "what happened here?"

Jackson butted it before Jason could get a word in otherwise, "He got blasted by another Turain in the back of the head, don't know if he knew the guy or what, but he should've been dead as dead can get if my brother over here didn't take the shot."

John had followed the pointing finger at the ridge, mentally calculating the area seen from that vantage point before taking in his surroundings, dropping down to one knee in order to look carefully at the ground while Williams snorted.

"Looks like you missed hotshot," her tone was borderline hostile as she looked over at the demolished Geth, "Why'd you wait until to start firing? You could've done a real number on these guys from up there, chicken or something?"

"Chief, that's enough," Jane said as she stepped up next to her husband, "what have you got?"

"Blood that I'm willing to bet didn't come from our resident Turain Spectre laying over yonder," John answered as he examined the ground in front of him with intense scrutiny, "those Geth walked by here a lot for some reason and I got some scuff marks from something heavy, around the same weight as a Turain give or take."

Jackson did a double take before leaning over to whisper to Jason, "This guy is good."

"Remind me not to play poker with this guy." Jason muttered as he watched his twin step over next to the crates and lunged over it with a triumphant cry of "Gotcha!"

Weapons were trained on the new figure, the guy hiding behind the crates because he was taking a nap and having witnessed the whole thing, was dragged into view as Jackson held him easily by the scruff of the neck two feet of the ground before gently depositing him in front of both commanders.

"We could see this guy hiding from our vantage point the whole time," Jackson remarked as he clapped the guy in the shoulder, "though why you didn't use those grenades we saw you messing around with was the real question."

That sparked off a heated debate between Jane, Williams and the poor dock worker before he coughed up the grenades and the Mk II high explosive upgrade mods while Jason helped John drag Nihlus behind a different stack of crates for safety as Alenko played neutral party during the argument as Jackson simply stood there and watched.

"Alright, got his testimony recorded and filed away," Jane said as they watched the poor guy bolt for the first group of civilians, "now as for you two…"

"Jason and Jackson Saint at your service ma'am," Jackson said before tilting his head and squinting at Jane, "come to think of it, you both look kind of familiar."

That triggered off a round of introductions, getting everyone on the same page as well as lowering Williams's hostility a few notches after they explained why it had been a better idea to hide and wait instead of charging in guns blazing before Jason heard something.

"Shotgun!" He barked and was glad that Jackson tossed his shotgun to him and pulled out his own assault rifle while diving towards cover as the rest of the group scattered.

A dozen Geth platforms were steadily marching towards them (must be Insanity mode) as Jason flared his biotic energy and launched a Singularity into their midst before erecting a barrier around himself and stepping closer.

"Open fire!" John yelled as his rifle fired twice, taking a pair of troopers down as Jason watched a biotic Throw sail over his head, along with four grenades, an Overload and plenty of assault rifle fire, shredding the front half of the approaching Geth.

That electronic chirping occurred every single time one of them went down for the count as the biotic orb faded away, dropping three troopers onto the ground as Jason ducked behind solid cover in time to avoid taking a rocket to the chest, firing several times before the shotgun overheated. Not one to be determined, he leaned out far enough from cover to send a Throw at the one rocket trooper before it could get a bead on one of them as he watched another attack, a Pull this time around, from Alenko target another Geth.

They were just mopping up the rest of them before a damn Geth Destroyer walked into view as Jason found himself crouching behind rapidly denigrating cover under the withering pulse rifle fire coming from the larger Geth.

"BADA BOOM BITCH!" Jackson yelled as he tossed a pair of hand grenades at the towering Geth platform, "Jason! Quit playing around and light that overrated hunk of scrap metal up already!"

"On it!" Jason replied as he vaulted over his source of protection, giving off a biotic aura that turned a dark blue before he hunched his shoulders forward and smiled.

Line Break

He was speechless, utterly speechless and this was a first for Commander John Shepard as he took in the sight before with the same look of awe and shock as his lovely wife, that prissy boy poster child and that new Marine they picked up before they had run into these two characters.

He settled his gaze on Alenko, the recent biotic expert aside from his wife, who had the same look he was pretty sure he had, "Alenko, mind telling me how that is possible?"

Alenko appeared just as stunned as he was, "I have no idea whatsoever Commander, but it appears that he just executed a biotic Charge, mixed with some kind of barrier and a condensed blast of biotic energy the moment he collided with the big one, where he somehow tore it's head off bare handed before pumping a couple rounds into its chest."

