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Chapter 24: Chapter - 21: End One Piece

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Chapter - 21: Word Of Pirates - Part Final


[Warning. Invaders █████ have entered the Host world! You are advised to take drastic measures to ensure your survival at all costs! In order to continue one's journey...]


"What the fuck is that supposed to mean!" I could only exclaim, looking at the system notification. What a fucking cliché this was!

I directed my gaze above the sky to see a great rift forming that seemed to be trying to devour the whole world. Also for some reason I did not know, my instincts were going completely out of control.

Suddenly, three people appeared from the rift in question. They were all wearing large white cloaks that hid their very Soul Eater, like figures, which frankly speaking did not seem like a good sign for my peaceful life.

"Things really never go right. Can it get worse than this?" As if the world was answering my question, I could see the three hooded figures approaching my position. "It seems to be me, their target...."

I did not wait a single second to move to the most remote area of Wano, not wanting to start a fight in the midst of hundreds of innocent people who could not use my strongest attacks.

Meanwhile, I extended my electromagnetic field to see what the other crew members were doing. To my surprise, everyone seemed to have won their battles and some members were heading toward my position.

This was not a good thing. But at that moment I could not be distracted. Especially, with several unknown enemies behind me that didn't look too friendly.

After a few minutes, I arrived in a forest somewhere as the three figures stopped in front of me. Now that I was noticing better, on their cloaks was a strangely familiar symbol-.

"Mekhane-" I couldn't help but murmur with a bit of nostalgia? But it seemed my words were not at all welcome and seemed to start the battle as the figures began a furious attack on me.

But at the same time a fiery giant appeared in front of me as it crushed one of the figures on the ground while the others easily dodged, showing reflexes that could not be considered human.

"Oh you came back faster than expected," I said in a surprised tone. "Anyway, there is no need to protect me at every opportunity, Spirit of fire-" But before I could finish speaking I saw something that made my whole body shake from the surprise.

The entire arm of the spirit of fire, was it becoming completely mechanical? Seeing the spectacle before my eyes, emotions got the better of me. "GET AWAY FROM THEM, Spirit of Fire!" I could only shout very loudly to try to make myself heard as quickly as possible.

Of course, the spirit of fire followed my orders as it moved away and positioned itself beside me, but the process did not seem to stop instead it seemed to get faster...

Thus, as if my body was on autopilot, Depore appeared in my hand in her broadsword form, while I wasted no time and cut off his arm without too much trouble.

*Metal noise*

I watched the severed arm of the spirit of fire fall to the ground, now becoming a block of metal, as hundreds of questions surfaced in my head...

'It was a spiritual being! How was such a thing possible? Did they all have the same ability? Perhaps they had different ones?'

"Spirit of fire stays on the defensive..." I could only say, as I watched him return to his smaller form. After all, it was too risky to leave him in his fully manifested form.

As I looked at the figures in front of me, who did not seem the least bit concerned "It looks like I have to take things much more seriously than expected if I don't want to end up turned into a pile of metal..." I said as for the first time, I looked at the wrist with a small chain tied around it.

My time had come to loosen my holy lock a little. "Then let's try this Oni form," I said as a wave of energy swept over me and made me feel completely new.


3 Person Pov

An explosion of red-black energy erupted around Kazuya as he destroyed everything around him without any regard for his surroundings; even the three figures were forced to move away from the dangerous energy they sensed.

Meanwhile, he felt a sharp pain pervade his entire body as he felt his bones slowly begin to change. It was really difficult for him to describe the feeling he was experiencing.

'Simply, unlike before, he felt that it was a real evolution toward a stronger entity.'

As the surrounding energy subsided, Kazuya had finally appeared in all his glory in his new form. He had his upper body fully exposed, and you could see his defined muscles that were not too excessive but not too small either.

His skin is red tinged with light purple, almost magma-like, the Oni in Japanese legends. His hair is white and short, reaching only to his neck and a cropped fringe on his forehead accompanied by a sharp but very cute face with two pointed ears like elves in fantasy worlds.

One should not have forgotten the two black horns formed on top of his head that has unlike the horns of other Oni from other universes. His did not protrude from his forehead, but rather seemed to spill out of his body naturally, passing from the same pale silver as his hair and gradually turning wine red

Its fangs were sharp and long compared to those of humans, giving an aberrant in some ways, giving the feeling of really being in front of a man-eating monster as in fantastic stories.

But the most striking thing was definitely its shining golden eyes with black sclerae, which every time she looked at them gave he an incomprehensible feeling as if he were looking into a bottomless abyss.

But not only also claws on he fingers and toes Kazuya felt completely new, he could naturally feel as if she was breathing that he physical strength had also increased has a new height.

