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Chapter 2: Forbidden Plane

Light years away from the original plane was the middle tier planes separated by the abyssal gulfs,inhabitants of the original plane found it extremely hard to descend to the middle tier planes they had to pay an arduous sacrifice to pierce through the space -time wall coupled with the abyssal gulfs even powerful individuals like the twelve reverends found it infinitely impossible to cross over to the middle planes.

Middle tier planes were filled with different races across the universe, Vampires, Dragons, Phoenixes, Devils, Light and dark faes and all other races had a lot of planes as their territories. Which each tribe respecting each other there was little war except from skirmishes from the younger generations heated competitions. Some powerful elders in myriad races even go into hibernation to prolong their lifespans.

A particular plane was however different, it harbored abhorred creatures, unnatural creatures in the world of supernaturals . Hybrids, endangered races, natural nemesis of other races, unknown, strange and forbidden creatures all live in this planes ruled by a boy raised and trained by devils.

This thoughts were swimming in Dracel's head, he was immensely proud of himself. His mom devastating betrayal, being hunted down by twelve most powerful individuals in the universe , hellish training of the devils and his adventures would break even the proud Dragon and the fierce tiger. This thoughts wandering in his mind brought a devilish smirk to his face distracting members of the table who he was having a important meeting with. The smirk was beautiful and bewitching at the same time bringing out his godly -devilish handsome features, even the iciest girl's heart will be captivated.

"Come on Dracel, we are having a crucial meeting and you are smirking like you got a very evil plan lurking in your absolute dark mind. What the fuck are you planning."

Rowan wanted nothing but to yell his head off, they were facing a life threatening matter and the ruler was smiling as if flowers were blooming in front of him,he knew of Dracel's unfazed attitude but the situation they were currently facing demanded swift and decisive actions.

"My dear rowan, you can yell your head off but you shouting at council meetings is barbaric, wonder if you truly have the bloodlines of the light fae and the devil race, you noisy like fish women in the mortals world.

" You rascal, a fucking ruler day dreaming like a love struck girl, how the you attain peerless devil rank at sixteen in the Devil's world, the you day dream all the way to that rank."

Others are the table burst into laughter they were use to the banters exchange between Rowan and Darcel, it lighten the oppressive and despair at the table. The Order members were already worried on how to stand against the powerful plane antagonising them, demanding their subjugation and also total revenue allocation leaving them at the mercy of this powerful and arrogant race. It gave them sleepless nights and chills.

"Seeing the despair and worries in your face delights me,it shows you care for our planes and the plethora of oddities in it. Am the king and a king stay true to his word. By sunrise the demise of "The Rocs" would reach your ears and you will never ever have to worry about them again that's my pledge to you."

The council mind were finally at peace, the king valued his words, oaths and promises than the most precious of all metals. What they didn't notice was that the core members in the council were barely worried , they knew the power of their king and his otherworldly abilities. He was the famed peerless battle devil of the devil's world before he abdicated,his aura was enough to cause mass murder during war with other races.

At midnight, spectral like individuals were emerging from hidden places used to host the armies of the forbidden plane. All of them were hybrids who could tap into both powers of their bloodlines even using it as a combination making them creatures of vast powers. Tiger - Dragon, Fish - Bird, Devil - vampire, Dark fae - Wraith. All sort of hybrids were pouring out from the forbidden planes till it reached a thousand. This army was presided by Rowan, his sun smiling face was gone, it was the mask hiding the devil in him. His eye balls were already pitch black, the demon smile on his face was reeking with murderous aura. He could finally drop that facade and be what he want to be, let the primal devil in him take control.

Dracel appeared next to him and could see that burning look on his friend's face it was the immense urge to kill. He himself would have love to indulge himself in such exciting mass murdering but meetings with other forbiddens were such a pain in the ass that he had to be there necessarily.

"Rowan you know what to do, massacre the whole Rocs planes and go on a blood harvest. Use space -Time sealing stones crafted by Jastapheus to prevent any means of escape, the corpses of the Rocs should be shadow transported to the forgery department. Their bones will be used to forge a flying ship, they are famous for being one of the fastest creatures it will be a waste if we don't maximize their willingness to die."

"What about the children, senile aged and women should we massacre all of them."

"You know very well the aged there can never be senile they would be the exceeding powerful characters, your real opponents. As for the children,seal their memories after the killings and just leave them at the Rocs's planes. Children must not pay for the sins of their parents."

"Let there be massacre, kill to your heart content. Let them know the forbidden planes is not to be messed with."

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