A glance at the carnage spread out in front of him as he turned back Alenko, "And here I was thinking that humans couldn't pull off a Singularity."

"I have no idea sir," Alenko shrugged as he turned to Jane, "any thoughts ma'am?"

"Incredible…" the dreamy sound in her voice set warning bells off in his head as he wife pointed the most adorable puppy dog eyed expression known to man in his direction that made him wonder if he could ever win this argument, "John….canIpleasekeephim!"

"He's just a kid Jane," the pleading look intensified as Alenko made an unpleasant sound in his throat while Williams gave his wife a look of pure empathy, "we have no idea who and what he even is."

The metal body of a decapitated Geth platform sailed overhead and crashed into the nearest wall not far from where they were crouched before the other one, the giant, appeared out of nowhere pile driving a retreating Geth with an almost Krogan tenacity that involved an arm and a leg ripped off before another grenade was applied in a downright violent manner.

Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams soon joined in the silent begging next to his wife.

"No, that is final, they seem like kids for Christ sake!" He barked as he felt his resolve slipping away before a loud explosion and a crash diverted his attention to the battle, which was turning into a one side massacre to be honest and just stared.

In shock.

Both of the brothers were standing back to back in tattered remnants of their armor which had been blasted by the apparent rocket or powerful weapon blast as the remaining Geth platform, similar to the first big one, was now a shredded heap some twenty meters away, as the giant hefted an active Geth platform over his head and hurled it hard enough to crush an unwary ally before he ripped the shattered remains of his armor off and hurled the chest plate like an oversized Frisbee at the next one. The shorter one, launched another series of Throws and Warps before removing his own armor that was on fire, opting to launch biotic attacks one handed while firing a pistol.

The sight was something else to see, destroyed Geth were scattered around them like they were the epicenter of an explosion as they fought in absolute perfect harmony, no spoken commands or excessive body language, the subtle nudge and the occasional tilt of the head speaking far more than any form of verbal communication ever could as he noticed one more detail.

Staff Lieutenant Kaidan Alenko was giving the same pleading look as his wife and Williams, though the little of drool and blood leaking from his nose was mildly disturbing before he glanced back at the brawl going.

Exposed muscles, scars, various tattoos and injures could be seen as he glanced back at his wife in particular.

"No means no honey and I mean it!"

Line Break

"Alright now listen up," John Shepard said as Jason turned around from his delicate work of extracting various parts from a nearby Geth, "Williams will be remaining behind to make sure Nihlus is protected until evac arrives for them, we'll take the tram to the spaceport to find the beacon and take out any Geth resistance along the way, as for you two, you'll be coming with us."

"You got it Boss," Jackson smiled as he glanced back at Williams standing by the injured Spectre, "are you sure that you want us to come along instead of the Chief?"

Jason rolled his eyes as he surveyed their surroundings with a critical eye, taking in all of the destroyed Geth platforms, white hydraulic fluid/blood sprayed everywhere, scorch marks from explosives, warped metal plating from his extensive use of biotics and the condition of himself and his twin before returning to his work of prying out the delicate components.

He felt someone step up next to his shoulder, "What are you doing?"

Jane Shepard watched him as he pried of another plate covering the torso of the Geth Destroyer he was fiddling with, "Seeing what I can salvage off it that might be useful."

"Do you know what you are doing?" The question was asked lightly as Jason looked up and shrugged.

"Not really, but I think it would be like watching porn," he smiled, "you know exactly what is once you see it Commander."

Jackson laughed as he reached down and grabbed a handful of servos, wires and such and ripped them out with an almighty yank before handing the assorted ball of electronics to him, "We got to get a move on little brother, you can play around with the techno stuff later."

A long suffering look between the two of them ended as he balled up the mess and tucked in a spare pouch as they followed the trio of Alliance soldiers over to the tram and waited for it to start up. Though it was about that time he noticed that Alenko was staring at them as he nudged his twin off to the side of the tram and made sure it looked like he was helping his twin repair the damage to his omni-tool, while muttering through clenched teeth loud enough for Jackson to hear and not the others.

"Shit, we need a plan," Jason furrowed his brow as he noticed that Jackson's omni-tool did have some minor damage as he began fixing it, "either he or she needs to trigger the beacon and without Williams to set it off, how will that happen?"