[Picture - Something like this]

"Depore, form spear~" Kazuya stated as the broadsword in his hands slowly began to change shape.

But it seemed that the three figures did not want to give him any more time to prepare. Seeing this Kazuya could only comment with a big smile as he showed all his fangs. "What is it? Are you beginning to be afraid of me? I hope not, the game has just begun~~"

With this last tease, Kazuya began his attack as the ground beneath him broke under his force as he added his electric powers to his momentum and appeared in front of the first figure and struck with his spear wanting to finish the fight before any more surprises.

But as luck would have it, some kind of blue shield around the figure he was about to strike somehow protected him from its attack and at the same time the others engaged him with energy attacks of some kind.

Kazuya turned into lightning as he dodged the attacks and continued his assault with his spear, trying to kill the target in front of him before things got even more complicated.

Seeing that the goal of the figure in front of him was to want to touch Depore in some way. "What the fuck do you think you're doing!" stated Kazuya trying to withdraw his spear, but doing so left himself vulnerable on his side as the other figures appeared next to him and tried to touch his body.

"You want to die so badly~" he said in a tone cold enough that it could make you shiver "Then you'll settle for it~ Lightning!" I affirmed with a big smile that showed off his new fangs.

*Rumbling Thunder* *Rumbling Thunder* *Rumbling Thunder*

A large purple lightning bolt fell into his position, trying to gain an advantage in the fight and especially create confusion. But he seemed to have underestimated his opponents as they ignored the damage done and continued their advance against him.

Seeing this he decided to become a lightning-human, using the innate ability of his Logia - Goro Goro no Mi, to succeed in killing at least one opponent. "Die," said Kazuya, as his spear crackled with lightning and emitted a rather frightening sensation

But with his confusion the figure grabbed his arm with a strength that could not be classified as human. Especially now that he was in his "Oni" form, such a feat should not be possible. Her spear could not even reach his neck so that she could decapitate him as her goal.

Instead, he could only watch with some tension as his entire arm became completely metal and at the same time was expanding throughout his body even though he was in his elemental form....

'Fuck-.' Seeing this and realizing that he would not be able to do anything with this arm he made a decision, putting his hand forward and grabbing Depore with the other...


He decided to sacrifice his arm....

His severed arm exploded with the power of lightning, without the slightest hesitation on his part as he could hear Depore's very concerned voice inside him.

But the figures, they certainly did not miss the opportunity that was in front of them. And they began an attack, which was really hard to fight now that his balance was completely broken.

'Divine authority or something' he could only think as he thought back to the fact that he had been caught in his Logia form that was supposed to be immune to most abilities and physical attacks.

And realizing that he could not keep running forever, Kazuya decided to transform into lightning and fly upward to try to gain some distance between him and his enemies and be able to initiate his strategy.

"Lightning!" He announced with a thunderclap and the sky immediately darkened as several storm clouds formed above him.

Come." He commanded, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and clutched it between his fingers that condensed and took a shape he could make the most of, thanks to his assimilation with the king of the gods.

The lightning bolt took shape, crackling along a brilliant tree-like amalgam, vaguely resembling a spear, but if you paid enough attention you could see it was a trident, the symbol of the power of the god of the seas Poseidon.

But unlike last time I was not finished or rather in this attack he was putting all his power into it. "Moa Moa no Mi x100" With these simple words, the electric spear in his hands grew thousands of times its original.

Taking a step forward, he bent his arm backward with obvious difficulty, if he had not been in his "Oni" form it would have been impossible to do such a feat.

*Spear of Indra!*

Although his technique is not as strong as the real hydra spear of the Mondaiji verse since it was only a simple imitation. It did not have destiny as an extra gift that once it hit the target, it could ignore all concepts and defeat the enemy or something like that.

And his power could not destroy a star or even the whole galaxy, but it was the most he could do at this time and he was sure it was enough to destroy a large island without too much trouble.

He threw it toward the three figures that were approaching him with the intention of finishing him off once and for all in this battle, since he didn't think they could withstand this attack.

It soared through the air and crashed into several buildings that gathered in the center of the city, dispersing and continued forward, erupting in a giant ball of electrical discharge


Kazuya's attack had been so devastating that the entire surroundings had been evaporated from existence.... But he could only look surprised as he discovered the true identity of the figures he was fighting.

The cloaks were burned off as their appearance was finally revealed, with fully mechanical metallic silvery bodies without any part that could suggest they might be human.

"Robots? You're fucking Robots!" He could only say, seeing the spectacle before him clearly shocked at this turn of events.

