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Chapter 31: Chapter 30

Renn and Alpha were sitting on the bridge of the Speedy Vagabond as it made its way back to Naboo with the surviving members of bravo squadron. Sapphire had piloted the second Lucrehulk out of the system before bravo squadron had entered orbit so no-one would ask questions about her full capabilities and so that she could start modifying it in a hidden, uninhabited system.

Sapphire had control of the battleship for the moment, but she wanted to reprogram the computer and the droids so that they would be loyal even if she wasn't present in the ships computer systems. She also wanted to make improvements to both the ship and the droids in it to make them more efficient. All of this would take time, which is why she wanted to have the battleship somewhere safe to do the modifications.

She had left a fragment of herself onboard the Lucrehulk to make the changes while her main self stayed aboard the speedy vagabond.

The had won the battle so Renn wasn't expecting anything surprising to happen, so he wasn't ready for when an alarm started blaring on the bridge followed by Sapphire warning them. "Emergency in the med-bay."

Renn and Alpha were already sprinting towards the door when a second voice came over the comms.

"Help, she's awake" Opal's voice came over the speakers, the panic in her voice drove Renn and Alpha to run even faster.


Opal didn't have many skills that could have really helped in the battle, so she had decided to stay in the med-bay with Seela and look after the still unconscious Shae.

She had spent most of that time reassuring Seela, as the younger girl was worried about Shae and about the fact, they were flying though a battlefield.

After they had learnt that they had won the battle they had been happy and celebrated. Seela had left to get them something to eat from the kitchen leaving Opal alone in the med-bay with the unconscious Shae.

She was checking some medical instruments in one corner of the room when she heard a crashing sound come from behind her. Turning she found an empty bed with the table that had been placed next to it fallen to the floor.

Opal took a step back in alarm as she saw the girl who should have been sleeping in the bed standing in the middle of the med-bay with a look of barely controlled rage on her face. She had taken a scalpel from a medical cabinet and was now holding it in a reverse grip as she glared at opal.

Opal backed away and tried calling for help, what seemed like some of the longest seconds in Opal's life went by as she waited for help. Renn and Alpha burst through the door to the med-bay only seconds after Opals call for help. A confused Seela was left standing in the corridor outside holding a tray of food, she only just dodged out of the way fast enough to avoid being crashed into.

Renn stepped in front of Opal protectively as the feral looking girl glared at Alpha. Until Seela rushed into the room shouting "Shae, your okay!" in joy.


Shae Vizsla was confused and angry. The last thing she remembered was fighting with the Hutt minions who were after Seela. She had taken several hits, and everything had started spinning and then she had collapsed. She vaguely remembered someone catching her and now she was in a strange med-bay onboard an unknown star ship.

She had a complicated family history so being in a strange place was putting her on edge, especially after the last thing she remembered was her being in a fight. Had the Hutt's realised her family had a bounty out on her and sold her back to them?

Shae had been born in 42BBY and her farther had been the eldest son of the leader of house Vizsla Tor Vizsla. She had been named after one of her ancestors and had always been fascinated by the history of her clan and the history of mandalorians in general.

Her farther had disagreed with Tor Vizsla over his more barbaric views on Mandalorian customs, and when a civil war had started between the true mandalorians, who believed in a more honourable form of being a Mandalorian, and Tor Vizsla's Death watch Shae's farther had joined the true mandalorians.

Her farther had been killed in the battle of Galidraan, in 34BBY, along with the majority of the true mandalorians. A jedi task force had attacked them after they were tricked by death watch. Shae's farther had fought ferociously and killed four jedi himself. At the end of the battle fifteen of the twenty jedi were dead and all of the Mandalorians, apart from their leader Jango Fett, were dead.

Soon after Tor Vizsla was killed by Jango Fett after he started a guerrilla war against death watch. The new leader of House Vizsla, Pre Vizsla, had seen Shae's relation to the previous clan leader as a threat to his rule and so had placed a bounty on her head.

Shea's mother had fled with Shae and taken her into hiding in the hopes of keeping her safe. They were chased constantly by assassins and bounty hunters and Shae's mother had been killed trying to protect Shae.

After that Shae had been on her own, she had travelled from place to place by sneaking onto cargo ships until she had found herself on Tatooine. While there she had met Seela after she had escaped from slavery and the two had quickly bonded and become friends. So, when the Hutt's had sent their minions to force Seela into slavery Shae, despite having only an old vibro-knife and armour that had been damaged and worn by nearly two years on the run, had leapt to her friend's defence.

So, when Seela had run into the med-bay and hugged her in worry the aggression rapidly left Shae.


Renn was too slow to stop Seela running to the feral girl, but his concerns about her safety were unfounded as after seeing the girl Shae had immediately dropped the scalpel she had picked up and started to relax.

Seela hugged her and Renn watched the last bits of aggression leave her face. He also watched as she then seemed to stumble. Shae was still recovering from the injuries she had received and the only reason she had been able to leave her bed, not to mention get ready to fight, was through a combination of adrenaline and pure anger.

Now her anger had left her, and the adrenaline was wearing off Shae was feeling lightheaded and was wobbling on her feet. Seela was still hugging her right side and so tried to support her but wasn't strong enough.

Renn ran over to help and held Shae's left arm and helped guide her back to the bed. Once she was back in the bed, Opal ran over to check to see if she was okay. Shae was wary of Renn and Opal, but Seela quickly explained that they were friends, so Shae calmed down.

Once Opal confirmed Shae was okay, she glared at the older girl before admonishing her.

"You scared the hell out of me, and after I spent so much time looking after you too. Don't be so ungrateful." Opal wagged her finger in Shae's face and Shae confused by everything that was happening could only nod her head dumbly.

After everything calmed down Renn and the others introduced themselves to Shae and she introduced herself in turn.

Sapphire continued piloting the Speedy Vagabond toward Naboo as the children began getting to know each over in the med-bay.

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