"Why not both?" Jackson was busy swapping an ammo mod out of his assault rifle for a different one while speaking out of the side of his mouth.

"How?" Jason was wondering if Alenko would be dumb enough to approach it before Jackson shrugged.

"Me dufus."

Line Break

The tram arrived at the station as they quickly dismounted, Jason having launched a Throw at a nearby Geth Shock Trooper that had appeared from behind a stack of crates while Alenko went to the first bomb. There were easily a few dozen Geth on the entire tram station as he idly wondered if he could've asked if there had been any spare armor laying around before he simply covered himself in a barrier and told Jackson to stay in cover, he had work to do.


"Now that looks like a real nasty piece of work," Jane ignored the giant peering over her shoulder as she set to work on the delicate act of disarming said device, which looked like a Turain demolish charge times infinity.

"If this thing goes off, we can forget all about Eden Prime," she cursed as hostile fire pinged off the side of the wall a few feet above her head, "would someone please shoot the robots?"

"Copy that Commander," Alenko, a pretty boy that she would have so chased after if it wasn't for the fact that she had married the man she loved, currently a few meters away tossing a grenade as a follow-up to his last shot, "we'll have them taken care of shortly."

As she was elbow deep in wires, delicate computer parts and what she was knew had to be parts of the actual explosive itself, a thought came to her as she glanced over their newest addition to the ground team.

"Hey Juggernaut," said giant turned to face her while taking a break from firing, "where did the other one go off to?"

"One second," he rattled off before activating his omni-tool, "Yo Jason, ya there brother?"

"Hold on," a distinct crack of a pistol followed by the sounds of an exploding Geth rocket trooper (she had gotten real familiar with that sound since these two had shown up) before the calmer tones of Jason returned, "sorry, just disarmed the last bomb, what's taking the Commander so long anyway?"


"As in the last of four or the one closest to you?" Jackson asked as Jane furiously glanced between the bomb in front of her and the glowing omni-tool adorning Jackson's wrist.

"Fourth," the answer was quick as another Geth platform resembling a flatten hunk of scrap metal soared overhead, "had to slip around behind them while you guys had their attention, took out the Prime before it could fire the cannon it had at you guys."

"Was wondering why that one dropped," John's voice drifted over, "when the Hell did you get over there anyway?"

"Charged," a brief pause, "is that bomb disarmed yet?"


"Not yet little brother," Jackson waved his omni-tool over the gutted contents in front of her as she snapped off a biotic Warp at an approaching trooper, "any advice?"

"Punch the glowing orb with all the wires sticking out of it," the answer was short and to the point, "just make it quick because I'm bringing the party to you guys in about ten seconds."


"Is that actually going to work?" Jane asked as she began to furiously slice wires into her hacking module to begin the process of deactivating the bomb the old fashioned way.


A large fist imbedded in the main processor unit of the bomb caused her a moment of concern as she looked up at Jackson with an arched brow as he simply ripped out what he hadn't smashed and dusted his hands off, John and Alenko appearing next to her.

"That was it?" She scowled as she packed up her equipment before a panting Jason came diving over cover with a large weapon in his arms as Jackson cocked his head to the side.

"Where'd you get that?" Alenko asked as John looked over the edge of the guardrail before reaching for his grenade pouch, trouble no doubt as Jason cleared his throat.

"From those guys over there," he hunched over the weapon, "that are coming this way real quick."

Jackson peered over to have a look as well and ducked before a rocket could take his head off, "You said you were bringing a party bro, all I see is a bunch of angry robots coming towards us, no doubt they want their toy back."

"Exactly," Jane watched as Jason appeared to messing around with the weapon interface or something as Alenko paled after he got his own look at what was coming, "once I get this bad boy working it'll be a party."

"Uh hate to break your bubble, but didn't you kill that one already?" The noise of a rocket impacting into their cover was deafening as Jason took a long calculating look out over the railing before turning to his brother.

"That would be the rest of its friends," Jason hefted the large weapon as something on it began to whine a high pitch sound, "hmm, it seems they have also called in reinforcements as well."

Jane was stunned as she watched over a dozen towering Geth platforms with nearly forty smaller ones come stomping across the tram station in droves as she turned to her husband with a handful of grenades in her hand as she handed them to him as it turned out he didn't have any left.