But it seemed that today the surprises were not yet over as he was able to leave the robot standing from his attack. Approaching the helpless bodies of his comrades clearly damaged by the previous attack and doing something he had not expected at all. "Is it absorbing them?

He could only mutter as he watched the figure "devour" his allies and consequently begin to transform, becoming something "external," as if the world was rejecting him.

Earlier he had also tried to use his dragon eyes to try to understand some weakness of his opponents, but he could not see anything, as if he was fighting against higher entities.

"I don't think my level will be enough to fight against him...," he muttered as he watched his enemy charge against him, while the surrounding space trembled as if it could shatter at any moment.

"Order! Yaldaobarh"

Finally, he decided to use his last trump card. It was a desperate situation and he seriously needed something that could put him in an advantageous position before things got even worse.

As if a divine declaration had descended into the impure world. A figure appeared next to Kazuya's injured body, emitting a sensation that made the entire surrounding space tremble, as if the will of the One Piece world had difficulty accepting his presence.

A large white mechanical angel. Its central body resembles the legendary Holy Grail. Above his head is a halo that gives him a superior aura, while on the sides are large red and gold wings.

[Picture - Something like this]

All of you have wondered for a long time: what exactly is this Order ability?

Then he answers by saying that Order is a special power granted to a human by a fairy. It is a supernatural power that defies the principles of science. For example, it can make a book float in mid-air, it can resurrect a person several times, and much more without any limit.

It was a power that influenced the physical world to suit one's unconscious. A unique Order and power corresponding to one's "desire": the simpler and more genuine the desire, the stronger the power of one's Order.

An Order typically takes the form of an abnormal creature much like Jojo's stands and can be seen whenever the Order User activates it and uses its abilities.

Going back he had obtained this specific power when he used the Travel Ticket to go a week in the world of (Big Order) and consequently expressed his desire to have a simple and comfortable life and as a result his unique power was formed in the mechanical angel next to him.


Kazuya did not really know why he had obtained this specific Order. But it was not really important to him, after all the only thing that mattered was how strong hax he had obtained.

"Yaldaobath: Reason for being" mumbled, Kazuya while as if he was responding to his order, the mechanical angel simply raised a hand in the air as a giant multicolored kaleidoscopic space, was created around them as if they were in a separate dimension from the world of One Piece.

"Now we can say that we are playing on equal terms..." commented Kazuya as a small smile could not help but appear on his lips. "Concept vs. Concept, let's see who wins!"

If one paid enough attention one could see that strangely enough the wounds he had sustained throughout the confrontation had completely disappeared. Even his arm that had been severed was back to normal as if his extreme actions had never existed to begin with.

But the robot did not seem to be the least bit interested in what was going on as he continued his attack, wanting only to destroy the abomination in front of him and erase it from existence.

"You think you have victory in your hands? Without even trying to study your opponent I understand? You think you have all the information you need to eliminate me..." commented Kazuya as he put on a "But I'm sorry to disappoint you but your data is now completely obsolete."

"Sword storm!"

As if his words were a decree from some higher entity. Suddenly thousands of steel swords appeared above del robot, but an energy shield appeared to protect him as he reached Kazuya's position with a speed that far exceeded the laws this world should allow.

But Kazuya did not seem very surprised by these feats as he uttered a few simple words. "Let's raise the level, shall we? Gravity x10!"

The robot's body was pushed to the ground, as it was clearly struggling to stand as it walked slowly toward its direction, with no intention of stopping if it did not complete its goal.

"Mhm~" muttered, Kazuya " You're very greedy~ Then let's try again gravity x 100~~" Ha these words the robot couldn't help but kneel down as a giant crater of a few hundred meters was created beneath him.

Seeing the miserable spectacle before him, he could not help but show a big smile as he simply snapped his fingers, and as if the world was responding to his command...

A completely golden throne that she forms was very familiar as that of another universe, (Shinza Bashou) had appeared behind him and without any problem he sat down while a small smile could not help but form on his face, showing his fangs.

This was the power of his Oder!

Reason for being: Yaldaobath's raison d'être lies in its Divinity and its status of being God's counterpart, that is, God is God and this is its reason for existence. To oppose God is to oppose creation itself, and without God, all creation would be destroyed as a result.

A real Hax! Well, he was not very surprised since in mythology he is the shadow of God and one of the primordial sources and origin of evil, being the very embodiment of ignorance.

Yaldabaoth is a voracious and cruel primordial being of both chaos and order, darkness and light who is widely regarded as the "dark version" of God or the Shadow of God. It is said that and consisting of the negative aspects of the Lord, he became envious of God's way of creation and so decided to create his own version of the universe and his own angels.