"I wish Williams was here, then it'd be a real party." Jackson commented as opened fire with his rifle.

(Elsewhere, a Chief Gunnery Sergeant sneezed violently at that moment in time.)

"Should we fall back?" Alenko sounded worried as he opted for his heavy pistol and igniting a biotic flare in his other hand.

John answered with a grunt as he lifted his rifle and scored a headshot on a smaller unit as Jackson mimicked him in perfect synch from the other end of the railing.

"Nah, you might want to cover your ears though," Jason answered before a biotic barrier sprang up around him as he stood to his full height and lifted the Geth weapon, "this is gonna be loud."

Line Break

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Jason groaned as he lifted his middle finger up at his brother while he remained where he was, curled up on his side as he felt the medi-gel repair most of the damage caused by the massive amount of recoil generated by what he was sure had to be an early model Geth Spitfire.

Of course the gun had crapped out after a few hundred rounds of easily controlled fire that mowed down a majority of the advancing Geth easily before it hiccupped a few times and then began to pour out what amounted to Big Mommas for about fifty seconds. Each shot had driven him back a few inches before the gun gave one last shot, all six barrels discharging at once, a sure sign of catastrophic weapon failure now that he thought about it, and that final recoil had blasted him backwards about six feet.

Into a metal wall. An unforgiving metal wall. Needless to say that it hurt even with all of his upgrades and whatnot, though he knew it would have killed a regular person.

A cracked rib at the worst and a mild case of having the wind knocked out of him for sure and he rolled over onto his knees and pulled himself up with the offered hand, wincing mildly as he regained his balance and looked around.

"You okay little brother?" Jackson had a right to be worried as he waved another omni-tool scan over him as he walked over to where the other three were having a campfire over something.

"Yeah, stings just a bit though," he looked over at the smoldering remains of the weapon and groaned, "I could have made her sing for me."

"Well next time just let go of the weapon before it kills you okay?" Jackson grinned as they reached both Commanders and Alenko, "He checks out, all systems copasetic."

"That was a reckless move," John was the first to speak up as he stalked forward and stopped about a foot away from Jason, who noticed that he was a few inches shorter than the esteemed Commander John Shepard, "don't do it again next time."

"Copy that." Jason nodded as he glanced over at the Prothean beacon sitting on the far edge of the spaceport and walked closer to it.

He stopped a safe distance away, meaning the supply crate he hacked in about five seconds as he watched Alenko begin to radio for the Normandy as Jackson stepped closer to the beacon in mock awe, not that anyone other than Jason could see his face as it all happened suddenly.

"WOAH! A LITTLE HELP HERE!" Everyone turned to see Jackson getting pulled towards the alien device as Jason made a show of tripping over the crate in front of him as Alenko was too far away to do anyone any good.

John and Jane Shepard turned as one and reached Jackson, grabbing an arm each and using their combined strength to toss him a safe distance away before they ended up in the powerful pull of the device as Jason reached where Jackson and Alenko were, clutching his sore side mostly for show, but they actually hurt.

"What the Hell!?" Alenko shouted as he watched the scene unfold before him.

The pulsing light grew brighter before it was snuffed out, followed shortly by a loud explosion as Jason found himself flying through the air again, but this time he found himself buried under the comatose form of Commander John Shepard with Alenko's boot in his face.

No one moved for several seconds before a pained groaned was heard, "Oh I think I broke something."

"You and me both," Alenko remarked as he sat up with a pained hiss and checked the vitals of both commanders while hailing the Normandy on his com unit, "this turned into a real clusterfuck."

"Yep," Jason groaned as he rolled over onto his side and clambered to his feet, "you know that we came here for a little less excitement?"

"That so?" Alenko replied as he got to his own feet.

A roaring was heard overhead as the Normandy in all her glory could be seen swooping in low for pick up as Jackson lifted the unconscious body of John Shepard over his shoulder and groaned, "Oh I am going to feel that in the morning."

"Shut up," Jason said as he helped Alenko lift Jane up, her arm pulled around his neck as Alenko mirrored his actions and began walking towards the ship, "I hope they are okay after that."

"Mhhmm, John, your too rough with the kitty." The quiet murmur came from none other than the fabled Commander Jane Shepard as Jason and Alenko shared a long look.

"We shall never speak of this."

"On the pain of death."


"A little harder John."

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