Assuming the arrogant position of a solar deity, Yaldabaoth falsely believed that he was the only god of the entire cosmos. With this mind, he created the physical realm along with his paradise with his own false angels and personal servants, the Archons, to serve his every whim.

"I am Yaldabaoth, the One True God! Worship me! Praise me! Or punishment awaits you all!"

In Gnosticism, particularly Valentinianism, Yaldabaoth is seen as the evil God portrayed in the Old Testament. He is an entity incapable of perceiving other expressions of the divine, leading him to believe that he is the supreme deity of the universe. As God had created the Seven Archangels, Yaldabaoth created the seven archons.

Yaldabaoth has already sunk from his high estate and resides in the false Paradise, where, with his forty-nine demons, he tortures evil souls in boiling rivers of pitch, and with other punishments.

He also possesses an epithet known as "the Eater of God," which is true to the meaning behind it. Yaldabaoth is said to be the being that will devour the gods of every known pantheon after they perish during their respective apocalyptic events.

The gods will travel through the spiritual realm and must reach the end to reincarnate in their mortal forms. However, Yaldabaoth will hunt down the frightening gods and devour them, thus completely ensuring that they will not cross over into the other world and prevent their reincarnation.

And there was much more information about him. He was a very important being in mythology who is mentioned in many very important writings, a singularity that could hardly be ignored.

Of course, Kazuya only knew all this information because he had faced him as the final boss in Persona 5.... It was really strange to have him as his Order, but it was not a bad feeling, in fact to tell the truth it was really good.

As for how if his wounds were completely erased was another one of his abilities. Which is called causal displacement, Yaldaobath is able to passively displace the very laws of his pure world.

To make the causality of the Multiverse protect Kazuya from any harm or damage by nullifying effects and attacks and eliminating the realities in which he suffered damage to make himself completely invincible to anything.

"Well, I think it's time to finish this fight," he muttered. "Let's see. Order: Yaldaobath - Ouroboros!"

At his command, the mechanical angel had remained at his side from the beginning and slowly began to change form, into a large all-black snake that could only be very reminiscent of Vritra (Fate Grand Order) true form.

This was the last ability born of his Order, which practically merged The Heart of Yaldaobath with the very concept of Eternity to create the giant snake he was looking at right now, Ouroboros.

[Picture - Ouroboros]

The snake was slightly normal. There was no effect of the world's final attack as it flew at a very high speed toward its target which was still restrained by the greater gravity on it, leaving a golden trail of light as it rapidly crossed the pure world mind entered the body of its enemy.

And to no one's surprise, his body slowly began to fill with cracks until it literally crumbled into dust. But not before staring at Kazuya with a look that he could tell represented hatred and disgust? For some reason he could not understand.

This attack was another fine Hax he had obtained from his Order. Ouroboros, corrupting and destroying anyone who dared to try to enter the heart of God (His Dominion) and think even merely that he would not be punished.

It was in a way very similar to the Black Barrel (Fate Grand Order) A conceptual attack, capable of imposing the notion of limited lifespan in the bodies of almost immortal creatures.

In a nutshell, this attack impose the concept of Original Sin on any divine being, who should have no sin at all. This is the most terrifying poison and virus that higher-dimensional beings could ever experience.... Samael, the poison of god.

Most divine beings will have their authorities vanish and be destroyed, their divine power will go mad and destroy their bodies, even their minds will experience the feelings of humans and collapse

This ability will turn them into humans despite being beings who are supposed to be eternal, creating an endless cycle that will crush their very conceptual core. Since Ouroboros represents the fall and the end of a path, they will also experience it and become very vulnerable, even for a weak human to kill.

However Kazuya could not let out a weary sigh, this battle is much more challenging than expected. "They were really difficult opponents to deal with..."

"Mekhanites, worshippers of the Broken God..." said Kazuya, as he formulated a theory about who had attacked him that made a lot of sense to he. "Well, at least it wasn't his Six Angels, otherwise I would have been erased from existence."

But what did they want from him? He was a simple human *Innocent Eyes* trying to live a simple and comfortable life, he couldn't even hurt a fly as good as he was....

Kazuya slowly turned around to look at the completely destroyed environment, as if someone had thrown a nuke at him *Not him, of course* It was all a coincidence!

Anyway, all kidding aside, he didn't really care about all that. He was alive and that was all that mattered to continue his life Op. As for these issues he would deal with them in the future when he had more information.

For now, his only goal was to finish everything he had to finish in this world and return to Soul Eater to the best of his ability to face the various great ancients.

[Congratulations Host for defeating the invaders █████ who had entered your world. As a reward Host received Tickets Gacha so that he could increase his strength]

"Umu... Not bad at all."


Demon_King22 Demon_King22

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